East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 01, 1903, Image 5

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    Winter Has Ended
In I his dhop
n..chincoutot oaa ioi& ui Meaning uF ut urouen lines.
K'ia?p " w;th It's Spring now; and the store is fortified
c-rtion with the newest and best. Every dollar you
iaev Tvou are receiving an honest return. We mention
Pen. nil Call in and see the balance,
oot line oniy-
Ladies' Fine Shirt Waists, 50c to , $4
. ;nrine and Summer Wear. The yery latest materials,
PS S Patterns. Going l.lce hot cakes.
We are sole agents for Thompson's "Qlove
Fitting" Corsets. Give us your order.
Corner Main and Alta Streets.
Day Was Windy and Raw Few Saw
the Game Somers Shuts Out 11
Men Taylor Doe. Good Work for
WtllaWalU 9, Dayton 2.
Pendleton 3, Colfax S.
I'l'yd Won lt P. C.
n alia Walla 1 1 0 1W
Colt" 1 I 0 1C00
Dayton 1 o 1 o
rendletou 1 o 1 o
FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1903.
City Btiefs
Best (hoe work at Teutsch's.
ftee eu?ar at the St Joe Storo.
Ice cream and soda. Tho Delta.
Free sa&ar at the St. Joe Store.
Free sugar at the St. Joe Storo.
pecan Sundae, Schmidt's pharmacy.
Spras samples, large line, at Joer-
Fresh vegetables dally Haniey
Haw your shoes repaired at
Saratoga chips, fresh each day at
auiey uros.
Btty carriages and go-carts. $4.45
)19. Nolt's.
, Sice furnished rooms to rent at
n court street.
Hiys'' cigar store, headquarters for
meters' supplies.
fresh salmon received ilallv at Cas-
ill's fish market.
ill kinds of Imported and domestic
hades at Oratj's.
Hits you had your shoes repaired
itlettsch! Try him.
Something new. eec noodles. 10c a
IKh. Hanley Bros.
.Special liarcaln: In xtmM l.ntu ,.t
CEpbell'j, court street.
TVo run. i .
viui, kv cream Tumors aro
for tot-Store, 723 Cottonwood
Apply Chris llanley.
J the Palm, 221 Court street,
Ms. candles and fruits
-wwii nmtmrger and Swiss
y "nawicnes at Gratz's.
bJ ,the author f "Elii-n
at Nolf's book store.
SldeVthe best c,
rrgar store. nn- ...
wuutfa dui;
l Me Brace
; lets, the
; latest novel-
Just oat
; S3vrndG0d Filled
1.75 to 3
Choice meats at Houser's.
Ladles' hair soles 40c. Teutsch.
Free sugar at tho St. Job Store.
Smoke tho "Prido of Umatilla."
Froe sugar at tho St. Joo Store.
W. D. Fochtor, teacher of the violin.
Fish and poultry, Lymau's 310
The Infant child of Julius Williams
died today.
T. W. Ayres la having his residence
repainted and repapered.
Lot for sale; great bargain; Haley's
addition. Inquire at 403 Alta street.
Pendleton rioquot and Pride of
Umatilla. A. Rhode, uiauufactmcr.
See the Underwood, high-grade vis
Iblo typewriter. J. S. Kees, agent.
Our new spring patterns for suits
are for inspection. Solhert & Schulz.
Blacksmith shop in Pendleton for
sale. Soo Earnhart, Association
For Sale Residence with one, two
or three lots, located at 517 Jane
street. Call at house.
Housor always furnishes good
meat. Send in your order. Market
Alta street, opposite Savings Dank.
For Kent Suite of rooms, nicely
turnished, one block and a half west
of Main street. Inquire 208 Alta,
William seiieerer has finished re
painting and repapering his residence
on East Webb street, inside and out.
A new hou3C with good lot, In good
location, for $000; $50 in cash, the
balance $10 per month. Klhoru &
The McClary & Wlllard derrick ar
rived today from Tekoa for use in the
completion of the W. & C. It. railway
bridge at this point,
For sale New residence and one
lot at the corner of Washington and
Jefforson streets, one block from
Main street. Conrad Platzoeder.
C. It. Dutton's ice cream parlors
are now open for the season. He Is
better equipped than ever before for
serving delicious Ice crcame and Ice
cream soda.
Consult John Stone about your
painting, paper hanging and kalso
mlnlng, and you will never regret it.
Work and material guaranteed. Cull
or address 1507 Cottonwood street.
Thomas Smart Is remodeling the
entire interior of his lodging house
at tlie corner of Thompson and Court
streets. As soon as this work Is com
pleted the premises will bo repainted
and repapeied.
The old favorite, Koeppeu's Log
Cabiu soda fountain is again open
and serving that delicious Uma Soda
at 5 cents. Among tho new 10-cent
drinks are chocolate, cream puff,
tropical breakfast and liugot sundae.
A public dance will be given by
Oliver Knotts next Friday evening
at tho Knotts Brothers Hall, in Pilot
Rock. Fechtor's orchestra will fur
ulsh the music. Ice cream and other
refreshments will bo sorved. A good
time Is assured overybody. Come,
J. C. Spoouemore is remodeling the
Interior of his building now used as a
Buooung gallery and employment oi-
nee, and will follow it up with re
painting and repapering, When the
rooms are ready for occupancy they
will be occupied by Mr. Spoonemore
and W. Drummott as a real ostate,
employment and notorial office.
The season s opened and tho game
is on. Pendleton's score is also open,
for the hoys from up tho country did
a few things to them at tho rate of
to j. i ne day was hardly a baseball
day and the wind that blew across
the diamond made the crowd think
that they were witnessing a s.iml
storm on a small Sahara. The only
thing that did not blow in was the
crowd, nut what It lacked In numbers
It made up in noise and that was
satisractory to every one and every
body except the box office
The 'team work of the visitors was
out around the edge of the diamond
or over the fence some place, and thov
could not find It at any time during
the game, but they have a committee
out looking for It, and it will be in
evidence before tho season Is over.
About tho samo thing could bo said
or the boys that draw their salaries
lrom the confines of the Pendleton
purse, but the team that played yes
terday was largely made of local ma
icnai and could not bo cxneeted to
have any team woik. Considering all
the points of the case both of the
aggregations played a good game,
Somers, the man from Seattle, did
the shooting for the Colfax boys and
he did it well. Eleven men that faced
him laid their bats down after three
tutile attempts to find the location of
the bullets from his gun.
Slats Taylor, the old war horse ot
the red stockinged lads, sailed the
benders down the wind at the visit
ors in a way that gavo them a bad
attack of r.trabismis and it is hoped
that they will not recover all the sea
son. Dunn was another good one
and made the first run of tho game in
the second inning on a clean two
sacker over the left fielder's head.
Taylor helped him home by a pretty
sacrifice. Ulrich, the man with the
past record, made a three-bagger on
a bunt and a wild throw over the
first baseman's head and thereby
made a record for himself that will
last the rest of the year.
All In all. It was a good game and
was the property of both the teams
until the ninth inning, when a costly
error let in the winning runs. Put
luck Is luck and this is the first gamo
of the series, so all can hope for bet
ter times in the sweet bye and bye.
Pendleton has still got her grip on the
little flag and Is not going to let go
for a small thing like yesterday's de
feat. Below is the summary of the
April 30th
Ivory Back Coabs
48c each
April 30th
CraBh Toweling
6 l4c yard
EVERY DAY wo will offer in these advertisement 60ine exceptional bargains, lak-
ing the items from the various departments from day today. Those of today may
not interest you. those of tomorrow may, and if bo, you will profit largely. It will
pay you to read those advertisements Everv Daw
We could tell you a whole lot about our
$15 Suits
but we couldn't tell it all, we'd much pre
ler that you come around and look at
them, try them on; won't cost you a cent
and we'll make you feel welcome if you
Don't Want
to BUY
Pedestrian Skirts.
Ladies walking skills that are excellent values
at S2.25 and $1.85. This week Si. 29.
Shirt Waists
Ladies shirt waists tjiat were priced low at
Si. 39 and $1-29. This week only Si,
Ladies' Dress Shoes and Oxfords
Our oxfords excite the admuation of alt who
see them. Made in welt or turned soles, pat
ent or vici stocks and cover a range 'of price to
suit any purse. In Ladies' Dress shoes we
4. have the handsomest line we have ever shown,
lilegant iootwear in new snnpes and leather
Patent Corona welt oxfords, inlaid tops $3,50
Patent kid turn oxfords "booths ideal" 3,50
Patent calf lace shoes Ullra make 2.75
Patent Corona mat top, lace, high grade 4,00
Patent "ideal kid" turn kid vici tops 4,00
Three Pieces Breeze Hop Sacking
make good everyday skirts and outing suits in
three good mixtures, Regular 15c value for
tomorrow only 9c per yard,
Three Great Values in
Black Satin
Black Satin Duchess, firm and heavy, splendid
quality, flue finish, and brilliant lustre, This
20 inches wide $1 , values per yard 65c
22 inches wide 1.50 values per yard 89c
22 inches wide 2,25 values per yard $ 1,65
Batten berc; and Point Lace
Best material, new stamped linens, new and
complete line just in.
Ladies' Hose
Extra good quality, Peerless dye, fast black
ladies hose, special bargain this week, Three
pairs for $1,
Collar, if ....
Penland, c ,
Dro'. n. ss
Dunn, 21
Taylor, p ...
i'enland. If
Ulrich, 3b ....
Hartmaii, lb .
Marquis, el' . .
An It H PO A E
Col fax-
West, 88 &
Kline, 3li G
Bennard. rf 0
Ripley, If 5
.Mills, L'b 5
I.awience, lb 4
R'ippi, cf 4
Case, c 4
Seniors, 4
37 3 0 27 IS
2 S
1 0
3 II
1 I
Arrangements for the settlement of
a uoer colony in Mexico have been
completed. One thousand families
are now 011 their way to the land pur
chased in the state of Chihuahua.
t?ie Old favn,:...
Pn and reaH .PP3" Log Cabiu Soda Fountain is
serve you with delicious
; Soda and Ice Cream Soda
. H, 'he om t
"fttl 10 nt (1Vr?Ilte dr'nka and many new ones. Among
tjqdNugat Su d"6 Choco,ate C.ream Puff' Tropical
Pt.r!:.0 . tS Our hfisf r ..... .... u,.-.. :
"mok m the city.
41 5 11 2 i) 7
Score by Innings.
1 2 3 4 0 (! 7 S !l
IVndletou O'l II (l 1 II 0 1 03
Colfax 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 G
Today's Game.
In today'3 game, Marquis will pitch.
Hawley and Wllner will keep the local
boys out and Naglu will appear in the
came lor the first time
There will bo in today's game alicut
five of the men signed for tlu team.
Whether they will all stay, will de
pend on whether or not they can
make good.
May 4-5 Second annual meeting of
the Oregon State Federation of Labor
at La Grande.
jlay 4 state su pi erne court at Ten
dleton. May G State camp Modern Wood
men, The Dalles.
May 7 Graduation exercises at the
Pendleton Uuslness College.
May 7 Oratorical high school con
test, Pendleton.
Mav 8 Interstate scholastic debate
at Walla Walla.
May 8-17 Pacific Coast Cungrcgn
lional Congress, Seattle.
May 12-15 Golf tournament.
Mny 14, 24 Seventh Day Adventlst
coutereiice, Pendleton.
May 201 O. O. F. grand Iodise,
May 20, Juno 3 Presbyterian gen
eral assembly, l)s Angeles, Cal.
May 24-29 Commencement Pendle
ton Academy: 21, baccalaurcato ser
mon; 27, class day; 28. commence
ment; 29, alumni banquet.
May 23-28 Commencement week;
field day; 24, baccalaureate sermon;
25, juniors entertain seniors; 2C, nub
ile program by juniors; 27, senior
class day; 28, commencement.
May 28, 29 and Juno 12, 13 Wool
sales, Pendleton.
The Nolf Stoe
New Goods Constantly Arriving j
Filed Counter Complaint.
liv his attorney. H. E. Collier, Peter
Touso has filed a counter complaint:
and petition for divorce from his wire,
Nora, who petitioned some timo ago
for a divorce ami made derogatory
allegations about Mr. Touse. Mr.
Touso accuses his wife ot generally
unseemly and unwlfely conduct, such
as being too familiar with other men,
calling him blackguard names, neg
lecting her household duties, threaten
ing to take her own life and that of
the minor child and being brutal to
the child and accepting presents fiom
other men. Mr. Touse suos for adi
vorce and the custody of the child.
.Mr. aud Mrs. Touso are a young mar
ried couple who lately resided at
Will Probated.
The will ot Mrs. Marietta Peaison
was admlttea 10 prouuie yeieiu,
the matter being presented by J. T.
HInklo, attorney for the deceased's
husband, A. S. Pearson, who Is her
oxecutor. Mrs. Pearson cuea at vvaua
Walla on tho 17th from the effects ot
on operation. Her entire estate she
leaves to her husband with tho ex
ception of 11 to each ot her Ave
Palmist and Medium.
Do not fall to call on Madame Mad
eline, the wonderful hand reader and
medium, at Palace lodging house,
A Short Empire
Straight Front
Fancy Embroideried
Contilia, Lace and
Ribbon Finish,
Four Hooks
$1 value for 49c
Boston Store
PAPER NOVELS We are show-,
ing about 1400 copies, from 5c to !
25c. Good time to select your j
summer reading.
ALSO, all new and "up to date" 1
bocks as issued. i
BABY BUGGIES No big ' profit
made here. $4.45 to tti). The
"Gendion" make. None better,
all steel parts, and strongly made.
Toloplionu M11I11 4
bargains tu
.lozen bars; only 48c for a
of the leading brands.
use a
string tags, card board, inks, blank
books, etc,
Real Estate
I have a larger uud better
list of Farms, Stock Kauchea
and City Proporty to Hell
than ever before. Also a big
lot of land in tho coming
wheat eoction of Eaateru
The Nolf stofe N. Berkeley
MAPLE BROS., Agents.
Price $35
Kquul to liny 1100 Machine,
'flmy lire also agents for Rub
ber Htouip Good.
The Little Darlings
Now that gentle Spring is with us, Mothers, you can
take your children out in the open air and let them enjov the
We waul to have the pleasure of showing you the swell
est line of
vwnr mnn lim mnADTC ..-:'l
ADI LAOS tUXU uu-iurmia
In Pendleton,
j. v.. So V