Something New f In the Line of a j Business Sack Suit I i Yet has the tinge so favored by fashion the correct dressers is im pressed with. A strict ly serviceable, up-to-date, thoroughly good, matter of fact suit is the Harvard. Not high priced but high Classed RIDG E AND VIC in .Sack from $10 10 $15 suit ALEXANDER DEPARTMENT STORE T i m mm. he urand i runK uoia nine Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining District. Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER LODE system of veins and has for neigh bors on th it vein such well known mines as the NORTH POLE valued at $10,000,000. The COLUMtirA valued at 5,000,000. GOLCONDA valued at $3, THE MONMOTH G. M. CO'S BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,- ooo. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at $5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $400, 000, and many others. Is Grand Trunk Gold Mining and Milling Go. It has no indebtedness of any character. It has a conservative mining and business management. It is offering 50,000 shares of stock at 153 per share. It will become a dividend payer in a short time. It will pay you to write us for full particulars and to make careful investigation of its merits. It has the indorsemsnt of mining men, business men and bankers of Eastern Oregon. Write us today and let us post you. THUNDER STORM LAST WEEK BURNT OUT 'PHONES Farmers Through Their Seedln -.n uooks Well Warm, Cloudy vYcaier personal Notes. Hideo. A11HI s n t. . , Insner moved their herd of cattle to their John Day range a few days ago. J. S Cherry, of Pilot Hock, was a.u.m, messing last week. He rc i.ulls s many as 16 poll tax payors working for tho J. E. Smith Uvcstock ..n . , r creek- Thls 18 " Rol stmt out for a vnnne n.iv Tho thunder storm a short time ago melted out the 'phono of W. O. Ow ning, so as to prevent conversation a short tlmo ,hut he had It repaired Immediately, w. K. Uakor replaced u.uu ,iuaiS nun repaired tho main iiuo a icw days ago . it. . ' sl ' pooplo are I'.iuuBH seeding. Some .no summer luiiuwing nnd others breaking sod, urnin iooks well, except from the need of a little rain Just at present. Wo have had warm, cloudy weather most of the week, with a small rain fall last Tuesday night: grass is grow- is uiwiy, gram is coming up In ap parently good condition and evorv tiling seems all right except It being nun! inn ny ana warm t ieri,ioni eter registered from :iS to 72 all week and prospects for a contlmicnco of dry. hot weather for awhile. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Fletcher were visiting friends and relatives around Nye last Sunday. John nrown. the Pendleton hide buyer, was transacting business In tins part a few days ago. William Fletcher of Nve. n. . gUest Of Ills Sons nt Rlllim lllel n-nnL- The Slmonton brothers were trans acting ousiness In Pendleton a few- nays ago. Mrs. Frank Kopp ami family, who nave neen living In Pendleton all winter havo returned home. viiiuam bimonton and family, of Gurdane, are at present living in this part. Mrs, F. U. Hosklns, of Colville, asn.. 13 visiting with Mor parents, Mr. and -Mrs Slmonton. It Is reported that one of William Futter's young teams ran away a Fhort time ago and demolished a fine plow. bd Chapman, of Vinson, was a vis itor in this locality a few days ago. .Mrs. E. M. Hoffman, of Pendleton, was visiting her dauuatei. Mrs. M. K. Fletcher, a few days ago. and now ir. and .Mrs. Fletcher are visiting wan ner at nor Home in PendlKon. Our school began tlilr. wee!; with Miss Elizabeth Warner, of Pilot nock, as teacher. Captain Boyd Dead. Tho Captain llovrt. who Is mention ett bolow, Is a first cousin of Colonel 13. D. lloyd. of tilts Yilnro. nml in well known to many cltUcna of this place. ine dispatch is taken from the Rich mond, (Vn.) Times-Dispatch of April Wythevllle, Ya., April Hi. Captain Charles R. Uoyd. a noted mineralogist died todny In Nelson county, Virginia, where he suffered n stroke of paraly sis a fow days aso. Captain Boyd was a Fon of tho late Colonel Thomas J. Boyd, known as tho "Father of Wythevllle." Ho was a captain or engineers during tho civil war. He leaves his wire, who was a Miss Spll lor .or Wythevllle ,and thrco children Charles It. Uoyd ,Ji, and Miss Cor nelln Uoyd, or Wythoville. and Mrs. R. R. Iron, or Mississippi. Ho had been a noted mineralogist nnd metal lurgist In his day, and made topo graphical and mineral ninps of many of tho counties In Southwest Virginia. He was tho author of many well known woiks on mineralogy. Ho was 03 years of age. Ho will be burled here. H. S. McCallum & Company, Miners, Brokorsand Financial Agents, BAKER CITY, OREGON. Or R. S. BRYSON, Local Agent, Pendleton, Oregon. nr w . . - laming setters on aumpter, uregon, uom mining Uistrict free on Application. "niimmiu(n-t. iiiniMiiiininiHM BEAUTIFY 'ly mowed Lawn s are easily at our YOUR LAWNS. maintained. Take a look Easy Running Lawn Mowers. on,r.e m,ade on the correct principal. It's a pleasure to Pe ate them. Let us supply you with GARDEN HOSE. B goods at lowest prices.; ::::::::: Thompson Hardware Co., 62 i Main Street EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE "caaquartpr.: i rr Iv . T 7 C 1? k uupuuboi Ml IIIIIIHIIHHt 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 en built to Merit Has the large demand for Brers' Best Floor no. ni .1 i . . .... : Ms Bm pi ' W1C cnoicest wneat tnai grows emeu ,u-"Wi-Iour. It's perfection in Floor. Made by the LETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers. Proprietor. CONSPICUOUS IN A BALLROOM. Flakes of Dandruff on the Collar and Shoulders of a Gentleman In Full Dress. This Is tho thing you quite frequent ly see in the ballroom a man's black dress coat literally covered with dandruff. It must be annoying to the wearer. and certainly not a pleasant thing to observe. Hut dandruff can bo eradi cated. It is a germ disease that will some day cause baldness. Newbro'3 Herplcide kills tho hair- destroyer germ, and stimulates the hair to a rich .abundant growth: It does more keeps the hair soft and pliant. Furthermore, Herplcide Is a most pleasant toilet accessory; pleasing In color, and cooling to the scalp. MISS STONE. Will Speak Tonight at the Christian Church of Her Experiences In tho Balkans. Miss Stone Is an entertaining speaker, hns a clear open way of ad dressing her audiences .and Is not confined at all to manuscripts. She speaks In no uncertain words of the cowardly robbers, who took two wo n'en to tho mountains for a ransom, and brought home to her hearers much of the horror of the six months of trouble, yet she says, at tho samo time, she found even among thoso men a feeling of humanity and a sympathy for their captives in their most sorrowful days. With many lit tle pictures, dramatic and heart touching, the story of the capture Is told, while her hearers listen atten tively to every word. Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures Chronic Blood Poisoning and all Scrofulous affections. At all times a matchless system tonic and nrlfler. Money refunded If you are dissatis fied. 60c and $1.00 P. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. Stay at Home. We are eolng to havo a great May day celebration and every one should stay at home and help everyono else to have a good time, mo way poie will be wound, three bands will play and Mayor Halley will dispense elo quence to the rythm of the music. In the afternoon mere win dc a ball game whether or no. If Pendle ton connects with the league, uoi fT will come down and try to carry away the honors of the day; but If tho city stays out 01 loeieaguo a bbihu will bo nlayed between the Indians and the negroes of the town. Either wflv there win be a game and a cele bration that It will pay toattend, and all Pendleton will be sure to put away tho cares of business and tho worry of domestic life and whoop It up. Arguments for Good Roads. Speaking then, only of the money side of tho question. It would seem that all must agree In the following icasons for good roads, bringing dol lars nnd cents into the farmers' pock et. A good mad will: 1. Economize time and teams In Uar.snoitallon between farm and mar kct. 2. Enable farmers to take ndvnn tngo or market fluctuations In buying ami soiling. 3. Permit transportation of farm products and purchased commodities during times of comparative leisure. 4. Reduce wear and tear on horses. Harness and vehicles. . Enhance tho market value of real estate. BLOOD JUIMOURS Skin Hum ours, Scalp Hum ours, Hair Humours, Whether Simple Scrofulous or Hereditary Speedily Cured by Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Pills, When All Other Remedies and Best Physicians Fail. COMPLETE TREATMENT, $1.00. In the treatment of torturing, disfig uring, Itching, scaly, crusted, pimply, blotchy and scrofulous humours of the skin, scalp nnd blood, with Jon of Iialr, Cuticura Soap, Ointment nnd Pills have been wonderfully successful. Kven thomot ob.stlnntoof constitutional hu mours, such us bad blood, scrofula, In herited and contagious humours, with los of hair, glandular swellings, ulcer ous patches In tho throat and month, sore oye, copper-colored blotches, us well as boils, carbuncles), scurvy, sties, ulcers and sores arising from an Im pure or Impoverished condition of tho blood, yield to tho Cuticura Treatment, when all other remedies uud methods full. And greater still, if possible. Is tho wonderful record of cures of torturing, disfiguring humours nmoug Infnnt9 nmi children. Tho suffering which Cuti cura Soap and Ointment have alleviated among tho young, and tho comfort they have afforded worn-out and wor ried parents, have led to their adoption In countless homes as priceless cura tives for the skin and blood. Infantile nnd birth humours, milk crust, scall head, eczema, rasht-1 and every form of itching, scaly, pimply skin and scalp humours, with loss of hair, of Infancy and childhood, nro speedily, perma nently and economically cured when all other remedies fultalilo for children, and even the best'phyelcians, fall. Stock For Sale 7.'i head of well-graded Shorthorn cat tle. 1 registered Shorthorn bull. Bit head of horses, mares, geldings and young stock, grade Clydes, and 10 head of Cleveland Hays. 15 head broke to work; weight, 1200 1500 pounds. 1 stallion, 20uo pounds weight. Clyde and Shire. Cash, or time with bankable notes. Address JOHN L. COX, 620 Thompson St., Pendleton, Oregon. (Would like to dispose of stock bo- fore turning out on range.) ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cure dyspepsia and all disorder aris ing from Indigestion, endorsed by physicians everywhere. Sold by all druggist. No cure, no pay. 25 cents. Trial package free by writing to W. H. Hooker Co., Buffalo, N. Y. r. W. Schmidt ft Co. MONEY IN YOUR POCKET An Eastern Business House to ad vertise their business and keep themselves before the public give away for one day only new $1 00 Greenbacks for 90c. The crowd of buyers was immense. With us you save more than 10c on every Dollar. If you don't believe it just read the following Cut Prices which are fgood till JUNE 1 1st. 8 packages Sioux Starch, 25c 3 lbs, Gold DttBt, 20c 3 boxes Spices, 25c 3 2-oz. bottles Extracts, 25c 1 1-lb. can ground Chocolate, 25c Baker's Cocoa, 25c Granulated Beot Sugar, per sack, $5.45 Granulated Cane- Sugar, por sack, $5.80 Mocha and Java Cofleo, per pound, 30c 4 packages A. it II. Soda; 25c (5 bars Owl Soap, 25c 5 bars Cocounut Oil Soap, 5c Senii-porcolnin cups and saucer?, per do.., 99c Somi-porcelain 7-in. plates, per do,., 81c Somi-poreolain pio plates, each, 5c Common lamp chimneys, each, 'G Woven wire wash boards, each, 39c 8-qt granito tea kettle, oach, 73c Everything else at corresponding prices OWLThEAuse THE BEST MANUFACTURING COMPANY STEAM AND HORSE POWER COMB IN EI) II A It V EST E It S Ah McCormlck wuh the original Inventor of tho roapor and head' cr, so was "Ilest" the original Inventor of tho flrHt successful Com bined Harvester. Wo wish to call tho attention of our frlonds whs contemplate purchasing u Sldo-IIlll Combined Harvester the coming season, that wo aro still In tho load in tho way of Improvements, In harvesting machinery, und which our farmer frlonds havo rightfully named the "KINO OF THK riEKU." Aftor watching Its work In tho field the past sixteen years, and for tho season of 1903 It will bo stiil hotter, as we have rando a number of valuable Improvements, The MACHINE Is the stronost and most durablo made. IMPROVED DRIVE WHEELS 6 feet 4 Inches high, 22 Inch tire. RUNAWAY8 are a rare filng with us. There Is a brake ou main drive wheel, which Is controlled liy the driver, HEADER is drlvon Independently from the grain wheel of sep arator, and Is arranged with a clutch for throwing In and out of gear when turning corners. THE 8EPARATOR We wish to call your attention particularly to tho separating qualities of our machine. Wo claim that no other combined harvester on the market can In any way compare with It for speed and thoroughness of work, In all kinds and conditions of grain, and will require leas team to oporato It AUTOMATIC GOVERNOR Our patent wind governor on the fans governs the blast so that at any speed at which the harvester may be traveling, the wind Is automatically regulated and prevents clogging the shoe and carrying tho grain ovor In tho straw. We lake pleasure In Inviting you to call on Tempi A Wilcox, Pendleton, and make a personal Inspection of each and every part of our machines before placing your orders. Every machine warrant ed to do all wo claim for It and to bo first-class In every respect. TEMPLE & WILCOX, Local Agents