Going to Improre Repair your homes or places B5pa" L hv ne them pamt- i business uj - ALASKA THE GAINER edcrPPered- Come to us lrce and nicely selected rtockol wall paP" and paints. E. J. Mnrpny, ! Ill Court Street. Agency for the Sherwin-Wll-liimg Paint. Tons AND Tons Just received another car load of Poultry and stock supplies at the Colesworthy CHOP MILL li!7 aud 129 EaM AlU Stwl BY VISIT OF 8ENATE SUBCOM- MITTEE THIS SUMMER. Legislation Long Denied by Congru Will be Granted to Region of the Far North. Washington, April 2S. Alaska will unquestionably reap great benefit from the visit of the senate subcom mittee that Is to tour the territory this summer In search ot information upon which to baso future legislation. Not only will the data gathered be of a character to direct the action of the next congress, but the senators com' prising mo suDCoramlttee are men who have never before been in Alas ka, and once they see for themselves the vast wealth and the crowlncr in. dustries, they will join the contingent from the Faciflc coast and a few ethers who have visited Alaska in support of much-needed legislation. Congress Is growing more friendly to Alaska every year. Each summer a few senators or representatives make a trip Into the territory, and without exception they come back fa vorably disposed. Onco Alasln has a considerable number of friends in the senate and house, men who have ideas and the courage to stand by their con victions, it will be able to secure all necessary legislation. The senate committee will give es pecial attention to the (Isherlos, the tax system and to the question of rep resentation in congress, it has been long recognized that Alaska Ashing laws are Ineffectual, to a great ex tent, but the government officials and the cannery Interests have never been able to come together on a common ground. There has been very general complain tthat the present tax laws serve to suppress development, but the unofficial delegates from Alaska have not been able to convince con gress of the need of a change, largely because they disagree among them selves as to what alterations are necessary. The Alaska Delegate bill failed at the recent session of congress, not so much because It was opposed as be cause there was a wide disagreement among senators as to the wisdom of authorizing elections, or having a del egate appointed by the president on j recommendation of the governor and i judges. The committee will endeavor by careful investigation to determine. ursi, mo necessity for delegate, and second, tho best method ot choosing him, if ho Is thought desirable. ine question of a territorial form of government will bo considered, as It is known in advanrn that efforts will be made at tho next session to enact a law giving Alaska tho same Bmcrnment as is now In force in Ok lahoma. Now Mexico and Arizona. There will bo hut llltlo attention paid to the land laws, although the committee may make recommenda uons 01 cnanges In boiuo of tho mia Ing laws. Ijnd legislation was bo- stowed on Alaska In abundance dur ing the past winter, and there is little In that line left to bo desired. That legislation will result from this investigation is almost certain. Just what It will be depends upon tho cnaracter of the subcommittee's re port, and its purport cannot be fore casted. nous POWER Might Ride There. When Hetty Green was living i her farm In Vermont she had for neighbor a particularly crusty bache lor, une day while threshers wero at work the winnowing fan broko and she sent over to borrow one from the bachelor. He sent back word that he never allowed Implements to be taken rrom the, barn, but Mrs. Green could bring her grain to have it winnowed Some months later the old bachelor sent his hired men over one morning to borrow Mrs. Green's sidesaddle for tho use of a vlsltlnc relative. "I shall only be too glad to favor him." waB the word sent back by Mrs. Green, "but I never allow anything 1 own to be carried off the farm. My saddle U hanging across a beam In the barn loft Tell Mr. Browne to send his aunt over. Sho may ride there as long as she likes." HARNESSED STREAMS WILL i GIVE LIGHT AND MOTION. Plant at Athland Purchased by Cali fornia Company That Will Supply Other Towns With Electricity. Ashland. Ore.. Anrll 28. An agree ment tor tho salo ot tho entire plant nnd equipment of tho Ashland Elec tric Power & LlRht Company to uio Siskiyou Electric Power & Light Com pany was entered In this city sunaar between renrcsentatlvas of the two companies. Tho former Is tho local company and capitalized at 135,000. The California comDany. It Is un dcrstood, takes over tho entire stock of tho local corporation and pays a substantial premium over the face value for It. Tho California company is develop ing cxtenslvo power ou Kail creek and Klamath river on the south side of tho Siskiyou mountains which will be transmitted across tho mountains to this valley, supplying the mines and small towns ou tho way with light and power, Including the towns of Klam nthon nnd Hornbrook and n number of quartz mills in that vicinity. Tho distance from the new com party's power station to Ashland In a direct lino Is a llttto more than So. miles, but by the circuitous routo that will likely bo followed It will bo con siderably more: The Churchhlll Bros., bankers, of gISKiyou county, ami Alex noseuur oiiRh, of Oakland. Cal., arc tho con trolling innuenccs in tno now com- hamw mi,! thiv rlnlm tn hnvo avail able lit tho waters ot Fall creek and Klamath river total norso power re sources of 22,000, which It Is proposed to develop and with It promote elec tric railways and manufacturing en terprises throughout Bouthem Oregon and Northern uamornia. Tho local company, which Is to bo soon succeeded by tho California cor poration has been supplying Ashland , with olectrlc lignts since us organiza tion In 1889. has given an excellent service, and has built up a Bplondld business, it nas a vurj- vuiiiinn plant, using water power from Ash land creek with engines In reservo. As .. n m. Itin lltlll lit Pfl HI Illpt Til across tho mountains It Is understood that tho new company win servo mis city from that, and uso the Ashland plant for reserve power only. . ' in-, 1 tuvJiiUJUiK) nwiin wwwp -fl Ucd Star and White Rose V in half gallons, gallon, , jackets ana pans. HOT HOUSE VEGETABLES Lettuce Radishes unions ' ... 3 THE Lots for Sale. t offer some nlco lots on tho north sldo near tho river. No grading need ed. Price $200 to $300. N. T. Conk-Un. Standard Grocery Court Street Low Sellers of Gtoceriet The Colombia Lodging Home Bids Wanted. Sealed bids will bo received at tho county clerk's office of Umatilla coun ty, until 2 o'clock p. m.. May Cth. 1903, for the west half of block 8S, and all of block 86, Reservation nddltion to Pendleton, known as the County Hos pital property. Bids for single lots, quarter, half, whole block or the entire tract (21 lots) wll be entertained, reserving the right to reject any and all bids. The right to occupy tho buildings will be reserved until about July 1st, 1 1903. Terms cash. i W. D. CHAMBERLAIN, I County Clerk. i: Newly Furnished, Bar in connection. Hct. Alta & Webb Sts. In Center of Block. I F. X. Schcmpp Proprietor Have you had your at Teutsch? Try him, shoes repaired hcu xiy-l wim1t if 1 n i:-t i it'lltllur wiod u.rf t Fred Walters, Proprietor i Capacity lfiO barrels a day Flour exchanged for wheat riour, juiii rmi, nu,iri rnv, always ca band. sjimnmm vmmm mmmmm rormmmmmmn fmmmnmmmroTH nmwmwwiromw mjmmmnmmmmj H T T T I J T 17T1VT T"" CTHf11 lr I WILL BE ADVANCED IN PRICE MAY 15th, 1903 Development at the Highland Mine Justifies an Advance in the Price ot Stock. It is Much Mor E Valuable Now Than When We Placed the First Allotment on the Market Some Two Months Ago. CONSTANT DEVELOPMENT AND RESULTS A crew of men have been eoiistnntly sit work ever sir.ee we acquired this property and the Glasgow crosscut Las now encountered and fully crosscut tho ledge. In this ci ossein we have opened up a body of ore sixteen feel in width carrying pood commercial values. Jn speaking of commercial values we mean ores 1 ki'h have n sufficient value to pay for the extraction milling and all other incidental expenses thereto, with oik ugh" of a margin left over to pay good dividends to the stockholders. This large lody of ore was not in tho nature of a surprise, we simply expected it, as the surface develop nifnts showed this same large body of ore, and there was no reason why it should not lie encountered in this ero?s 'ut and at this depth. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT We nro now turning to drift on the ledge to the west from the crosscut in order that we may open tip the richer uc at. a greater depth which are found on the utraw throughout the Bnnnockburn claim. This line of development, we believe, will prove very interesting to all who are interested, or may necumc of ted in the Highland mine, as it will certainly open tip ore bodies rich in quality and in large quantities. It will demonstrate that the Highland will rank as one of the largest producers in tho district. From now on the development work will be com paratively easy and not very expensive, as wo vill be drifting along the ledge where tho ground is much easier io work than in tho country rock which encases tho vein. Kvery month will show a largo increase in our ore reserves. FREE TRIP TO THE HIGHLAND To any one who wishes to invest a reasonable sum of money in the Highland mine, we will pay all traveling expenses to and from the mine for the purpose of his making a personal examination. In offering you a free trip to tho Highland wo feel that this is proof within itself of tho value of this prop erty as it stands to reason that if we di dnot have a good ii,:ne there and all that we claim for it we could not offer ou such an inducement. Wo would lie only too glad to have each and every oik- who contemplates tho investment of money in mines, me out and look over this property and tho district in general. In offering to pay your expenses out here ami back we fool that we arc not running any risk whatsoever as we know positively that no one. no matter now grea: or oonpervutivo an oxpert or mining engineer he may be, could jKissibly, roughly speaking, "turn it dowu." POOL YOUR INTERESTS If you have not sufficient money yourself to justify you in coming to tho Highland to look it over beforo in verting, wo would suggest that you and your friends make up a small pool and send onu of your number out here to look over the Highland. In this way wo believe you v i uld get absolute information as to tho Value of tho prop erty you invest your money in, and you will also buvejin opportunity to learn all almut tho reputation, Btauding and ability of tho directors of tho Highland cumpiuy. OUR REFERENCE Wo take pleasure in referring you to any bank, bin ii tss man, or mining man in our own community. SECURE STOCK NOW If you wish to secure any of this stock while it in selling at tho low price you should send in your order as quick as jiossible. TIiomj who hnvo not all tho money on hand to pay for as much stock as they wIbIi to purchase, may send lis a portion of it and we will sot tho stock, aside W you and you can pay the balance later. Sh. fc tew fc tew fc tew fc tew fc; tew THE PRESENT PRICE OF STOCK IS SIX (6) CENTS PER SHARE NOTICE In case all the stock we with to sell you at this ptke shoU he sold before your order is received, we reserve the right to return you you moaey. Address all communications, and make your ciiecks, drafts and money orders payable to NEIL J. SORENSEN & CO., Department No. 17 Financial Agents Stimptet, Otcgoo iiiiuiaiiiiiuaiiiiuiuiuiui mmmm mmmmmmmmm turn uiiuiuuuutu mmmum