East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 28, 1903, Image 10

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be celebrated in Pendleton
1 . u - .1 ;
.Call and be
wiut voir ui cickuui suoes irom
ic.larpest and most canahle ctnplr
mg aw not
Good Shoes Cheap
Walked to Pendleton.
Mr. Stamper, aged 80 years, who
hi mit hi i rtfinir niiKV np WHikt'n in
Pendleton, a distance of nine miles.
nntint. 'into mnrninr fi tnrk- tnp
uauu iur Aiucua. aiiutucuuv oh ai udu
H. L. Swaggart went to Athena this
morn lag,
Indian Agent Wllklns has returned
from Portland.
E. H. Clark went to "Walla Walla
this morning.
Bev. "W. E. Potwlne went to "Wes
ton "this morning.
Judge Ellis has returned from hold
ing court at Prineville.
B. M, Valandlnpham. oi Warco, is
here prospecting for lanU.
Sirs. F. F ."Wamsley has returned
from a visit with friends in Portland.
United States Commissioner John
Haller, Jr., has returned from Port
land. Mrs. Charles Cahoon is Very ill at
her home in the western part of the
A. S. Pearson, the city recorder of
Freewater, Is in the city on a short
visit. i.Kstl
Jack McKay, of "Walla "Walla, is in
the city on bis way home from Hot
Mrs. R. J. Stubulcfield's little girl,
who has been quite sick, is much bet
ter today.
J. J. Stubblefield has moved from
Chestnut street into the eastern part
of town, near the pomp house.
T. L. Poole, of Portland, represent
ing the John Deere Pdow Company, Is
in the city, the guest of A. Kunkle.
Rev. R. J. Diven is at North Juni
per Canyon this week, organizing a
mission of the Presbyterian church.
Charles U Daychert and wife left
for Portland this morning after a few
Trrfi nr iann nn iiirrn p.rpei;. Mice Annn iimrirnn mtnrnnri tn
Walla Walla this morning. She has
E. E. Cleaver In Baker. ( been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. J.
Elmer E. Cleaver, the hustling min- Ferguson.
Ing man from Prairie City, formerly William Hilton has cone to Adams
group of mines, is registered today at , Coast Elevator Company's warehouse
anoKor oi me new oianaaranjonsoi-, Ben K Davis. well known in Pen
'UtW ra.u.ui, liUUllMUll Ul J UUItr rl otnn 1.. . I. n na,l. n- nklln Imtid.
Daily Journal.
Charles Frazler is able to sit np
most of the time and to walk about
some. His broken arm is .mending
nicely, but he suffers very much from
the bruises and shock of the fall In
the Barnhart warehouse.
Mrs. Joe H. Parkes, accompanied
by her daughters, tied a and Kmc,
left this morning for Portland where
they will attend the conmencement
of the Pacific Dental College. Mrs
Parkes' brother, Nathan Smith, is
member of the class that graduates
In dentistry at this time.
H. B. Nelson, the Weston brick
manufacturer. Instead of having
stroke of paralysis, has been suffer
ing several days with asthma; so
much so that he was confined to his
bed. He Is very much better now,
and Is again in personal charge of the
brick yard, which Is turning out 40.000
R. W. Fletcher has been in the city
on business for a few days. He re
turned this morning to Heppner, in
tne vicinity of which placo he has
charge of a party of 10 men tsugaced
in building fence for the O. R. &. N,
This party, under Mr. Fletcher's oi
rectlons. will build 70 miles of fence
along the tracks In the Heppner
General Organizer P. P. Pardelllan
of the Women of Woodcraft, is in the
city representing the Women of
Woodcraft element In the coming W.
O. -W. celebration at Walla Walla on
May .1 to 3 Inclusive. Mr. Pardellatn
reports 100 applications for member
ship on file In the Women of Wood
craft ordor at Walla Walla.
Stop! Macbeth." with John Grlf-
ui ids remiTK 10 I np rtiinnirv.
am m k
The great System Tonic.
The remedy that is so
popular because of its
real mirit. Now is the
time to take F. & S. Bit
ters and tone up your sys
tem. One bottle is equal
to a month's recreation.
Manufactured by
lurav's Harbor
Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep ETerything
Bat we ao eep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Gelling, Rustic and Finish,
in all grades. Alao all kinds
of Dimension Lumber, in
eladiag Lath and Shingles.
Our stock of Doom, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
. Boxes b complete, and any
one in need of Lumber will
; aet be wrong in placing
thek order with the :
Cray's Harbor Com. Cm.
W: C R.
W. R. Locus, the new Western
Union manager, is able to sit up some
but is still quite 111. He has a severe
atack of the grip.
The Misses Emma and Edna Male,
who reside about nine miles from
Pendleton, have gone to Arlington for
a visit with friends.
Mrs. Ernest Hartman and daughter,
of Portland, have arrived for a
month's visit with her father-in-law,
Judge Hartman, and family.
Mrs. M. H. Jarvis is very 111 with an
aggravated case of erysipelas at the
home of her son, J. M. Janis, at the
corner of Tustin and Garden.
Lieut. Wiemann. of fca Grande, in
charge of the Salvation Army post
there, and formerly of Pendleton, is
in the city on his way to Portland.
W. F. Matlock Is at the Imperial
from Pendleton. Mr. Matlock is one
of the best known stock raisers of the
Inland Empire. Oregon Dally Jour
nal. Mack Williams, a farmer living
about six miles this Bide of Echo, was
in town tdday. He reports the crops
in good condition, but that rain is
Mrs. Jane Davidson, of Umatilla,
was in the city yesterday and today
on business. The Davidsons own a
fine ranch east of Umatilla two or
three miles.
Mrs. Crlsslnger, for several years
past a resident of Pendleton, has sold
her property at 312 Ora street, and re
turned to her former home at Corval
lis, where she will reside in the future.
Mrs. M. J. Quick, mother of L. E.
Penland, has arrived from Halsey,
Linn county, for a visit of a month
with her son and family. Mrs. Quick
is a pioneer of the first-class, as she
came to Oregon in 1846.
Mrs. Weatherred Succeeds in Inter
esting Baker City Clubs in Lewis
and Clark Fair.
Mrs. Edyth Tozler Weatherred. of
Portland, unquestionably one of the
most widely known women in Ore
gon, and one who has been ever fore
most in furthering the Interests of the
state and Its women residents so far
as woman's work pertained, address
ed members of the Alpha Literary
Society Saturday afternoon, at Elks'
hall, on matters pertaining to the
early steps for organizing looking to
the erection and maintenance of a
woman's building at the Lewis and
Clark Centennial at Portland in 1905
The gathering was highly success
ful and ended In the accomplishment
of the purpose of Mrs. Weatherrcd's
trip to Baker City, the formation of a
society here to co-operate with other
organizations in the state for expos!
tlon work, but more particularly the
establishment and keeping up of the
women's building and the holding of
special days for pioneers, women's
auxiliaries to fraternal organizations
and other societies that may be given
special dates during the exposition.
uaKer city Herald.
Suit Against Sheriff.
E. L. Smith, by his attorneys. J. A.
fee and Carter & Raley. has brounht
a suit against T. D. Taylor as sheriff
or Umatilla county, to restrain and
enjoin the enforcement of a judc-
ment against the plaintiff for S1.800.
resulting from the foreclosure of a
mortgage on lot 9, block F, in the
reservation addition. The property
lies on tne east Bide of Garden street
between Alta and Webb. The action
brought by Mr. Smith holds that no
actual or legal lien against the prop
erty aescriDed exists.
W W: St C K. Dsfwt
wn u w-
1.12 "
Help wanted to harvest the straw
berry crop in the vicinity of Milton
and Freewater. The crop promises
to be unusually large, and outside
help will be needed. There will be
employment for a large number of
persons In harvesting the crop. Fam
ilies who wish to take a six weeks out
ing and combine profit with pleasure
are invited to come up to the Free
water strawberry fields. Camping
grounds will be furnished free.
Twenty-five cents per crate is paid
for picking. Address N. W. Mum
ford, Freewater. Oregon, or R- T.
Motley, Milton, Oregon.
Our Lauidry Methods
appeal to every thinking man.
We ca 1 for your wattling when
everyna my the word; we lBn
der it iitinit-dlaiel.v: we return it
to jour houe at the hour prrrai
iaed. It will cost you but Utt e
to aacmaln whether or sot this
hi an idle boast. We court the
Court and TboaapKn Htreeta.
Discharged From Asylum.
Mrs. Ida Poole, the woman who
was declared insane in this county,
February 11, and was sent to Salem,
was discharged a few days ago. Mrs.
Poole, it will be remembered, left the
train at Echo, and when the next day
she resumed her Journey, threw her
ticket and a draft for a large sum of
money into the car stove. It was not
believed while she was in custody
here that her insanity was of the per
manent type, and it is now known
that It was not.
Early Morning Fire.
There was a fire in Pendleton early
this morning at the residence of Ed
Eben. At first It was feared a disas
trous conflagration was on, but when
the excitement had somewhat cooled
It was found that only the water
closet was a ruin, and the residences
themselves in no danger. The two
outbuildings on the premises of Mrs.
McGlnnls caught fire from some
cause unknown, and was completely
destroyed. Mr. Eben, with the aid ot
several neighbors and a crowbar,
succeeded in removing his property to
a safe distance. They also tore down
the fence to save it.
Both Have Appendicitis.
Mrs. Frank Brown, of Ukiah, who
was taken to the hospital some days
ago, suffering from an attack of ap
pendicitis, was operated upon today
and Is reported as doing as well as
could be expected. Mrs. Anna Culp,
also suffering from the same disease.
Is doing nicely, but the date of ber op
eration has not as yet been determined.
Macbeth" Tonight!
No Disappointment!
Opera house will be
Lighted by electricity
From Dyers' mill.
Secure your seats at once.
To Take Examination.
Three Pendleton youn g men will
enter the examination Saturday of
applicants for the carrier and postal
clerk service tn this city, xtalpn
Howland will conduct the examina
tion, which wll Inrobably be held in
the courthouse.
Board Is Searching for a Suitable
Ground for Summer Camp, Target
Range and Field Practice.
A board, consisting of Captain
Walsh, of the ninth cavalry. Captain
McLauchlan, of the thirtieth battery
field artillery, and Lieutenant Has
kell, of the ninth cavalry, spent the
day In the city en route to Athena.
The board was sent out some time
ago by Colonel Godfred, ot the ninth
cavalry, to look for suitable ground
for a target range and camp for field
practice. The gentlemen have been
over the country around Bingham
Springs and Thorn Hollow, while on
a former trip they visited a site in
the Touchet river country and are at
present undecided as to which of
the many Is the best. The last
named place Is a large level tract,
but has no good place for a camp.
Around Bingham Springs and
Thorn Hollow the ground for a camp
Is better but the facilities for field
practice are lessened by the broken
nature of the ground. It Is probable
that the board will recommend both
sites to the government, the one at
Touchet to be used for field practice.
the one at Bingham Springs for a rifle
range. By this plan a couple of
troops would go out for field practice
at Touchet and having finished that
would move to Bingham Springs for
their rifle practice. Another advent
age of Bingham Springs as a rifle
range lies In the fact that but little
work would have to be done on tho
butts behind the targets, since the
range could be laid In a canyon facing
a hill. A range or 1,000 yards is re
quired. The board wishes to secure
about a section of land for the camp
and grounds.
They returned by way of the agen
cy in order to confer with the agent.
Charles Wilkins, about the feasibil
ity of securing title to the land.
Lieutenant Colvert. of tho ninth
cavalry, Is with the company, on a
hunting trip. Besides the board
named there is a teamster and a
cook. Captain Walsh is spending the
day at the home of Mrs. L. H. Stur
gis. who is a relative of his. This
evening the officers will leave on the
train for Athena. Bending the wagon
on to the fort at Walla Walla.
A List of the School Pupils Who Have
Finished Their Eighth Grade Work.
Certificates of graduation from the
eighth grade studies of the public
schools have been issued by Superin
tendent Nowlin to the pupils whose
names appear below. The certificates
admit them to the studies of the
high school course, wherever such a
course is maintained:
School district No. 83, Hudson Bay.
Kyle McDanlel, teacher; Dane Good
man, Charles Wellman. Olin Well-
man, Stanley Wright.
District No. 31, Milton. T. C. Salt.
teacher: Thomas Berry, Hosa Fren
dlg. Erwin Neagle. Mary Beaumont,
Anna Welch, Clem Wilcox, Joseph
McCoy, Kyle Frazler.
District No. 45. Union school. Net
tie Cannon, teacher: Ralph Cannon.
Leota Cannon, Eugene Schrimpp, Ed
na Hopper, Frank Swaggart, Oliver
Mosely, Raymond Hopper.
District No. 29, Athena. J. D.
Hawes, principal: Ernest Zerba. Ava
Reeder, Roy Thompkins. Iva Zerba.
George Rosenswlne.
District No. 24, near Helix.- S. A.
Darr. teacher: Anna Campbell.
District No. 50. Butter Creek, C. J.
Morey, teacher: Robert Brownell.
District No. CI, Foster. J. F.
Slaughter, teacher: Roy Warren.
Superior to Electricity.
The electric light famine will not
In any way affect the Fleming Bros.'
show in the opera house Thursday
evening. May 30. as the company car
ries Its own appliances for making
powerful and beautiful light a
light in every way superior to elec
tricity for exhibition purposes. Don't
fall to see the Passion Play of Ober-
ammcrgau for the benefit of the par
ish aid society.
Jung Jack Held.
Of all the aggregation of Indians,
half-breeds, white men and others
who were defendants before the re
cent session of the United States
grand Jury at Portland, the Chinaman,
Jung Jack, charged with selling liquor
to the Indians, was the only one held
for trial.
HlghlClass Musicians.
Professor and Mrs. F. W. Lougb
will give their concert tonight at the
Methodist church on Thompson
stroet. as advertised. The Loughs
are high-class musicians beautiful
singers and pianists, and the authoris
of music as well.
iu Aceer MW
The cofee habit is quickly over
come by those who let Grain-O
take its place. If properly made
it tastes like the best of coffee. No
grain coffee compares with it in
flavor or hcalihfc'.n'-wj.
Stoma vorywltre; lit sal Be r;tksf
We are so Dusy wc nave no time io write an "aa" today Tk. i
rush is still on. Will merely call your attention to the fa? 2'
that our stock in all d-partments was never so complete ,
now, and we want your patronage.
Our summer dress goods are beauties; our new dress I
trimmings are the latest; our lovely laces are unsur- 1
passed; our ladies' knit underwear not equalled, our '
ladies knit glove stock complete; our drop stitch t
hosiery will please you; our stock large; our prices low !
Our treatment good. We are prepared to clothe and f ecd k ' i i
pCOpiC Ul ilia una ,uuij - us.
The Leaders in Pendleton
Don't let it
I ii'few.J.CLARkT&C0.
t -' MWrW an Court Street
You don't always have snck I
an opportunity of securing a
splendid fishing outfit as weare
offering just now. We have J
..... f --in nym. LIUII1DOO poles
hooks, flies, reels, lead pre -Ji
everything in the line of fishing
oaaa AaaaaAaaaaA Aaa A A AAAAtjutt?
See Our Corset
and Hosiery Window
The fit of the dress depends strictly upon the fit
of the Corset, therefore do not have your spring
gown fitted over an old Corset We will supply
a new one in Straight Front, Girdles and Tape
Girdle at popular prices.
We are
in position
to fit
lliij Fittine
We make
a Specialty
of Child
ren's Lace
and Fancy
Our stock of Ladies' and Children's Hosiery is
more complete than any in the city. We are
especially strong in Ladies' Drop Stitch and
Fancy Hosiery.
The Big Boston Store
We have Carpet Bern- i
nanlB, some of tbem ivp
tnough for rooms, that ,
ill -1 .1 .rroailV i
Will UJUSW UUI ai fi"- v
Kcduced rnw ;
Undertaking Parlors in Cobb ,
. .uiil
Hare Yor Water Pipes
Delay will lead to serious breaki.
First-class work guaraateed by
BECK, the Reliable Plaibcf.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel