East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 01, 1903, Image 2

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    Men's Clothing
Desirable Spring -Clothing for Men and Boys,
styles and materials the very best and patterns
the latest
Mon's fine worsted suits 10.00 and $12.50
Men's fancy worsted suits 13.50 and 15.00
Mon's vory finest suits 16.50 and 17.50
Boys' Clothing
Boys' two piece suits $1 50 to $3.00
Hovs three piece suits 2 00 to 5.00
Young Men's suits 4 00 to 12 00
J Every garment is guaranteed to give satisfaction
I Bae & Daley
i One-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers
Develop Stone Quarry.
Mrs. S W. Lcnch has bought two
lots adjoining on the westward tiio
lota whore Bho will build her sani
tarium, and Is having the ground
stripped to uncover the rock. Hor
Hrst purpose Is to develop a stone
quarry and uso the product In the
foundation of the now building, and
ln consequence of the recent Urltlsh
reverses In Somnllland It Is roported
ilim tin. ndvance of the Urltlsh ex
pedition has boon suspended Iniloll-
within the nast two years 1800
MormoiiR have settled In Grande
Itonde valley.
ft WWWWH'."WllWl V
Fill DAY, MAY 1, 1903.
Henr-Admlra! Schley Is ut Kl l'aso,
Texas, on a business trip.
Laborers at Fort Illloy, Kan., have
uncovered remains of Indians and
numerous other ioIIcb. ,
The testimony or Nelson and Pago
was stricken from the record in the
Amory-Weoland libel case In Now
"York yesterday.
Six store buildings In the central
part of tho Canadian Saulto Ste.
Marie woro destroyed by Are Wednes
day. Tho loss Is $100,000.
Guardians of Arapahoo-Choyenuo
Indians have been dismissed by Judge
Irwin, nt Outhrle. Indians, ho says,
cau take care of their own finances.
Edward Morrison, of Oalesburg, III.,
Tuesday, night, leveled a shotgun at
his lirotlior-ln-lnw, Frank Cronkhlte.
Morrison's wife jumped butween tho
men anil was killed.
The woman sent to Ilellovuo nsy
luni, Now York, from tho Fifth Ave
nue Hotel, under the name of Mrs.
nemo 1'iiir, nns iieun ruiuiiKuti. one i
strives to conceal Mur identity.
Benedetto Maducna's murderer Is
yet at large. Tho real Tomasso Petto
has fled tho- country. Tho man who
gave that as his name will have
charges filed ugaltiBt him by New
York authorities.
The Injunction Is dissolved which
prevented construction of the El Paso
dralnogo tunnel throiigh tho property
of tho (J race Arthur extension claim,
near Cripple Creek. Col. Operations
havo been resumed.
Chinese medals from tho Urltlsh
government havo been given soven
nialo nurses from the Mills Training
School, Now York, who saw service
on the hospital ship Maluo In Chinese
waters during the iloxur lebelliou .
Mrs. Mary Wright Sowall, of Indi
anapolis, president of tho Interna
tional Council of Women, has Issued
n call for the fourth minimi demon
stration of women in behalf of peaco
and International arbitration.
Matt Hunter, who' n year ago at
Mount Ayr, shot on,,; killed Homer
Holland, u college athlete of national
reputation, as the result of a dispute
over cards, was yesterday, at Osceola,
la., sentenced to '.T years In tho pen
itentiary. Professor II. I). Woodward, of Co
lumbia University, has been cunw
missioned by President Roosevelt to
distribute over 3,000 medals and di
plomas awarded exhibitors from tho
United States aud Cuba at tho Paris
Exposition of 1000.
Chnrles II. Friendly, n pioneer mer
chant of Portland died Thursday of
heart tallure.
Tho tenth annual meeting of the
Stato Dental Association will open nt
Portland May 2.
Astoria plumbors havo been grant
tidnn eight-hour day and u theatcned
atrlko was averted.
Contracts for 25 miles of the new
rullroad from Eagle City to Vnldcz.
Alaska, have been let.
The fruit crop In tin (Irnnt's Pass
district promises to bo tho largest
in tho history of the stnte.
W. O. Flier, assistant cnshlor of
the Northern Pacific nt Seattle. Is $1,
300 short In his accounts,
Within tho past month there has
been 105 desertions trom tho Mnro Is
land navy yards nt Vallojo, Cal.
Rose Coghlan, tho actress, has com
menced suit for dlvorco from her hus
band, lu tho district court at Butto.
John, tho 7-yenr-old son of Mr. nnu
Mrs. Oeorgo lllako ,of Dallas, was
killed Thursday in a runaway acci
dent. It Is expected that 200 delegates
will nttend tho stato federation of
labor nt la Ornndo noxt uionday.
May 4.
Ex-Qnvernor T. T. (leer, will deliver
tho annual nddross before tho Polk
county Pioneers Association, at Dal
las, on Juno C,
Aloxandor Walker, a farmer of
Medford, Ore., was accidentally shot
Thursday, by letting a rovolvor fall
from his pocket. Ho may recovor.
The cash balance on hand for tho
month of April In the Tacoma munici
pal treasury was $302,500.25 or $10o.
ooo more than for any preceding
inonm mis year.
Nino Japanese section men on the
'Bummer valloy rallwav nult work
.nimiwwy and will leave for Japan at
ww icae army in anticipation
Golden Rule.
F. L, Hammond, Tacoma.
J. J. Jicane, Moscow.
Irn Lahorty, Moscow,
S. II. Fry, Tho Dalles,
it. S. Otis, Kenton.
P. V. Wilson and wife. Chicago.
W. E. Rhodes, Rock Uaplds.
Ed Meney, Rock Rapids
Somors, Colfax.
llhmard, Colfax,
Ripley, Colfax.
Kline, Colfax.
Lawrence, Colfax.
Miller, Colfax.
Case, Colfax.
Rupol, Colfax.
West, Colfax.
Pattlson, Colfax. t
R. W. McPheo, Colfax. '
C. II. lliown, Colfax.
V. D. Smith and wife, Denver.
M. J. Mada, city.
Mick Carr, Sedra.
A. milliard, Kansas City.
P. It. Howard, Spokane.
A. O. Howard, Spokane.
John Kilkenny, city.
F. M. Mulkey, city.
J. H. Hnscall, city.
X. Houser, Echo.
1). E, Sexton and daughter, Kansas
Mrs. W. . ltobblns, Spokane.
Mrs. W. P. Wood, Spokane.
L. F. Wood. Spokane.
Mrs. Lulia Owens, linker Cltv,
E. D. Stlllmnn, city.
Airs. W. P. lienedlnt. Echo.
E. W. Rlner, Portland.
P. W. Mnyfleld, Chicago.
Mrs. Dreed, San Francisco.
. E. H. Burke, Portland.
Mrs. Baker .Mencham.
Slats Taylor, city, 1
Burt Dunn. Kansas City.
E. W. Helm, Knnsns City.
May Goodnight, Denver.
S. C. Ooodnlgbt, Denver.
J. L. Goodnight, Denver.
E. H. Fleming, Nebraska.
L. II. Fleming, Nebraska.
C. E. Fleming .Nebraska,
H, Westgreen, Princeton.
E. J. Regan, Culdesuc.
W. W. Peterson. Athenn.
W. A. Gllmore. Wnllu Wain.
R. A. Leeds, Spokane.
(J. D. Galley, Portland.
S. A. Frans. Spokane.
M. W. Smith, Spokane.
F. M. .Mnyfleld, San Francisco.
L. P. Hopkins, Salem.
T. M. Green. Walla Walfn.
55. Houser, Echo.
T. Castle, city.
"T .... i thuH nvohl buylnc rock and hauling u
'Wants Their Assistance In Making 'af Stance and up hill.
Complete Exhibit of Wild Flowers gI0U,j thoro not bo found building
Also Wants Grains and Grasses. rock on tho slope sho will build a
linpn tlinrf.nn.
to the pupils of the high school in
Miss Shuphard's roam this morning
on the Lewis and Clark fair. She
outlined what the board wished tho
school children of the stato to do to
help the fair and followed her re
marks on thai subject by a brief ac
count of her trip to Cuba shortly after
(lift filnCA r f iYin Qitntiluli mnr
snld In part:
"I am always glad to speak to tho
pupils of tho public schools for it is
not very long ago that I was sitting
In tho school room as a school girl. ;
It Is never too late to learn, and a ,
person Is never too old to go to i
school, though they may 1)0 nshamou j
to nttend and find so many youuger, (
who know so much more. ,
"I want to speak of the Importance
of the school children's Interest In
tho Lewis nnd Clark fair. Tho board
wants tho most completo exhibit of
wild flowers over gathered together
for any exhibition, A systematic clas
sification of tho flowers of tho East-;
em and of the Western parts of the
ntntn ntwl If wnlita tho anlinnl nltllilrnti '
to gather them. It also wants to col
lect all of the best examination pa
pers submitted from now until the
fair, for the school oxhllbt At Onin
hn, our school exhibit took tho gold
medal nnd was a great surprise to tho
Eastern teachers. At the close of
the fair the exhibit was loaned to
the Omaha schools, Tho board also
desires a collection of grains and
grasses, and It wants the farmer boys
of Eastern Oregon to bring In some
prize-winning sheafs of wheat and
other grains. A prize will bo given
to tho best sheaf or sheafors submit
ted." Continuing, .Mrs. Wethorred spoke
of her trip to Cuba. Sho said that it
was hard to realize a country so for
eign as Cuba to be so close to t'.c
United States. While tbore sho went
surf bathing on tho beach and the na
tives caught a man-eating shark from
tho beach.
The wreck of the .Maine was vlid-
bio as they passed, anil while ;!io
ships salted by all th sailors .Incd
the deck and stood with bowed heads,
tho ships hells being tolled tho while
in memory or tlio licrow sent so
treacherously to their deaths.
Cuba Is the worst place In which tc
eat In tho whole world, unless you
except tho railroad eating house at
La tlrnnile. Tlie coffee is like mo
While thoro Mrs. Wotlierrcc. had
much difficulty In making herself un
derstood to tho waiters aud Anally
got n fow pictures of eggs, beef, a pit-
cnor of milk and varlutis articles.
These she laid on the tnbio and tin-,
waiter tilled her orders by them.
Young Orators to Compete.
.Minneapolis, .Minn.. May I. There
will bo a free flow of college orntory
In Minneapolis tonight when tho
chosen representatives of leading edu
cational institutions of the Mfddlo
West will meet for tho annual contest
the Northern Oratorical Leaetio.
The league comprises the universities
Minnesota. Michigan. Wisconsin.
Iowa, Northwestern and Chicago and
Oberlln College. Each Institution has
sent Its chosen orator and tho con
test promises to bo one of the best in
the history of the league.
The only successful Harvester ever used
Robbed the Grave.
A startling Incident Is narrated
by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as
follows: "I was In an awful condi
tion. My skin was almost yellow.
eyes sunken, tongue coattd, pain con
tluually In back and sides, no annotito
growing weaker day bv day. Threo
physicians had given mo up. Then
I was ndvlacd to try Electric Bitters;
to my great joy. tho first bottln tnado
n decided Improvement. continued
their uso for tlireo weeks, nnd am
now a well man. I know they robbed
the grave of another victim." No
one should fall to try them. Only
CO cents, guaranteed nt Tlillmmi ft
Co.'s drug store.
Stock Farm for Sale.
Wo havo tho Jns. Lindsay farm,
near Alba for sale. It consists of 810
acres. 140 acres In timothy; more
than 200 acres In wild hay, which will
grow timothy. A portion will grow
wheat and barlov. bnlanro pasture;
abundance of water. All fenced;
good buildings.
Will sell in ono, two or three tracts.
Easy terms.
"Cnllrornln" Is not a western melo
drama filled with gnus and pistols,
but contains n beautiful story deal
ing with the truth and founded upon
icnson. It Is very easy to see why
It has been successful, ror It Is ruflned
and natural nnd duvoni or cheap son
snllonullsm. "California" Is a play
you will see again and again, for It Is
truo to life nnd Is produced with fi
wealtb or special scenery, superb
costuming nnd effects.
Miss Rao Bronson is one of the
features or "California"; with her
great beauty, dash, imperii vulco and
her splendid ability, you forget all
else but the enjoyment of (lie play.
"California" Is Indeed n great attrac
tion and It 1ms been n long time slrtco
we have enjoyed Its equal, and we
will hope next year to see It again
and with Miss Bronson In the east..
Goshen (Ind.) Tribune.
Skin Humours, Scalp Humours,
Hair Humours,
Whether Simple Scrofulous or
Speedily Cured by Guticura
Soap, Ointment and Pills,
When All Other Remedies and
Best Physicians Fail.
In the treatment of torturing, disfig
uring, itching, scaly, crusted, pimply,
blotchy and scrofulous humours of the
skill, scalp and blond, with los oflialr,
Cutlcura Soap, Ointment aud Pills have
been wonderfully successful. Even
tliomou olutlnatnof coiHtltutlon.il hu
mours, such as bad blood, scrofula, in
herited and contagious humours, with
loss of hair, glandular swellings, ulcer
ous patches In tho throat nnd mouth,
soro eyes, copper-colored blotches, as
well as bolls, carbuncles, scurvy, sties,
ulcers and pores arising from an Im
pure or Impoverished euudltlnn of the.
blood, yield to the Cutlcura Treatment,
when nil other remedies aud methods
And greater still, if possible, Is the
wonderful record of cures of torturing,
disfiguring humours among Infants and
children. The suffering which Outl
cura Soap and Ointment have alleviated
nmong the young, and tho comfort
they have afforded worn-out nnd wor
ried parents, havo led to their adoption
In countless homes as priceless cura
tives for tho skin ami blood. Infantile
anil birth humours, milk crust, scall
head, eczema, rashes nnd every form of
Itching, scaly, pimply skin aud scalp
humours, with loss of hair, of infancy
and childhood, aro speedily, perma
nently and economically cured when,
nil otherrembdles suitable for children,
and even the best'physiclaus, fall.
Out Soda
Is sizzling, nnd fizzing, tied
bubling 'with the
Acker's Dlood Elixir positively cures
Chronic Blood Poisoning nnd all
Scrofulous nffectlcfls. Af. p!1 ttr.oo n
matchless system tonic nnd nrlfir. I
atonoy rcmmied ir you aro dlisatls.
(led. 50c and $1.00 F. W. Schmidt
Co.. druggists.
None bnt the best quality of
materials aro used.
A Thoughtful Man.
M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind.,
know what to do In the hour of need.
Ills wife had such an unusual case
of stomach and liver trouble, nbvsl.
cinus could not help ber. Ho thought
of nnd tried Dr. King's Now Life Pills
and sho got relief at once and was
nnniiy cured. Only 25c at Tallmnii &
Co.'.s drug store.
Ten Dollars Reward,
A brown mare, shod all round, with
n white stripe In her faco nnd wonr-
ing a saddio with a coat tied on bo
bliid, hns fctrayed awav from tho vl.
unity of Gibbon station. Ten dollars
reward will be paid for tho return of
tho outfit to Henry Hill, Helix, Ore-gou.
Mokl Tea positively cures 8lck
Headacho, Indigestion and Constipa
tion. A delightful horb drink, no
moves all eruptions of the skin, pro
ducing, a perfect complexion or money
refunded. 25c and Etta. Writn
tortree sample, W. H. Hooker ft Co.,
Buffalo, N. y. P.'W.iBchraiat -ft Oo.,'
Onaway, Mich,, Is threatened
forest tires.
Enjoy Life
Out door exercise means
unproved health and a
sunny disposition.
All Kinds of Sporting
and Pleasure Goods
No matter what game or
pastime your fancy runs
to, you can get the
goods to promote it at
Book aad Stationery Store
Try uur
Mt. Hood
Sundae Only at
F. W. Schmidt's
Tho Reliable Druggist
I'ostoffire lllocW Wiotic Main kji
11000 buys 300x582 feet of sightly
building property, uorth side.
$850, two excellent building lota,
stoue wall uud sidewalk, V. Court,
$1600 buys three lots on north side;
corner aud good tv-room house.
$1200, corner lot, and cottage nearly
I3C50, four lots uud splendid real
uenre, a very cheap property.
I2C00. four aorea, edge of town.house.
barn, 200 fruit trees. '
$2250, 113 acres, 3 miles from town
N. J3., 88aoies In cultivation, 60 In
wheat, up nicely, 4-rooru house, good
350, a graded lot, stone wall, uorth
aide, east front, sightly location.
(10,000, half a section of choice farm
hiK land, crop Included.
These are entirely new offers, but 1
haveinany more and would like1 an
fpportunlty to talk them over with
..in nniMW .. .i.ii,, .la, j
THW TTnT.T ilni-u sntistactorv work on anv kind nl uj
xuu uuuj. tf j ....... v, .aim.
nnt nn fiviiprimrinr. mil uriicLiLiiii. us Limt: n.it; nrnvpn 1...1 .t
"u " --' ' f ... 1 , 1 " - v. , mm i;i
nilvi-rtisine the machine sets is from those who have urpiI it
: rTm.,f.-IU r,,,, I ;!,,. .1 , . '.
75 mummies in u3u in umutiwu vjuiiuij , uif,1""1 uidUKiii anal
est lifed harvester made. Sold by
Pendleton. Oregoj
5 01 i. -T..L..I n; r o . I
anarpies luuuiur vaivy weani separator
741 MAIN ST."
Boats thorn all for close skimming
and easy running, no disc or bowl
complications whatever
The uIoMwt skimming and ea-deut turn!
Separator yet produced, scout lug under then
adverse circumstances as rega'd to uiialltv.i
dition uud tcmpeiature. of the milk, res
heretofore considered impossi le. Itdelivel
smooth, frntliless, perfect cream that will chi
out more butter than can be obtained froiud
other Separator 111 existeu e. 1111 liethoroul
lv mid completely washed inside of liven
uten, as there are only three pieces to the lol
I ne Blmrplei Tubular machines are them
hhiuile nd durable made, mid can be mainti
ed ut a les cost for oil and renewal parts lid
nnv otner bepanuor on me uiaruer.
For catalogue, address:
T. C. TAYLOR, The Hardward Ml
I ne urana I runK uoia run
Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining District.
Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER
LODE system of veins and has for neigh
bors on th'tt vein such well known
mines as the NORTH POLE valued at
$10,000,000. The COLUMBIA valued at
$5,000,000. GOLCONDA valued at $3,
000,000. THE MONMOTH G. M. CO'S
BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,
000. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at
$5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $4V
000, and many others.
T!i8 5ranti Trunk Gold Mining mi MilfcO
Owns Its Property Consisting of 100 Acres of lilch Oold UearlnR Velj
It has no indebtedness of any character.
It has a conservative mining anil business management.
It is offering 50,000 shares of stock at 15: per share
It will become a dividend paver in a short time
It will nav von tn writ,, nc fnr F,,ll inrt.cnlari and to nil
careful investigation of its-merits.
It has the indorsement of mining men, busintss men a
bankers of Eastern Oregon.
Write us today and let us post you.
H. S. McCalkm & Company,
Minors, Brokorsand Flnanolal Agonts,
Or K. S. BRYS0N, Local Agent, Pendleton, Oregon.
3 Our Weekly Mining Letters on Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Min
nri.,.in, i'." .
1-ice on Application.
.H"lH-MH-4- -i l 1 1 I H -i t -H
Nicely mowed Lawns arc easily maintained. Take a
at our
Easy Running Lawn Mowers.
They are made on the correct principal. It's a pl"s"fp'
operate them. Let us supply you with GARDEN H0b&;
buuua ai iuwcai prices. : : : : 1
Thompson Hardware Co.,
62 1 Main Street
Headquarters for Fiahi
1 1 1 1 n