Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1903)
7 IIIIIMHHIIIHIIIIHIt One Night Only, at the Frazer Wed. nesday, May 6. Walter Wilson, known to all through tho popularity or his song I hit "Alnl- Dnt n Shnmo." Is enter- Desirable Spring Clothing for Men and Boys, taining in hia lnimitabio style, the i 4. naana 1 natrons or tno great uarion .urn- Aiyics miu materials uic rtij ""i u F...w... t -trelg thls 8eason Hls latest rompo -w o the latest Men's fine worsted suits $10.00 and $12.50 Men's fancy worsted suits 13.50 and 15.00 Men's very finest suits 16.50 and 17.50 Boys' Clothing BARLOW MINSTRELS. ; Boys' two piece suits $1.50 to $3.00 ' Boys' three piece suits 2.00 to 5.00 Young Men's suits 4 00 to 12 00 Every garment is guaranteed to give satisfaction Bae & Dalev ; One-Price Olothiers, Hatters and Furnishers f ; 4-f4HH--M--H-rl"H sltlons, "Iso Owlne to Leave," and 1 "Habits Dat I Nebbor Had," are even J mnrn nninilar than his former ef J forts, and taken In connection with I his eccentric buck and wing dancing In tho specialty of Wilson & Strong, gives to the lovers of black-face com edy a laughing and musical treat and one which should place this popular young comedian ami song writer in the front ranks of minstrelsy in the near future. At tho Frazer Wednes day, May G. HOTEL ARRIVAL8. MONDAY, MAY I, 190S. GENERAL NEWS. Five hundred families were evicted May 1 In tho New York tenement dis trict. The X-ray bIiowh John Finnan, of I'aterson, N. J., to have a double heart. Heavy frosts havu injured Hie fruit prospects In Northern Ohio and in New York. A Now York syndicate takes $lfi, 00U.UU0 issue of I-ondon, England, street railway stock. Tho Santa Alarla volcano In Guate mala, is In a state of eruption. Resi dents of the neighborhood are ilee ing. During the pant five months there have been BOO cases of plague at Ma zatlau, .Mexico, of which :!"8 were fatal. I Emperor William received a tre-, mendous oration In Rome. The oc casion of his visit was made a public 1 'holiday. Forest llres In l'ennsylvanlu, New England and Quebec are causing much financial loss and the loss of n few lives. j Austria lias sent a sepmdron of war vessels to Salonlca, where all the foreign consulates are In more or less , danger on account of tho Insurrec-. tlon. I Ex-l'ostniastur-fienonil Smith Is in-1 volved in tho investigation of frauds in the postofllco department. He Is j under charges and will Ihsuo u de fensive statement. The Amerlcuu Sugar Refining Com-' puny lias secured a decision from the United States circuit court holding that tho government must refund J200.000 paid by It as a "war tax" under tho law or lsnn. it case. Other suits pending aie Tor over! $1,000,000. . PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. There are low 035 prisoners in tho Walla Walla penltontlnry. A now forest reserve will be cre ated In the Roseburg lnnd district. William lllovlns, n federal prisoner, escaped trom the .Moscow Jail Sun day. All the laundries of l'ortland have closed until tho labor troubles aro settled. Seattle lias moie women of ill re pute now than uvur before In thu his tory of the city. Golden Rule. U. R ReiHl. I'ort'nnn. E. A. Murphy, Culdersac. W. A. Coggersball, Portland. Mrs. Emma Drown, Portland. C. E. Drown, Portland. C. II. Roman, Portland. Mrs. U. R. Turnbull, Carhlnsoll. Mrs. J. E. Church, Colorado Springs Marlon Welch, Doisc. S. C. Swltzer and wife, Wlntorset. A. W. Scott, Seattle. M. A. Simmon and wife, Lenox. E. .1. Wood, Portland. J. S. Towlo, Pilot Rock. John Highland, Traverse City. F. J. Gardner, Portland. W. A. Stratton, Detroit. C. W. Smith and wife. Wnitsbmg. C. C. Simpson. Spokane. J. E. Monk. Tekoa. V. Lyman, Olds, Alberta. S. C. Lyman, Olds, Alberta. II. E. Hall and wife, Olds, Alberta. L. E. Hall, Olds, Alberta. J. R. Hall, Olds, Alberta. M. .7. Hall. Olds. Alberta. Frank Hall, Olds. Alberta. W. R. Mcliuberts, Spokane. L. P. Hopkins, Salem. Sam Lee, Spokane. A. (I. Kuontz, Letnh. C. H. Kaitner, Portland. C. R. MrCIure. Sumpter. 0. I. (lalloy, Portland. Edith Weaver, linker. W. C. McLkhI, Elgin. William E. Whlllatch, Market I-ako. S. H. Foy, Tho Dalles. L. P .Hopkins, Snlcm. J. M. AlcConnell, Mlnot. I'. V. Dalta, Troy. Airs. R. F. Johnston, Troy. Airs. Charles Curlson, Sumpter. E. Hums, Seattle, S. S. 0111. Spoknno. C. I). Rlnkei. Spokane. Airs. Carlisle. Spokane. W. Alnrkham. city. L. E. Jlcllee, Echo. E. E. Nelson. Kettli- Fulls. J. Clark. Vancouver. Joe Connolly, city. II. K. Hawks. Adam's. Airs. AI. Scully, Adams. I. Aleoker, Soda Springs. E. E. Walden, Raker City. J. F. Klmioy, DInckrnot. L. Ells, mutator. A. .Meyer, Dunster. V. O. Cozod, Canyon City . A. D. Loedy, Canyon City. At. Dustin, Kansas Cfty. J. II. Harris, Woiser. A. L. Denton, Muddy Vulley. "California." A capable company of players pre sented J. Rush Dronson's latest melo drama, "California," at Houck's opera hotiso yesterday afternoon and even ing to largo and apparently well pleased audiences. Tho play is hand somely mounted and gives some very clever people an opportunity to dis play their unmlstnkablo talouts. Tho play deals with a Spanish love story which abounds In climaxes or inter est. Tho action is positive and smooth, and with the nu.itty uf the enst affords an entertainment which takes its place among the foremost melodramatic productions of the day. Conspicuous In the cast is Allss line Dronson, a bright, handsome and gifted young woman. The scenery and general equipment of tho com pany is first-class and the play one of the best of its typo that has been seen In Cincinnati. Cincinnati Tri bune. "California" will be aeon at tho Frazer Tuesday, May G. WHITMAN QUARTERLY. Elaborate Catalogue and Prospectus of This Well Known Institution Now Out. Whitman College has Just Issued the 1903 Quarterly, containing all tno desired Information on this well known and popular Institution. The Quarterly !b a pamphlet of l.u pages printed on high grade paper, and Is well uiustraieu. iu '"" a historical review of Whitman and gives a minute description of the In stitution and all Its buildings, equip ment and appliances. The book Is Issued from tho press of tho Walla Wnlla Statesmnn, and is a most cred itable publication from both an edu cational and mechanical standpoint. It will be sent free to anyone on application to Whitman College, Walla Wnlla. .Will 1 fsy lyi A Sure Thing. It is said that nothing Is sun. except deatli and taxes, but that is not alto gether true. Dr. King's Now Discov ery for Consumption Is a suro euro for all lung and throat troubles. Thous ands can testify to that. Airs. C. D. Engineers In all the Spokane mills an -Mu ru; ot Shophcrdtown. W. Vu i f . . HflVS "I lifiil n urivum pniin ,tC limn with the says: "I had n severe case of bron chitis and for a year trfed everything I heurd of, but got no relief. Ono (rat tle of Dr. King's New Discovery then cured mo absolutely."' It's infallible ror croup, whooping cough, grfp, pneu monia and consumption. Try it. It's guaranteed by Tallman & Co.. drug gists. Trial bottle free. Regular sizes uflc, sr. Stock Farm for Sale. Wo have the Jas. Lindsay farm, near Alba for sale. It consists of 640 acres. H0 acres In timothy; moro than 200 acres In wild hny, which will grow timothy. A nortlon will crow wheat and barley, balanco pasture; All fenced; Will soli In one. two or threo tracts. Easy terms. DENTLEY & HARTMAN. have struck In sympathy .Mlliworners union. Robert Wilkinson, a pioneer mer chant or Pino Valley, linker county, died Sunday of heart disease. The steamer Furrellono left Tuco ma Sunday with :!00 Chinese laborers for the Alaskan canneries, at Taku harbor. Charles Jessup. or Uaker City, who was arrested Saturday tor seduction. htiB married his victim, Ida Casey, or Sumpter. R. C. Juilton, Industrial agent or the O. R. & N.. has arranged to hold a sale or Short Horn cattle at Colfax on Juno I. Airs. Sarah K. liolion. of ainveliiinl. abundance of water, O., will visit Oregon In Juno for tho Eood buildings. - ..... . . I Will onll in ri imrpuso oi reviving interest in tno Humane Societies. Earl Rawson. a student of tho Or-1 egon Agricultural College, died Sun-, day trom tho effect of Injuries receiv ed Saturday In hnrdlo racing. Anthony Gallagher, a minor, was Instantly killed Snturduy night, at thu St. Lawrenco mine, in Uutte. A cago In which he was riding roll 1,200 feet and ho was dashed to pieces. General Frederick Futiston, com manding tho department of tho Co- lumbia, has sent a dotachment of troops in search or timber land pi- rates, in the vicinity or Washington Harbor. Tho organization of the Northwest Vaudeville Company has been com-! ploted In Portland, and vaudeville shows will bo put on at ovory town between Seattle and St. Paul, during tho coming summor, Tho citizens of Cheyonno will pro sent President Roosovolt with tho most elegant "rough rider" outnt ovor collected In tho West. It will con- saddle, silver bridle bit, silver wawnido rope, Navajo ,uuu wjJ! cum Aw furoJubed. on? bloat , of Main .street., Inquire Ma Quick Arrest. J. A. Oiielledgc, of Verbena, Ala., was twlco in tho hospital from a se vere enso of pll08 causing 21 tumors. After doctors and nil remedies failed. Iluclilen's Arnica Salvo quickly cured him. It conquers aches and kills pain. 25c at Tallman & Co.'s, druggists. Ten Dollars Reward. A brown mare, shod nil round, with n whlto strlpo in her fuco and wear ing n saddle with a coat tied on be hind, has fctrayed away from tho vi cinity of Gibbon station. Ton dollars roward will be paid for tho rctui-n of tho outfit to Honry Hill, Helix, Ore- gun. If you , desire a good complexion use Mokl Tea, a pure herb drink. It acta on the liver and makes the akin smooth and clear. Cures Mr hrt. aches. 25 eta. and 50 cU. Money re- luuuea ii n aoes not sausry you. Write to W. H. Hooker &' Co.. Buffalo. K Y,for free sample. W. H. Schmidt fferureista.. it; i i T ale; great bargain; Jtaley umuire at 403 Afta ,nnt, ; COMING EVENTS. May 4-5 Second annual meeting of the Oregon State Federation of Labor at I-a Grande. Alay C Stato camp Jlodorn Wood men, The Dalles. Alay 7 Graduation exorcises at the Pendleton Uusluess College. May 7 Oratorical high school eaa test, Pendleton. May 8 Interstate scholastic debate at Walla Walla. Alay 8-17 Pacific Coast Congrega.- tlonal Congress, Seattlo. Alay 12-15 Golf tournament. Alay 14, 24 Seventh Day AdveiltlBt conference, Pendleton. Alay 201. O. O. F. grand lodge; Portland. May 20, Juno 3 Presbyterian gen eral assembly, Los Angeles, Cal. Alay 24-29 Commencement Pendle ton Academy: 24, baccalaureate ser mon; 27, class day; 28, commence ment; 29, alumni banquet. May 23-2S Commencement week: field' day; 24, baccalaureate sermon; 2,"). Juniors entertain seniors; 20, pub lic program by juniors; 27, senior class dayr 28, commencement. Alay 28, 29 mid June 12, 13 Wool 3ales, Pendleton. June 1 Circuit court. June 2, 3 and June 23. 24 Wool sales, Ffeppner. Juno 4 Presbyterian Academy commencement. Juno 5, C Wool sales, Tho Dalles. Juno 9, 10 and June 20. 27 Wool sales, Slianffco . June 15: 1G Wool sales. Baker I City. June 11, 12. 13 Ninth annual re union, Ulnatllla county pioneers, at Weston. Juno 17 Oregon Pioneer Associa tion, Portland'. June IS, 19 Wool sales, Elgin. June 23, 24. 25 State Federation of Women's Chins, Astoria. July 2 Eastern Oregon G. A. R. en campment. Union July C-10 Forty-second annual meeting National Kilucntfonal Asso ciation. Boston. Alass. July 7 Unproved Order of Redmen great council', Porrilmd. August 17 National O. A. R. en campment, San Francisco. September 3-11 National irrigation congress, Ogtltn, Utah. Notice- cu Waiter Consumers. All water runts are now duo and payable at tho water works otllce- on or before the 10th day of the month. Please calf and settle nnu nvold the water being turned off. J. F. DROWN. SupHrihtondV-nt Witters Works. DO YOU GET UP WITH A IAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure 'to know of the wonderful . l.t. Tr Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kul- l. ncv, liver atul uiau-L- ...i.. fcS Ii i the irrcat med ical triumph of the nineteenth century ; discovered af terycars of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the ..Miitiptif l:tdticv mid bladder specialist, atul is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the blndder and Hright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or muuiiti nuuu.v. ... ..... .. found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and mis proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement ha Iwcu made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, aboa look tell ing more nlwut Swamp-Uoot.and how to liudoutifyouhave kidney orbludder trou ble. When writing mention reading tins generous offer in this paper anasciid your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., lliiighamton, N. Y. Tlie regular liftv.pi-nt and one- dollar size bottles are o wbjmwck. sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember Hit- name, Swam-Uoiit, Dr. Kilmer's Swarap-Root, anil the address, lliughamtou, K. V., on every iMittle. Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures- Chronic Wood Poisoning and all Scrofulous affections. At all tltnca n matchless system tonic and prlfler. Monoy refunded If you are dlssatls. fled. 50e and $1.00 F. W. Schmidt & Co., drugglste. Out Soda Fountain Is sizzling, and fizzing, aad butjlin? with the Most Delicious Drinks None Dnt the best quality of materials are used. DELICIOUS SODA DRINKS , Try oar Mt. Hood Sundae Onlyai. Fi W. Schmidt's The Reliable Druggist- I'lmolVnx SiucU rhoiic Mining: All ltinds of imported and domestic lunellus at ttrat"s. i Enjoy Life Out door exercise means improved health and a sunny disposition. All Kinds of Sporting and Pleasure Goods No'matter what game or pastime your fancy runs to, you can get the goods to promote it at FRAZIER'S Book and Stationery store I Real BARGAINS in REAL ESTATE NEW TODAY M000 btiyn 300n58 fi-et of' nightly bulldlm pnjerty, north Hide. f8o0, two excfllent bulhlmc hits, stone wall anil tdilewtilk, W. Court. $1SW buys three lots on north side; turner mid gooil i'rooui lioiiiw. U00, corner lot, mid co.tse neiirlv uew, fcS(150, four lots and .s)'hk11iI rest denee, a very elienp property. J2000. fouritoreH, edge of town.lioust. barn, 200 fruit trees. $22."0, nSacrin, 3J itiilefrcin town N. Ii, SO aeien in oultlvatlon, 60 in wheat, up nicely, -l-room house, eood wnter. iSHO, a graded lot. slout wall, north nlde, east trout, nightly locution. $10,000, half a ectlon of choice farm hit: land, crop Included. These are entirely new otrurw, but 1 have many more mill would like an opportunity to talk them over witii you, E. T. WADE . E. 0. BUILDING A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Ear J Vou can save from '.'5 to 50 per cent on the slock I have left, n genuine closing out safe and lam cutting prices to a fWtH sell them. I have made heavy reductions In the price of1c! portieres, rugs, art squares nnd mattings. All OOo and 65c linoleum I um closing out at 50c a yard All 30o and 50c wall paper I have marked down to 50o n i . J TI-.-.l. T31rttn Mltinnfo QQ IA nan -a. Uvai irauieu rt euuu im jid, uoui on, Mfl still have onie hiKh grade standard sewing machine left bnJ are going fast so you uau mim uio m i once. TbeyJ " . . f. nt..M.9 nvwl ntifll,a from na t J c Ml rrom fia up. i-iuiuic j.uU vuuuuvetl These are genuine hargnins. It will pay you to come In and e t JESSE FAILING, Office near the Bri Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired aj Delay will lead to serious breaks. First-class work guaranteed by BECK, the Reliable Plumber. Court street, opposite uie uoiaen kuio Hotel Sharpies Tubular Dairy Cream Separata Beats them all for close skimming and easy running, no disc or bowl complications whatever The closest skimming and easiest tj separator yei prooucea, securing under tbi adverse circumstances as rega'd to quality dltlon and temneiature of the mllir , heretofore considered impossli le. It rteli smooth, frothless, perfect cream that wllll out more butter than can be obtained fra other Separator In existen'e. anbetba Iv and completely washed inside of fln utes, as there are only three pieces to the rue narpies -iUDUiarmacninesaretQ simple i-nil durable made, and can be ma ed at a leap cost for oil and renewal pari any inner separator on me marKei. For catalogue, address; T. C. TAYLOR, Theiiardward 741 MAIN ST. PENDLETON, i aAAAAAl WANTED Help wanted to harvest the straw berry crop in the vicinity ot Milton and Freowator. The crop promises to bo unusually largo, and outsido help will bo needed, Tlioro will bo omploymant for a large number ot persons in harvesting the crop. Pam Hies who wish to take a six weoks out ing and combine pront with pleasure aro invited to come up to tho Free water strawberry flolda. Camping grounds will bo furnished free. Twonty-flvo cents per crate is paid for picking. Address N. W. Mum ford. Freowatnr Arownn . u m Motley, Milton, Oregon, ' ' ' The Grand Trunk Gold Hi Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining DistriJ Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER LODE system of veins and has for neigh- bors on that vein such well known mines as the NORTH FOLK valued ai The COLUMBIA valued afl $5,ooo,ooo. GOLCONDA valued at $3H 000,000. THE MONMOTHG. M. CO'S BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo, 000. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at $5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $400,H ooo, and many others. The Grand Trunk Gold Mining and Owns Its Property Consisting of 160 Acres of Rich Qold Bearing It has no indebtedness ol any character. It has a conservative mining and business manageml it is otlering 50,000 shares of stock at 15s per snare. It will become a dividend tiaver in a short time. It will pay you to write us for full particulars and to carelul investigation of its merits. It has the indorsement nf mininf mm. business tl'6 bankers of Eastern Oregon. Write us today and let us post you. H. S. McCailtim & Company Minors, Brokers and Financial Aeon,s' BAKER CITY, OREGON. Or R, S. BRYS0N, Local Agent, Pendleton, Oregon.! Ulir WpHk-k' Mimxtr T n.... C. rirf.i,nn. (jO0 V"i.ia u wjuuil'li.,, -ht w ' 4 uisinct free on Application. fYTYWTVVYYTTTYYYTTTYYYTTVYYYYTTTYYTVYVTTl rt4-M-H--J-H--l-H--4- BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWNS. J Nicely mowed Lawns arc easily maintained. Take t at our I Easy Running Lawn Mowers. t They arc made on the correct principal. It's a pj I operate them. Let us supply you with GARDEN t Hest goods at lowest prices. ; j ; ; Thompson Hardware Co. 621 Main Street EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE Headquarters for Fishinc Supplies. MM HUM ! UHHIII'l-H BABBIT METAL XT Kaai urcKonian oiiice HOW DO YOU SWS?s ADVcri The new atore can never known unless It kdvertlces