E m.: "WEDNESDAY, 'MAT 6, 1903. THE ROOT OP YOUR HAIR should look toe this, kut It you have. DANDRUFF Tne GERM destroys and wt. en It toe this. "Destroy the carat yw remove the effect." N Dandruff, bo FaHag Hair, no Mum, It you KILL THE GERM with NEWBRO'S HERPIOIDE Far salt hy all aVsrjjbts. Price il : CHAMPION BUSTER THAD SOWDER, CHAM PION "ROUGH RIDER." Says the Attendance at Buffalo Sill's Show Is Falling Off In England Cody and King Edward Not Such Cronies as Formerly. LET US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER We can supply you with Buildipg Material of all descriptions and sa v e you money DOORS WINDOWS B u i Idin g paper lime cement, brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., Opp. Cosrt House Going to Improve Repair your homes or places Ol hllKinPCC hi' fiavintr thorn noinK M 4 Come at to US Large and nicely selected . t c aivkft ui it ail uaucx nil namtc. E. J. Murphy, 111 Court Street. Agency for the Sherwin-Wil- "I hold the belt proclaiming m to be the champion broncho buster and rough rider of the world, and I'm ready to defend my title against all comers." declared Tbad Sowder. late of Buffalo Bill's Wild West show, as he settled back In an easy cbai at his new home, 60" Twentieth street. says the Denver Post. "The Festival of Mountain and Plain, under whose auspices I won the belt, he went on to say. "has de clared there will be no contest nor carnival next fall, but should it be decided later to hold a riding coalest 1 11 be there to defend my laurels, Ive won the belt In two contests now. and If I win it again It will be come my personal property. There is some talk of Tom Minor, who came second in the last contest, challenging me next fall, and I wish he would, so I could get a chance to show the peo ple of Colorado and all the world that there was no truth in the rrport that It was a put-up Job for mc to be declared winner last year. Minor knows I can beat htm any day in the week and I told him so. Why. Har ry Brenman, who was fourth last .'all, Is a much better rider than Minor. "I understand charges were made after the contest last year, that Col onei t;ody bad arranged with some of the judges to have me declared winner before he would consent to let me leave the show. I can say positively there was no truth in such a charge. Colonel Cody did not be lieve I would be declared winner. even u I was entitled to ibe prize. and tor that matter, neither did I. Colonel Cody told me I would be jobbed out of the belt even if I won, and Johnny Baker, the manager of the show, wanted to bet all kinds of money that I wouldn't be allowed to win. When he gave me a leave of ab sence he said he would dock me for the time I was gone if I lost, but if I won he would pay me mv full sal ary." According to Sowder, the show is not turning people away as it did on Its former tour of England, and one reason for a falling off in the receipts may be found in the fact that King Edward is not so chummy witn uoionel cody as in former days when 'is royal 'ighness was only i-nnce or waies. Many a former fa vorite of the prince received the icy mill trom the king and learned to his or her sorrow that the eooiI old aays netore the head wore the crown had passed forever. Wim k Wsi ii ! An Hi Kwikie If fift wk Kidney trouble preys upon the mind. atscouragesamiiessensainoiuon; Deauty, vigor ana cneerful- ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kidnevs. If the child urinates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if. when the child reaches an ace when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet amicicu wim uea-wei-ting, depend upon it, thecause of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first sten should be towards the treatment of ineseiuiporuiaiuigHUA. iuisuu)tcaam trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most come suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of S wamo-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle bv mail free, also a Uomect pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., llinghamton, N.Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. WASHINGTON. BRIG9S0N items ehronic Sore SIX AND ONE-FOURTH MILES OF NEW FENCE. Summer Term of School Begun Property Changing Hands Will Return From Oakesdale, Wash. Much of the Wheat Was Winter Killed. Briggson. Or- May George Payne, who has just returned from Crook county, is quite sick with the grip. School commenced in district So, April 2", with Miss Bessie Talmer as teacher. William Dunseth, who has been Patina f TlcersL 1 4 1.1 Nothinc is a source 01 so rauca wuuuic as an oia sore or nW nnd slntrirish. A trangrenous eating ulcer upon the Ice is a fnVvTI.? otin nc me uoisou uuuuna w- ...... wc ussn hvnutt. am continues to spread, one can almost see the flesh meltintr oT 88? the strenrth going out with the sickening discharges. Great rYir1 nnn deen offensive ulcers often develop from a simnlr hn!t uiuu. - a r " uj a, uecattsc. iriiTu such sores are not cancerous, a great many arc, and this shnnuJv -..nMnnc rt nil rhmnir. slnw-healintr ulcers nnri . r r-mne in four f.imilv. Face sores are common bt,a - .. - --- j :v uue me annoyuxtcc m-iusc itj sistent and unsightly and detract so much from one's personal appearance. Middle ntrcd and old people and those whose blood is contaminated and SWES ON BOTH AlHtUs, Gentlemen : About . null sore eaaa on iTZ.' . I'llW UUI -V unE,lr,Ys " r.Vr" ULvrU ,.i with the germs andpoISon ol SSSSLS IS? S25&5I inn iui iiit: lmici tu " v -... - - - - .Hi.Mo t j - tan ed to his home at Nortbport. wasn..i y ---- f , . 1 Z Lir" r, " X).00 i . i T-i. . .. L ...III MM, n yesteruay ,n a. uuuai'iu 4...-. - for some time yet wun ner pareu, ( " , ,:, """"r-" - Z T who are quite aged. ' an unhealthy, polluted condition heal- Thp fencintr belnc done on Mr. Gil- intr is impossible, and the sore will lis' place Is progressing quite rapidly, , continue to grow and spread in spite of with James .Marvin as lorcmuu. i washes and salves or any snpernciai or "Klien li Is comnleted they -will have strung three and three-quarters miles j - outrrard sitrn of some constitn- of wire fence. Mr. Gillis has 60 ueaa , d5sorf u-A condition of of cattle which he will bring up io i. . ... . his place for the summer. mn,.. rnnn A Wnod nnTi(i R. J. Boddy, wbo purcnaseo iou i or o.tlnlnln Xlr O 11 W n SO UUU IODIC IS WilUl VOU J1CCU. vjuiuc- ,i rr, fon.im- u win htilld about i thine to cleanse the blood, restore its lost properties, Quicken tt two and one-half miles. HC intfuasi uon ana mgoraie me anisuiuuuu, auu a. u. u. is jusi sncfl a raarir . . . 1 , .. r. mn.'n tile TQVTtllV J tMnoC THMA ftn tnTTT1ir CnfM inTHTllTn T M . . - m I1U11I1 U JlltUOC UUU IUUK' ' -' " I u. wmw.-3 Vf.u ku.wuaw v- " . M, K 1 Mr m to the ranch for the summer, mis ( the very root ol the trouble and counteracts and removes from the hlnul uroiiu is quiic uuu - i uie impnnues anu poisons, anu giauaaiiy uuuus up tne entire sys pose of his business Rs soon as possi- str,rrthei,s the slnrrish circulation, nnd nrhen the Wiw! Vine kJ- ble and go to the mountains for a rest - - - and the system purged of aH wnicn may oeueni ms "".. I .1 1 1 nnhealtW matter thf. Wi Isaac Hagen bought iwi acres oi i m m M m M m m r. 'i '"s land from Joe Rainville on Wild aea 8. 8. 8. advertlu i. . cored. Ifr- lim,V " em or - inoe. I hare lirendS? a", to m ere at naBT Tr,i. ITv nava aiztoe muhmui . mrL R a IT 0. Out through the golden sunshine of the April afternoon. I wander up the hillside where seeems like balmy June. For the air is sweet with fragrance and the breezes scarcely stir. Resinous with breath of pine tree and the scent of feathery flr. Where the everlasting granite, silent worn and gray. Stands as witness of the ages that have come ana passed away. And a pine which stood for ce ituries has bowed its tasseled bead And its mighty form lies prostrate, barkless, dry and dead. hear Per UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE OLD DDTCH HENRY FEED YARD Cor W. Alta and Lillith Sts. L. Neff. formerly of the Hotel Alta has rliamp nf il.n DM r...-l. pieasea to care lor our horses Plenty of stalls, large corrals for loose Horses and cattle. Hay and grain for sale. Chop mill in con-nection. SUICIDE STATISTICS. Rate Is Increased Thirty-Nine Cent in 25 Years. .Modern civilization is being forced more and more deenlv on the defpna. ive In the matter of suicides. Statis tics finding publication in Eneland show a great increase in the rate of self-destruction In European coun tries during the past 25 years. Thus in France the rate has increased from 157 to 224 per million of Donulatlon. and In Germany It Is nearlr ih RYY1V The rate has increased during the same time by 39 per million of people In Austria. 27 in Hungary, IS In Scot land. 15 in England, and eight In Ire land. It Is not those of mature age! oione wno are afflicted. During the 10 years from 1887 to 1S97 over 400 persons under 15 years of age killed themselves, and 76 of these were girls. Russia alone shows no increase in the rate, and that is the most backward country of Europe. The civilization of the day is having some hard ques tions put to It, and this is one of them. "Why so much self-murder?" Springfield Republican. Far below me in the valley I the Hangman roar. Where its rushing, rolling waters fret against Its pebbled shore. And through the drab bough's lacing l eaten a sliver gleam, Where the purple hills are mirrored in the bosom of the stream Ah, Washington, fair Washington mere Is no state like thee Although our eyes may wander over mountain, plain and sea The white man's feet have followed where the red man's foot has trod. And found another Eden fresh from the hand of God. Ella Brooks Bolkcom In Spokes man-Review. Longevity, "The automobile suits me very well what's the price?" "Six thousand marks." "Take u in autmal payment.-" "Yes. sir." "All right I'll take it with me I'll pay 100 marks a year I belong to a long-lived family." Fllegende Blatter. BIG TIMBER SALE. Henry Holdings on Clearwater Change Hands. A Spokane Review snccial from Wallace. Idaho, says: A sale of 31.500 acres of timber in the Clearwater country has been negotiated to the Potlach Lumber Co.. which recently bought out the milling and timber in terests of the Pnlonse River Lumber Co., at Palouse. Wash. The timber is nougnt from the Wisconsin Log and Lumber Co. According to the papers Just filed here for record, the price Is 1136,100. This is for the timber only. The "reindeer moss" of Alaska is not a true moss, but a lichen, Cia donia, found in Scotland and the badee of the Mackenzies. Horse mountain last week. There is said to be 100 acres in a high slate of cultivation. The exact price laid Is not known, but it will reach i-ear $4,000. William Wilklson. of Athena, has a force of men at work Improving his mountain ranch. He is sowing wheat and timothy now. Mr. Molstrom. an old time resident or this place, but now of the Cold Springs country, visited here a few days last week. Word has been received trom Thomas Narkaus, who left here for) Oakesdale, Wash., some time ago. i He expresses his desire to dispose of his interests there and return. i The belief that the fall-sown grain , in this locality was not Injured by freezing, was wrong, as almost every acre is being resown. However, good crops are anticipated as the spring has been favorable for seeding and all will get through early. begins, and the ulcer or sore entirely gone. I. WUWMUi, u ilUUdOl OT ous arugs ot any description, but is anieea a purely vegetable remedr n 1 1 , J iiinrc It vnti n!tvn C nn.hMHnwcnrwnl - - i i , . . -uu, Muuajuijii write us aootu it, ana our pnysicians will advise you without charge, on "The Blood and Its Diseases " free. TH SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATIAMTA, Mrs. Laura S. Webb, VJce-PrcBdent of Women's Democratic dubs of Northern Ohio. Ought to Have Thought of This. 'Katherine," said her distracted father, "when you play the piano so bad that a vase falls from the top of it and raises a lump on your head. I think It's time for you to stop." Dldn t President Roosevelt say," replied Katherine. "That if you get hurt while playing you should keeD right on playing?" And she kept right on. Chicago Tribune. THIN PEOPLE THE QUEEN" HOTEL. CIen comfortable ruomi from 2& cenu op. .SwlT (urnlihed throughout. Queen Chop Ilonae In connection. Ml at all liour.. Onlr white help em ployed. Giie tu a trial, v v i Otto 'Teddy, you've been limping around for a week. Why don't you, do something for your foot?" Teddy"! am doing something." Otto "What are you doinc?" Teddy "Limping." I We sell the greatest of blood purl-1 Tiers. Acker's nlnnr4 rr I , . , I ' 1,1111, unuer n positive guarantee, it will cure alii chronic and other blood poisons. If' you have eruptions or sores on your I body or are pale, weak or run down.1 It Is just what you need. We refund . money If you are not satisfied. E0 cents and J1.00 F. W. Schmidt & Co.. druggists. "Please send me ten 'hiua-e t. epaphed the slangy college boy The old man frowned and wired back ( "I don't own an Indian reservation , Apply to the Carlisle school." Chlca-1 go News. j Andrew Carnegie is quoted by the London correspondent of thn .' York American, bs favorlnc the rm. tlonaliratlon of the rallroada nn th gruunas of comfort and nvmnmUi service. Economy Brand Evaporated Cream roes farthest, tiddes the poltte. icaine in vpearance. nam jnwcuuy irom we can. mow ap-petmr-f. most noumtune. The ahon can Lsll An n brands ti an insurance policy fcr bs integrity, puray and siolKul preparation, lnsisi umn vnt,r dealer erroc rcu Economy oioiju m ace in&i our ucei is on the can. Take no sub- HELVETIA MUX WJflDEHSING CO. Highland, niinnj. want to get fat and fat people want to get thin human , nature. If you are fat don't take Scott's Emulsion. It will make you gain flesh. If i you are thin Scott's Emul sion is just what you need. ! It is one of the greatest flesh producers known. Not temporary gains but healthy, solid flesh that will fill out j the body where it is needed. ' ! Tl it! 1 . i x iicic s nuining Detier tnan Scott's Emulsion for weak- ' ness and wasting. We'll send you a lanrple free upon rtqiKit. SCOTT & BOW.VE, 09 Pearl Street, New York. ! HERE ARE MAXY sickly women be tween the ages of 46 and 55, but there are very few invalids over 55 and 60 years of age. The change of life coming to a woman near her forty fourth year, either makes her an invalid or gives her a new lease on life. Those who meet this change in ill health sel dom live ten years afterward, while a woman who lays aside the active duties of womanhood in health sel dom fails to live on in happiness, years after ihe has passed 60. This is truly a critical time. Mrs. Laura S. Webb, of Toledo, Ohio, recognizes the change of life as a dangerous period and she also has faith In Wine of Cardui. She writes: "As I had always troubled more or lea at the menstrual period, I dreaded Jfre. Laura 5. IFaab. the change of life whicii fast approaching. itise with a friend Ii that she was Ukmr VirjeofGuxIuianJsbti so enthusiastic about it t deciici to try a bottle. Ie prry-nrrd some rtlid tat t month, so 1 kept on tu for three months and t menstruate with no fatal I shall take it off and ooi until I have passed the ctfrruT. dread it now, as I am tare that ; 'Wine of Cardui will be of (tot I at this time." WINEofCARDVI Lee's Lice Killer Insect powder and Poultry Supplies, also Hay,, Grain and Feed. O F. Colesworthv 137 129 East Alta St. HllilllMIIIUrt X OTTO MIESCKE Dji:.R IN i 1 Choice Fresh and Salt Meats. Bacon, Lard and Sausages. Family Trade a Specialty. -: -:- 308 Court Street. $ Telephone Main 1231 1 1 . 1 I 1 1 1 II 1 1 j h 1 1 t & I a aa BaUaasal "VaM Dvaaav lacaam Wine of Cardui it the remedylfc M.tnrn-M wnmnn arrnlnfti til f kOaBftBK& !.L . I. . .1 J UH' timv wuico 11 , ui mw ,,,ijw - aaaV t v.ni.w ntflBaBat IL ' T- ' I ' 1 1 1 1 J. 1 1 r-1 l 1 , , limn, fc niter Tears of snfferinc. In doam' . 1. , j -a. aaavf uiis la naa aareu uivumuu. amaP ferer lust in time, vo so wibh. nnttl a-nffrfnrr n tirton TOU. IVasBaV4 omrn nrenarauons souuiu m aaw n aaak in adrmnce. Begin the WIM A inillirm atiSeruu? WSaaaV have found relief at Wined Cardui. E' 1 itii.tti 1 aaaV 1 I I I tt r MBa. I . I I 111 ill! I i TT7!l SHU irr 1 1 111 mi 11 wzc-iw I 1 1 I TTTrtrr I II I I 111 1 1 1 '.'-( aaWi vu'ini 1 r-j ) -r aaV lor y.CSV. J Vl VVCTI 1 If I lllllKOl I st ml aaaW aaaF-7, Jl V BWHaWsaV'maaV Stf 7 M i I tkLLLLW. I I it III i il ' I m n I III aaaaaaBBtw asj taaaaai iplm a i aasaai hi m st m i fprar r- t 1" J S7 TT,i I I I MBaY II UaW y TW Xvrwm i i i aaBar V i 1PM 73 rx 1 1 W T- I H v w i i-irsss. aK . Is stcatr I V I aW IN VfJi. Clexkeaa tarm day Moneymer-a." Why, the Utiles Kerts'lBfV aHa. J,' --t1 ' ila. .'ra 1 A'OMB aaaaaaa