WITH ROOSEVELT JOHN BURROUGHS RELATES EXPERIENCES IN PARK. Speaks .of the Marvelous Memory and Wide Knowledge of the President Enjoyed Hearing Him Talk. John BurronghB, the distinguished naturallBt, who accompanied PtcbI dent Roosevelt on the tatter's recent tour through Yellowstone Park, arriv ed in Spokane yesterday, saj-B the Spokcsman-'Revlew. The snows ot many winters are on Mr. Burrough's hair and bushy beard, but as he gave a delightful descrip tion of his trip through Yellowstone with the president, he talked as one who had enjoyed the experience with . all-the zest of youth. President Was Practically Alone. "Save for myself and Major Pitcher, superintendent of the park, the presi dent was .almost alone on his trip through the park," said Mr. Bur roughs. "We had our guides with us and some soldiers. We spent a week in camp. Our first camp was pitch ed In a deep gorge on the Yellow Btonc. At night we would build a roaring campflre and sit around it. The president Is a steam engine talk er. He would usually tall: for a straight hour after dinner. "One of the most remarkable traits about the president Is his prodigious memory. Every day would give us I noticed that on our way out. while I he was talking with four of his old Dakota friends whom he had known in his ranching days, he would recall Incidents in their life together which they themselves had forgotten. His Wonderful Memory. "One night the president got to talking about the Tartar Invasion in Europe. I don't suppose he had read of it since his college days, but be would recall historical Incidents, and especially exact dates, with marvelous accuracy. He would also mention statements from my own books which of our sergeants startled us by saying ranches, and would intersperse them with Incidents and comments on his life In Washington his experiences with congressmen, senators and poli ticians. Then he would branch off to hunting experiences. It was all de lightfully interesting. The President's Long Walk. "Just two weeks ago today," con tinued Mr. Burroughs, "while we were In our first camp, the president took a notion that he wanted to go for a walk by himself. He started out In the morning and and was gone until 5 o'clock In the evening, when he came back he told us that he had crept within 50 yards of a largo herd of elk. He had walked 18 miles alone. "The president's Interest In natural history is exceedingly sincere and acute. He knew the birds of the park as well as I knew them myself. think I had to aid htm in identiflca tlon but once. At ou r second camp the one on Slough creek we saw a specimen of a pigmy owl . I never had heard of the bird, but the presl dent had. We heard a sound in the woods one afternoon, which at first we thought must be a coon. One of our guides suggested, however, that I t was an owl, though it was a queer time for the ordinary owl to be stir ring. The president declared that he was going out to locate the creature and I went with him. we found him perched on the top of a large tree. " 'Keep that bird treed till 1 go back and get a field glass, said the pres ident to me and he hurried back and got the glass. He pronounced it the pigmy cwl. It Ib about the size of a robin. It stirs about In daytime like an ordinary bird, and not at night like the common owl. Three Thousand Elk. "The next day we started to Tower falls. On our way we started up a herd of elk and chased them up a hill for some distance. We were on horse back end crowded them to bay, where they stood with their tongues out. We rode to the top of a hill near by and, resting there in the sunshine, and gazing out over a landscape per hnps five miles wide, wc counted 3000 elk. We probably didn't see all of them. They were In five or six bands. Riding down Into the valley, one even I myself had forgotten. "The presidents campfire that he saw a mountain lion. We talks looked and It was only a badger sit were wonderfully Interesting. He tin:; at tne edge or bis hole. As we would tell stories of his days on the approached him, he darted into the hole and then peeped slyly out at us. "At Tower falls 'tho rest or us went fishing, while the president took an other solitary walk to get .look at a band of mountain sheep. He got within 40 or E0 yards of a band of six or seven of them. Visit at Yancey's. "We visited the cabin of an ex confederate soldier named Yancey, who lives In tho park. Yancey Is over 70. He told the president he Intended to vote for him If he lived, and I have no doubt he will. The president displayed great interest In some children at the Tancey home. "As we came on through we saw several deer. We saw one place whore a mountain lion had killed a deer and dragged It across the road. We took three big sleighs and went into the geyser basins. We went first to Norrls,' which is 1.000 feet higher than the ordinary level in the park. The snow was about four feet deep. From Norris we went to the upper geyser basin. There were some soldiers quartered there. The presi dent talked to them and examined the books in their small library. The president takes a deep Interest in the soldiery. He takes a particular Inter est In the Spanish-American war vet erans, and has a deep and profound respect lor the veterans of the civil war. President on Skit. j From the upper basin we went back to Norris', and from there we went to look into the grand canyon i of the Yellowstone. It was necessary for us to approach the canyon on skis. The president had never had them on but once before, but manag ed to cat ry himself very well on them and they say I did, too. 1 had never worn thtm before. We saw the upper falls of the Yel lowstone. There were some soldiers quartered there also. One of them had been In Cuba and the president asked him many questions. On our return tc the hotel Major Pitcher in sisted that we be photographed with our skis on. so we stood on a large rock and submitted to the operation. We made our way back to Mam moth Ho; springs, Btartcd at 5 o'clock in the niornlng so that tne snow PHRIST1AN CHURCH today Erenin& April 28, at 830 p. i. Lester By Miss ELLEN M.STONE Tito RmmernefflEii MnssnaDinisiiry Who was captured by the Macedonian Brigands and held a prisoner for 172 days and was ransomed by the payment of $65,000.00 Miss Stone will relate the story of her remarkable experience. Pronounced a rare treat by the Press everywhere Mfnra3fl(D)ini 5 emits Mississippi Sunday Schools. Canton, Miss.. April 2S. This place would nt melt and cause our sleighB J is filled with delegates and visitors to and everything is being done to coii' duce to the pleasure of the delegates, as the visitors arrived they were as signed to homes for entertainment to fall through. We made 32 miles the fourth annual convention of the that day The wagons met us at the . Mississippi State Sunday School As Golden rate and that ended our trip sociatlon. which will be in session dur- througb the park." Ing the next two days. As rapidly The program begins this afternoon with an informal consecration serv' Ice, to be followed by business bcb- sions tomorrow ana Thursday. Sn eral Sunday school workers of lrti prominence are to take ptrt to fi procecmngs . Imported limburger and Biia cheese sandwiches at Grati't The Chance of a Lifetime to Invest in Stocks in the COLUMBIA RIVER DEVELOPMENT CO. At 10 per cent of par value. Shares may be had for 10 cents Natural Gas Discovered on Columbia River, near Alder Creek, Washington, and Castle Rock, Oregon. The Columbia River Development Company. Incorporated under the Laws of the State of Oregon. Capital ."Stock $1,501,000. Dollar each. Absolutely non-assessable. No individual liability. Home office, ARLINGTON, OREGON. i,5oo,ooo Shares, One lands are awaiting discovery of gas has In a dozen places in Management The management of the affairs of the company will at all times be conservative and progressive. Every dollar realized from the sale of stock will be accounted for. Only the legitimate expenses of operating the company will be paid The officers and directors of the company do not draw any salary at present. Snares Absolutely Non-Assessable Are your shares non-assessable? Yes, made so by the By-Laws of the company, which forbid the board of di rectors from incutring one dollar of indebtedness .There are no bonds, no preferred stock, no debts. Out Field, Its Location and Indications Right here on the banks of the Columbia River in Eastern Washington and Oregon, where thousand of acres of sagebrush and bunch grass human energy for development, been made less than a year ago. the vicinity of Alder Creek, Washington, and Castle Rock, Oregon, illumating gas has been escaping for years through the surface soil. The gas can be burned for hours. Only recently some of the gas coming through the surface soil has been confined in large tanks and con veyed by pipe lines to several cabins, where it is being used for fuel as well as light. Surely no other oil field has displayed such excellent indications, Oil experts have thoroughly examined the ground and pronounced the prospect very good. We intend to drill 2000 feet if necessary but from all indications about 1000 feet will be sufficient depth. All money obtained will be used for de veloping purposes, purchasing of additional machinery and other necessary expenses. No expensive salaried , officials are attached to this organization. It is strictly a" home company organized by home capital. A limited amount of stock has been placed on the market at ten (10) cents per share. If this property develops into a gusher or even into a moderate producer it will mean not only a big profit to investors at present prices of stock, but it will mean much to this section. It will bring money into Umatilla County. Arid lands, which at the present time produce very scant crops, could be irrigated and thereby increase their product tenfoid by having water pumped from the Columbia river with the help of gas and oil for fuel. Think of the vast benefits to this region. The test of oil as a steam-producing fuel was made tears ago; it is noth ing, new; its value has been well established, and the only thing needed to bring it into universal use was the dis covery of an inexhaustible supply. Oil fires a boiler three and one-half times quicker than coal; has a greater efficiency and cleanliness; requires less room and is far cheaper. Railroads, steamships and manufacturers, commerce of every description finds greater saving pos sible by the use of fuel oil, Active Operations One of the largest, modern standard drilling rigs has been put into operation near the Washington side of the Columbia river. Our Drillers Our drillers are old experienced men at the business, and if there is any possible way of getting results, we are positive that they will accomplish such. It is the univeral opinion that the surface indications compare favorably with any of the gas and oil fields in the United States. Several experts who have investigated the discovery make this report. General Manager on the Field Ross Beardslcy, our efficient Vice-President, and one of the first discoverers o the gas, is in charge of the company's interests on tie drilling ground. A more en thusiastic and earnest worker, lully alive to the interests of all the stockholders, could not be found anywhere. For times in Oil The wealth made and to be made in the production and marketing of oil is likewise so apparent that it is almost needless to recite the figures and comparison. No other proposition has ever supplied such riches as have oil wells for the amount of time and money invested in them. Oil is so easily handled after a well is secured and so short a time is needed before results can be obtained, that it is the quickest dividend bearer- The Standard Oil Company in 1897, 1898, 1899, I930 I9i aad the first part of 1902, have paid $202,000,000 in dividends. Profits in Oil Stocks The following list will give a fair idea of some recent independent profits in oil stocks: Original Present Price Price New York Oil $0.50 $ 200.00 Union.. i.qo 1,500.00 Kern River j qo 26.00 Kern River Oil Co j.oo 37 San Joaquin 50 16.00 Peerless ' . , , .2o 8.63 Thirty Three Oil Co .35 1350 Hanford 2.oo 118 00 What $tOO Would Have Done in the Fore going Stock X100 invested in N. Y. O. made t 3,900.00 $100 invested in Union 142,000.00 $100 invested in Kern River 2,500 00 $100 invested in Kern Oil Co 3,500 00 100 invested in San Joaquin 1,50000 Jioo invested in Peerless 4,210 00 ioo invested in Thirty-Three 3,833.33 $100 invested in Hanford 3-794 00 Officers and Directors President: -Geo. Conser, of First Nat'l Bank of Heppner Secretary: Frank Graham, of Arlington. Boakd or Directors;- Geo. Conser, Heppner, Oregon. Ross Beardsley, Arlington, Oregon. W. H. Coldwell, Arlington Oregon. M. McDonald, Arlington, Oregon. Wm. Smith, Arlington, Oregon, Chas, McCalister, Troutdale, Ore. W. A. Campbell, Condon. J mes Carey, Prosser. I. L. RAY, Local Representative, Office 120 Court Street m f 'iiiwlPf111 'i ii i " ii- 1 i