East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 01, 1903, Image 3

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    Something New
In the Line of a
Business Sack Suit
Yet has the tinge so
favored by fashion the
correct dressers is im
pressed with. A strict
ly serviceable, up-to-date,
thoroughly good,
matter of fact suit is
the Harvard. Not high
priced but high Classed
from $10 lO $15 suit
. ... 1 I ' " - ' I
1"T t ' I ' r't'tft-fft-tt-t-t
You Blonld know that the very best, DRY WOOD of
all kinds is to bo found at
P. P. Collier & Go-'s Yard
Also GOOD COAL. Call at Office
G38 Main St. Phone Main 1121
. . m m m t t .J..t-A ?- -
On Its Merit
Has the large demand for
Byers Best Flow
Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters in
to Byets Best Flour. It's perfection in Flour. Made by the
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
I "- nun
Contractor ExDeet
thing Ready for Infection hu h
, 15th Building Will Accommodate
an n i .
I Work on the new hospital is pro
gressing finely. The plumbing, except
trio finishing touches, 8 completed,
and the plasterers now have the call.
Today finished the first or bruwu coat
on 45 rooms, and four rooms have re
ceived the whlto coat. In all there
arc S9 rooms In the building, and
rnomas Keller, the constructor, ex
pects to have his contract finished
and ready for Inspection bofore the
16th prox. The system used all over
the building is the adamant, ami this
s the second building ln tho city to
, be treated with It. The other, which
was also plastered by Mr. Keller, Is
the addition to the Field school build
ing. To all Intents and purposes tho
process might actually bo adamant
so far as hardness and durability aro
concerned. It Is applied either on a
rough wall, or to lath, exactly as any
i"UBiur is nppneu. The results
aro vnRtly dlffprent, however.
j Yesterday was seen Wck atter kick
administered by a big foot en
cased ln a heavy boot, upon the sides
of a room In which the adamant plas
tering was hardly yet dry and no
, more scratches or Indentions were ln
evidence afterward than as though
the kicks had been administered
against a granite' monument; neither
was thero any evidence of cracks or
of tho process being loosened. The
white coat Is equally as denso and
hard, tho difference being altogether
In the color and grain. The operating
, room, which Is 20x2G feet In size, and
i the drug and Instrument room, are
wainscoted to a height of four feet
with adamant tiling. Every room in
tho structure will have tho adamant
finish. The building will havo accom-
, modatlons for about SO patients, in
cluding the wards, which will hold
about 30. There are 50 individual
rooms, it has been definitely settled
that the building -will bo equipped
with an elevator, and that the motive
power will be steam from the general
heating and power plant in the base
ment. The elevator shaft is 70 feet
In depth and 8x8 feet in diameter.
Tho proposition to operate tho ele
vator with hydraulic power was aban
doned some time ago. Thero will be
from two to four bath rooms on every
floor, and a complete complement of
linen closets and store rooms. The
plans for the building admit of tho
iiiiiimun in ine luture of two wings,
each 30x80 feet, if the business of
the institution should warrant expan
sion. The plans admit of the build
ing of a tower at the Intersection of
each whig with the main building.
The hospital is confronted right now
Braver jpera M(D)Mse;i
t & WELCH, Managers, msk mohotsie, Local Manager
T-uLscl.eL3r, HEsty 5, 1Q03
Pnifstt Tnmni Mere
Tho Charming Tonng Emotional Actress
Supported by the Well Known Oharaoter Aotor
And a Select Company of Players, Presenting the Dramatio Success
By J. RUSH BRONSON. Produced With a Wealth of Speoial Soonery.
Pirkess 25c 5s ff5. $Do
Seats now on Sale at Frazler'd Book Store
with the sewor problem. No building
has need of moro comploto and per
fect drainage facilities than a hospi
tal, it cannot do business without a
great abundance of tho very best wa-
1 . . 1 1. . 1 c 1 ..... .
j ii'i, uuu us yci iuu uuuiuiu i uuw
flnd In what quantities St. Joseph's
i hospital shall get Its water is not
I solved. The hospital will, of course,
1 not bo opened until tho question Is
! settled.
; Bids Wanted.
I Sealed bids will bo received at tho
county clerk's office of Umatilla conn
! ty, until 2 o'clock p. m.. May Ctli, 1303,
j for tho west half of block S5, and all
; of block SC, Reservation addition to
; Pendleton, known as tbo County Hos
pital property.
, Bids for stnglo lots, qutrtcr, half,
whole block or tho entire tract (21
' lots) wll be entertained, reserving
the right to reject any and all bids.
I ThP right to occupy tlie buildings
will be reserved until about July 1st,
I Witt. Terms cash.
j County Clerk.
Fine fcalcd wheat hay
for sale at
Dutch Wendy's
Focd Yard
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
tho most dreaded and deadly of all
diseases, as well as pneumonia, and
all I-ung Troubles aro relieved at
onco nnd cured by Acker's English
Itcmcdy "tho king of all Cough Cures.1'
Cures coughs and colds In a day. 2G
cents. Your money back If dissatis
fied. Wrlto for freo sample W. H.
Hooker & Co.. Buffalo, N. T. F. W.
Schmidt & Co.
Monopole, Rock Candy.
Red Star and White Rose
in half gallons, gallons,
jackets and pails.
Standard Grocery
Court Street
Low Sellers of Groceries
The Chance of a Lifetime to Invest in Stocks in the
At 10 per cent of par value. Shares may be had for 10 cents
Natural Gas Discovered on Columbia River, near Afder Creek, Washington, and Castle Rock, Oregon.
TheColumbia River Development Company. Incorporated under the Laws of the State of Oregon. Capital JStock $1,500,000. i,5oo,ooo Shares, One
Dollar each. Absolutely non-assessable. No individual liability. Home office, ARLINGTON, OREGON.
jlh'6 mna8ment of the affairs of the company will at
jii times be conservative and progressive. Every dollar
jeaiized from the sale of stock will tie accounted for
i1lh .,gmmate expenses of operating the company
iDepaid The officers and directors of the company
" not draw any salary at present.
Shares Absolutely Non-Assessafcle
fiAte your shares non-assessable? Yes, made so by the
Kin? comPany. which forbid the board of di
irenl k ? mcu,r'ng one dollar of indebtedness. There
c bonds, no preferred stock, no debts.
Ri?"f.FleId Its Location and Indications
Eittern Wi a the banks of the Columbia River in
taaofsTt uton and 0re6n, win re thousand of
bumiQ "Seurush and bunch grass lands are awaiting
l! madeT development, a discovery of gas has
" vicinitu m n , " n year a8' In a dozen P,aces in
"AOmro er Creek Washington, and Castle
'Mhrouoh'.u ting 8as has been escaping for
'"'hours, n 1 sur,ace soil. The gas can be burned
1 "xturiiP-. ; n,lv recent'y some of the gas coming through
... . SOU hue Kah r , . , . l
""woroVohi ex-enent indications, Oil experts
PfosDect U y examined the ground and pronounced
,,ttsMrVhi.M y eod- We intend to d. ill sooo feet if
Wden.hAn indicaons about 1000 feet will be
',tloKipiirrn' money obtained will be used for de
l8ffd(!thr iieL Purchasing of additional machinery
rciil'ateati,S!ar exPenses. No expensive salaried
0tmDani t0 ,1,is organization. It is strictly a
fuat of stori,0irRaT?ized by hme capital. A limited
tents per sha" een PIaced on the market at ten
Drod y Q.evel0Ps nto a gusher or even into a
'SmTm?1. lt .wUl mean not only a bif profit 10
Will lire""
S,,' Sect,0- It will bring money i
g money into Umatilla
Arid lands, which at the present time produce very
scant crop1?, could b irrigated and thereby increase
their product tenfold bv having water pumped from the
Columbia river with tin help of gss and oil for fuel.
Think of the vast benefits to tins region. The test of oil
as a steam-producing fuel was made ars ago; it is noth
inn new; its value has been well established, and the only
thing needed to bring it into universal use was the dis
covery of an inexhaustible supply Oil fires a boiler
ithree and one-half times quicker than coal; has a greater
efficiency and cleanliness requires less room and is far
cheaper. Railroads, sit-amships and manufacturers,
commerce of every description finds greater saving pos
sible by the use of fuel oil,
Active Operations
One of the largest, modern standard drilling rigs has
been put into operation near the Washington side of the
Columbia river.
Our Drillers
Our drillers are old experienced men at the business,
and if there is any possible way of getting results, we are
positive that they will accomplish such ft is the univeral
opinion that the surface indications compare favorably
with any of the gs and oil fields in ihe United States.
Several experts who have investigated the discovery make
this report.
General Manager on the Field
Ross Beardslcy, our efficient Vice-President, and one
of the first discoverers of the gas, is in charge of (he
company's interests on tie drilling ground. A more en
thusiastic and earnest worker, tully alive to the interests
of all the stockholders, could not be found anywhere.
Fortunes in Oil
The wealth made aud to be made in the production and
marketing of oil is likewise so apparent that it is
almost needless to recite the figures and comparison. No
other proposition has ever supplied such riches as have
oil wells for the amount of time and money invested in
them. Oil is so easily handled alter a well is secured and
so short a time is needed before results can be obtained,
that it is the quickest dividend bearer- The Standard Oil
Company in 1897, 1808, 1899, 1900, 1901 and the first
part of 1902, have paid 202,000,000 in dividends.
Profits in Oil Stocks
The following list will give a fair idea ol some recent
independent profits in oil stocks:
Original Present
Price Price
New York Oil $0.50 $ 200,00
Union.. , 1.00 1,500.00
Kern River 1 00 26.00
Kern River Oil Co 1.09 3700
San Joaquin 50 16.00
Peerless 20 8.62
Thirty Three Oil Co 35 13-50
Hanford 3,00 118 00
What $100 Would Have Done in the Fore
going Stock
$ 100 invested in N. Y. O. made 3,900.00
$100 invested in Union 142,000,00
Jioo invested in Kern River 3,500.00
Jioo invested in Kern Oil Co 3.500.00
$100 invested in San Joaquin 1,50000
fioo invested in Peerless , 4,310 00
Jioo invested in Thirty-Three . . , 3i"33-33
100 invested in Hanford 3.79400
Officers and Directors
President: Geo. Conser, of First Nat'l Bank of Heppner
Secretary: Frank Graham, of Arlington.
Geo, Conser, Heppner, Oregon.
Ross Iieardsley, Arlington, Oregon.
W. H. Coldwell, Arlington Oregon.
M. McDonald, Arlington, Oregon.
Wm. Smith, Arlington, Oregon,
Chas, McCalister, Troutdale, Ore.
VV. A. Campbell, Condon.
James Carey, Prosser.
U. RAY. Local Representative, Office 120