East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 05, 1903, Image 4

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    TUESDAY, J1AY B, 1903.
"I know a man that mostly wins
at cards. I know a man that
mostly loses. He says It's Ills
luck. All right. I know a man
that works hard and Is gcttln'
rich, and I know another that
works hard and Is gettln' poor.
Ho says It's his luck. All right.
Call it luck. I look around and
see folks movln up or movln'
down, winners or losers every
where. All luck, of course, but
since folks can he horn so differ
ent In their luck, whore is your
quality? No, sen! Coll your
failure luck, or call It laziness,
wander around the words as you
will, prospect all yu' mind to,
and you'll come out nt the same
old trail of Inequality." Owen
Wlster In the "Virginian,"
tlon. The work done during school
hours Is not all nf tho educational
process. Pendleton la most fortunate
In having a corps of teachers, whose
work of adding to the class-room
training, by the use of school orches
tras, theatrical entertainments, liter
ary programs nnd Journalism, through
the school Journal, has mnde Pendle
ton the leading educational center of
Eastern Oregon. The people appre
ciate highly the educational Ideal
which Is being attained here.
lxuis Post's Public says the Jew In
Russia 'Is the pack mule for political
abuses, as the negro Is in America.
Whenever the Russian government
feels like administering a brutal kick
to some one, n defenseless Hebrew Is
selected as the victim.
The Oregonlan, In speaking of the
proposed Southern Oregon forest re
serve, says: "There seems to he a
prospect that as a result of the crea
tion of the forest reserve In South
western Oregon the state will have
some 40,000 acres of base to sell. If i jalj ,S(rct s estimated nt 7,2fi
this should lie the case, It Is to lie acres, against 7.227,000 acres
Railroads accidents are almost in
vnrlnbly accredited by the press re
ports to the carelessness of employes.
It press writers were compelled to
benr In mind ns many vitnl rules of
conduct, as those in charge of the
passenger trains of the country, there
would he much less Inclination to
jump at conclusions.
The awarding of the city printing
hoped that Governor Chamberlain will
find a way to secure the entire ad
vantage to the school funds, nnd not
let the base be gobbled up by the lieu
land ring, which has had the favors
of so many administrations in the
past." It Is certainly time that the
citizens and press of Oregon were
awake to the needs of the public
school fund. If Oregon school lands
had been sold for something near
their value In the past, the 10-mlll
school levies that are now Imposed
upon tnxpayers, would not be a part
of the records.
Political power Is a dangerous
force to hnndle. Those who look
lightly upon the responsibility that ac
companies the use of power are tin-
of Portland to the Oregon Daily
nal, the youngest paper In the city
and also the city printing of Spokane,
to the Press, tho youngest paper In
that city, would Indicate that reform
in those places means something. The
old rings are dissolving wherever
there 's united oppcsltici.
jolir. I safe sponsors for the public weal.
The county court must not forget
tho county road question. The state
of Oregon needs more roads, better
roads and bridges and more induce
ments to comity improvement. This
is the home-hullding era. Farms will
be beautified nnd Improved Just n
the environment Improves. The en
tire burden of county development
lies upon tlie officials who control
public improvement.
Eugene is trying to stop Sunday
baseball Tho only way It will ever
be successfully and completely stop
Tied is by the Introduction of a strong
er nttraction by those who oppose it.
People cannot live in this strenuous
nge without excitement. They must
hnve a cause and an opportunity to
yell. When a more drawing attrac
tion than baseball is furnished. Sun
da) baseball will cease. Not before.
It should he h matter of personal
Hoise City Is wrestling with the
school room sltiiution, and will settle
It gracefully. Shu now has live
school buildings, nil equul in size to
the Pendleton high school hullliing.
and is ready to vote for still another
to accommodate tho Increasing school
population. The IlolHe Statesman
says: "W have to make provision
for schools; the present buildings are
overcrowded and the board cannot
necommodate all the children asking
admission. It would be a very great
mistake to permit such conditions to
continue. They would grow much
worse before another year. Therefore
the matter should be settled now."
The gathering together of the del
egates from Oregon's labor forces In
a public convention, reminds the close
observer that this state is taking on
the metropolitan robes. It is no long
er an unorganized frontier. Tho great
industries nro assuming a symmetri
cal rorm. those who bring forth tho
riches of mine, field and factory are
devising means of betterment nnd
self-Improvement and Oregon is tak
ing her station on an equal commer
cial and Industrial plane with states
fully halt a century older In organi
zation ami development. The labor
lerecs and thu throbbing valves of in
dustrialism, and all tno wheels of
commerce move nt their command.
Whether It be in the hands of the
individual or the masses, power that
deals with the public must be con
scientiously controlled.
Oregon has so far advanced ahead
of other states in the Union, that she
ha.j given to the people of the Btate
almost unlimited authority In matters
of legislation. Can the people he
trusted with this gigantic force? Will
they U3e the referendum as a check
upon political trickery or will they
prostitute It to the uses of retaliation
nnd revenge?
It must be handled with care, for
Its adoption Is the greatest forward
step in the history of the state and
upon Its success In Oregon will de
peml the fate of the measure in other
states. Tlie people must use it can
tiously. It Is not a toy. but one of
tlie most potent engines of popular
government ever conceived by man.
Speaking of It the Oregon Daily
Journal makes the following perti
nent observations:
"The Incorporation into our state
constitution of tlie Initiative and ref
erendum provision wns a practical ap
plication of the theory that the most
wholesome check upon unwise legis
lation would be afforded by giving
opportunity for the direct expression
of the popular will.
"Relievers in the initiative and tlie
referendum have always contended
that the greatest safety of the com
monwealth lies In the closest possi
ble approximation to tho wishes of
tlie mass of the people. It Is certain
that the majority of the people will
never he Influenced by the corruption
which sometimes taints legislative
proceedings nnd the collective wisdom
ot the voters of the stnto shculd lie
ns trustworthy as their Integrity
"Oregon is now making a practical
test of this theory. The result must
be awnlted with the keenest nnxletv.
i.ot merely because of the immediate
Influence upon measures of great Im
portance to the public but also nnd in
lai greater degree because to many
1'. will ho an answer to the question.
'Is the Initiative and referendum
amendment a doslrablo feature of our
"Passion and prejudice should not
be pormitted to enter into considera
tion of nmtters of such sreat Import
ance tn the people of the stnto. The
U'torondum was not designed t j,0
used cltlio.- as n means of defeating
public enterprise In the Interest of
According to tlie second general
memorandum on the wheat cop of
India for the season of 1902-03 the con
dition of the crop In the United Prov
inces is so favorable that a full yield
Is estimated for the the eastern divis
ions and Oudh, and 90 per cent of a
normnl crop for the three western di
visions; but in the Punjab nnd the
Northwest Frontier provinces the
yield on unlrrlgated land, except In
the submontane districts, Is likely to
be poor, unless rain falls verj- soon.
The excellence and extent of the
crop In the northern districts ot the
central provinces make up for tho de
ficiency in the southern districts, and ,
the estimated average yield for the,
whole area Is 105 per cent of the nor-i
mill. The estimates for Rengal are
per cent of the normal.
The area under wheat In the Pun-
year; In the Northwest i-Tonuer
provinces, nt Sun.000 acres; In Ron
gal, at 1,460,000 acres, ognlnst 1.460,
000 ncres last year; in tho Central
provinces, nt S.CflO.nnn acres, or about
the same as that of last year. i
In the Bombay presidency (Incliul-,
lug Slnd) the total area In British i
districts is estimated at 1.2CC.000
acres, or 21 per cent below last 1
year's area. The Native States return
r.Sl.000 ncres, which Is 35 per cent
over Inst year's area and 0 per cent
over the average. In Rernr the esti-1
mated area under wheat Is returned i
at 21S.377 acres, being 20 per cent)
less than last year, but the sensnn ,
lias been favorable and the outturn
will amount to 75 per cent of a nor
mnl crop.
The amount of wheat exported Is I
small compered with the production, 1
nnd depends greatly upon the price i
ruling In Europe. The exports last
year were 7.321.S1S cwts.; of wheat I
flour. 529.32S cwts. were exported.
This year It Is probable there will
be a larger quantity available for !
export, as so much will not lie re- r
quired for homo consumption.
ma xiest
iu Avoi usiate. yi
some nico homes thu
bo sold. .
.D rjll
Lots. Alfalfa I.nnj
acre to 160. Wheat
tracts from inn ...
Pihnrn P. 0
IMIIUMI 111 dffrl
. . . ii 1 1 1 ii, ii i-n. i .
..u.wnaic oiore.
There Is still living a veteran ot
the Greek war of Independence In
1S24. He Is 105 years old and has
been complimented by King Oeorge.
The London Chronicle iius
a number of sllmlnr Instan
Joseph Fayrer. one of the king's phy
slcinus. has spoken to a man
fought In the battle ot Ruxar In
William Gillespie, who saved the col
ors at Preston Pans, died In Dumfries
nt 102. and the Inst survivor of the )
captuie of Gibraltar lived to be 115.
Thonuis Wlmms, who died in 1791 ,
In Ireland, had fought In the battle
of Londonderry in 1701, and Phoube
Hessel, the Amazon who received n
bayonet wound nt Fontenoy In 1745, ,
lived to he 10S. receiving a pension
from George IV. A veternu of Cullo
ilen drew a pension tor 60 years and
died aged 106, and a man whoso horse j
was shot under him at ndgelilli In 1C42
died 94 years later, aged 113.
There Is now no survivor of Water
loo. but.Mme. GIvron, of Viesvllle, I
Hainault. saw the ground drenched
with blood, and Napoleon riding "ns
If In a dream." New Yorl; World.
A prominent Southern lady, Mrs.
Blanchard, of Nashville, Tenn., tells how
she was cured of backache, dizziness, pain
ful and irregular periods by the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
"Ui.au Mi;. T'txtrit.of : Gratitude coinjiols me to neknowledge the
great merit of your .e;;i'ta!)lt; C'omK)iuid. J have Miit'crt'd for four years
with irregular nud painful menstruation, ulso dizziness, pains in tlie buck
und lower limbs, and lltt'nl sleep. I dreaded the time to come which
would only mean suttering to me.
" Hotter health is all I wanted, nnd cure if jiossible. I,jtlin E. Pink
liuiu's Vegetable Compound brought me health and happiness in a
few short mouthy 1 feel like another jierson now. 2dy aches and pains
have left ma. Life seems new and sweet to me, and everything- seems
pleasant and easy.
" Six bottles brought me health, and was worth more than mouths
s gatheied j under the doctor's care, which really did not benefit me at all. Iamsat
inces. Sir Lstled then i no medicine so good for sick women as your Vegetable
pay . compoujiu, and L advocate id to my Iatlv friends in need of medical
who help. Mas. 15. A. Blanojiahi,, 422 liroad St, Kashvffle, Tenn.
nueu women are troubled with Irregular, suppressed or painful menstrua
tion, weakness, leueorrhu-a, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that
bearing-down feellnjr, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or
flatulence), p-cnnl debility, indigestion, nnd nervous prostration, or are beset
wuii sucu symptomh as dizziness, iaintness, las
situde, excitability, irritability, nervousness,
sleeplessness melancholy, ' all-gone " and
" want-to-be-left-nlone " feelings, Hues and
hopelessness, they should remem1er there is one
tried and true remedy.. Lydia IZ. Pinklinm's
Vegetable Compound at once removes such
troubles. Kef use to buy any other medicine, ror
you need the best.
A Severe Case of Womb Trouble Cured
in Philadelphia.
"Dkat: 31ns. I'inkuam: I have. rrn
cured of severe female troubles by
the use of Lydiu E. Pinlcliuiu's
Vegetable C'oiiitonnd. I was
nearly readv ru irhe tin. but Kiii,ir
your advertisement 1 purchased one bottle
(if Willi- iiiitiHrmii .ml U ,11,1 . i.
good that I mtrchuM.,! ,,! ,. ,.7i " 1 V.
I- . , " - lit- n OliU 1 1
r w i
, """b"'-.v..i vuc iMjiues iuui um nowi.-tdmg like a u-v. woman. 1 shall i
tka Tvn r V , th,nt. tt-'sti,Ilniil1 convince women ,
' I l(irr T-1'11''1' lomiHiuml is the greatest medicine in the world
r fllll."0(.tI'1' wonib or tmy other female eomi.lnints a At . '
kjody, -mw uircli Philadelphia, Pa.
I V" i '"V" ". l,II"g anoiir nor .Miimtomr, who
nnderstftnd. Her address is i.vim ii,.s- uLl "U". .
Oliecrf tdly given to overj aillti-- woman VLho asks f , it "
write to Mrs.
does not
free mul
asus lor it
And many other aches to which women
are peculiarly subject are generally the
result of n diseased condition of tlie
ttomauly organism. When this dis
eased condition is cured, siileache, back
ache, headache, etc., are cured also.
Doctor Pierce's I'avorite Prescription
establishes regularity, dries tlie drains
which weaken women, heals inflamma
tion and ulceration and cures female
weakness. When these diseases are cured
the aches they cause are also cured.
"I wilt drop you a few lints today to lt von
know that t am frelinir well now." writes Mis?
Annie Stephens, of Belleville. Wood Co., Wet
Va. "I feel like a ne-w. im.m. I took neveral
bottles of M'avotite Prescription ' and of tin
"Golden Medical Uucovery.' I have no head
ache now, tio backache, and no pain in mv side
any more. No benriug-down imiii any tno'rc. I
As a result of his cosmopolitan edit-1
ration nnd close study nf national
Issues the world over, Andrew Car
negie says of the question nf trans
portation: "You can say for me that I am thor
oughly In favor of Kerr Hardy's sug
gestion thnt all railways should be
nationalized; it would bo an excellent
thing for tho people If that wero done.
I-ook at the economy that would be
effected If all the railways were un
der state control. Fares would be
Jowored and the comfort ot tho pas
sengers would bo better looked after.
People would travel moro, learn more
of their country and be moro ahlo to
oxerclse tho sovereignty of citizen
a ... ..II.-. t, r .it ,i i ii.
I1VU nnndllnfn.l
think that there is no med lone lit. tr mirtv-1
.rime selfish corporation. or ns a club! Stefor'TC has dK
by which any class in tho community much
.U..H, cmuice ns views upon some; rwv V;T..t.r , o t
;r.litsldo Issue, fnreleii t thn mno..., ' ir":'' "J c " f " """i 1" I
" ..,..- is nivcii na n uiic-teiu sianios
to he referred." for expense of mailing only, for the
book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for
lite volume bound in cloth. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, X. Y.
DuriiiR the Spanish war not a ship
was iosi ami not a serious accident
happened, and tho United Stntea nun
foucht tho two nreatest sea fights of
mouorn times with the loss ot one
man killed.
The navy has lost two ships since
tho war, tho Charleston and tho Yoso
mlte. Not long ago In tho one acci
dent on tho battleship Massachu
setts, and recently in tho ono acci
dent on tho battleship Iowa, tho cas
ualties exceeded tho navy's battlo
list during tho entire war.
The explanation Is undoubtedly
that during tho war ovory officer and
man on tho ships was alert, full-eyed
nuiciuui mere
In other words, tho navy wbb busy.
The samo is true nil along tho line
or human endeavor. Tho active man
Ii tho safest. ifB tho ninn who Is
not husv who makes tho blunders
yonooKs something right undor.
Is always received when you
place your order with us.
Fir. Tamarack and
Why buy poor coal when you
was something can Ret the best for the same
Laatz Bros.
Telephone Main 51
er 8A0S as ?! ,rllDal l"enlor f -aper and head
hmed Harvester VMr f the fir8t "MI Com-
We wish to call the attention of 0iir friends who contemnlute
rerCaroastn.SitI!eadCirt,!;aei i,an'eSler 2 coding neton ' that
we arc still in the lead in the way of Improvements in harvestln-
past sixteen years, and for XTAT
as we have made a number of valuable Improvements
The MACHINE Is the stronest and most durable made.
IMPROVED OR.VE WHEELS-5 feet 4 inches high. 22 inch the.
mairerrhlch u'conlrXdT Z drT ' '
aratoHrTirandEren.traC -n-
when turning corners. throwing In and out of gear
to't sepTXBTS oV8oVmaCct,nr
comb ned harvester on the markrt n i e cIalm tuat 00 otner
for speed and thorou0hss otork Ina..an7y CTVM Wlth 11
grain, and will require lesl team to operate H and condltlons of
!TernrtIlCId?"E?"r?- W wind governor
on the
tans coverns tho lln Vh .7", r.'. W1DU
may be traveling the wind ,1 at wnl the harvester
clogging tho shoe and carry.ng tgrX orthetiar""18
Pendrtofmrpe'lnecf & W"c-
Local AgMts
We Make On
n mis. fd..t. ...t ...
UL'MHfUKIIlir 1 HUT ftTamlnaMM .1.1
civ., rw umo iue pleasure oi i
luujuitie iiocx
wngnns wun gieel rUrl hnhs.nH
...B w.vv., MIOSIUI iUCHJ Df
Tllntr ati. I tTin.t Hniikli..
was. 'illv IU tm vUis
The rllack'mltbi.
mci rKumriL
i.. .i r- i
i Hurtfiir.1 htru I iiwIipaiii-i I n I
Loudou A Ijaucashire Fire
i Insurance Co
North British & Mercantile
! Co
; Royal Insurance Co.
r. vii r ni inn n u m
Of all kinds is our specia
work guaranictu
Extra I'arts FuniisW
. i- If !...- llii-htfl
III IlllllWllUh Jf"1""
Manufacturer o!
......... s.tr inni
i . VH UK
IklUI'l VI." m
Tllll l.n.l illfl .111
IU7 L.UC I !- "
n 1. II..,..'C U,
. I i D
1 lit Ii1- V4,..-
I 1. .. tlm nnaii
wiiii.il i" ,7 ,
leader, is handled
dleton on y i)
tn an l ;ee we
niiTflH HR
If U 1 V"
3 I
CorW Aliaanu"
-IT ft
Alta, has chatge oi
ti .... Yard. aB
a w m i r . i
. 'A . rare I"'
Plenty ol sta.;
grain for sale.
..r.. nL . Si
ifeuvcr J'ost.
at the EAH