East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 02, 1903, Image 1

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-r ifymnyri'Kf- wq--?,r 'ww-.aw aPtfsr'f - -' - 'rw
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Eastern utegon w earner
Tonight nml Sunday fair;
warmer tonight.
lyOL. I6'
NO, 4733.
flnnr. Will
Lullo Cases Brought By
.til. Dnln
Umatiiia vw
jeKET as now rests
. . ..... r A. Morco Will Pre-
L with Justices Wolverton and
lwn ,i Assistants-Major
!ne8.ate supreme court convenes
tUs city Monday next, "u v,u.Cl
lice F. A. Morco presiding, wn
... rhrlrs E. Wolverton and
j, Bean.an associates. Major Loo
rhouse Is assistant chiul wuwv
Rle docket as It rests now contains
ton ol which tne ioiiuwwb
gutt or dcienueu uy
wriiM or are appeals from
'nM(inA niintv courts :
I j. Kllgore, respondent, vs. Geo.
Blcbael, appellant, aiininuu
rce and D. L. and J. L. Sbarp-
roMfsmt the respondent and T.
! ;i!ot thn annollant. Tho suit
E & establish the boundary between
e southeast quarter ana ino souw
x jmrtpr nf section 33. township
froze 35. Tho first quarter named
fij! to tho planum, anu mo last
ed to the defendant. Tho land
tar miles north of Weston.
I), A. Hortman and Eugcno Corloy,
ellinU, vs. C. H. Horseman, re
ntal. J J. Hallerav and T. G.
3ej represent the appellants, and
fenn Pierce the respondent.
silt Is tor tho surrender and can
Moa ot two notes for 1,000 and
II respectively. Tho appellants
Ft rears aw bouftht tho rcsponu-
ti Interests In the stock raising
m and gave tho notes iu ox-
B fnr mM Intnrpqt
pll. Walker, appellant, vs. tho
t National Bank of Athena and
SUrTjlIn r.Rnnnilpntn. Tnmnq A
Mud R. J. Slater for tho appellant
M 1. J. Balleray and Carter & Ra-
V for OlA rwtnrtnHinf Thn nlt Ic-
Jlhe recovery of the value of 1,020
m n cour oi w pounus caen, vai
l it lwa m
tea H, Sturgls, appellant, vs. Wm.
rcsponaent. uarter i italey
lesent the anncllnnt nmi t n Tint.
? tie respondent. The suit' Is' on a
t- -j uw.v tui flJ,
toes Kalyton, appollant, vs. Mary
r-.mn.ai., mo BUit-oetnB botween
involving tne tltlo to
reservation lands. H. J. Bean
seuts the appellant and T. G.
"'"UCUU a ni case win
Wed at this term of court, al-
. -vtiw iur u. ii win no con-
hTendered a Reception by Munici
pal umciais of Paris,
tis. Mav !i.-i l.i j
wt Loubet reviewed tho 18,000
Bbr n.7 ?ua Kurr,son mis
v" i me maneuvers was
an abrupt
H4 c7 , "elore to rovlewlng
kiui-,7"' i Aorwaru tno
ffi?."PJ! the
'wernoohe attends the races.
I Sheep sales.
ued'iA'y 2TTom Orlmshaw
"fiklrtk- ... or 14.000
VSh.'X" ,,.!rt Callfor
' ftioiT lno 10t or 15th
"Hit tii? .tne'e purchases ho
r flmiSr r'oW wothera
Re hS ha? at $?-50- Ho got
JBobeit i, iu ,2-year-old wethers
ii'7n4- manager for thn
UwrS Company. For
IomTLB-H: Mr. Orlmshaw
KC8 & 2-25to 2.30for
! JW) for threes.
'Ution. r... r
Hr,P -W' boulter, Local
Lipoiu .T:urx5tre.
ASS! ca,5
SS,,1' leader seems
" tie la.flrM Erin on tho
Mav .i.01 thQ 0PtIon
l,,cettovyeh?at Belling up
,.red- Closed.
Baker City People Who Have Been
"Touched," Cause the Company
It sooms that tho Griffith company
had BoTno fun in Baker City Thurs
day night, where they wcro to play
"Macbeth." Last week a company
which visited thoro played tho old
trick ot charging $1.50 a scat and
thon because it was a small town cut
tho play in two. This enraged tho
peoplo, and whon Griffith demanded
a settlemont at tho end ot the first
net, according to agreement, tho
manngor refused, saying ho was afraid
ho'd got "fllmflammod" again.
At this juncturo troublo arose,
which by the time tho curtain fell on
the third net had assumed serious
proportions and the curtain stayed
down. Griffith camo out and made an
explanation saying ho would go on
with tho piny If tho manager would
sottlo. But McCord wbb stubborn
and wont to his office, tho crowd fol
lowing him up and demanding their
monoy back. Griffith has consulted
a lawyer and tho outcome remains to
bo scon.
Austro. Hungary Battleships Arrive to
Take Part.
Vlonna, May 2. A dlBpatch has
been received hero Baying that two
Austro-IIungarlan battleships, ac
companied by n torpedo boat, have
arrived at Salonica, whoro a state of
siogo has been proclaimed.
Will Debate at Chapel Hill.
Chapel Hill, N. C., May 2. Tho de
bating team of Johns Hopkins Unl
vorsity camo to Chapel Hill today to
try conclusions In a forensic contest
with the chosen debaters of tho Unl
vorsity of Nortli Carolina. Tho sub
ject to be debated is: "Itesolved,
That tho American Merchant Marine
Should Not bo Subsidized."
Germany Jealous.
Berlin, May 2. The Tagcblatt to
day asserts that King Edwnrd will
visit St. Petersburg in July. Also
says England is touting the friendship
of France and Russia preliminary to
an open break with Germany.
She Has Accepted Position as Instruc
tor In Holmes' Business College, at
Miss Mary Wood, during the past
year at tho head of tho department
of stenography at tho Pendleton Bust
ness College, resigns her position ns
the close of tho school year ap
proaches, and the flrst-clnss gradu
ates. She has accepted a position
in tho same lino of work with the
HolmcB Business College, of Port
land, and will assume tho duties of
that position In a short tlmo. Miss
Wood Is kpown as one of the most
capable teachers of shorthand In the
ontiro Northwest, nnd a first-class
lmparter of knowledge In a general
way beside. To hor efficiency, so
Presldont Robinson avers, is duo the
high standing that tho department
has attained as a branch of learning
In this cltv.
Miss Wood will be succeeded in the
shorthand department by Professor
Charles Pray, Iato of the Nortnwesi
ern Business Collego at Spokane.
With his wife Mr. Pray will arrive In
this place somo time next week. wr.
Prav In a graduate ot tho Kansas
State University, and afterward of
tho law department of tne same in
stltutlon, and later of the Lawrouce
Buslnoss College. His personal and
professional standing are In every ro
spoct equal to his educational quali
fications. Ho Is known personally
and professionally to Pendleton
partios. He will at least maintain tho
presont proficiency of the snortnanu
department of tho business couege
and is nunllflod to Instruct In com
morclal law, In which ho was tutor
at Spokane as well as in snortnanu.
Golconda Vein Producing Better
Values Consta-Hiy.
Last Thursday, at tho Golconda,
nn nvnni.n enmnlfi (aIcpii nCrnSS hO
big stopo, 70 foot above tho tunnel
levol and in the boat part oi hub
stopo, gave a return "f $132 per ton,
lor a width of about six feet, says
tho Surnptcr Miner.
Of course, this does not In My
manuer indicate the nvo.v.iu of this
shoot of ore, but shows tho romnrka
bly flno lenses that ocsir from time
to tlmo In tho shoots of high Rivdi.
raining oro in this property. It v. II
bo remembered that tliid i'nool of 010
is nvnr sr.n font lone, and Is all of
good milling grade. It Is from 15 to
is feet wldo in tho ccmor, unu run
ning down to a width of four or Ave
feet at each end. Seventy foot In tho
contor of this shoot of ore is said to
average 10 to 12 feet wldo, and $25
to $30 a ton.
Finished Shearing.
James Hackett and Otto Rymon
have finished shearing their flocks.
For their last clips Mr. Haekott re
colvod 11 cents por pound for 1,300
flooces, and Mr. Rymon 11 conts
per pound for OOfl flooces. The iua'
Ity was cxcollont. Both sales were In
tho lump, to tho Pondleton Sccurlug
Engineer McHenry of the Ca
nadian Pacific Warns the
People of Frank to Flee.
Benches Remaining on the Peak of
Turtle Mountain Are Said to Be
Creeping People Are Moved to
Other Places Along the Line.
Victoria, B. C, Mny 2. Although
Engineer McHenry, of the C. P. R.,
has warned the people of Frank, N.
W. T., that tho benches remaining on
tho peak of Turtle mountain arc
creeping, both Premier llautnln, of
the N, W. territories and Dr. Malcolm
who Is in charge of tho hospital re
fuso to leave. Tho latter says ne
must stay by the Injured, as they can
not bo moved. A C. P. R. special
train, ns a result of a mass meeting
last night In which Mcllenry's opinion
was given, Is distributing the people
to other places along the line, while
mounted police are guarding tho va
cated houses.
Paper Published Statement
Quoting Him as Complain
ing of Treat nent.
New Stars In the Pugilistic Arena
Fighting a Twenty-Round Contest
Louisville, Ky., May 2. The Ooiby
crowds are looking forward to a good
fight tonight when Benny Yangcr, of
Chicago, and "Kid" Broad come to
gether for a 20-round bout before the
Southern Athletic Club. The fact that
Yangcr is generally regarded ns the
most logical opponent for "Young
Corbett' has caused increased inter
est to bo taken In the contest.
It will be the second meeting be
tween Broad and Yunger. In their
previous contest a six-round nlfalr
In Chicago last year the result was a
draw. The decision was disputed by
partisans of both men, and from their
showing on that occasion it is expect
ed they will put up a good fight when
they come together tonight. Both
have been training faithfully for the
contest and appear to be In first-class
Famous Ohio Military Company Vis.
itlng California.
Cleveland. O., May 2. The famous
Cleveland Greys, one "of the best
known military organizations In
America, departed on a special train
today on a Jaunt to tho Pacific coast.
Tho trip is taken in conjunction with
a number of other prominent military
organizations of the East, Including
the Ancient and Honorable Artillery
of Boston, the Governor's Foot Guard
of New Haven and tho Richmond
Light Infantry Blues. The Itinerary
provides fot stops on the trip to and
from California at Kansas City, To
peka, Santa Fe, Denver, Colorado
Springs and other important points.
Speaks to the Students of the Kansas
State Agricultural College at Maan
hattan Was Greeted at Junction
City by a Foreel of Regulars From
Fort Riley.
Manhattan, Kan., May 2. President
Roosevelt was surprised and nngered
this morning to see himself quoted in
n Kansas City paper as having said
he got nothing fit. to eat, nnd wns
not accorded decent treatment at St
Louis. He dictated an emphatic de
nial by wire to President Frnncls.
His special left Topeka this morn
ing. The first stop was at Wnmego,
where ho spoke from tho car plat
form. The laundry belonging to the
president's party, which wns held up
at St. Louis becauso tho Montlceno
House proprietor was nfrald to ad
vanco $33 for his guests, will reach
the train tomorrow. Secretary Barnes
wired the company to send the laun
dry C. O. D.
The train stopped 10 minutes at
.Manhattan, where tho president au
dressed the students of tho ngricultu
ral college from the platform. He
made a 10-mlnutc speech at Abilene.
At Junction City.
Junction City. Kan.. May 2. Presl
dent Roosevelt was greeted here this
morning by a force of regulars from
Fort Klley, nnd a large crowd or citi
zens. He spoko briefly from a stand
near the train.
Monument to Confederate Veterans
Unveiled at Baltimore.
nnltlmnrn Wit.. Mnv 2. Tho hand
some confederate monument erected
in Mount Royal avenue by tho uaugn
ters of tho Confederacy was unveiled
todav with Interesting ceremonies nnd
in the presenco of a largo throng of
spectators. Captain Q. W. Booth, ot
tho Maryland Society of the Army nnd
Vnw of thn f!nnfpdnrnto States.
made tho presentation speech nnd tho
oration ot mo uny was uuiir-iui
Captain McHenry Howard.
Tne monument is mo woik oi otvup
tor F. W. Ruckstuhl. Tho base Is
of hlfchly polished Missouri granite.
The monument itself is of bronzo and
consists of tho figure of a young soi-
illnr t-miml1 nml ilvlllfr but HUtmort-
ed in the arms ot Fiuno. On the front
face ot tho base Is the inscription:
"To tho soldiers nnd sailors of Mary
land In tho service of the Confederate
States of America, 1SCMSC5."
Army and Navy Register of Today's
Issue Thinks the General Made a
Wnshlncton. May 2. Tho Army
and Navy Register of today's Issue,
Lleplores General Miles' report on tne
Philippines. H says It was n mistake
to mention matters of which ho had
nothing definite with which to prove.
It also says It Is to bo regretted that
Miles, among tho last acts ot his
brilliant career, should have been be
trayed Into such nn expression.
Reliance Stands Up Stiffly Before a
15-Knot Breeze An Ideal Day.
New Rochelle, May 2. This is au
Ideal day for the first tryout spin of
the Reliance In a 15-knot breeze with
Iselln aboard out toward Glencove.
She seemed to throw more water than
either the Columbia or tho Constitu
tion, but she stands up stiffly.
Kentucky Judge Would Not Consider
Request for Warrant on the Day of
Louisville, Ky.. May 2. Steps to
stop tho Yauger-Broad flgh', which Is
scheduled for tonight, were taken at
.,., Tim r-Hmlnnl IuiIro declined
to consider tho request for warrants
at C o'clock this evening, saying that
this was Derby day ana It was iuu
great a sacrifice to asK any rbuiuw
Ian to remain away from the race.
An Effort Will Be Made to Send Mes
sage Around the World in Forty
Now York, May 2. President Brad
ley of the Postal Telegraph Compa
ny, announced today that on July 4,
In connection with the opening of the
now cable In the Insular possessions,
an effort will bo made to circle the
globe with a messago in w outuimn.
Is Enthusiastically Greeted and Em
braced by King Victor Will Visit
Pope Tomorrow.
Rome, May 2. Kaiser Wilhelm ar
rived hore today accompanied by the
Crown Prince, Von Buelow nnd Wal
dorseo. Ho was enthusiastically
groeted and embraced by King Vic
tor affectionately. Ho will visit the
popo tomorrow, using his own horsoB
and carriages which were sent from
Borlln for the purposo.
Pendleton Parties Saw the Portland
Aerolite It Was Headed Westward
and Going Fast,
A very interesting column account
of tho sudden appearance of a huge
meteor at Portland a few evenings
since, and of the bursting of the same
a few momentB after being seen, was
printed In the Portland papers. Since
thnt time portions ot tho meteor have
been found, proving it to have been
a true aerolite. Tho meteor was
first seen at Portland directly over
the city and traveling westward.
This was a few minutes before 8
o'clock in the evening. This meteor
was seen distinctly at Pendleton for
a second or two by G N. Miller, tuo
sewer engineer, from a window of
the Hotel St. George. It was, from
this point of view, traveling westward
with a strong deflection toward tho
eround. Mr. Mllcr immediately call
ed the attention of a traveling man
to what ho saw, which he described
as being about tho slzo ot tho full
moon, but by that tlmo it nail Qisap
peared. It went out of sight almost
Immediately, below tno nonzon
formed by tho Hendricks building op
poslto tho Hotel St. George. Tho
next day's Portland papers contained
an account of Its appearance at that
city, In the outskirts of which it
burst with a tremendous noise.
Pioneer of Umatilla County.
Joseph. Or.. May 1. Henry Harrl
son Reel, an old Eastern Oregon pio
neer, died at his homo on tho banks
of Wallowa lako Saturday and was
buried at Pralrlo Creek cemetery
Sunday. His wife, who was Mrs,
Eliza Sutton, threo sons and two
daughters, survive him. Mr. Reel
was born 03 years ago in Gibson
county, Indiana. In 1802 he crossed
tho plains to California with an ox
team. He remained in California less
than three years, going from thero
with ox team to Walla Walla valley
In 1SCC. Soon after ho located at Mil
ton, Or., in Umatilla county. Later
he secured 1C0 acres of land at tho
head of Wallowa lako and 100 acres
at tho mouth of tho lako at Joseph.
Wallowa County Sheep.
Joseph, Or,, May 2. J, H. Dobbin,
irnion' if ttwi Wnllnwn. Woolcrow-
era' Association, is authority for tho
statement that thero aro at least zza,
000 and possibly 250,000 head of sheep
in Wallowa county and that this sen
hon's wool clip, which begins May 20,
will possibly reach 1,750,000 pounds.
I pound, this would mean fzoz.uuu iov
title: RffiRnn ' r-lln. Ho estimates that
possibly 75,000 sheep will bo sold at
i u conservative average or z.ou a
I head, or $187,500. Tills would cak out
' Wnllmvn'u nmmn frnm tier Rlieen tills
Wants New Trial.
Frankfort, Ky., May 2. James
Howard filed a motion for a new trial
today. Ho presented affidavits of
men who swear that two Jurors said
beforo tho trial they believed he waB
guilty, and favored bis hanging. The
prosecution has asked time to an
The Amalgamated Association of
Iron and Steel Workers ' Friday re
elected all tneir old ojneers. uwv
land was. selected, ,ftajrw
tlonul cojivi
Father Walser Arrested This
Morning at Lorain, 0., for
Murdering Agatha noichlin.
Representatives of German Agricultu
ral Societies Arrive In America
Will Visit Pendleton.
New York. Mav 2. Forty-tlvo rep
resentatives of German agricultural
societies arrived hero today from
Hamburg to study American farming
methods. They will first visit tho
agricultural department nt Washing
ton, then cross the country, visiting
nt tho principal cities. They will
stop for somo tlmo at San Francisco,
nfter which they will go up the coast.
Tho wheat fields of Umatilla county
will be visited.
Two Men and a Boy Were Fatally
Hurt Fire Broke Out Making Res
cues Very Difficult.
Clovoland, May 2. A terrific explo
sion 'occurred at noon at tho Fire
works Manufacturing Company. Tho
building immediately nftorwnrd col
lapsed. Two women died en route to
the hospital. Two men nnd n boy
wcro fatally mangled and 20 others
moro or less hurt. Firo broko out,
making rescues very difficult. Tho
explosion was bo great that all tho
windows In tho neighborhood were
Tho death list may reach six or
seven, as somo aro unaccounted for,
season to $450,000.
Operation for Necrosis.
Mrs. Martha Conklln, of Union, a
few days ago underwent nn operation
for an ulcer and supposed necrosis
of a shin bono. The trouble resulted
from a bruise on the shin four year.i
ago from stumbling over nn iron ket
tle In the course of tlmo an abscess
developed and In another spot, only
a couple of inches from the abscess,
sho Buffered lntenso pain. Tkra oper
ation of a few days ago relieved the
pain, but no necrosis was founu. The
pain Is supposed to have been caused
by tho rasping of a nervo upon a
roughened portion of tho bone. Airs
Conklln Is tho mother of thu Conklln
brothers of this place.
Many Months on Duty.
J. A .Shane, a sheep herder. Is In
tho city today. It is not icmnrk-.b'a
for a man to bo a sheep herder, or for
a snoop herder to como to town, nut
this Is the first tlmo that Mr. cUuno
has been off duty for even a day for
14 months and flvo days, During that
period he has been continuously on
duty In tho employ of tho Smith Live
Block Company and of James Hack
ett, as sheep herder.
Daphne Circle Social.
Tho Daphno Circle, Women of
Woodcraft, held their regular Wed
nesday evening meeting thl week
and at tho conclusion of the lodge
work thu ladles, about 175 In all. ml
lourned to tho Palm, whoro thoy had
a very pleasant hour or two wun ico
cream and merry maKing ror ino uiu
of fare.
Bloodhounds Put Upon the Trail Thlt
Mornlng,.Falled to Give Tonguo
Anywhere Except In Bed Room Oc
cupied by Walser, the Night o the
Lorain, 0 Mny 2. Rov Walter
tno Toledo priest who wns In tho
house when Agntha Relchlin was mur
dered In her brother's resldenco In
this city, wns arrested nt 10 o'clock
this morning, charged with tho
Bloodhounds put on tho trail this
morning failed to give tonguo on tho
Inwn surrounding tho houso or at the
ladder down which tho murderer U
supposed to hnvo climbed, Thoy
persisted In traversing the route be
tween tho bedrooms occuplod by
Wnlfcor nnd Miss Hoicmin. iiopeuiuu
attempts wore liuido always with the
u,,r.,,. t-oaiilt Wnlxnr wns found at
tho St. Joseph hospital, whoro tho
warrant was Berveu. racuuuiuui
so Intense It whb fenrod that some
demonstration would bu made, so tho
prisoner wns taken to Elyrla and
lodged In jail.
Declares He Is Innocent
it,, umtwatnil hln Intinreiico and of-
r.t n ifivn Imll rnr nnv iimounL
Tho murdered girl's brother says ho
believes Walser Is Innocent. Tho
prolimtnnry hearing will bo hold on
Will Ask for the Appointment of Qtr-
man cardinal,
limn.. Mnv Tim Hmtiorot of
Germany, accompanied by a Iikro
cult.. In Hum, I III, 1.1V LI 1 1 u
visit 'to King Victor Kmmnnuel. Tho
first fentuio or an ."in purine prsKrum
cf entertainment Is n btllllnnt illuml
i !m li'iirimi tnnluht Mon
day the emperor will lay tho llrtti
stono of tho pti.csmi ror kouuibb
statue, a girt from mm to mo eiiy ui
llnmn nml wlilnll In tn llO OrOCtOil at
tho Junction of tho approach to Mont
rlnelo and tho I'eopios qunru.
A t.tlllfnrir rrivlnw nml ll Cutirt I'O-
ceptlon will bo other features of tho
program. Thu emperor pinns to visit
thu popo and It Is rumored that ho will
tuku advuntugu or tho opportunity
to domnnd of the Holy Fnthor tho ap
pointment of another German Cardi
Baker City Man In Jail for Betraying
a Working Girl.
itni.. f'llv Mil 1 Chnrlufi Jos-
sup, of this city, has been placod
under arrest on compmiui oi tu vu
Boy, a working girl, of Sumptor, who
charges him with seduction on prom-
Iso ot marriage.
inugim lu t. itiiHvftrvmfin, nf this
city. Miss Casoy Is a woll rospoctod
young woman ot u anu is iirunuu
heartcd over her botraynl.
H. 8. Saxe Insurance Agent, Com
mits Suicide at Los Angeles.
Los Angoles, May 2. H. B. Saxe,
represontlug a San Francisco Insur
ance company, was found dead this
morning iu a room on South Broad
way, lie took rough on tats und chlo
roform. A nolo addressed to "Louie"
suldi "I urn so tired of lite at 60."
Much Credit Due Shepherd,
Chicago, May 2, Tho body of Al
uxnndcr Shopherd arrived hero today
on route to Washington from iho In
terior of Mexico, where he died last
December. To Bhepherd Ib largely
duo credit for making Washington
ono of tho most beautiful cities In
America, Forty million dollars pass
ed through his hands In that work
Durand Given Appointment.
Wimliluctnii Mav 2. Secretary
Cortelyou today announced tho ap
pointment of Dana Durand, Instructor
of economics at Harvard, as special
examiner in tno uureau or corpora
tions. His work will bo along ceo
nomlc lines,
Mrs. Burrell's Will.
Portland, May 2. The will of tho
late Mrs, Rose Frazar Burrell leaves
7iM nnn fnr fhnrltv anil tho city of
Libel Quit Dlsmliaed,
Now York, May 2. Magistrate Hur
ley today dismissed the complaint ot
cilinlniil libel brought against Presi
dent Verlaud, of tho Metropolitan
rullway by Amory and others, Ver
laud was discharged.
Charged With Forgery,
Baker City, May 2. O. W. Holt baa
been placed under $500 bonds for
Issuing bogus checks. This Is Holt's
second offense, friends from Sumptor
liavlnc helped him out of a similar
scrape somo two weeks ago.
Austrian Ambassador Goes Home.
New York. May 2 Tho AustroHun-
garlan Ambassador and Mauame'i
gelmulier sailed for isuropo
will not return to w
late fall or