East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 05, 1903, Image 8

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    TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1903.
will be celebrated in Pendleton
this year and to be in the swim
"you will need a pair of our fine
shoes to be able to take the prize.
Call and be
with a pair of elegant shoes from
the largest and most capable stock Mo., where he will reside In the fu-
tn the City,
Dindinger, Wilson & Co.
Phone Main 1181
Good Shoes Cheap
J. S. Kelly has gone to Eugene for in SUPREME COURT TODAY
a visit.
T. IV. I.usk, of La Grande. Is In
city today.
E. H. Clarke Is in Wnlla "Walla on a i
business visit. ,
Mrs. T. A. Itodgers Is In Ogden
visiting friends. 1
J. Vi. Becker has gone to Walla 1
Wnlla on n business trip.
Mrs. M. 0. Mntthews has gone to
Echo for n visit with friends.
It. E. Porter, the Meachnm wood
magnate. Is In the city on business.
J. T. Speer has returned from an
extended rlslt to the Willamette val
J. H. Litterel has gone to Jlacon,
Grant and Union Counties Have the
Right of Way A Partnership Case
and a Street Railway Case Heard
Dull Day for Spectators.
Increase In Postal Note Business
Rural Routes a Success.
The postofllce force Is houseclean-
ing at the present time and are get
ting everything cool and clean for
the hot season. As is usual, the
quarter following the holiday season
and the early part of the summer.
Mrs. Mary Bryson, of Corvallls, is
In the city the guest of her son, R. S.
Jllss Ella Hudenian, of Warren,
has gone to Portland for a visit with
George O. Ely, of Ogden, has gone
to Spokane for the summer, having
secured employment there.
Rev. T. A. Sumptes, of North Yak
ima, left last evening for Chllllcothc,
JIo., to he gone for some time.
J. B. hddy, of the O. R. & N has
gone to Weston nfter a short stop In
Pendleton on business connected with
his oflice.
.T, R. Wyatt, an attorney of Albany,
left this morning for Spokane. Mr.
Wyatt has been here in attendance
business Is dull and there Is not much
doing. The people exhaust their de- upon the supreme court.
sires In a mail sending wny with the linjor Harper. ex-United States
holiday ruBh, and nfter the presents Indian agent, is in the city renewing
are sent take a rest for four or livo eld friendships formed here while he
months before they again work the was located at the agency,
departoent employes to the limit clarence Crawford, who takes the
Although this is a dull time, the examination- for the bar before the
volume of business is steadily on the 8lII)reme court this week. Is one of
increase and has been for two years
past. Every line feels the Increased
prosperity of the times and the post
office department Is no exception to
tho rule.
The money order system Is becom
ing a great factor In the public serv
ice, and people send postomce orders
Stanford's famous ball players.
Fred Fontaine, formerly of Salem.
Or., but for the past 10 mouths a res
ident of Sumpter, 1b In the city to
take the bar examination before the
supreme court.
Mrs. Shellabear. the Methodist mis
Four cases were argued lefore the
supreme court today and submitted
for final decision. The cases were:
D. G. Overholt, plaintiff and appel
lant, vs. David D. Dietz, defendant
and respondent, an appeal from the
circuit court of Grant county. M. D.
Clifford, judge. This is a suit by D.
C- Overboil, administrator of the
partnership estate of John Muldrick.
nralnst David D. Dletz. for tho pur
pose of foreclosing a mortgage The
complaint was filed September 7.
The Union Street and Suburban
Railway, n private corporation, vs.
the First National Bank of Union
and D. Y. K. Deering. appellants.
Fred Nodlne. plaintiff and respond
ent vs. the City of Union, and T. W.
Allen, defendant and appellant.
Joseph Martin, plaintiff and re
spondent, vs. John Martin, defendant
and appellant, from Union county
Wi am so busv we have no time to write ... ...
, "aa
man " --- . J j-u. lIHni .
that our stock ta all d partments was never
S. Andrew Hartman Makes Big Deal
With Indiana People.
S. Andrew Hartman, the Bfncral
agent of the Western Coal and Iron
Company, of .Nicoia iiuj, -arrived
In the city today from Baker
He went to Baker City from Sio-j n and we want your patronage,
kano saturnay tor ut puii -
bonding 3.S10 acres or coal land lying
seven miles south of the "Western
Coal Company's property.
The property was bonded to a ko
koiuo. Ind., firm for the sum of h-0,-
(mo. The new property win ue ram
diatcly developed.
A New York company oi uuiu
J Hill Is a principal factor, has pur
chased 10 sections of coal land ad
joining the Western Coal Company s
holding, and the Standard Oil peo
ple are shipping in a dozen carloads
o coal and oil drills with which to
begin active operations on the 2,600
nnrrc thev nurchased for $2,500,000,
also "adjoining the Western Coal Com
pany. ,
A ilmlte.1 amount of the stock ot
the Western Coal Company has been
placed on the market at 15 cents a
dure iut bv Julv 1 enough stock
will have been sold to complete de
velopments, and the stock will then
be withdrawn from the market at that
price. It will then be placed on the
Eastern stock markets at $1 per
Our .cummer dress coods are beantir.r
trimmings are the latest; our love,y aces
ladies kid glove stock complete; our riri, '
1 : . ....II (-tinnrn ivm.a 1 . I - 1 . "
"ui""-' 1 ' ' ""Sc. our prices
Our treatment good. We are prepared to cloths a-vi
people of Umatilla county. Come and see us.
The Leaders In Pendleton
every Uay N
La Grande Youth Starts Out on a Va- nil the time."
"He chased the car for a block and
a half, whistling as loud as he could
cation With Money Held In Trust
by His Parents.
The police of the city received tel
egraphic Instructions from La Grande
this afternoon to detain, if found, an
11-vpnr.nlrl hm- rlresspil In o i-rm snlt
niul wearing 'a white hat. who was TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY
suimosed to be traveling west from Tke Uxatlr Iiromo Quintan TMet All
.k. Mn..... II If f.ll. ...
La Grande. The telegram was sign
And did he catch It?"
"No: you see. his whistling attract
ed the motorman, who looked around
and discovered what he was trying to
do." Philadelphia Ledger
now when they formerly went to the slonary from Singapore, who has been
banks for their paper. Where In for
mer times the small office had no
means of doing a money order busi
ness, now some of them can issue
orders,. and it Ib the Intention of the
departmont to Increase the service as
much as may be advisable to meet
the guest of Rev. G. W. Rlgby and
wife for several days, has returned to
her home at Spokane.
Frederick Tunell. of White Rock. S.
D., visited in Pendleton yesterday.
He is on his way back to his borne
after a winter spent nt San Diego,
the demands of the people for cheap Cal., where he went for the benefit
exchange. of his health.
...Teorllra,m.a" 8ervlee,J8 Paving c. D. Gabrlelson, of Salem, is in
'" J VlJ Bcces all,ov" tne town for a short visit. Mr. Gabriel-
?n?f V?6 dt'artment f1,11 son says he fell off the Spokane train.
. .i. ' . """" and as tho marshal failed to put him
ed by a man named Johnson, the
tatlier of the boy.
The lad, in company with another
boy. left home at La Grande yester
day, tnklng with him $130 from a
luud kept at the house by his father.
He was put off a freight train at
Bingham Springs -yesterday after
noon by the train crew, and is sup
posed to be working iis way towards
Pendleton. Should he appear in this
city, however, his excursion will be
most abruptly stopped, for the police
are on the lookout for him.
drnesl.ts reiutid the moiicr 11 It Wis to cue.
E. . urorc't llgnaime is on t acu dox. oc.
77V-1-; W ,1' - ' .tt
A A A A A A A A A A A"k"A
-l.n... .L. i
owuui me not o .
y u,e many articles 0
enware wc are n. .r.
nine nrices. I
stepiaaders that are
anu sale. i ink. ...t...
. -h1' uus
ail sizes. All n
is sound and seasoned.
to meet tho convenience of the coun
try population contiguous to tho large I i,e j;es tie town
lunutj uuu uuies oi ine lanu. wnere
the roads are good tho year around
and are kept In repair, bo as to be
passable at all seasons of the year,
the department will tnke more pains
to establish and maintain a rural ser
vice. Tho reason for this is plain
to be seen, since a good means of
bnck, will spend a few days here, as
E. H. Thompson, of Bridal Veil,
traveling for the Portland Lime &
Cement Company, the Pleasant Valley
Lime Company and the Bridal Veil
Lumber Company, Is in the city to-
uay en route to .Montana and Idaho.
Ralph C. Ward, a former Walla
travel makes the transportation of ' allan, but now engaged in business
the mail possible and certain, while ,n renuioton. was In the city yester
bad roads cause It to be Irregular and
uncertain. When the department un
dertakes to send mall to be delivered
It either delivers It or ceases to make
the attempt if the people do not ap
preciate the favor extended to them.
day on a visit to his father. E. Ward.
who lately arrived from Honolulu and
Alaska. He returned Jlonday even
ing. wana wana statesman.
Professor Charles Pray, of Spo
kane, has arrived and will be In
charge of the stenographic deDart-
The Great Northern fiver. enRt ment. lDe business college for the
bound, was wrecked near Trov. Mont.. re.maln"er of the summer term. He
Monday, by an unlocked switch w'." no.1 urlnE hls family here until
Two coaches were ditched, but none tne sumn,er term closes,
oi me passengers were seriously
F. & S. Bitters
Pittsburg and Chicago capitalists
are suspected of scheming to get hold
of tho 440,000 acres of coal lands in
the Choctaw nation. The land is' to
ue sold and the proceeds divided
among the Choctaw people.
John A. Drake has wnnered Sift.
000 aud E. E. Smathers 18,000 on the
result .of coming horse races. These
are the heaviest wagers on horse
races ever made In America.
The great Systvnen hj,c.
The remedy trttl, so
popular because "of its
real mjrit. Now is the
time to take F. & S. Bit
ters and tone up your sys
tem. One bottle is equal
to a month's recreation.
Manufactured by
m i inn mi i m 1 1 1 n i-
Choice Fresh and
Salt Meats. Bacon,
Lard and Sausages.
Family Trade a
Specialty. :- -;.
308 Court Street.
If you use Grain-0 In place of
coffee you will enjoy it just ns
much for it tastes the same ; yet, it
is liko a food to the system, dis
tributing the full substance of the
pure grain with every drop.
Alcroctra ererywhtre; ISctndUc. pr packc.
lilt 1.1.
Conrad Platzoeder
AH kinds of Fresh
Meats always on
hand. Fine Bacon,
Hams and Sausage.
Telephone Main 1231 Prices as low as the lowest
Yakima Men Buying Sheep.
D. V. Wilson, the sheep buyer, left
this morning for Echo, where he has
assembled about i.wio yearling sheep.
He will drive his band by way of Wal-
luln to the Yakima country, where j
he will summer range them. The
sheep were bought of Shales, Kerhna.
ey and other growers, and the fig
ures may run as high as 8,000 head
and probably more. All of the sheep
nave ueen sneared and all of them
are yearlings. Another buyer is op
erating with .Mr. Wilson and has
bought quite a drove, but just how
many is not at present known. A few
more such buys will about clean up
me local marnet.
Raised 100 Per Cent of Lambs.
A. C. Henderson, of Pilot Rock, of
me nrm oi a. u. Henderson & Sons.
was In the city today. Mr. Henderson
reports nis sheen to be in excellent
condition for shearlnc which will lirv.
" i
gin auout .May 5. He says that not
withstanding the verv liack-n-nrfl
spring they have saved 100 ner cent
oi mmus in their flocks. Mr. Hen
derson is an admirer of the nnmlmull.
lette and eays the large herds must
be cut do n to meet tho range re
To National Convention.
Mrs. Ida Hamblin will leav Tlmrs.
uay ior Indianapolis, where she goes
to nttend the national convention of
tne lloyal Neighbors. The supreme
camp meets on May 12, and Mrs.
Hamblin is one of the sunreme oflln.
era of the order. After the adjourn-
meui oi tne convention Mrs. Hamblin
will visit in Indianapolis and Omaha
neiore returning to her homo In this
Hollanders Pass Through.
A party of 10 Immigrants imuK.wl
through tho city this morntno lintmil
for Arlington, where thev n-ln Kim
on farming land already secured. Tho
party is direct from Holland, having
come straight through from Xew
York to this place. They had a great
number of bundles with them and ap-
ik.-uiKu rcuuy ior a longe siege upon
L 1 J I I I i i i
" If you want to know what smartly dressed men will wear
this season, ask to see Stein. Bloch Smart Clothes."
There is One Make of Clothes
that in every way equals the expensive
custom tailor's products, yet costs but
a trifle more than the common ready
made kind.
They are
the clothe?
that bear
a label that has become famous through
out the country as the "imprint" of the
makers of
that high class tailoring-skill and human
engenuity ever produced.
We are the agents for Stein-Bloch Smart
Clothes here, and invite you to call and ex
amine every feature of the garments as critic 1
ly as you know how. You will be mightily
pleased and sure to learn something about
' fine clothes-making" that will be worth
while knowing.
Stein-Bloch Smart Suits and Spring Overcoats
$15.00 to $25.00
Oratorical Contest
Tho Eastern Oregon oratorical mn.
test win tauo p ace at tho fhrUtinn
tnurcn in tnis city, tomorrow
evening, -no high schools of Union.
"""f anu rennieton will com
pete for honors, nobert Cronln will
icpreauui tne 1'cnuieton h ch Krhiml
and all who heard Mr.
tlon a few weeks ago are confident
mm i-uuuieion win win the contest.
Divorce in Society Circles.
Now York. May C Afrit. lanlml
t"M" I I I I I I I I 1 I
t t
uoio Medal Butter, Pu
Sweet, Clean. The ch
re' I f 1
ipi r ft
I . 11,1
cnaractenstics of good butter f ?
are purity and cleanliness. T
?f m?: B,8ter of Mrs- Rps'"l Van- t This butter combines both toC
derbllt, has sued her husband for dl- ? and will retain lie riv j I i iv
vorce. It Is understood tho charge I n rich and J f (&s3
will bo desertion. The Kemps aro I iel,CJte flfvor to the last, i
Boclety leaders of Ne- Ynrk- nn,i Iry t and vou will nev-nr i
i 1 II 111 I IH-H-M 1 1 1 1 1 1
We have purchased the second
iMitoret 812 Court utreet. Wlr
Z2rJ i?.ttt U ,an.d ,ncre the Uek.
We would be glad to lmv our friend
v " J ueea anyiniug In our
Mil It for ynn. Drop
mute of inuian curioa.
t un mi nniim.
Lee's Lice Killer
Insect powder and Pantry
Supplies, alto Hay, Grain
and Feed. 1
JC: F. Co eswortlw
Dynamite Mines Discovered.
S,aIon!C0' My C The Turkish
authorities discovered mnr
ground passages here today, Tho pas- If
uiwu wun aynamlte suf-1 T
ficiont to destroy tho greater part of t
All but one of the laundries in
Chicago omploylnir white help, have
been closed by tho strike.
The German landowners and farm
?.rJJf 0 are.Jn America Investigating
faratnE methods, have left Washing
ton headed westward. This ia the
rty which will vWt Utill coon.
Tlfteen thousand Italian i.
use any other. Your money
refunded if joudonot like it
- & SON
I Know U
vou need a few nice p
to mane inc -
lortaoie ana
IETS. well, vou should
bic line before you buy.
Go Carts from $3
war A DATl
n .
UiidertsEing roi -
. AAAAAAAA A A 1 1 1 1
ThA Ell nMnnllt.. t - .
: " -B"n is eastern Ore.
Bn' "ntatlve paper, it
,w .iiirt. rui!-
twtfL . Atany
. r. we'll run u ,
f -M strike In Xew York city be-
ftmnd oA sale at Fraxler". book