East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 01, 1903, Image 1

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    Hi! I l&ol 1
Eastern Oregon Weathct i
Tonight and Saturday fair; ;
light frost tonight.
NO. 4732.
UHT-rv " . . V
in Many Cities in
and Europe ue-
Itieir Bights.
..icnt AND
y woi""-""
L strike In New York
, Celebrate In rmany
. ,i. f nnlldlna Op-
, Spokane.
, Ust l.-Only two strihea
, nrrii-reil hero to-
IMCe e
U the Peering Harvester
.... ..w hv the laundry
rlQ yip uwvt
lkm thousand laundry
' . . ill n.nrntnir tfl
l Knt out mis n
Lf demands for a 10 per
L. in mM. All till! his
U tied up. The harvester
unites to bo serum u.v
Outside ol meso iwu ouiu
Msud persons are out In
taber ot launnrymen imi
ipon Chinese and a few hand
k for clean wieu. it a
nil o.vw.uvv iji'.v.vd wi - .
fh the bins and tubs at tho
j -in.... ei,irnnnfl
riis Harvester worliB, hut
FTioience. a guaru ui vu
j b being kept In readiness
J nouns.
i rifl.i.r. In Nfw York.
Turk, May 1. Four thousand
nrers uruiK luuajr iui an .-
i pay and a 10-honr day. Tho
..1 ..!).. tin nt.ln.fnfln
.1 I i'.I . V. I ... ,
a U7 seweiiieni mitt uimii-
Wlodilirtt In Rome.
i jhj 1, The socialists have
pests to an workingmen
ie Mav day by stopping
ii I result. 10.000 nnllrn nml
in being held in readiness
1117 demonstration.
In Boston.
L HIT '1 About inn mnn
Its Boiton and vicinity today,
1 w iatners, aspnaitors,
1 Iron men, hoisting engin-
1 ana carpenters. Tho
I Ud Shinhnrlilors TPnrin.
Mrttment thus averting a
Tie-Up at Spokane.
pan. May 1, Mill work-
Iter VftrVpra tinll.lln l-i
-.-...v.w, uuuuill iuuui
Kfinnpra J .1.1.1 a-
W went out on strllce this
r .nuiier nonrs -or tncrens-
IR It Bill lnn.1.. .k.
Urt Ma-iin .11 v..n.3i .
In. i "uuuiug opera
nt breweries acceded to the
F Celebrate i Germany.
Mil thrmi.hn.u n
5 W will be hold this
0ut in Qlasgow.
W, Mlv 1 m.
lUit mLh, "e cnetneers'
- -o .a ov u Hinnu-
tS? V l.-The struct,,-
i te, dv . LD0 retuniul1 10
ineacaL5 un the eight-
ei UZr. Pn conducted
tn!,Cinf3p red w1nes.
iNht ..fwr news
ea7i;,e.so,rvo In hl.
A7 0 pa"or-
Wte LA., general
1ZLA11 afflll-
.7 thii l:u '"""sand la-
r w.rs aDfl wots.
f.fe...aF open!
K9 ot ."ne- Tny
fcC" Wall
Wr2Lllll respond
'.fi 'ne.han-
llctlon." B loast
, iv',lWhZY'"Iw8paper8
k. V.'Ur u0n
!f HiUiJr R .Chartfir.
Second Day Devoted to Foreign Rep
resentatives. St. Louis, May 1. Tho second day
of tho dedicatory program ot tho
Louisiana Purchase Exposition was
given over to tho foreign representa
tives and though tho exercises ap
pealed to the genornl public less than
tho brilliant pageantry of yesterday
they wero none tho less Interesting.
At 10 o'clock this morning tho mem
bers of the diplomatic corps, tho for
eign representatives and other official
guests assembled at the St. Louts
Club nnd wore conducted thence un
der military escort to the Liberal
Arts building whore tho exercises of
tho day woro held.
Former Senator John M, Thurston
of tho national commission was In
charge oC tho exercises and delivered
n brief introductory address. Presi
dent Francis, of tho exposition, fol
lowed with an addross of welcome to
tho foreign representatives for whom
response was made by M. Jusserand,
tho French ambassador at Washing,
ton. There wns also a formal address
by the Spanish minister and brier re
marks by several of hto other diplo
mats. Tho speeches woro lnterspors
ed with musical selections and nt tho.
close of tho program there was a cen
tennial salute of ion guns.
He Refuses to Produce Before Inter
state Commerce Commission Agree
ments Showing Methods of Hie
New York. May 1. The United
Stntes circuit court will bo asked to
punish Uaer and his associates for
refusing to produce before the Inter
state commerce commission the pa
pers showing tho agreements and
methods of tho coal carrying roads.
Attorney Shearn, representing
Hearst, today announced his Inten
tion of appealing to the federal
courts. t His- application for Bacr's
punishment will bo strenuously opposed.
Tremendous Reception Addresses G. A. R. Convention and
Cornerstone Laying at Topeka.
Sister of Catholic Priest at Lorain,
0 Has Her Head Crushed.
Lorain, O., May 1. Agatha Reich
Hn, a sister of a Catholic priest, was
murdered in hor room early this
morning by a robber who crushed her
head with a stone. Father Relchlin
Ii out of tho city. Father Wallace,
another priest occupying tho house,
aroused by tho noise, rushed Into tho
room nnd tho robber fled.
Political Riot Occurs Because the
Ministerial Candidates Were De
clared Elected.
Madrid, May 1. A political riot oc
curred In the flesto last night because
of tho proclamation that the minister
ial candidates had been elected to
parliament oven though the liberals
hnd a majority of votes. Tho liber
als charged tho officials who In self
defense ordered the gendarmes to
fire. Thirteen liberals wero killed nnd
many wore seriously wounded.
Last Rites Over the Body of Charles
Konasek Largely Attended.
Genry KImbrell, Fred Earle and Wil
was held at 10 o'clock this morning
from tho Cntholic church, Father
Ncato conducting the services. The
casket was borne to the church by
Charles Bond, Lester Cronln, Robert
Cronln, Fred Mllno, Fred Hartmnn,
Gerry IClmbal, Fred Earle and Wil
lie Hessian, eight young friends of
tho deceased who acted as pallbear
ers. Father Neato delivered a very
comforting and Impressive sermon,
and at its conclusion tho cortege Died
to 'the cemotory, whero short services
were held nt tho graveside. Here a
quartet, composed of C. Williams,
Dell McCarty, Willie Bond and Fred
Hartman, rendered "Nearer My God
to Thee." Tho freshman class of the
high school, of which Charles was a
member, attended the services in a
J0dy, and the floral tributes they sent
were beautiful as were the many of
ferings of esteem sent from a large
number of sympathizing friends and
VHealthy American Kidnapped In
Mexico fop a Ransom.
Tucson, May 1. Colonel Mnrtin
Errlcson, tho well-known American
mining man nnd capitalist, has been
captured and held for ransom by the
Ynquis of Sonora, Mexico. They de
mand ?500,000 and limit payment to
10 dayB. Tho Mexican minister of
war, who Is a porsonal friend of Er
rlcson, has ordered out all tho avail
able military to the rescue. Erricson
Is a millionaire. The Mexican author
ities say ho will bo oxocutcd unless
the ransom la paid.
Kansas City, Mo., May 1. President
Roosevelt arrived In Knnsr.s City
from St. Louis early this morning
and received an ovation similar to
the rousing welcome that have been
accorded him everywhere on his pres
ent trip. Despito his iron constitu
tion the president was slightly In
clined to have that tired feeling after
tho busy time at St. Louis yesterday,
but, as he remarked, tho enthusiastic
demonstration upon his arrival here
was enough to make anyone forget fa
tigue. The program of the forenoon
comprised an informal reception of
prominent citizens, a luncheon at the
Boomdeay hotel under the auspices
of the Commercial club and then a
parado to Kansas City, Kan., where
two hours were spent prior to the de
parturo for Topeka at 4 o'clock this
afternoon. The president's escort in
cluded regulars and state militia.
West street, Broadway, Bluff street
and other thoroughfares through
which the parade passed were elabor
ately decorated and tho sidewalks all
along the line were crowded with
cheering spectators. At the state
lino the distinguished visitor was
handed over to the Kansas officials
and there was a parade similar to
that held on this sldo of tho river.
The departure from Kansas City, Kan,,
was made from tho Arraourdnlo sta
tion where an enthusiastic multitude
assembled to give a farewell cheer.
Program at Topeka.
Topeka, Kan., May 1. President
Roosevelt Is scheduled to reach To
peka at 6 o'clock this evening and
will remain In the city 12 hours. Dur
ing that time he will mako two ad
dresses, the principal one at tho au
ditorium this evening at the interna
tional convention ot the Young Men's
Christian Association.
Tho Topeka City Troop will meet
tho president nt tho Santa Fe depot.
Between two lines ot tho mounted
troopers the president will cross the
street from tho depot to tho new Y.
M. C. A. building, whore he will offi
ciate at the laying of the corner
stnno and deliver a brief address. A
dinner at tho executive mansion wHl
follow. This will ho an opportunity
for the president to meet tho state
officials, members ot congress anil
other prominent men of Kansas, more
than 100 of whom have been invited
by Governor Bailey to attend' the din
nor. In tho evening tho president will
visit the auditorium and address the
Y M. C. A. convention.
The parade started at the west end
of Main street, 'with tho old band
leading, followed by 28 little girls and
tho May qneen. Immediately follow
ing them wero the children of the
public schools, carrying floral
wreaths and banners. Next in line
marched the Boys' band, closely fol
lowed by the little tots from the
agency schools, all in uniform, whose
appearance waB greeted all down the
line by applause. The parade was
concluded by citizens in carriages and
on foot. The procession defiled from
Main to Court and thence to the court
house, where upon the steps in front
of the building, the May Queen, Miss
Lavclle Florence, was crowned.
Twenty-eight little girls gowned in
white nnd crowned with apple blos
mtos, the court ot the queen lined
tho steps and porch.
After a selection by the old band,
tho little girls gave the May pole
dance. At the conclusion of the
dance the vast throng gathered on the
green united in that grand old na
tional anthem, "The Star Spangled
Then Mayor Thomas G. Halley
spoke. He said in part:
"Friends and fellow citizens: 1
wnnt to congratulate you on the suc
cess of this our first May dny cele
bration. If our president wero hero
I nm sure he would withdraw his
i ace suicide theory and know that
Pendleton and Umatilla county Is
progressing in the effort toward good
citizenship. i
"Yesterday the president spoke on
tho question of American citizenship.
At that time he used these words:
" .ow in 1903, in the altered con-1
dltlons, wo must meet the changed
and changing problems with the spirit I
shown by the men who in 1S03 and
In the subsequent years gained, ex-
plorcd, conquered and settled this
vast territory, then a desert, now
filled with thriving and populous
" 'The old days wero great because
the men who lived in them had
mighty qualities; and we must mako
the new days great by showing these
same qualities. We must insist upon
courage and resolution, upon hard!
hood, tenacity and fertility in re
source; we must insist upon the
strong virile virtues; and wo must
insist no less upon the virtues of self-
restraint, self-mastery, regard for tho
rights of others; we must show our
abhorrence of cruelty, brutality and
corruption, in public and in private
life alike. If wo come short In any
of these qualities we shall measura
bly fall; and if, as J believe wo surely
Khnll. we develop these qualities in
the futuro to an even greater degreo
than in the past, then in the century
now beginning we shall mako ot this
republic the freest and most orderly.
tho most Just and the most mighty
nation which Iwb ever como forth
from the womb ot time.'
"While I disagree on the race sul
clde question, I agree with what ho
said In these words: 'That sentiment
it seems to me, should be taught in
every public and private school and in
every church In the land.
" 'That sentiment should havo its
Inception in the homo and tho schools.
Let our life bo as puro as tho white
robes of the children hero. Iet us go
homo and mako our homo so pure,
our lives so Just that our country
will stand tho greatest and grandest
monument that, as our president has
no aptly said, 'ever sprang from the
womb ot time.' I thank you."
At the conclusion of tho address
the crowd dispersed, most of them
going to tho ball game, between Col
fax and Pendleton teams.
Joseph Hubbard Will Reopen Hit
Store In a Few Days Trout Fish-
Ing Now Excellent.
McKay. May 1. George Adams will
begin shearing 2,600 sheep tomorrow.
William Wynn will begin shearing
on tho -ith. Ho will this year shear
3,000 head.
Joseph Hubbard, tho McKay creek
merchant, will reopen his store In
about a week or 10 days. Tho now
building has been practically finished
for about a month, during which tlnui
tho postoffl.ee has been open in It, but
tho condition of the roods lms mnde
freighting so difficult thnt tho store
has not been stocked up. Mr, Hub
bard will begin shearing his 2,000
sheep about the 6th.
Tho seeding for spring crops is lln-j
lshed in tho mountain districts.
D. Bowman last year planted as an
experiment 12 acres of nlfalfn on high
mountain land on his farm. It was
tho first mountain alfalfa In this part
of tho country. Tho stand secured
was so thick and vigorous ns to In
dicate that tho experiment win ho
very successful and this spring Mr.
Bowman will plant 70 moro acres to
alfalfa. Some of his neighbors will
follow suit.
Quito n number ot newcomers havo
como Into this neighborhood and lo
cated on land lately.
Trout fishing is now flno on upper
McKay, and largo numbers of llsh
from seven to 16 Inches are being
caught every day.
superintendent Nowlln wns visit
ing tho schools of upper McKay this
Miss Ella Wall, who Is teaching an
excellent school, will enter tho Wes
ton normal upon Its completion.
Pleasant Armstrong Has Been Grant
ed a Respite.
Salem, May 1. A certificate stay
Ing tho execution of Pleasant Arm
strong, convicted nnd sentenced to
hang on May 8 for tho murder of Miss
Mlnnlo Enslingcr on ChrlstmnB night,
1902, was signed today by Judge
Bean, of tho supremo court of Oregon.
Portland Has Another Disas
trous blaze On the Water
Front This Morning.
It Is the Twentieth Supposed Incendi
ary Fire In the Past 30 Days Lots
Will Amount to Over $260,000 Two
Men Killed by Explosion of Boiler
Sixty Employes Missing.
Portland. Ore.. May L 10 a m..
Tho cntlro lumber district along tho
wntcr front Is burning. Six lumber
mills, sovornl factories, nnd a num.
her ot dwellings have bee,, destroyed.
The Immense tanks or the Standard
Oil Compnny am threatened, A holl
er exploded nnd two are reported kill
ed and threo fntnlly Injured, una ,s
tho twentieth Incendiary lire within
tho past 30 days.
Many Men Missing.
The loss will reach a total of $2t0,-
000. Tho lnaurancu is $00,000. Sixty
employes fighting tho lire, cut off by
a sudden burst of Unities, were scon
to iunii) on tho logs unilerneatho anil
dlsnppoar In tho smoke. They are
still missing.
Ardltl Dead.
London, May 1. Lulgi Ardltl, tho
famous composer and director, died
at Brighton today, aged 80. Ho was
well known in America, whero in tho
larger cities for a number ot yonrs,
ho was director.
Flrat Installment of Wool.
, Tho first installment of wool from
'ho Garrison-La Fontaine ranch was
hrought to tho city today. It con
istod of ,62 sacks, or five wagonloads,
"'lid was Btorod for tho present Jn the
Furnish warehouao. .
Paris, May L lf one did not under
stand tho Frenrh national character
the rousing welcome accorded King
Edward upon his arrival in Paris to
day would seem moro than passing
strange. In fact, even to the initiat
ed it Is somewhat of a surprise to
see the head ot the English nation
greeted with enthusiasm apparently
so genuine when the extreme pro
Boer attitude of the French during tho
rocent South African war is recalled.
But recent moves on the European
chessboard have thrown England and
Franco closer together and the wel
come of King Edward is merely a
method chosen by Franco to empha
size this friendly understanding. Then
again international politics aside.
King Edwdrd has always been ono of
tho most popular visitors to Paris.
In his younger days, when Prince of
Wales, ho made frequent visits to the
French capital and his democratic
ways and good fellowship, to use a
slang phrase, "made a hit" with the
Parisians. .
So It Is when tho special train
bearing his majesty and his suite ar
rived at tho Lyons railway station
late this afternoon a cordial wolcome
nwnueu mem. ju - -
greeted by officials of state and a mil.
ttary escort conducted the party to
:. ....i.,,. 1.. .,ilira 1,1a mnff'ft'
UIO UnilBlI uiiiijudoj wuwv ..."
tv will stay during the next two days.
His majesty found the streets lavish
ly decorated In Ills honor and In the
shop windows everywhere wero dis
played his portrait. At tho top of the
Rue de la Palx, near tho Palace do
l'Operlo, there was a magnificent tri
umphal arch covered with French and
English flags and trophies. At tho
lower end of tho Ruo Castlgllone there
was a similar arch and tho Interme
diate thoroughfares were tastefully
decorated with flags and bunting and
long rows of posts strung with col
ored electric lights,
The king Is to remain In Paris until
Monday morning. Tho program pro
vided for his entertainment is as
elaborate as that propared for the
entertainment of Franco's itrong ally,
the czar, on the occasion of bis visit
to Paris a year ago. Tomorrow will
be the big day and in honor of tho
occasion of his visit many large firms
have declared a general holiday for
their employes. The program com
prises a review at Vlncenncs of 12,000
troops of tho garrison of Paris, and in
tho afternoon thero will ho a special
race meeting at Loogchanips, in which
crack horses will ho ridden by Amer
ican Jockeys, including Nash Turner,
O'Connor. Alclntyre and Jay Rausch,
At the Theater Francalse all tho best
comediennes will appear, and with
Jules Claretlo at he head will wel
come the king in tho historic green
room. A gala performance at the
opera will begin with the singing of
"God Save the King," the American
soprano. Miss Bessie Abbott, taking
a prominent part. The performance
will lncludo the coronation march,
comjiosed for King Edward's acces
sion by Saint Saens. the third act of
La Statue, the trio of Faust and the
superb ballot from 1) Cld.
Labor Leaders Declare That the
Tendency Toward Municipal Own
ershlp Is Driving Capital to Strike
Death Blow at Unionism.
Chicago, May 1. Tho startling
charges against capitalists and trusts
officially made bofore tho local fed
crutlon of labor, bus been given
weight by tho appointment of a com
mittee un piopagunua, to organize
labor so it can mako war on the ai
leged gigantic conspiracy to wreck
labor unions. Responsibility for tills
conspiracy Is laid at the doors of
Morgan. Rockeroiier and other mum
millionaire.. Tho substance of tho
charges is lhat Wall street Is alarmed
'n .I... lnwin.lu lir.ttirr mmlii Inmll utfirl?
j civitlcmls of corporations, through
out America ny mo uumumis oi iuur
and also ljy the ahrinungo or values.
Tho plan, according to Lnhor Lead
or Dietrich, is to shut out union labor,
cause a depreciation of stock values,
buy in at depreciated figures, anil nt
the snmo time deal u death blow to
unionism. Dietrich says the initia
tory step In to freozo out tho union
harvester plants, which havo macnin
ery enough in their warehouses to
supply tho demand for tho next six
months. Ho claims tho Dccring trnu
bio is duo lo this cause,
Lifeless Body of James MeMahon
Found in Vestibule of His Home,
Covered With Wounds.
New York. May 1. Tho lifeless
I body of James MeMahon, a wealthy
I retired contractor, and a member of
tho executive committee or Tammany
Hall, was found In tho vcstlbulo of
his home this morning by a milk
boy. Tho head and upper part of the
body wero covered with wounds and
bruises. Thero are a number of the
ories for tho murder. Tho police
say the wounds may have boon made
by a burglar's Jimmy, Blood all over
tho walls and hallways shows that ho
made a desperate fight for hU life.
All suspicious characters In tho
city aro being arrested although the
police believe the man entered tho
houso for a purposo other than rob
bery, A brother-in-law with whom ho
boarded, Is said to have stated that
lio heard a woman's voice In tho vcs
tlbulo early this rooming. Somo offi
cers have tho theory that tho murder
was done by a woman aided by ono
man or moro. Tho only clue tho po
lice have is somo bloody foot prints
extending from tho houso.
Frank Richmond Loses $5,000 by a Pe
culiar Turn of Fortune.
A peculiar Incldont nt tho fire which
practically wiped out Alto, Monday
afternoon, was tho burning of B.000
bushels of bnrloy stored In ono of tho
destroyed warehouses, belonging to
Frank Richmond, a well-known Walla
Wnlln county fnrmer, says the Walla
Walla Statesman.
Two hours previous to tho tlmo tho
fire hroko out tho lnsuranco on tho
grain expired. Mr. Richmond wns in
Walla Wnlln thnt day for tho purpose
of selling tho grain, and when tho
(Inn with whom tho insurance had
been plnced .called his attention to
the fact thnt tho policy oxplrod at
noon, Mr, Richmond replied that he
intended lo sell immediately and did
not enro to renew tho lnsuranco. At
2:30 o'clock tho flro wns discovered,
a'ld In an hour Mr. Richmond's harloy
had boon destroyed, Tho loss wns
nearly Jfi.OOO,
An cstlmato of the dnmngo done by
tho blazo Is closo ,o tho original fig
ure of $20,000. Tho only building loft
standing at tho station is tho Farm
ers' warehouse, which stood Rome iIIb
tnnco nwny from tho burned build
ings. Tho O. R. & N. will probably
'iiiilfirn tlm burned depot with n hot
ter building and tlm Pacific Coast El
("vator Company will also replace
their buildings before tho now crop
comes in.
Thrown From His Horse at Review
This Morning and Taken to Hospi
tal Unconscious.
Wnlln Wallu. .May L Whllo tho
troops were at ruvlew on tho parado
ground at Fort Walla Walla this
morning, Lleutennnt Dnvls of tho 30th
battery, fluid nrtlllory, wus knockod
off his hnrso by a caisson running In
to the anlmul and was severely bruis
ed about tho head and shouldoru,
Tlm shock rendered him uncon
scious for it tlmo and ho wag taken
to the post hoBpltul on a stretcher
and given Immediate medical atten
tion Tho Injuries consist of a badly
cut forehead nnd bruises about the
shoiildors. No bones woro brokon.
The lieutenant was riding rathor a
fractious horso and In making a turn
tho caisson ran Into It, causing tho
animal to plunge suddenly, throwing
the rider to tho ground.
, Tho Pentateuch, written in Samar
t ltan characters on gazelle parchment;
ana uuieu in we year no ot
or A, J, 735, w ,Ji
Quotations Furnished by Cos Commis
sion Company F ,W. Boulter, Local
Manager, 120 Court 8treet,
Minneapolis, May 1. Wheat Influ
enced by slightly higher cables and
light recolpts, opened a fraction above
Inst night's closo. Weather condi
tions show a slight change for the
bettor in the winter wheat belt, but
aro still unfavorable for spring wheat.
Moro rain Is predicted for most of
tliu spring wheat states the noxt 21
hours, which will further delay seed
ing operations, which aro not quite
completed. A cubic from Argentine
says: "Complains of damago by rain
and farm work being delayod," Wo
fall to see anything bearish in the
situation, whllo on tho other band
thero Is much to encourage tho hold
er of wheat,
Chicago, May 1.
vyneat opened, uiosoti.;
July 716