East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 05, 1903, Image 5

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    Winter Has Ended
In Mis anop
.tr( odd lots or cleaning up of broken lines.
..iicniuti -"-v . a i- - . . -
IBs r-
r.!'s UcaC(;nn with the newest and best. Every dollar you
ttxay-" . receiving an nonesi return, we mention
-. ire nnnc bu tim atuiu is iornnprt
i Section
sp i Call in and see the balance.
jj. I'm.
Ladies' Fine Shirt Waists, 50c to $4
,n(1 Summer Wear. The very latest materials,
I .. ;nrinC
and patterns.
We are sole agents for Thompson's
TTStfme" Corsets, dive us your ora
Corner Main and Alta Streets.
"TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1903.
City Briefs
Bsjriiw work at ieuis-u .
Kecrwrn and soda. The Delta.
Kan Sundae. Schmidt's pharmacy.
Spin? samples, large line, at Joer-
.... I-M.. Ilnif'tnt'
iFrnh tegetaoies nan; n""1
IHiii jrwr slices repuueu i
liam chips, fresh each Jay at
Infer Bros.
I Site furnished room? to rent at
1 Court street.
llJ kinds of Imported and domestic
taJs it Grati's.
Djs' cigar store, headquarters for
seta" supplies.
Iftah salmon received dally at Cas-
l'i tsh market.
IScnething new. egg noodles, 10c a
Hawiey Bros.
ISfecial bargains In street hats at
ipMls Court street.
I Ite Delta Ice cream parlors are
Mopen for the season.
1 ?or Rent-Store. "23 Cottonwood
Apply Chris Ranley.
lie Palm, 221 Court street.
riJU candles and fruits.
fcrxrted limburger and Swiss
1 Mndslches at Gratz's.
XSidrio the best clear made at
fa nor store. Court street.
I tie Under ood, high-grade vis-
"Jiwnter j s Keeg. acent.
I lat for fale; great bargain; Raley's
inquire at 403 Alta street.
P" hau. golf shirts, summer tin-
large assortment to select
ices reasonable Baor &
ew Adjtista-
u or ace
: kts, the
latest novel
ty Jtst out
' and Gold Filled
$1.75 to $3
Choice meats at Houser's.
, Ladles' half soles 40c. Teutsch.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
V. D. Fechter, teacher of the violin.
Fish nnd poultry, Lyman's 310
Have you had your shoes repaired
at Teutsch? Try him.
Our now ftnrlnir nattornc fnr antto
are for Inspection. Solbert & Schulz.
Blacksmith shop In Pendleton for
sale. See Earnbart, Association
For Sale Residence with one, two
or three lots, located at 517 Jane
street. Call at house.
For Rent Suite ot rooms, nicely
furnished, one block and a half west
of Main street. Inquire 20S Alta.
Houser always furnishes good
meat. Seud In your order. Market
Alta Btrect, opposite Savings Bank.
Complete line fish hooks, lines,
reels, trout baskets and bamboo
poles, lowest prices. Nolf's.
A now bouse with good lot. In good
location, for $G00; $50 in cash, the
balance $10 per month, rtihorn &.
For Bale New residence and one
lot at the corner of Washington and
Jefferson streets, one block from
Main .street. Conrad Platzoeder.
Threa Indians and one white man
each contributed $5 toward the sup
port of the county this morning, lr.
Judge Fit 7. Gerald's court, as a resul:
of too much whiskey.
Wanted District special represen
tatives for the Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York. Have an ex
cellent opening for two or three men
In Umatilla comity, and to these
every assistance will be given to en
able them to succeed. Call or address
F. L. Hammond, district manager,
Pendleton Hotel.
Mr. A. H. Finch'. Handt Cauaht In
a Steam Mangle Yetterday After-noon-Suffering
Woman Taken to
the Hospital,
A most distressing- accident occur
red at the new steam laundry vester
cay afternoon, in which Mrs. A. H.
Finch, the wife 0f the foreman, lost,
all probability, part ot her right
hand and cruelly mashed the other
from the tips ot the fingers to the
I-mansl0 for lne laundry
nnd Mrs. Finch was watching it. In
company wlth hor ,msban(,
cial employes. She was standing by
n .n?"er,, WlU? hCr K'0V "'
n?,t ..hertdcilarUlre' and reached
t0,ich tlle D,S steam-heated
cjimoer. m some manner her right
hand became caught between the roll
era and was drawn Into the machine.
iiL ?'J.n!V ,0 save nerseU' she thrust
her left hand against the roller, and
it, also, was drawn between the re
vo v tig cylinders. ner husband
quickly tried to stop the machine, but
not until the engineer turned off the
power was he able to release his wife
from her awful position.
The rollers are steam heated and
set close together for the Ironing of
al kinds of large articles, such as
table cloths, sheets, towels and things
of that sort. The machine hart tn ho
run backward till the ladv's hands
were released by the rollers before
she could bo taken from the place.
Dr. C. J, Smith was called and the
suffering woman was taken to St. Ali
mony s Hospital, where her hands
were temporarily dressed, and she
was made as comfortable as possible.
This morning a more extended ex
amination of her injuries wns mnrtp
and the physician renorts that wiiiin
there Is a possibility of saving both
nanus, u is very probable that three
fingers from her right hand will have
to bo amputated, together with a
portion of her hand. The left hand
can be saved and will heal in due time
witnout any evil results.
Mrs. Finch displayed wonderful
nerve, standing at the mancln with
her hands imprisoned between the
red-hot cylinders without cries or
feinting. Had Mi? falntod and fal
len against the machine she would
probably have lost her arms.
The lady U resting as well as could
be expecled. and suffers no undue
pain from her accident. It Is hoped
she will be aiouud as soon as the
rlioclc Incident to the Injury has worn
oft', and that In time she will recover
with the use ot both her hands.
Wednesday Specials IT PAYS TO TRADE AT
Misses $1,50
Examining Committee.
The supreme court appointed a
unimission this alternooa to examine
the two applicants for examination to
the bar. The committee is taken
fioin the attorneys here in attendance
on the court and Is composed of Attorney-General
A. M. Crawford, K. J.
Slater, or Pendleton, and V. G. Cozad.
They examined the two young men
this afternoon and will make their
recommendation to the court soou.
The two applicants are Mr. Crawford,
the son or T. H. Crawford, of Union,
and Fred Fontaine, of Sunipter. Both
the young men Jmve studied for some
time and are confident of success in
this afternoon's examination.
One Buyer Goes to California for the
Sound Market.
J. C. Lonergan. the cattle man, ha3
gone to California where he will buy
for the Frye-Bruhu Company, of Se
attle. The scarcity or cattle In this
part of the country Is driving the
dealers to the south, where they can
draw from the Texas and .Mexican
langes. Mr. l.onergan may go on
farther south If the stock In the Call-
lornia nuiikets is too dear or too
It is stated that the large dealers
can buy and ship cheaper from the
southern niaiket than fiom the Ore
gun and Montana districts, under the
present pi Ices and scarcity of stock.
Court Ti
Wednesday Specials
MIsseB 91.60 Shoes
This is May Bargain Week at The Peoples Warehouse
This week our store will bo literally transformed into ono of bargains. We are going
to make this a gala week throughout the BIG STORE. Wo have planned oxcollont
values, and thoso that should bo taken advantage of, from an economical standpoint.
Those economically inclined should attend
All the Boys Want Our Clothing
It's all new and it's made to wear and for the price, WELL,
the wash suits begin at 48c, then 75c and $t each. For this
week our prices on Boys Clothing will be like this
One line of $3.00 Hoys suits will be $2.20
One line of 4.00 Hoys suits will be 3.95
One line of 5.00 Boys suits will be 3.70
One line of 7. 50 Boys suits will be 555
The largest assortment; the newes styles; the right prices.
Ladies Wash Suits
An exclusive line of Ladies Wash Suits in
figured and striped linens. Dimities, ducks,
etc., ranging in price from i,gS to $14.
Your choice this week of Polka dot duck in
blue and white, black and white or grcss
linen, white stitched (it) $1.98.
Shoes and Oxfords
Ladies patent tip oxfords, regular $1 75, this
vcekt Jt.48
Ladies kid oxfords, fancy tops, patent tips,
regular S2. 50 this week $t-()5
Ladies kid lace, Perf. vamps, welt edge, regu
lar $3.00, this week J2-45
Ladies patent lea'her lace dress shoes, Ultra
make, regular S3. 50, this wsek $2.75
Ladies kid dress shoes, best quality stock and
the very latest designs, regular $5, now $4
Lace Curtain Sale
This week we will oflcr all out single and odd
Ecru and white pairs of curtains at Vj to )4
off of regular prices
f- .50 pair values t ,29
1. 00 pair values .69
1.50 pair values .98
, 3.25 pair values 1.85
3.00 pair values 1.25
4.50 pair values 2.98
9.00 pair values 4.50
Ladies lace silk gloves, elbow lengths, white
or black, newest thing out, $1.25. Lncelislo
gloves, black or white, 25c, 35c and 50c.
WOMENbest $2.50 shoe madeMEN
The Cook Was Released.
Sun Francisco, May 6. Arthur
MncArtluir. commanding general of
the Pacific Coast, appeared In police
court this morning and secured the
lelease of his Chinese cook, who was
nriested for disturbing the peace.
By Former Residents of Umatilla
James I). Freer and Sarah Freer,
his wife, John Fieer and Lucy Freer,
his wife, nnd Thomas Freer and ic
toria Freer, his wife, all of El Monte.
Los Angeles county. California, 1o
the consideration of $1,1S0, today
tiansferred to Charles White, lots 1
nnd 2 In section 13, In township 2,
north, j Huge 31, and the north ha,'
of lots 1 and 2 In north half of sec
tion 18. township 2 north, range 32
and a tract of land In mWIoh 13,
township 2 north, range 31.
Visiting Attorneys.
The attorneys befoie the supreme
court at this session who aie here
to appear in argument ror aa. against
ccbes on the present docket, are
Attoiuey-Gc-neral A. M. Crawford. T
11. Crawford, I.e Hoy Lomux, C. K.
Cochran, from Union; W. M. Kamsoy.
Hereafter the executive board of j. V. Knowles, J. D. Slater, from I .a
thu Chicago Federation of Labor will Grande: V. G. Cozad, M. Dustln, A.
mediate ull strike pi oposltions In that D. J.eedy. from Canyon City, and
city, for the purpose of heading off Dalton Illggs. fiom Burns.
Will Meet in Council Rooms.
The Progress Club will meet at the
council chamber this evening In
stead of at the courthouse, as an
nounced In last evening's paper.
Formerly In Business In This City
Well Known Throughout North
J. O. Mack, who ran a bowling alloy
eight years ago under Fiaer's opera
house In this city, died in The Dalles
csterday of pneumonia.
He -was in the omjiloj ot Van Scuy
ver & Son, ot Poitlaml at the time ot
his death. Ho was sick for two weeks
In Spokane, but recovered sufficiently
to continue work. On reaching Port
lMid last Thursday he suffered a re
lapse, and was taken to his hoino In
The Dalles.
At first it was thought he had a
slight attack or irrip, hut it suddenly
developed Into pneuironla and alter
tin eo days' Illness at homo, he .lied
Since leaving Pendleton Mr. Mack
has mado his homo at The Dalles al
though his work as commercial trav
eler covered the entire Northwest.
Ho leaves a wife and one daughter.
The NoH Store,
New Goods Constantly Arriving,
Constituent So you feel perfectly
at home In tlio United States senate?
Senator Henpc.-'k Oh, yes; I have
been there thio'igii iivn ..nsioiis and
haven't had a ehnnce to do any talk
I lie yet. Nothing could be mriio
homelike. Kansas City Joariml.
PAPER NOVELS We are show
ing about 1400 copies, from 5c to !
25c. Good time to select your l
summer reading. ,
ALSO, all new and "up to date")
bocks as issued.
BABY BUGGIES-No big profit
made here. 54.45 lo tuj. The
"Gendion" make. None better,
all steel partf, and strongly made,
Tolophono Mlllll 4
Urgams tn
Real Estate
poorly planned and abortive strikes.
D. M. Malone, an exhortcr qf the
"Sanctified People," under arrest at
Caruthersville, Mo., on the charge ot
adultery, was shot to death by a
mnli Tltn rinnatnlilo linvlmr ltlm in
E JEWELER ' hii'!P wns ncc'llenta"y snot aml
Old f,..-... ..
"JoPtnaBd " 'je .kwppsn's Log Cabin Soda Fountain is
u 10 serve you with delicious
in , and Ice Cream Soda
fcw "o cetit'a,iV,riite dr,nks and many new ones. Among
rMtandN.Lll"nks are Chocolate Cream Puff. Tropical
K 'Jcent dmiS:ur. best 5 cent drink and we believe it is
Il HI (,e C,ty
Main C t a it - l yt
-" uwuo roe iovri nnnie
John Schmidt Buys Lots.
A deed was filed today transferrin.,
the south 23 feet or the north 50 feet
or lots It and S, in block K, In the
city or Pendleton, the same being at
the northeast corner or Alta unci
Main streets; property formerly own
ed by Nancy E. Despain, to John
Schmidt, the consideration belnr
Cigar Store Sold.
Sherman Hayes has bold his cigar
store In the postofllce block to J. P.
Hanlon, who will conduct It In the
futuie. Mr. Hanlon will take pos
session Wednesday or Thursday, and
will he glad to welcome all or tuo oiu
patrons of the place, and many new
ones, Mr. Hayes will still remain In
Commercial Association Meeting.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Pendleton Commercial Association
will be held at 8 o'clock this evening.
All members are requested to bo
Preaching at Juniper.
There will be preaching lu the
South Juniper church on May 10, at
2:30 p. m.
A Short Empire
Straight Front
Fancy Embroideried
Contilia, Lace and
Ribbon Finish,
Four Hooks
$1 value for 49c
Boston Store
TOILET SOAPS Can you use a
dozen bars; only 48c for a dozen
of the lending brands.
I havo a larger and butter
list of Farms, Slock KiuichoH
and City Proporty to Bell
than ever before. Also a hie
lot of land in the coming
OFFICE SDPPLIES-Mn tickets, , wheal et.otion of Eastern
book! 'etc3.' 1 Washington.
The Nolf stoi-ej n. Berkeley
mwmmm 1
DO YOU ENJOY A GOOD SMOKE? Try Pendleton Boiuet and
Pride of Umatilla Made at home. A. RHODE, Manusacturer
The Little Darlings
Now that gentle Spring is with us, Mothers, you can
take your children out in the open air and let them enjov the
We want to have the pleasure of showing you the swell
est line of
In Pendleton.
Next door to Postoffice.
tl AUDIT MPT A I Bt la the world, ma-ie from
DADDIi JYlClVU tato lo.pe-MBd bar ; pr( fi,
Hard work Is the host sort of phys
ical culture.
cast jrcgoiiiau uuikc.
. ,.,. ;u, .,..;. nrt'Mi'M'aliii ' 'iik - V v