East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 01, 1903, Image 8

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    i, Ullllfl
is- 1
FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1903.
will be celebrated in Pendleton
Ittiie vnr and to hp. in the SWini
ji . j -
ftinyou will need a pair of our tine
ishoes to be aDle to taKc tne prize,
Call and be
f''.with a pair of elegant shoes from
uhe largest ana mostcapauie stocn
1'in the City.
Dindinger, Wilson &
Thone Main 1181
Good Shoes Cheap
O. R. N. Engineers and Firemen
Hold a Regular Conference With
Englneor F. E. 'Holm anil Fireman
O. E. Lmons, of La Grando, and
Engineer Georgo 0. Darnhart, of
Starbuck, havo returned from Port
land, whero tlioy held a two-days'
conferonco with Superintendent J. P.
While thero wore no specific griev
ances to be considered, there wero
many llttlo matters which had accu
mulated during the past year, which
needed adjustment and this short con
ference was held for this purpose.
Later In the season, It is expected
that tho engineers and firemen on the
mountain division will ask for a
small ralso in wages, on accouiit of
tho largo engines used exclusively
on that division. Thoy are encour
aged In bollovlng they will readily
recelvo a raise by tho fact that the
wages of freight brakemen havo re
cently been advanced from $2.G0 to
3.0C per 100 miles, on tho mountain.
A Good Show.
A good house greeted tho presenta
tion of tho Fleming Brothers' show at
the opera house last evening. Tho
pictures that they represented were
beautiful and Instructive and ranged
from tho comic to tho sublime. Jit.
Peleo was shown as It was beforo tho
eruption and after. The scenes of the
passion play wero very good but a lit
tle dim from tho back of tho house.
Tho illustrated- songs were beautiful
as far aa the songs went and would
havo been very entertaining had tho
volco of tho singer been audible to
audience. However, on tho whole, it
was a very good show and well worth
the money charged at the door.
The Jolly Dozen.
Tho Jolly Dozen Dancing Club wish
to announco to those holding invita
tions that their noxt party will ho
given Friday night, May 1, In Music
F. & S. Bitters
The great System Tonic.
The remedy that is so
popular because of its
-real m:rit. Now is the
time to take F. & S. Bit
ters and tone up your sys
tem. One bottle is equal
to a month's recreation.
Manufactured by
Custom Made
Shoes to Fit
$2.50 to $4
Car. Caurt and Main Sst.
Judd Blook
Mrs. It. C. Bryson Is Q"Ho ill.
lW. C. Burgess has returned from
Tom Green, of Walla Walla, was In
tho city yesterday.
W. Mackenzie, of Athena, is a guest
nt tho Hotel St. George.
L. E. McBee, of Butter Creek, an ex
tensive rancner, is in mu wij.
Mollnnn Sweet, of Halsey, Is
here visiting her son, E. L. Penland.
Leon Strauss, foreman of tho scour
Imr mills, is now at Echo buying wool
J. Christie is confined to his homo
with a very sevew attieK u erysire
L. B. Fish, of San Francisco, is in
town for a few days, tne guest oi w,
E. Garretson.
II. C. Ward has moved into the res-
Monro at the southwest corner oi
Main and Bluff streets.
mIsh nnra Darr has begun teach
Ing a three-months school In tho Sal
isbury district, on liuiier crceii.
Mrs. W. E. Garretson is convalcse
Ine- slowlv from a aovero attack of ap'
pendlcitls. She la still a very sick
F. B. Holbrook, the Irrigation pro
moter. Is a guest of tho Hotel St
George, arriving from Portland this
Tho entire offlco force of the grand
guardian of Women of Woodcraft's
office, went to Walla waua mis morn
Ing to tho big log-rolling.
E. C. Sklles, who has been confined
to tho house for tho past two weeks,
duo to an Injury to his right foot, is
now able to bo out.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Imbrie, of Hills
boro. accompanied by their son and
daughter, aro visiting at tho homo of
Mrs. William Beagle.
Mrs. Win Johnson Is moving into
tho residence sho recently purchased
on Johnson street, ono door south
of tho Baptist church.
The Misses .Taclcnii, of 'ihc Dalles,
are the guests of Mrs. W. 12. Garret
son. From hero they wlli continue
their Journey to Spokane.
Mrs. Jack Lycctto has Joined her
husband at North Yakima, where they
will make their future home. Sho
leaves the city this evening.
E. W. Mueller, a mining man of
Stimpter, Is in town on business con
nected with his holdings. Ho !. reg
istered at (ho Hotel SI. Giorgo.
C. C. Darr, of Adams, Is slowly re
covering from the severe shock and
bruises resulting from being thrown
from a horse on tho reservation 10
days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sklles, of Spo
kane, who are returning from an ex
tended Eastern trip, aro tho guests
for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
Sklles, of this city.
John Hailey, Jr., United States
commissioner, camo over from Pen
dleton this morning on business con
nected with the duties of his office.
La Grando Chronicle.
T. D. Mathows is Jn the city on a
visit with his family. He accompan
ied Mrs. Mathows from their ranch
cn Butter Creek, whqro Mrs. Mathows
has been visiting for A few day.-,
J. II. Dochertv is in Salem vlsllliisr1
with his wife, who Is visiting with
her peoplo there. Mrs. Dochorty
went to Salem for tho benefit the
chanRv of clmato might bo to her
E. A Ifllnnol. siinerlntcnileni. of tiio
iopartment of telegraphy of the O.
u. & N is In tho city tho guest or
tho Hotel St. Georgo. Mr. Kllppel
and A. Kunklo wero schoolmates at
Oregon, Mo.
A. B. Wlthey and wifo arrived here
yesterday from Baker City by team
and wngon. Thoy nro en routo Into
Washington for tho benefit of Mr.
WHlicy's health. Mr. and Mrs.
Withoy aro guests of Mrs. Withey's
son, Tom Aston.
Thomas Castle has Joined tho Flem
ing Bros, moving picture show, which
entertained tho people of this placo
last night. Ho goes with tnem In tho
capacity of soloist, accompanying
himself with tho guitar. Tho compa
ny's noxt date Is Tiio Dalles.
Bob Willner, who last year pitched
for tho Pendleton team, is In town
today, en routo from tho Sound to
Caldwell, Idaho, whero ho will pitch
this season for tho Caldwell team In
league gamso. Mr. Willner spent tho
winter on tho Sound.
George Castle 1b visiting at Now
Whatcom, Wash.
H C. Branstetter, of Stage Gulch,
is in tho city today. Mr. Branstetter
states that everybody's wheat, includ
ing his 700 acres, looks fine. Tho tops
are developing of late, and the root
Is deep and vigorous and the stool
H. M. Sloan will, after tho property
Is vacated by A. Kunklo, Juno 1G, oc
cupy tho northeast corner of Alta and
Cottonwood with his general black
smithing establishment. This will
leave his present quarters vacant at
that tlmo unless a tenant should be
found for thorn.
Will Reopen Next
About 25 Men at
Scouring Mills
Monday With
Tho sorting and grading depart
.., r flw orniirlni- mills will re-
Mnndav with a total of
nimnt 5K men nn dutv.
rf thin number 17 are from San
Frnnr.lRen and all wero employed in
these mills for bIx months last year
and have been working in San Fran
cisco through tho fall and winter
season. Four of these men arrived
last night William Droegor, Dick
Sullivan, Georgo Atkinson and Van
Bowman. Mr. Bowman is a resident
of McKay creek, whero his father Is
a farmer and slieep raiser, an. ou.
llvan Is secretary of tho San Francis
nn Knrtnra nml flradOrs' Union.
Tho party which will arrive tonight
Is mado up as follows: II. Larkle,
Bob Hutson. H. Marks, Sam Drugan,
James Mclntyre, James Conlan. Mike
Lynch, Samuel Wallace, William
Trampleisuro, Arthur Heros, William
Black, W. Mulllns and David Hurley.
Mr. larkio will bo overseer of tho
Rortlnir department. Mr. Marks Is the
ilelnirato from the Central Labor
Council of San Frnnclsco.
Echo Irrigation Proposition Has Not
Been Accepted by the Government.
J. G. Camp, -vho has I ecu making
trial surveys on the Echo govern
ment Irrigation scheme for tho past
two months, has completed his work
and returned to his homo at Boise
City. Tho surveys so far mado on this
tract of land havo been purely pros
pective and the same character of
work is now in progress on at least
100 proposed Irrigation schemes In
tho West.
Thero is no certainty about tho
Echo proposition being accepted by
the government and certainly no per
manent surveys of canals or reser
voir sites will be mado until tho prop
osition is accepted.
Mr. Camp resides on a farm near
Boise City and was only In tho em
ploy of tho government temporarily
for the special purposo of malting
the trial surveys on this land.
Stanton School Closes.
S. E. Darr finished his school at
Stanton, six miles north of Helix, last
Tuesday. Nearly all tho patrons ot
tho district wero present and enjoy
ed a literary and musical program,
rendered by tne scholars unuer tno
direction of tho teacher. The schol
ars presented tho teacher with n
neat hard-wood writing desk. Thero
was one graduato In this school from
tho eighth grade studies Miss Anna
tJsmphell who Is said to he a very
hrlelif vrtiin,; lady and a faithful, hard
student. Mr Darr will spend tho sum
mer month' with his pattlo ln tho
mountains near Adams.
He's Always Crowing, But It's the
Hen That Lays the Eggs.
I've heard a good deal In ray time
fiihnP9H of hens, but
whon It comes to right down, plum
foolishness give me a rooster every
time. He's always strutting and
stretching and crowing and bragging
about things with widen he had noth
ing to do. When the sun rises, you d
think that ho was making all tho light
instead of tho noise. When the
farmer's wife throws the Bcraps In the
ltenyard, ho crows as if ho was tno
provider for tho wholo farmyard and
was asking a blessing on tho food.
When he meets another rooster, no
crows and when the other rooster
licks him ho crows. And so ho keeps
It up straight through tho day. Ho
oven wakes up (luring tho night and
crows a llttlo on general principles.
But when you hear from a hen shos
laid an egg, and sho don't make a
great deal of nolso about it eitner.
From "Letters From a Self-Mado Mer
chant to His Son," by Georgo Horace
Figures Given Out by Department of
According to tho estimates of the
department of agriculture, tho Amer
ican wheat crop of 1903 will be tho
greatest that the country has ever
produced. The acreage of winter
wheat is 34,000,000 this year, and it
Is predicted that this vast area will
yield moro than 500,000,000 bushels
of grain. Tho winter and spring con
ditions havo been perfect, tho experts
say, for tho growing crop, and there
Is no probability of failure later in the
year. Wo aro accustomed to largo
figures in this country, but this es
timated crop is far ahead of anything
that has over been recorded. It
means a prosperous year for the farm
ers and an unprecedented amount of
business for tho railroads and inci
dentally Increased activity in all other
branches of business.
Something to Guess.
Wiliy Is a mouse like a haymow?
Because the cat'll eat It.
If you wished to buy a white horse
whero would you go for It? To tho
Why is the letter D like a equall
ing child? Becauso It makes "ma"
What knitting can you do without
needles? Your brows.
What is tho best string to lead a
lady with? A string of pearls.
Why are confectioners so much
sought for? Because they sell kisses.
What tradesmen aro always on
strlko? Stonecutters.
If a farmer has 15 sheep and has
four pens, put an equal number In
each pen. Five sheep In three pens
and a big pen all around them 15 in
tho fourth pen. St. Louis Post-Dis
Notice to Water Consumers.
All water rents aro now due and
payable at the water works office
on or before tho 10th day of tho
month. Plcaso call and settle and
avoid tho water being turned off.
Superintendent Waters Works.
Quarantines Lifted.
Quarantine Offlcer J. D. lirown re
ports that tnoro Is but ono case of
scarlot fever in the city now, and
that Is a son of tho Stantons, on
Thompson street. Two cases of scar
let fever quarantines wero lilted yes
terdayfrom tho resldenco of O. C.
Stevens, of 110 Beauregard street, and
from tho homo ot Samuel Warner, at
111 Garfield. Thero aro now in the
city threo mild cases ot smallpox:
Mrs. S. S. Smith, who is quarantined
at tho homo ot Mrs. Pearson, the
nurso: Mrs. S. S. Darnell, at homo at
r,:u Maplo street, and tho son ot M.
L. Fix, on Market street.
No Dessert
More Attractive
Vfhy use gelatlno aud
spend hours soaking,
sweetening, &i voting'
and coloring when
produces better result in two minutes?
Everything in tho paokiigo. Simply add hot
water and set to cool. H'h perfection. Asur.
priso to tho housewife. No trouble, lass ex
pense. Try it to-day. In Four Fruit Flu.
vomi Lemon. Oraugc, Strawberry, llusp.
Kerry, ai grocers, ico.
m 4-ms-
A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned
You can save from 2.5 to 50 per o-nt on tho s'ook I have left. This is a
.geni Ine cloMiig out hula nml I mil culling prices to a figure tlint will
iell them. I have made linvy reductions In the price ciflaco curtains.
portieres, rugs, art tquare ami mulling.
All BOo.and 65o linoleum I am closing out at GOo a yard.
All 30o andBOo wall paper I luve marhed down to 50o per roll.
Oval .framed Frenoh.Plate Mirrors 33 ,por oent off.
L ?I still have some high grade standard sewing machlnta left but they
I. are BOlllir fast KO von hud Iwltprrmiiit In ni ,,,., m,.... ..... A
Ki'ri- -prom ,$la up, Picture and i.ieture frann-s ou can have t hair
J we geuuiBe bargains. It will pay you to come In ami see me.
M. r. -
the Bridge J
Jung Jack Released.
Information comes from Portland
by prlvato letter that Jung Jack.
charged with selling liquor to Indi
ans from tho umatnia reservation,
was not hold for trial by tho grand
Jury at Portland, but was released.
Tho reporter received his misinfor
mation concerning Jung jack from
nn Interpreter who attended the hear
ings beforo tho grand Jury at Port-"
land, Tho Interpreter was mistaken;
he certainly had no Intention of doing
Jung Jack an Injustice.
Tour of Inspection.
.Mrs. Ellya Imbrie. tho grand chief
of tho Ilathbono Sisters, Is in tho city
(ho guest of Mrs. William Beagle.
Mrs. Imbrie Is hero on her official
tour ot Inspection. Sho will Inspect
tho local templo ot tho Ilathbono Sis
ters this evening and from here will
go to Milton to inspect tho lodge
thero. Following tho meeting this
evening tho ladles ot tho local lodge
will tender Mrs. Imbrio a reception at
the lodge rooms.
Week More
of Suits, Skirts, eic. Balance of
stock must, be sold at tame price
It will pay vnu to visit the F.lien
Store the Last Wrk of the Sale
The last week of the Eben Sale
will be the best clmtice of all to
eel bargains in bhirt Waists,
Skills, etc.
The biggest b-irealiis yet pre
sented, will bo (illerrd next week
If on nro going to buv a Shirt
W'nU't, Skirt or Mill, It will be
decidedly to your interest to vUlt
the Eben Stom Next Week the
last week of the sale
What tho goods tu st will not bo
taken Into consideration (luring
tile Last we-k of the Eben tiale
of Sult, Skirts, etc.
We are so busy we have no time to write an "ad" today. The J
rush is still oni Will merely call your attention to the fact
hat our stock in all d partments was never so complete lt i
now, and we want yuu. ......-b-
Our summer dress goods are beauties; our new dress
trimmings are the latest; our lovely laces are unsur
passed; our ladies' knit underwear not equalled; our
L.i: bid nlnve stock complete; our drop stitch
hosiery will please you; our stock large; our prices low
Our treatment good. We are prepared to clothe and feed Ihe
people of Umatilla county. Come and see us.
The Leaders In Pendleton
Don't let it escape
You don't always have such
an opportunity of securing a
splendid fishing outfit as weare
offering just now. We have
the best split bamboo poles
hooks, flies, reels, leaders, ,and
everything in the line of fishing
2ii Court Street
See Our Corset
and Hosiery Window
The fit of the dress depends strictly upon the fit
of the Corset, therefore do not have your spring
gown fitted ever an o d Corset. We will supply
a new one in Straight Front, Girdles and Tape
Girdle at popular prices.
We are
in position
to fit
f 1
We make
a Specialty
of Child
ren's Lace
and Fancy
Our stock of Ladies' and Children's Hosiery is
more complete than any in the city. We ate
especially strong in Ladies' Drop Stitch and
Fancy Hosiery.
The Big Boston Store
New Foreman at Scouring Mill.
Will Sutherland, who has been
foreman ot tho trucking department
of tho Pendleton Scouring Mills, has
been promoted to the position of gen
eral foreman of tho scouring mill, In
tho placo of Dick Temoii, who has
gone to San Francisco. Mr. Suther
land has been In tho employ ot tho
company since the scouring mill first
started ami his many friends will
bo glad to know of his promotion.
Damon Lodge Dance.
Tho dauco and social which wero
to have been given by Damon lodgo
No., 4, K. of P., on Monday ovenlng,
May 4, has been postponed until
Monday, May 11.
Wool Sorters Will Hold Meeting.
Tiio Pendleton Wool Sorters and
Graders' Union will hold a aneelnl
niuuung at ino city council rooms, at
J 8 io clock tomorrow ovenlng.
Gold Medal Butter, Pure,
Sweet, Clean. The chief
characteristics of good butter
arf nnritv nnrl plp-tnlinpcc
This butter combines both,
and will letain its rich and J
delicate flavor to the last, j
Try it and you will never 1
use any other. Your money t
reiunueu it oudonot like it
. . & SON . .
Farmers Custom Mill
Frtd Wal'era, Proprietor
Capacity 160 barrels (tty
Flour exeliHIigeil for Vhttlt
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, ev
always oa hand.
n w W WM.
iyyyyynrvyVy- '
We have Carpet Kern-
nan I b, some ol tticm
tnough for rooms, iliat
II Pi... rrllt V
Will UJUSB UWi " "
Undertaking P-rlow In Co""T
iy ' jy- Undertaking Purlers in
Take a Good Look
,-,iir h rt. collar, cu" i
whltS waist coat have wjj
dered, give us a try. 0til
Court and Thomson BJ
The new Store can nvr ho m. m. m mTI"ic
known unless It advertises AUv tH J'