East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 30, 1903, Image 1

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    V , "'!,
g 4 - A
T jwu witjjuu nmuiw ,
x Tonight partly cloudy: cooler) J
frost; Friday partly cloudy.
XO. 4731.
V i
Audience Ever Gath
Under One Roof in
nerica Was Present.
- . I M t nil Sllf-
W)i Very coia i
. -u.-i 9nH Party yvuic
Blanketo-Street Car Serv-
L. inadequate for the Occn
Ceneral Grant Given an ova
Mo., April 30.-With the
w'a inri'iuuot uvv- r .
f '.!, ' n affairs as the chief
. ..jtnnnnn citizens of the
kMtesIsslppi valley region as the
tbe nrsi day b
Riles attending the cieuic.m.m
.inulan.i Purchase Exposition
tarried out today under happy
The days doings, ucnuimiii,
, hrililnnt military pageant
e forenoon and winding up this
.. lth a iivrotechnle display
t.reilpnt(!ii eranileur were on
Eft o( illgulfled splendor worthy
etioosltlon and the great event
Wended to commemorate. Pros
Rrmserelt. former President
bind, the foreign diplomats and
lr distinguished visitors were pro-
r Impressed with the magnituue
te demonstration. They said as
1 In r.ords and moic In nntlons,
made no effort to conceal
k the masses the military parade
the feature of the day, as it was
i curtain riser for the dedicatory
boles. And such a parade!
ib tiio history of St Louis and
r m the history of tho entire
r car. an account he found of a
I military spectacle. Led
t famous Marine Band of Wash-
o, followed by exposition officials,
peswent ana former president
e United States, members of th.
rat cabinet, foreign ambassa-
I ministers ,the governors of
! o itates and innumerable
trots of distinction, the na-
certainly was a stirring slchf
Itihlated to move even tho most
ssi Mood to witness, and to
tai He name of patriotism In
I breast,
'ceremonies attending the pres
sor the freedom of tho city to
i uccupicci a little more
i had been calculator nn and
"cwwiiience it was nearly 11
.iu mo rooming ot cannon
ai me parade had start
artlng point was the junc
Grand avennn nmi i in,in
W and the route through For-
inL ii exP3ltln grounds.
he line of march buildings
Wences were ablnzn with fw
a fathered In festoons or
In ong folds from roof to
L.lVrom n"ul)orless flag
S ; o(ws'h1e national colors
, 8u"ere(i From Cold.
.30-A Quarter of
. n .... . 'irnvei hv.
.ireet cars wern mtoorol,!..
"n OllVfi Plr.lnl '
t l few w 1 Kars
They wPr!et,ap'yt to thwe
ana im n, . iu mo
r t no nn . : .""u?r me
ihr Tan;;; ,ri iD- as
that people will no hurt at tho close
of tho ceermonlos. Moro than 50
women and children fainted under the
frightful pressure, when the panic;
seemed immlnont. It is not known
how liadly any vrero hurt. At n con
srovatlvo estimate, there aro 60,000
people In the audience. Tho excite
ment Is not entirely subsided and the
crowd Is noisy and restless. Nono
of the speakers can b o heard much
farthor than tho speakers' stand.
Very Cold Day,
St, Louis, April 30. The day dawn
ed threateningly with heavy clouds,
nnd was cold and raw. Later tho sun
came out. Tho crowds nro tho great
est over witnessed In tho west. Peo
ple aro still coming.
Blanket for Roosevelt.
President Roosovclt stood the cold
nearly an hour, then turned and look
ed at tho blanketed throng, alter
which ho leaned forward and whis
pered to n local dotccnivo Desmond.
Tho latter disappeared and shortly
returned with another gray arms
blanket. A moment later tho presi
dent's shining tllo and glasses were
all that distinguished him from tho
others. Corbln's seat was In the cen
ter, and General Miles was placed bo
hind a big plank pillar, "Just like It
is In Washington,' commented an
army officer.
The only man In all the parade who
received moro than a formal salute
from the president was General
Grant As the twm 'of the late presi
dent and his troops came past tho
reviewing stand the crowd cheered,
and many remcmboied that the
rider's father's old log cabin, "Hard
scrabble," was but a short distance
sway. When Grant raised his sword
to salute, Roosevelt's hat camo off
nnd for a moment bo stood motion
less. Largest .Audience Ever Gathered.
Presklent Francis' speech briefly re
viewed the past. He said, "A year
from today when tho fair opens, we
will bo prepared to handle millions of
visitors." He extended a greeting to
the president, foreign representatives
and others present. He closed by
saying the celebration was of no state
and no section, but one of the entire
Tho Liberal Arts building, where
the ceremonies are held, which seats
EG.GfiO, was filled. It was tho largest
audience over gathered under one
roof hi America. Tho acoustic prop
erties nro perfect. Only a portion of
tho outside is completed with staff
Paid a Glowing-Tribute to the Aggressive Pioneers Who Have
Carved Out the Rich States of the West.
A 'Follower of Ingersoll.
New York. April 30. Stuart Rob
son yifl be burled tomorrow at Go
hassett, Mass., In tho same cemetery
with Lawrence Barrett. Ho was a
steadfast follower of Ingersoll, so ho
will nave no religious ceremonies.
stood At.. t, .
epacUi ""'vereci as
toL? and Severn
.rc ,,Tn attlro In
'ttllltart!11 80Verly.
H T..7. sent to
Wwii.? ,th Pavilion
'Ne.8..!d .ration.
8td nrenarntinn.
fe8TfhI?nch to th
" to JZ" made
''"flllllt t...
. -"rcrowded,
rf'At bnildln. I.
t iJ luUnr iV . '"uunent.
4,!"! ? danger of
Z' force is
U .?rmi' has caned
ore, tk.. Screams are
tumult of the
?Ac& He 8a1d
LW-he,ninv,a 'natantly
tT .loathe by
Tr' the ai.
I wo re.
6 the
This 1e the Third Time That He Has
Been Found Guilty At the First
Trial He Was Sentenced to Be
Frankfort. K.v.. April 30. The Jury
In the Howard case, which has been
out Binco lust evening, reported this
morning it failure to. agree. The court
sent them liack.
After deliberating some time tho
Jury returned a verdict of guilty and
fixed his punishment at imprisonment
for life.
This is tho third time Howard has
been found guilty of complicity In tho
Goobel assassination. At tho first
trial he wus sentenced to hang. How
ard 'and friends were surprised by the
Quotations Furnished 'by Coe Commis
sion Company F .W. Boulter, Local
Manaor, 120 Court Street.
Minneapolis, April 30. Wheat In
view of fractionally higher cables and
tho extremely unfavorable weather
conditions, the market opened a shado
nigner than last night's close. Uo
celpts are materially lighter than
those ot last year, less than half as
many cars aud a vory small percent
age being of contract quality, but the
trauo in general is so thoroughly con
verted to tho bear side that they can
not see anything but lower prices for
wnoat. There has been a consplcu'
ous absence of any crop damage re
ports so far this season and the trade
Is very slow to lend credence' to any
reports of this nature. In our opinion
wo will get some very serious damage
reports on account of the unseason
able weather and purchases made
around present prices will be a very
prontauio investment.
Chicago, April 30.
Wheat Ooened
July 71
July 44
July 31
Minneapolis, April 30.'
Yi cents p'c
Tho n:
io nurenhsn
hfe' played &
uiir, cpntro
Wheat 77 Vb
lean capitalists
'gas' frnnri8e
ible part, ,a a.
The following address was made by I admitted
president Roosevelt at the dedication , doubtless
oi tne St. Louis fair today:
Mr. President, Ladles and Gentlemen:
At the outset of my address let me
recall to the minds of my hearers
that the soil upon which we stand,
before it was ours, was successively
the possession of two mighty empires,
Si aln and France, whos.0 sons made
a deathless record of heroism In tho
early nnnnls of the New World. No
history of the Western country can
be written without paying heed to the
wonderful part played therein in the
early days by the soldiers, mission
aries, explorers nnd traders, who did
their work for the honor of the proud
banners of Fiance and Castile. While
tho settlers of English-speaking stock
anil those of Dutch, German and Scan
dinavian origin who were ever asso
ciated with them ,were still clinging
close to the Eastern seaboard, the
pioneers of Spain and ot France had
penetrated Into the hitherto unknown
wilderness of the West and had wan
dered far and wide within tho boun
daries of what Is now our mighty
country. Tho very cities themselves
St. Louis, New Orleans, Santa Fe.
New M?xico bear witness by their
titles to the nationalities ot their
founders. It was not until the Revo
lution had begun that the English
speaking settlers pushed west across
the Alleghenles, and not until a cen
tury ago that they entered in to pos
sets the land upon which we now
Great National Event.
Wo have met here today to com
memorate the hundredth anniversary
of the event which moro than any
other, after tho foundation of the gov
ernment and always excepting Its
preservation, determined the charac
te: of our national life determined
that -vj should be a creat "xpandlns
nation Instead of relatively a small
and stationary one.
Unique Expansion.
Never before hnd the world seen the
kind of national expansion which
gave our people all that part of tho
American continent lying west of the
13 original states; the greatest land-j
mark in which was the Louisiana
Purchase. Our triumph in this pro
cess of expansion was indissolubly
bound up with the success of our pe
culiar kind of federal government;
and this success has been so com
plete that because of Us very com
pleteness wo now sometimes ran to
appreciate not only the all-Importance
but the tremendous difficulty of
the problem with which our nation
was originally faced.
No Precedent for Pioneers.
When our forefathers joined to call
into being this nation they undertook
a task for which there was but little
encouraging precedent. The develop
ment or civilization from the earliest
period bceniod to Bhow the truth of
two propositions: In the first place,
It had always proved exceedingly dif
ficult to secure both freedom and
strength iu any government; and In
tho second place, it had always proved
well-nigh Impossible for a nation to
expand without either breaking up or
the success of our effort to combine a
strong and efficient national union.
able to maintain our honor ana inter
est abroad, I have not now to deal.
Doubted Wisdom of Settlement.
During the colonial period many
good people in the mother country
thought It highly Important that set
tlers should be kept out of the Ohio
valley In the Interest of thp fur com
panies, so after we had become a na
tion many good people on tho Atlan
tic coast felt grave apprehension lest
they might somehow bo hurt by the
westward growth of tho nation. These
good people shook their heads over
the formation of states In the fertile
Ohio valley, which now forms part
of the heart of our nation; and they
declared that the destruction of the
republic had been accomplished when
through the Louisiana Purchase we
acquired nearly half of what is now
that same republic's present terri
tory. Nor was their feeling unnatural.
Only tho adventurous and the far
seeing can be expected heartily to
welcome the process of expansion, for
the nation that expands Is a nation
which is entering upon a great career
and with greatness .there must of ne
cessity come perils which daunt all
save the most stout-hearted.
Government for All People.
We expanded by carving tho wil
derness Into territories auu out oi
these territories building new states
when once they had received as per
manent sottlers a sufficient number
of our own people Being a practi
cul nation we Jinv never tried to
force on any section ot our new terri
tory an unsuitable form of govern
ment mejely becauso it was suitable
for anothei sqrtlou under (iirror'nt
conditions, or tne territory jcovpreu
by, trie Louisiana, Purchase.-a tporMpn
to stntuhood although
It &oon will be. In each
case wo showed tho practical govern
mental genius ot our raco by devising
methods suitable to meet, tho actual
existing needs; not by insisting upon
the application ot Bomo abstract shib
boleth ot all our new possessions
alike, no matter how Incongruous
this application might sometimes be.
Greatest National Feat,
This, then, Is tho great historic slg
nlficance of the movement of contl
nentnl expansion in which tho Louis'
inn.t Purchase wag tho most striking
single achievement. It stands out In
marked relief among tho feats of a
nation of pioneers, n nation whoso
people have from tho beginning been
picked out by a process of natural
selection from among tho most enter
piising Individuals of tho nations ot
Western Em ope. Tho acquisition of
the territory is n credit to tho broad
and far-sighted statesmanship of tho
great statesmen to whom It was 1m
mediately due, and nbove all to the
aggressive nnd masterful character
or the hardy pioneer folk to whoso
restless energy theso statesmen gave
expression and direction, whom they
rolloweil rather than led.
Louisiana an Epitome.
The history of the land comprised
within the limits of the Puruhaso is
an epitome of the entire history of our
people. Within these limits wo havo
gradually built up state after state
until now they many times over sur
pass in wealth, in population .and in
many-sided development, tho original
13 plates ns they woro when their del
cgates met in tho Continental con
gress. The people of these Btates
have shown themselves mighty In
war with their fellowmen. and mighty
In strength to tamo the rugged wll
derness. They could not thus have
comjuered the forest and the prairie,
the mountain and tho desert, hail they
not possessed tho great fighting vlr
tues, the qualities which enablo a
people to overcome the forces of bos'
tile men and hostile nature. On tho
other hand, they could not have used
aright their conquest had they not In
addition possessed the qualities of
seu-mastery and seir-restralnt. the
power of acting in combination with
their fellows, tho power of yielding
obedience to the law and of building
up an ordcily civilization.
Rugged Virtues Needed.
Courage anil hardihood are Indis
pensable virtues in u people; but the
people which possesses no others can
never rise high in the scalo either ot
power or of culture. Great peoples
must have In addition tho govenv
icntal capacity which comes only
when Individuals fully recognize their
duties to one another and to tho whole
body politic, and are ablo to Join to
cether In feats of coiiBtructlvo states'
ninnshlp and of Honest nnd effctlve
Pioneer Days Gone.
The old pioneer days aro gone, with
their roughness nnd their haidshlp,
their Incredible toll and their wild
hulf-savnge romance. But the need
for the pioneer virtues remains the
same as ever. Tho peculiar frontier
conditions have vanished; but tho
manliness and stalwart hardihood of
tho frontiersman can bo given even
freer scope under tho conditions sur
rounding the complex industrialism
of the present day. In this great re
gion acquired for our people under
the presidency of Jefferson, this re
gion stretching from the Gulf to tho
Canadian border, from tho Mississippi
to the Rockies, tho material and social
progress hase been so vat that alike
for weal or woo Its people now
share the opportunities and bear the
burdens common to tho cntlro civil
ized world.
Must Meet Changed Problems.
Now In 1903, In tho nltored condi
tions, we must meet tho changed and
changing problems with the spirit
shown by the men who in 1803 and in
the subsequent years gained, explored,
conquered and settled this vast terri
tory, then a desert, now filled with
thriving and populous states.
The old days ware great becauso the
men who lived in them had mighty
qualities; and we must make the
new days great by showing these
same qualities. We must Insist upon
courage and resolution, upon hardi
hood .tenacity and fertility In re
source; we must Insist upon tho
strong virllo virtues; and wo must In
sist no less upon tho virtues of self-
restraint, self-mastery, regard for tho
rights of others; wa must show our
nbhorence of cruelly, brutality and
corruption, In public and In private
life alike. If we come short iu any
cf these qualities we shall measurably
full; and Jf, as I believe we surely
rhall, we develop these qualities Jn
the future to an even greater degree
than In the pasfc.then in i.ho century
row, uginmngwe snaji maKe,Qt.
Insurgents Have 34 Killed and
Wounded at Ozumajand Turk
Lose 12.
Vienna, April 30. The New Free
Press reports two fights In the Bal
king Tuesday between the Turks nnd
Insurgents. Ono occurred at Ozuma
jand, whero tho insurgents lost 54
killed and wounded nnd the Turks lost
12. The other was at Nourokop,
where the Tuiks surprised, killed nnd
wounded 46 Insurgents. The Turks
lost one.
Most Disastrous Frost and Snow
Visits Nebraska Mercury In the
Lincoln, Neb., April 30. A deep
blanket of snow and sleet has fallen
over the greater portion of thla state
and the mercury is in tho twenties.
It Is almost certain that tho entire
fruit crop Is n failure, Involving a
loss of millions of dollars. Crop re
ports say tho wheat Is only slightly
Changes In District Supreme Court.
Washington, I). C, April 30, A
number of changes were mado today
In tho personnel of tho supremo court
of tho District of Columbia, conse
quent upon tho retirement of Chief
Justice Edward F. Rlnglmm. Justice
Clabaugh succeeded to tho chief Jus
ticeship, and In turn was succeeded
ns associate justice by ex-Senator Je
ter C. Prltchnrd, of North Carolina.
The new chief Justice, Harry H. Clh
baugh, was formerly attorney gen
eral of .Maryland and wns appointed
to tho supremo bench of the District
of Columbia by President McKlnley
in 1899.
Eastern League Begins Season.
New York, April 30. The Eastern
Baseball League begins today what
promises to be the most successful
season sluco Its organization. The
circuit Is mndo up of eight good cities
Toronto, Buffalo, Baltimore, Wor
cester, Providence, Jersey City nnd
Newark. Tho schedule calls for 110
games, the season to close September
Famous Explorer Dead.
St. Petersburg. April 30. Paul Du
Challlu, the famous explorer and writ
er, died nt midnight as tho result of
n pnrtlal stroke of paralysis received
yesterday .
Reports From Frank Unani
mous That Disaster Was
Due to an Earthquake.
Ominous Sounds Are Emitted by the
Mountain and an Eruption I Pair
ed Top of the Mountain Blown
Victoria, B, C. April 30. Tho town
of Frank, N. W. T., Is hcni; dserled
by Its Inhabitants. OmlTim xout'd
nre emitted and nil fear n repetition
of tho eruption.
Ileports from there are unnnlmoiiH
that tho dlsnster Is duo to nn earth
qi.nko or volcano, Tho whole top ot
the mountain seeuib to have been
blown off or the sldu dislodged, Tho
town Is completely overwhelmed. A
full row of houses wns ruined. Res
cue partlon are still nt work Mount
ed police nro hurrying to the scene.
'I ho Canadian Pacific Is ruined for
miles. The mine buildings have boon
Later Was a Land Slide.
Montreal, April 30. Canadian Pa
cific onicluls gave out tho statement
today that the Frank disaster wan
caused by an immense hind alldo, the
waterway being cut. Tho extent of
the loss of llfo is not yet known.
Thirty miners are believed to bo en
tombed. ElToits nre being made to
liberate them or recover their bodies.
Additional slides are feared.
Furnace Exploded.
Braddock, Pa., April 30. Seven
men were seriously burned by tho ex
plosion of a furnnce In tho Thomp
son Steel plant this morning.
Plant Is in Flames and Magazines
Stored With Powder, Will Explode
People Fleeing for Their Lives.
Holldaysbiirg, Pn., Apiil 30. The
Ciescent Powder Works plant on
Tiney creek, 10 miles, south wis
wrecked by explosion this forenoon
Eight men arc repoited killed. Two
of tho stockholders and the Biiperln-
tendent were fatally Injured,
Another Explosion Feared.
Near tho fnelory Is a lurge lime
litono quarry employing G00 men
These have lied as the muguzlno con
tiilnlng 1,400 kegs of high explosive
bus not yet let go. The wrecked
plant Is In llnmcs.' It Is feared tho
great explosion Is yet to come. Tho
plant which exploded employed 14
men and 10 women, ull trained work
ers. Trio women esenped wltn cuts,
buriiH aud brumes. Windows In
houses five miles nwuy were broken.
A rescue party has been Kent from
Explosion Imminent,
Two store houses, ouu with 1,410
boxes, the other with 800 boxes, with
100 poundB of dynamlto in eacli box,
ere now in flames. An explosion Is
Imminent and people nre fleeing for
n radius of five miles, which will be
devastated when the explosion comes.
East and West in Debate.
Washington. I). C. April 30. Unit
ed States Senator Daniel of Virginia,
Controller of tho Treasury R. J. Trace-
well, and United States Solicitor Gen
eral Hoyt havo consented to act as
judges at the debate between repre
sentatives of the University of Wis
consin and Georgetown University,
which takes place tonight at tho Lafa
yette Square theater. Georgetown has
the affirmative and Wisconsin tho
negatlvo side of tho question, "Re
solved, That compulsory arbitration
between capital and labor Is expedi
ent." ThlB will bo tho second con
test of the kind between tho two uni
versities, the previous ono having
been won by Georgetown.
Korean Crown Celebration,
Washington. J), C, April 30, The
minister from Korea, Mr, Mln ul Cho,
has informed tho state department
that the fourth accession celebration
of his majesty, tho emperor of Korea
takes place today. The legation was
decorated lu honor of the event. Re
cent advlcea from Korea aro to th
that the Jittjo hi
Cattlemen of Arizona Lynch and Kill
Men Cauqht Skinning Cattle.
Tucson, April 30. A lynchlmj anil
killing Iu tho Hunehuca mountains
bits occurred ns a result of a concert
ed plan of the cattlemen against the
rustlers. Tho body of tho victim
ljnched Ih that of u boy not over 17.
Tied to his ahlrt In Mexican nnd
l'.ngllsh was a placard which said:
"Death to cattle thoves." The other
man caught rikiunlng n beef was shot
r ii the range.
Street Car Men at Los Angeles Fall
to Walk Out as Arranged.
U)8 Angeles, April 30, The police
i odo on the c.nvn of the Huntington
system early this morning, expecting
trouble over tho xtrlku, but thoro was
no disorder. Tho men Bay they am
nut defeated, but tho Btrlko Ih defer
fercd. Tho real cause of the failure to tie
up Inst night wuh that tho men wait
ed for each other to leave tho carr.
Thoro being no concerted action at
the critical moment, tho men would
rot leave. Organizer Sl.afer, of Sail
Francisco, iidmltH die attempt looks
like a fizzle.
Sons of American Revolution.
Now Haven, Conn., April 30. Near
ly every stuto from Maine to Califor
nia Is ruprcHcntcd at tho National
CongresB of tho SonB of tho American
Itovolutlou which opened in Now Ha'
vcu today. This evening tho delegates
nro to bo entoitnlned nt nn elaborate
banquet at which President Hadluy
of Ynlo, and other men of prominence
will speak. Tomorrow n now presi
dent of tho nocluty will bo choiou to
succeed Edwin Wnrlleld of Baltimore,
who httH declined a ro-electlon. Tho
hiiHlncBH seBBlons of tho coiigresH will
continue until Saturday.
Weds Daughter of General Miles,
Washington, D. C, April 30. Tho
marriage of Miss Constance Miles,
daughter of General and Mrs. Anson
Miles, to Captain Wlnflold Bcott Ovor
ton, II. S. A,, was celebrated at noon
today at tho family home In Dupont
Circle. Following tho ceremony was
a wedding breakfast at Rnuschor't).
Captain Overton has been ordored to
the Presidio of San Francisco, and
will tako his bride to hla now post,
Edward Given Ovation.
Rome, April 30, King Edward wuh
given an ovation this morning when
ho left Rome, In marked contrast to
tho coolness of yesterday, when he
journeyed to tho Vatican. King Vic
tor, Prlnco Colona and a numbor of
nolilcd accompanied him In tho train.
Storm In Michigan,
Marquette, April 30, Tho soverost
storm of the winter Is raging lr
Northern Michigan. Train, traction
and wire service Ib Interrupted or at
BtnndHtlll. Tho mercury has drop .nt.
red 50 degrees in 24 hours, ,fiP
Head-End Collision,
Matteawan. N. V April 30.:
Iiead-eud collision on tho.
railway at
Nig .miinici
the nuctloij
- wred ctf .extending Mm tMtrhle; ,
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