East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 28, 1903, Image 2

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Men's Clothing
Desirable Spring Clothing for Men and Boys,
styles and materials the very best and patterns
the latest
Meu's fine worsted Euits $1000 and $12.50
Men'sfancy worsted suits 13.50 and 15.00
Men's very finest suits 16.50 aud 17.50
Boys' Clothing
Boys' two piece suits $1 50 to $3.00 '
Boys' three piece suits 2 00 to 5.00
suits 4 00 to 12 00
Youri" Men's
Every garment is guaranteed to give satisfaction
Baer & Daley
One-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers
H-H--M-H -H
The United States will not joia in j
the proposed anti-Russian action. i
China has sent a formal note to
Russia refusing to grant her demands
in regard to the evacuation eif Man-!
Phillip Dohlin who gave sensation
al testimony in the Holland submarine
bribery cases, was committed to
Bellevue hospital Monday, for exam
ination as to his sanity.
Two thousand persons are destitute
and camping on the foothills near Pi
sagua, in the province of Taraposa.
Chile, as a result or a fire, which de
stroyed that city lately.
Gen. .Miles, of tho army. In his re
port to the secretary of war, directs
attention to the acts of reconcentra
fion by Gen. Bell which, he claims,
are in direct violation of the law.
Golden Rule.
Evans, Sumpter.
H Guerin. -aldwell.
Lee Cunningham, Portland
F. R. Silversmith, New York.
c. c. aughn and wife. San
-Mrs. Jennie McElbraith. Tualitan.
G. L. Trueblood. Portland.
E. H. Burke. Portland.
C. C. Simpson, Spokane.
R W .Mitchell. Chicago.
Annie Wilder. Milton
O. H. Sutherland. Walla Waila.
Sam Lee. Spokane.
C. Carr. .Milton.
B. P. Bonghey. Touch.
M. Morey, Spokaue.
W. Dunn, Spokane.
William Anderson. Milton. '
M. Kelllher, city.
C. E. McCiune. Sumpter.
P. Broadwater, -Denvor..
J. W. Stearns, Sioux citw
J. Mochalas.
E. Wample, St. Louis.'
G. B. Duncan and wife, Bel'oit. '
William Newburn. Spokr.ne.
A. D. Graham. Detroit ' !
H. M. Blakley. Lvadwlio;
.1. A Luchral. Portland.
J .E. Burck. Portland."
Capitalists of St. Paul Interested In
Echo J. G. Camp Will Finish Pre
liminary Survey About Thursday
Jack Rabbit Banquet Planned.
Echo. Ore.. April 2". Mr. Snbln in
company -with W. W. Cotter, secretary
aud general counsel of the O. It. &
N ware here yesterday looking over
the country. They took a drive
through the Umatilla meadows and
up Butter creek. Both were loud in
their praise of the magnificent nnd the
wonderful resources of this vicinity.
They think this a wonderful dairy and
poultry country. Mr. Cotton also
says that Air. Benson who is a !rs ilng
attorney of St. Paul nnd who was
here a few days ago In the interest
of several capitalists, expressed nir.
belt as delighted with this elin.ate
and the possibilities of this vioinii,.-
ad there wa-s no doubi but that .Us
visit would Lring beneucial results
Don't forget to keep your ye on
J. G. Camp, of the geological sur
vey, drove in from the western part
of the proposed works and spent Sun
day here, returning to the field this
morning. He will finish the prelimin
ary survey about Thursday. Mr.
Whistler will bo here about tomorrow
to take charge of the work. It Is an
nounced that a banquet will be given
In the interest of the American Hare
Packing nnd Cold Storage Co., on
rriday. the 15th day of May .at the
Arlington hotel.
Kirkman's orchestra has been se
cured for the occasion and a gratid
ball will follow in the evening. This
will be known as the Jackrabblt ban
quet as the American hare will con
stitute the leading article on the bill
of fare. Efforts are being made to
have here at that time in the Inter
MnV 3 Second nnnual meeting of
the Oregon Stnto Federation of Iabor
f Iji f!ramli '
.May 4 State supreme court at Pen-
ileton. ... ,
May 0 State cntnp Modern woou
Mnv 7 Graduation exercises at the
Peudleton Business College.
May 7 Oratorical high school con
test. Pendleton.
tnv s Intorstnte academic de
bate at Walla Walla.
May 8 Interstate scholastic debate
at Walla Walla,
May S-17 Pacific Coast Congrega
tlonal Congress, Seattle.
Mnv 12-1K Golf tournament.
.May 14. 24 Seventh Day Adventlst
ronferenee, Pendleton.
May 201. O. O. F. grand lodge,
May 20, June 3 Presbyterian gen
eral assembly, Los Angeles, Cnl.
May 23-2S Commencement week:
field day: 24. baccalaureate sermon;
25. Juniors entertain seniors; 2C, pub
lic nrosrnm by juniors. 27. senior
ln il.ivi 2S. commencement
' May 28. 29 and June 12, 13 Wool
sales, Pendleton.
I June 1 Circuit court.
June 2, 3 and June 25, 24 Wool
i sales, Heppner.
I June 4 Presbyterian Academy
June 9, 10 and June 2C, 27 Wool
sales, Shanlko .
June 4, 5. f Ninth annual Umnrilla
Countv Pioneer reunion at Weston.
June G. C Wool sales. The Dalles.
June 15, 10 Wool sales, Baker
June 17 Oregon Pioneer Associa
tion, Portland.
June IS, 19 Wool sales, Elgin.
June 23, 24, 25 State Federation of
Women's Clubs, Astoria.
July 2 Eastern Oregon G. A. n. en
:amp"nient. Union
July C-10 Forty-socond annual
meeting National Educational Asso
ciation. Boston, Mnss.
Julv 7 Improved Order of Hedmen
i fit or the dairy business, a represen-1 jea' council. Portland,
tative from tlio Stntn ArrlnilMiivi! f August 17 National
tative from the State Agricultural
collese. and the Hazlewood Dairy Co.
This move is made by the Citizen's
Association or Echo and would indi
cate that they mean business.
Clarence and Hub Boyles came over
from Heppner to take a look at this
part of the country.
Frank Vuncleave came In yesterday
from the range In the vicinity of Tub
spring. It will take about two weeks
for him to finish work in that part of
the country.
A. R. en-
August 17 National G.
ampment. San Francisco.
September S-ll National irrigation
rongresB, Ogden, Utah.
Street poll tax of the city or Pen
dletou is now delinquent. Prompt
payment must be made or collection
will be enforced according to law.
CItv Marshal.
Robbed the Grave.
For the first time in the history of
American athletics, an all-American
football team is to visit Ireland and stath of omo.
England this summer in an attempt i CITY of tolkdo. ).
tc gain international honors. 1 LDCas coi'.vxy.
I Frank J. Cheney makes onth that h- Is
By an explosion of molten metal ! "je senior partner of the firm of F. J.
five men wer-j horri'ilv Purn-'d. two or;V'fnf' Co.. doing bnslnem In the city of
them probably fatal.- at Vesta fur- ssio UTt""i Out
nace. Marietta, Pa., early Monday Ilnndred Dollar for each and eTery case
morclng; The accident was caused ot Catarrh that cannot be cored by the
by a wet projectile being shot Into ust JE,a"' ,?'"rrn Cure-,
,r,in Sworn to tfore me and subscribed In
tne cupola. my pr,ence thin nth day of December, A.
Tti , 1. 1 ...1 .. .. , , 1. -. I . ... j .. .. I loan.
4 niruiuua i,i luc ricauiciiail
churches of the United States have
All wheelmen are hereby warned
A startling incident is narrated j to discontinue riding on the sidewalks
by Johu Oliver of Philadelphia, as 1 of the city under penalty of arrest,
follows: "I was in an awful condi-l By order of city marshal. J. W.
tion. My skin was almost yellow, i Scheer
eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain con
tinually in hack and sides, no appetite
growing weaker day by da. TlfrOe
physicians had given me up. Then
I wus.ndvi3cd to try Electric Bitters
to my great joy. the first buttle made '
a decided Improvement. I continued '
ineir use tor tnree week, and am
now a well man. I know they robbed
the grave of another victim." No
one should fall to try them. Only
50 cents, guaranteed at Tallman &
Co.'s drug store.
IN- A OUANll SPECTACULAR Pfioniirrm.. ... ' '
1J JLV 1 1
Fowenni uomDanv ol Wavers Sm.ri.io..
ujriuuum ivmuvt,: iuemicai LUaEiois'
n bihti it
KPQprvo .npiii now nn snin nt k'rain.1. t-.i,..,
Q AJUU&igjj
The Worl d -Famous
Stock Farm for Sale.
We have the Jas. Lindsay farm,
near Alba for sale. It consists of C40 ;
acres. j-u acres in timothy; more
than 200 acres In wild hay. which will
grow timothy. A portion will grow
Ijidles' half soles 40e. . Teutsch.
I Parity I
l2r l!
pjis 1
voted in favor of revising their con
fession of faith. The subject will ho
finally disposed of by the general as
sembly, which - meets in Los Angeles
next month.
Notary Pnbllc.
flall'i Catarrh Cnre In taken Internally
end acts directly on the blood and mnconi
anrfac of the system. Send for testi
monials free.
F. J. CflEXnr 4 CO., Toledo. O
noia dj an arnzgists. 73c.
Hall's Kamllv tills nrr the best
wheat and barley, balance
abundance of water. All
300d buildings.
Will sell In one. two or three tracts
Easy terms.
C. A.' Mclsaacs will represent the j
Admires Pendleton
Thomas E. Armistead. ,a member
Lewis and Clark Fair In the Domin- of the Hazlewood Company of Spo
ion of Canada. 1 kane, Portland and Slous City. Iowa,-
Paddy Lynch, the Astoria kidnap-1 11E been a visitor In the city for
per, has been sentenced to eight
ears in the penitentiary.
John Wllkerson. a miner in the Gol
cocda at Sumpter. fell 325 feet Mon
day and,, was Instantly killed.
The Spoknnc baseball team, which
lias heretofore been called "bunch
grascers." has been dubbed the "In
several uays. Mr. Aruutslcad Is a
great admirer of Pendleton, and
thinks with the right spirit mul nelit
management it is destiprrt to be -!
of the foremost towns on the coast.
He says if good men, men of right
principle are kept at its head it will
grow cleat up the Ullldldo nnd nr.
over the edges into the next town
ship. Our spilng In -aw.'.v ul ra,l i.f
A. .M Johnson, an old-time purser line surround.n couu'.rv. iht ircc-
on a river Btcamer, committed buI- and flowers being a -ee.k or two far-
nMa o Xnnn 1rinrlnu Ulo ti nr.il.,i. . ffr- nili-onnn.l In I .. f 1. 1 '
uuc ui i.njiu. ... .n.i.j . nin HUH) I ....t i.v.-l 1 1, (J 1 1 (, t. UUU U I U U III.
were short $100. ( In fact. Mr. Armitstead Bays Pendlo-
At a' special school election at As-; u is a" right. He went to Portland
toria MonUay. for the purpose of re-rlH" "'""""B.
fundln'g'n1 $37,000 school district debt,
UI"' rV 5 c Moki Tea positively cures Sick
Rev... G. Adams, of Sacramento, . Headache, Indigestion and. Constlpa-.
preache'd .a sermon on intemperance tion. A delightful herb' flrlnk. ne
cmong women last Sunday, as a re-, imoves all eruptions "of the skin, pro
suit of -which the congregation Is go- ducing a 'perfect comnlexldn or money
Ing to ask for his resignation. j refunded. 2Bc and' 50C WfIte,to us
The coupty jail record of Baker fPr 'r,e sample. W. II. Hooker Si Co,,
county BhpwB that Pleasant Arm-1 Buffalo, N. Yi F. W, Schmidt .&,,Co
strong, tlie , Haines munlerer, has r"cg'8tB.
been ip .that Institution Eevernt times ; : . ,
before, ojr disturbing the peace. ' For Saie.
Bessie, Knecht, of Salt Lake, -woke! Three-quartqr .sections int. good
from her sleep "of 57 days' Sunday. ' wheat land, of which' one-half is in
The doctors attribute her trouble to grain, "and all lies. Gv.e miles .north
an abscess on the brain. When she . east of the . city. A dwelling two
went to sleep she weighed 127 pounds, oams anu oiner outnuiidings. and a
She now weighs only 86,
good water system. Call at lOllver
A challenge to a joint debate has ' .c5-.'8 Brocery..or at the, home of u
been issued by the democrats canv "'S. ' xnompson street.
palgn managers of the first 'congress " ' !
slonal district, to Binger Hermann. Minister Conger at Pekin, has pro-'
Mr. Heames, the democratic homl-, tested, to the grand secretary of China
t.ee, win-dobato issues with Mr. Her Jigalnst .two features' of ;the proposed'
uanu. .. ,Mancburiun agreement. ' ' j
A Thoughtful Man.
M. M. Austin, of Winchester hid.,
knew what to do in tho hour of need.
Ills wife iidd such an unusual case
of stomach and liver trouble, physi
cians could not help her. He thought
or and tried Dr. King's New Liro Pills
and she got relief nt ouce and was
finally cured. Only 25c at Tallman &.
Co.'.s drug store.
Do you think that betting Is wrong?
It depends on circumstances, an
swered the town oracle. If you can't
afTord to lose. It's wrong; ir you can.
It's merely. silly. Washington Star.
Enjoy Life
Thut'h the point we are trying
to iiiipre-M on the public iniud '
Whf n n clean, pur drugxtm-k
in epoken of we want that to n
fer t' our Htore We're rtning
all we car. to merit that title.
It'tt the main point of our luml-net-p.
We think about it iiid
talk uVwt it all the titn-. Bye
mul bye you'll betr tliU in mind
if nu" haven't nlrcidy. There
i 'iio estr etmre for thin puri
ty. Together with iivfiirui-y lt'
our lnduceiueut lor join pre
er!pll'ii trade. We are care
ful aud prompt with mail order-
1 1"
A A ..f.. I nn.l I.:, . .. ...III
r t r -1 .
i r i i i i i i iii ii
under the auspices ol the rarrlsh Aid Society of the
. i. t . J r i ii tit .
1 v "tymvt
shown in this cay. In addition to the rassion rvt
he ipany other interesting scenes presented.
1 - . . . t I I I ,J 1
r( mission i l ra
kJkJ '
uuu i iaj- 10 cuinc auu lie sure iu uriug ihuuiuii
t-nttTla. anient is of a high order and you will enjin &
F. W.
Schmidt t
Ph. G.
Phone Main 85)
Out door exercise meaus
improved health and a
sunny disposition
All Kinds of Sporting
and Pleasure Goods
No matter- what game or
pastime 5'our fancy ruqs
to, ybli' can Ret' "the
goods to promote it at
jBbpk and .Stationery Store
11300 buys 300x582 feet of sightly
building property, north side.
$S-'0, two excellent building loto,
stone wall and sidewalk, W. Court.
S1&00 buys three lotH ou north side;
comer aud good B-roomdiouse,-
1200, corner lot, aud co:tage nearly
(3050, four loU land ilp eiidid rebl
denee, a very chtap property.
2(i00. four acres, edge of town, house,
burn, 200"frult trees.
$2250, 113 acri. 3 tulles from town.
N". R., SOaeies in eiiltivatlou, 50 in
wheat, ip nicely, 4-rooiu Iiuum-, good
" $350, a graded lot. stone wall, north
Hide, east front, sightly location.
(10,000, half a sectlon of choice farm
iug laud, crop-included. -
Thee nre entirely new oITers, hut I
haveinttuy more and Mould lite au
opportunity to talk them over with
- ---- -f- t -r -r t t -r r r r r r t v r r t t
Beats them all for close skimming
and easy running, no disc or bowl
complications whatever
The eliiMf.t vkillUUlUg aid f"
. --. - . .
,lltir,,i i.i. il lfliil.lll ie 01
UCICIVIUIC iwinuii. r . ,
,nr timru rinrifir iiihii I mi
. V. . , . .. .. nl
oilier Beparaior in eitiru
Iv aud coimiletely whed lw"!
uteo, bh there are ouly three wtH
Jii.nli. nrf rlnmble UiHllf, aud CM
any other Separator on me
For catalogue, addrtx
T. C, TAYLOR, The Hardward
741 'MAIN ST.'
bat, MI"
Yon should know that the very
all kinds is to be found '-at
P. P. Collier & Co.'s
. - ' ' nllt
Alan nnnn nnii. ua
. , .. ' 638 JUafn Sti. Phone Main 1121
- ,. iL.
tlozue of tfiem. A ffl soppry always kept