Ml fi. m I i i tm M m 1 1 n hum twww-n Men's Clothing Desirable Spring Clothing for Men and Boys, styles and materials the very best and patterns the latest Men's fine worsted Emits $10.00 and $12-50 Mon'sfsinnv worsted suits 13.50 and 15.00 Men's vory finest suits 16.50 and 17.50 Boys' Clothing j Boys' two piece suits $1.50 to $3.00 J Boys' three piece suits 2.00 to 5.00 1 I Young Men's suits 4 00 to 12 00 J Every garment is guaranteed to give satisfaction t Bae & Daley ! ; One-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers ; 4iu i ii i i"H' 1 1 1 1 t v 1 1 1 mum it fir 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tmH-mttt FIRST LEAGUE GiEi DISTRIBUTING ALFALFA SEED. THURSDAY, AI'KIh 30, 1903. GENERAL NEWS. Ill bulk, the world's product of po tatoes equal that of-wheat mid corn comlilned. Joseph I.ygunl Ims nought the Ju mul properties, on tlio upper end of Mnnhnttnn Islnnd, for $2i),nOO,nO(). Three Modes, practically the entire business portion of Melbourne, In., was destroyed by lire Tuesday. The loss Is $13,000. The supreme court has been asked for an order to compel A. J. Morunne, the French witness In the Var will case, to answer questions, While wrestling with n friend at his home In I'nmfrot, Conn., Albort roterson. nf?ed 10 joins, was thrown In such a way that his neck was broken. Worn out by watching at her bus- O. R. & N. Sending Out Packages of Seed for Experiments on Dry Land. Tho O. It. & N., through K. II. Mil ler, general freight agent, and R. C. Judson, Industrial agent, Is sending out about 100 packages of nlfalfa seed lo various points In tho dry region of the Inland Empire, for tho purpose of having experiments made upon the driest soil to be found. Each package contains enough seed to plant about 15 feet square and ex plicit Instructions for propnrlng the ground and cultivating tho plants nre sent with each. While this small amount of seed mny scorn Insignificant, yet the O. It. & N., through this method, pursued by the Industrial department for a period or live or six years, has dem onstrated thnt alfalfa can be grown successfully on land that la now con- slilored unlit for agricultural pur poses. At Coyote station, In Morrow coun ty, tho company has just planted 15 ncres of alfalfa, which will bo care fully and scientifically cultivated with a view to thoroughly testing the producing capacity of the sandy soil COLFAX AND PENDLE , TON LINE UP TODAY. i Four Additional Players Secured Most of the Boys on Home Team ! Have Been With North Yakima. Tho first baseball game of the , league schedule was played this nftor-, noon. The game was sceuuiun iui 3:30 and nil the locnl fans hope for victory. The line-up of tho local team has not been definitely settled as yet, though tho management hns se cured tho services of four men addi tional to tho list published last ovci. lug. The new men are Clarence and Claude Pcnlaml, Babe Drown and Gey, Marquis. All tho men arc corlnln to bo hore with the exception of Mar quis, and It Is expected that he will arrive on time. He will be hore for tomorrow's game sure. Tho personnel or the Colfax team and their positions Is given below: West, ss; Cline 3b; Ilernnd, lb: Ripley, If; Millor, lib: Lawrence, cf ; Rupel, rf; Case, cntcher and Somers pitcher and captain. Dr. McPhcc Is the manager of the team nnd hopes great things from his colts. While they have not been to gether long and their team work Is somewhat ragged, he expects them to give a good account of themselves In today's gnmo. The majority of the Pendleton team hns been with North Ynkimn since the opening of the season and nro In fit condition for the game. Of course, they have had no work In tho places they will play' hero and what they can do Is problematical. However, they are nil good men and will quickly slip Into their plnces. Tho band will give tho two teams n sendoff before tho game today. A big crowd Is expected to see the opening game of the season, CLIMATE AND CROPS. Weekly Crop Bulletin for the Oreqon Section of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture. Portland. April 30,-Tlie wither .luring the past week has been fa or able to all crops, except that mor . rain Is ceded In tho Oraml Hondo val ley, nd In tho stock cm mtry east of soil busy and the IN THE STREET. linn's sick lied Airs S. N. llrowne. of East Orange, N. J., went Insane. ; in thnt locality. She was taken to the sanitarium and I R. G. Judbon, of the industrial de there took Iaudnnum nnd died. I partment, has conducted some sue- Twenty people gathered about tho , ?esfl" experiments with grasses nnd coffin or Airs. Martin Myerholter at forage p ants at different points Chicago Mont-ay afternoon were pre- n,loE tho line or the O. It. & N. with cipltnted Into tho cellar with the tho ,rt'811" ""H many farmers ami corpse by the giving nwny of tb- Btoeknion Imvo been enlightened on floor. Seven were Injured. , tl,",si,bJ,'ic1l;,0,r Bowing grasses on the 1 arid foothill lands of Eastern Oregon. President Roosovelt will lay the cor- , The experiments being made by the nersione lor a i. m. u. a. iiuhuiiib m company are watched with deon in- Tonoka, Kan., during the session of the International Convention of tho Railroad Y. M. C. A., April 3il to May 3, in that city. Great Britain lias tho following ships In course of construction: Elev en battleships, 10 armored crulsoru, two second and four third-class cruis ers, rour scouts, two sloops, 10 de forest by those who hope for tho final reclamation of the Eastern Oregon deserts, .STATn of oiiio, i . CITY OF TOLEDO, )m MICAS COUNTY, ) Prank .1. Cheney mnkre oath thnt 1i Is I the senior partner ot the Arm of F. J. I Clienej Co., doing business In the city of vn, vuiiiuj ttuii otitic niutrsuiu, nuu stroyers, 1S torpedo boats and three , that said Arm will pay tno sun of One submarines. Hundred Dollars for each and erery case , of Catarrh that cannot fw cured by the Olovauna llav.ile has asked n New use of Halt's Catnrrh Cure. York nmglstrnto for permission to ' Sworn to before me and snbserlbed In carry a revolver. Ills life has been ! J ft" n,n ot lober. A. threatened for cnuslng the orient of "(SeaU A. W, OI.KASOX, llvo Italians, who, ho says, attempted Notary Public. to extort monov lor defonso of nrteon- ?" V?"" "ire .M internaii) rs In the Mndueiia murder case. At the session of tho International Oood Roads convention Wednesduy. General Miles and William Jennings llrynn both spoke upon tho subject of national highways, contending thnt government nld should be given such in project. end acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces nf tho system. Rend fo? testi monials free. F. J. CIinNF.Y A CO., Toledo, O Hold by all druswtata, TBc. Hall's Family 1'llls are the best City Is In Need of a Location for the Hose House on North Side. The North Pendleton hose house has no place whereon to rest Its ever changing foundation. The owners of the lol at the corner or Jackson and Perkins stieets wnnt their ground, and the owners of the other deslrnblo locations In thnt vicinity do not like to lease their property. Tho city doesn't jump at the chances or any real estate Investment and is loath to rent. In the mean time tho host' house is up against It. It can't stand where it Is, nnd It litis no place to go. The committee hnv ing chnrge of the matter had a happy thought, however, and have decided to move the homeless edifice out Into the street and let It stand "until fur ther notice." There Is one location nvnlloble, tho eld cemetery ground, but that Is too tar down the hill la suit the- fire lad dies. They wnnt the cart to be nt the top or tho hill. Then they couM break the tecord going to fires. On tho leturn tfme would cut nrf Ire. The owners or the high land want prices in proportion to the aftltude of tholr property, nnd' so the matter stands. Tho house, an has been stated', also stands or wllT stand In the street. Anyway, It is hotter there, for the firemen can find It easier in the dark. r"nslo mountains, i uv ..icnit- nml farmers nro plowing summer fallow and propnr lug tho land for corn, potatoes nml cartlons Late reports regarding tho damage to nlfalfa In Baker nnd Mnlhcnr coun ties, nie to tho effect that It Is not as great us at first thought. The dam age Is confined to tho bottom lands while alfalfa on high lands has not siiffeied any Injury. Previous reports ns to damage to early varieties ot HUlt In the southern sections ot the state are confirmed, but apples and late varieties of peaches nnd pears promise a full crop. Strawberry vines in the Hoou ..u.r... .Uatrint nre liuciiinine to uiu- cum nnd tho vines are healthy ni-niiilslnc. Fruit of all kinds In Willamette vnley and the const coun ties Is now in full bloom, and In gen oral, fruit prospects are coiihldercil to be exceptionally good. Wheat, both fall and spring, has made excellout advancement and there remains hut little seeding to be done. Pnstures have Improved greatly and stock is rapidly being turned out on the summer ranges. Sheep shearing Is general, and the lew reports receiv ed Indicate that the clip will be he low the nvorago. Tho Increase ot lambs Is unusually smnll, Columbia River Valley. Ilidcewav, Wa3co county, M. U'Ren Rain and" cloudy weather first of the week; needing nil done; spring and fr.1' sown jrnln doing well; cherries, peaches and plums In bloom; weather too cold for gardens to do well. Grass Valley, Sherman county, H. W. Wilcox Warm nil wit; nearly nil of the spring seeding done; fall grain bus commenced to show green; a fine rain Tuesday which will cause spring crops to rmne up nt once. Arlington. Gilliam county, U. H Robinson. All kinds of grain, fruits and vegetables doing nicely, light showers the past week have beeiv ben eficial: spring plowing done. Lexington. .Morrow county, Edwin I! Ileni'h. The week was warm, with a light shower; vegetation of nil kinds . J has pushed rapidly; potatoes cuming up; fruit blossoms nppearing in great profusion; weeds getting rank, nnd I J the grain shooting up; prospects In ( 4 general are now good. Helix. Umatilla county. S". L. Isaac WenthPr eiy l ivoinble for growing crops, all have mndo marked Improvi ment; rnll sown crops, particularly, n.ttke a fine allowing; spring sown, somewhat late, but healthy; gardens backward; farm work progressing rapidly. Plateau Region. Smumcrvllle, Union county, C Coll. Days bright and warm; nlglitn tros ty; 110 damage has resulted; early, trult ready to blossom; mil grain stoollng nfcely; plowing In progress" nnd ground plows up well; grass im litnving and range stock doing well; gardening commenced. The World-Famous PASSION PLAY . . . And many other beautiful and historic scenes will begiven at Opera House, April 30, the Redeemer. The Passion Play of Oberammergau will accompanied !y approunnc man mucin, ana vocal tnuJ The Fleming Company who manage mis vuascope EntettJ ment have one ot ttic uesi moving picture entertainments tj shown in this city. In addition to the Passion Play there J he many other interesting scenes presented. Admission 35c, Children 1; First Three Rows Reserved lor School Children. Don't fail to come and he sure to bring the children, as entertainment is of a high order and you will enjoy it. AAAAAAAtiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAU 4 3 Sharpies Tubular Dairy Cream Separator! Beats them all for close skimming 3 and easy running, no disc or howl complications wnatever 'Die closest hkiuiming nnd easiest tuH Separator yf't produced, securing under the d adverse circumstances as rega'd to iia1ity,a 11111011 anu u-iupoiiiuire 01 me nnis, ra heretofore considered impossl le. Itdeliti smooth, frothless. perfect cream that will ci nut more butter than can bo obtained fronil other Separator in oisten e. anbethoio( ly and completely washed Inside of live i uten. us thero are only three pieces to the b Tne Hhnrples Tubular machines are the l nimple ml durable made, nnd can bemaiil eu at li les cost lor on ami renewal parui uiiy other bepurntor on tne niarKet. For catalogue, addrefs: T. C. TAYLOR, The Hardwardi 741 MAIN ST." PENDLETON, OS i IrrrmrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrrTTTTTTTTTTTmrH ! lafAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAli Road (n Dangerous Shape. Tho condition of what Is culled the "Pat Kline Hill." at the first river Hesleged in the abbeys, the Cnpu-1 enwaliiK east of tho city. Is giving iln moukH nt Marseilles, Prance. , a B0"d, ,,0,a' ,.01 ranee' ". Parties who pass ine 11111 every nay suueu 10 tne chi iinilitru'niir ti rnln r alnfti Wmliuic. dnv. The nensants of the vlcinltv h"l'rter yesterday thnt in their opln- have- mounted guards at the convents Ion thar? is liable to be n slip nt any to resiHt the dispersal of the priests i by the French government. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. I was The postolllco at Wondburn nibbed Tu-jsdny night. Had water has caused an epidemic of typliuld lover at Kugene. Smith, tho colored wife murderer ot Portland, will hang on Juno 5. William Itohlnson, n dope (lend of Seattle, has rnllcn heir to $150.0im. Commander Ilnoth Tucker spoke to nn audience or 201IO In Portland Wed nesday. Colonel W. V. Itohlnson, a retired hour of the day or night that w.lll tnuo tho entire roadway lor a ols tiiuce of or 75 feet, into the river. The soli, tho bed rock an 1 th" char acter of the wurk hitherto done on tho strip give rise to ilu opinion thai nil that Is needed to porpoirvo such nn accident would ho lor n trnin or londed wugoiu to pass along tho de fective roadwny. Already some or the roadway lias caved off nml n fur panels of -lenclng have been put up t. prevent travelers driving Into tho hole. Stock Farm for Sale. Wo hnvo the Jas. Lindsay form, near Alba for sale. U consists of 640 1 acres. H0 acres In timothy: moro nrmy o nicer ageu cnuti weunesuay , thatl 200 acrcs ln wIlJ hay w,,,cIl wni " " grow timothy. A portion will iirunis rasa win 110111 n sircei mir anil carnival under the nusplcos of the Woodmen on June 16-21 Clark C. Lyons, of Cottngo drove, 1 died Wednesday, aged NO years. Ho I was an Oregon pioneer of SK. Thu strike in Portland Is still in a critical state and there nro no Indi cations or nn eurly settlement. Louisa M. Clark, a woll known plonour woman of Portland, died Wcdnesilny after a lingering Illness. Tho union employes of tho Similiter Lumber Company went on strike Wednesday and the plunt Is closed down indiillnitoly. Tho O. K. & N. Is pioparlng to make n reduced Inre from the East during the summer months, bo tourists may hco Oregon in bloom.. An uplnidumlc of measles is now raging among Seattle school child ren. Two deaths have occurred and ovor B0 cases have beon reported. Ran Lynch, a laborer ot Protland, was struck Wednesday moraine bv u Southoru Pacific freight train and died Wednesday night ot his Injuries, Five human skeletons wore found tills week In tho Salton desort of Cal .Ifornln. making a total of 18 round J mention plans have beon -riwart. The persona 1 fl.jMa ,nf ithlrgt In pea. crow wheat and barley, balance pasture: almndnnco of water. All fenced; good buildings. Will sell in one, two or three tracts. Easy terms, I1ENTLEY & HART.MAN. Mokl Tea positively cures Sick Headache, Indigestion and Constipa tion. A delightful herb drink. Ho moves nil eruptions ot tho skin, pro ducing a perfect complexion or nionoy rofunded. 25c and 50c. Wrlto to us for freo snmplo. W. II. Hooker & Co., nufrnlo, N. Y. F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. For Saie. Three-nunrter sections of good wheat land, of which one-half Is in grain, and all Ilea five miles north east of the city. A dwullliu:. two .barns nnd othor outbuildings, nnd n goon water system, call at Ollvor & Co.'s grocory. or at tho homo ot u. W. Illgby, 704 Thompson streot. A ThouBhtful Man. M. M. AuBtln, .of Wlncheator. Ind., know vfhat to do ,ln tho hour of nood. His wlfo had such an unusual case or stomach and ltvor trouble, physl clans could not holp hor. Ho thought or and tnou Dr. King's Now IJfo puis and 8ho got relief at onca and was urod. only 25o nt Tollman ,& g store; An Era of Co-Operation. "The dairymen over In Kittitas val ley havo formed a co-operative com pnny lor the handling or products or the dairy inrms,- said W. R. Lee, who has been looking nfter property In terests at Ellensfmrg. "They have leased a building, purchased 'niuchrn cry nnd employed men to operate the cienmory. The butter Is said through authorized ngents. expenses deducted nml tho remainder or the money d- Miieu. 11 is claimed timt the returns nro much better than by selling mlk uiiougu ine old eiiannuls, and every man becomes n part owner in the bus iness. This Is but the natural trend of public thought in the manipulation or finances. An urn uf co-iipumtlou in lts true business spirit 1ms dawn ed op the many Industries or tins Northwest. It 1st nil Indication of furor, hottoi and mute 'satisfactory iinaiieini nays. Trafiic on the Cincinnati Southern railroad, near (Jreonwood. Ky.. .Mon day night was blocked by n freight wreck. Purity Of For Sale Residence win, nnA t-iw-ri or three lots, located nt 517 '.Tune streot. Cull at house. Enjoy Life Out door exercise means improved health and a sunny disposition All Kinds of Sporting j oiiu iicasuic uuuub No matter what Rame or pastime your fancy runs to, you can get ' thu goods to promote it nt FRAZIER'S Book and Stationery Store Tlmt'x the point we nre trying 10 Impress imi the pulilli: mind VUwi 11 elttin, pnrf drug stm'k i-i hul-ii 01 we wunl I Inn 10 re fxr to our store. We're (loing all we can to merit that title. lt'n thr umin point ot our liiini-jip-s. We think nUiut it mid trtlk nliiiut It all I lie tbu. Bye nnd b--yim'llheur this in mind If you haven't already. There Is no extra charge for'this puri ty, Togf tber with iici'iirtu'y it'H our bidiiceiiient fur your jhh. t;iuiou i rune. we are cuv- 1111 nnd prompt with mall orders F. W. Schmidt, pT'g"') 4 t 4 i i ii !: 13 !5 13 M , -4 , The Grand Trunk Gold Nil Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining Distric Is located tiDon the GREAT MOTHER LODE system of veins and has for neigh bors on thnt vein such well known mines as the NORTH POLE valued at $10,000,000. The COLUMBIA valued at S5.ono.onn. GOLCONDA valued at $3,- nnn.nnn. THF. MONMOTH Q. M. CO'S BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,- 000. TH E BALD MOUNTAIN valued at $5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $40-" 000, and many others. The Grand Trunk Gold Mining and Owns Its Property Consisting of 160 Acres of Rich Oold BearlnH It lias no indebtedness of anv character It has a conservative milling and business mananemcaj It is offering 50,000 shares of stock at 15: per It will hnr.miin n rlivif1iml n.ivtT in n short time It will pay you to write us for full particulars and"" careful investicatian of its merits. It Inc tl, in,lnrrnm, .;: ,..n lltl lllCSS 1)11 . t.v J iliu ivtu,ill.ialV ui twining IH'M - bankers of Eastern Oregon. Write us today and let us post you, PostolfkcBlfc. Phone Main 85 J ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cure ajapepala and all disorders aris ing irora maigestlon. Endorsed br physicians everywhere. Sold br all druestst8. No cure, no pay. 25 cents. Trial nacknrte freo hv wrtllnn. tn w H. Hooker ft Co.. Buffalo, N. T. . 7. 'W, ScliBildt ft Co. Real BARGAINS in REAL ESTATE NEW TODAY $1000 buys :i00.5S2 fwt of bishtly building property, north side. SSM), two exeellont buHilluj; lots, stout) wall unit HhUnvnlk, W. Court. $1800 buys thrw lots tm north side; corner antl good il-room bouse. J1200, comer lot, ami co'.tuge nearly now, 13050, four lots and splendid resl. uence, a very cheap property. 12000. four acres, edge of, barn, 200 fruit trees. ' $2260, 113 acres, 3 ndlea from town, N. E., SOaoiefl In cultivation, 60 ln wheat, up nicely, 4-room house. Kood water. 4360, a graded lot, stone wall, north side, east front, sightly locatiou. $10,000, half a section of choice farm lug land, crop Included. These are entirely new offers, but I have many more and would like an opportunity to talk them over with you. E. T. WADE - E. 0. BUILDING n. :s. lVlcL.alliim L,ompauyi Miners, Brokers and Financial Agonts, BAKER CITY, OREGON. Or R. S. BRYS0N, Local Agent, Pendleton, Oregon- Our Wefkly Mining Letters on Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Ml iJistnct Pree on Application. 3 j UTTT ttttTTtTTTTTTTTtTtTTT TTTtTtTTTTT' ' ' YOUR LAWNS. j-K-M--H-H-I--:-H- 4- BEAliTIFY Nicely mowed Lawns easily at our maintained. '?3e Easy Running Lawn Mowers. They are made on the correct operate them. Let us supply you Best goods at lowest prices. : principal. lA.Juff, you with GARDEN W Thompson Hardware Co., HING IN THE HARDWARE LINE I am for Fishing Supplies. t a nfvrr Write tie V',