PMLYEVENINBEDlTBt A A A A A AAA A AAA A ftAAAAAAAAAAA Y ..... t Eastern Oregon Weathc j I r m earn STa wbbk. I Tonight nml Wednesday Hpht frost tonight fair' I 1 , ... I I 1 1 I t T I 1 t 1 I T I V I I 1 f PENDLETON UMATILLA COUNTY, OTIEGON, TUESDAY, APKIL 28, 1903. NO. 4729. IN CHICAGO leers, Wood Work ers, Blacksmiths hinistsOut. UoiNG THE HARVESTER WORKS a kw the Com Ling Those Who Join veral Hundred Al ,t MeContilck Harvester I LrU !8.-A big squad of mrdlng the Peering fcrU, where there is neUl workers, wood . I I - . - J Mm ISlCniDlSIS auu The union officials say nen are out. beverai lers and their sympa tpded near the works . but offered no violence. rted. the men claim, be- fcnpany discharged those the union. At the Mo i there are also several i out MST MARRIED. ar Wedi Miss Wilson I for Europe This After- April 2S. William Ran : vis quietly married at i forenoon to Miss Mill! , la the Grace church, by The bride ts a daugh Wilson, president of i Advance Music Compa 1 jean old. Hearst is 39. Infled on the Kaiser Wil Europe this afternoon. In DUNSMUIR. Worker From Comax im Minet Urge Action. I a C April 28, A dele- men represent in e the I Extension mines belong' uunsmulr and tie Nanl owned by the Western j. of San Francisco, are . iraasmulr and unre tin- : cuQa in regard to open' tuion. othenrlsf iirlv. p at comax. SPEAK SPANISH. issues Orders to ting Emitted Men to t That Language. ASril 2R Tlcnorcl 1 Uued an nrrfpr tK.i .11 I osllited men be taueht to speak Snanlsh in Necessity o, the ,18e of issnrai possessions, UWAL ACTIVITY. nment Purchase Lam M .. " " "aval Materials. rPrtl 2!.The cnvmn... E i!K!L Mtl" from " "nusual activ 1 - .uiy IN. T. i.i .r I 1, " rue court .Zl'.a"tv4 unconstl. r:n??.r 'a as affect- Puoc contracts. 1 Trt Record. "W in m eJroand trP SfTTT " 58 davit, ch. J soldier. ' Favari.. Brit. ,t rulng : tie ;euI.'V,"te' th L "rait. Prl..... Ud I,? wbel fnllr L1" tapor8 "rfU8- The "HfcfuIeatC0. Mtional 1 o,8 'f Hues of nr ""O are hu "8 lrU- -MM, BAN REMOVED. Bremerton Navy Yard Will Again Be Used by the Government. Washington. April 28. Bremerton, a town adjoining tho Puget Sound Nnvy yard ,is no longer under the ban placed some, months ago on ac count of the demoralizing conditions there alleged In official reports. On the representations of Influential cit izens of Seattlo the navy department has withdrawn the restrictions. The gunboat Ranger will bo sent there shortly for an extensive overhauling. AUDITORIUM DESTROYED. Fire Rulna the Famous Prohibition Building at New York. Now York, April 28. Fire this morning destroyed the mammoth pro hibition auditorium In Prohibition Park. It was one of the largest in the country. It was built 12 years ago and was the scene of many polit ical meetings. The loss will amount to 120.000. STARTS FOR MANCHURIA. Russian Minister of War Leaves for Seat of Uprising. St. Petersburg. April 28. Minister of War General Kuropatklng has started for Manchuria, where an up rising of the natives is expected. From Manchuria he will probably go to Japan. His -visit Is, causing much speculation. PREPARIN9 FOR DEDICATION OF ST. LOUIS E Mill City in Gala Attire Previous to the Arrival of the President and Other Notables, ROOSEVELT GIVEN AN OVATION AT THE CAPITAL OF IOWA AND SPEAKS TO IMMENSE AUDIENCE. Strike Threatened. Glasgow. April 28. A strike of all the engineers on the Clyde is impend Ing on account of a reduction of em ployes which the employers announce for May 1. PROMINENT MEN TO APPEAH EDITOR CHICAGO INTER OCEAN PREFERS CHARGES. House Committee Appointed by Illi nois Legislature to Investigate the Boodle Charges in Traction Bills. Springfield, IIK. April 28. At the re quest of the chairman of the house committee appointed to investigate the boodle charges in connection with the Chicago traction bills, the house today postponed further action Dend- Ing the hearings by the committee of Editor Hlndman of the Chicago Inter- Ocean, who was tried before the com mittee last night. He Is said to have given that body a number of names, Including J, H. Eckles. president of the Chicago Commercial National, Fred Blounte. vice-president of the Chicago Nation al. Attorney Bliss, of the Chicago City Railway Company, and several other prominent representatives who are Bald to have been requested to appear. Klndman's charges are not specified and it Is not known wheth er any direct allegations have been made. St. i-ouls, April 28. Outward and visible signs are abundant in St. Louis that something big Is on the tapis. The day previous to the arriv al of President Roosevelt and other notables who are to attend the dedi cation of the Louisiana Purchase Ex position has been a busy one In many quarters. The Immense tract where the great white buildings of tho world's fair are rapidly nearlng com pletion was naturally the chief scene of activity. A veritable army of work men Is engaged in putting things In spick and span shape for the hun dreds of thousands of visitors the latter part of this week may gain a favorable Idea of the magnitude of the coming exposition and to the efforts the Mound City is malting to insure the success of the enterprise. A sur prise is in store for those visitors who have gained an impression that, owing to the opening being a year off, little actual building has been done. Of course, the exposition as a who? is in any very incompleted state, but a few buildings arc actually finished and when the thonsands assemble Thursday at the Palace of Liberal Arts, they will see on all sides the great structures sufficiently advanced to show what they -will loolt like when finished. Just at present, however, the workmen are mostly engaged In removing debris and rubbing off the rough edges of the picture so that a pleasing view of the grounds may be obtained. President Roosevelt and the ambassadors of foreign na tions will ride In the dedication pa rade over asphalt drives and pass between the finished facades of six mammoth structures. A vast amount of sculpture is in place in the main court, and the flags of all nations are being strung along the cornice line of the finished buildings. In many parts of tho city decorators arc busy putting up flags and bunting and within the next 24 hours the bus! veritable get-away day hore. Four speclaU one Immediately after tho other, have left for tho St. Louis ded ication of the fair . The first special carried a band and the Potomac lodge of Masons. The next was a correspondents' spec ial with seven Pullmans of newspa per men. In tho next were the dip lomatists In charge of Cockrell. Ad miral Dowry. General Young nnd several members of the cabinet were aboard. Herbert Von Sternberg nnd Minis ter Bowen were compelled to remain behind on account of tho Venezuelan negotiations. Cpsslnl was also com pelled to remain on account of tho Mnnchurlan questions liable to arise. The next train c?rrles ex-President Cleveland and party. Tho govern ment board of the cxposn.on and many residents of tho city will leave later in the day on another 8eclal. Governor Hurd on the Way. New Orleans. April 28. Governor Hurd aud staff left for St. Iouls this morning. Roosevelt at Iowa Capital. Das Moines, Iowa, April 28. Tho presidential train arrived at the Bur lington station shortly after 2 o'clock this afternoon. The president was met at the train by tho full commit tee tn charge of the day's arrange ments, headed by Governor Cummins, Mayor Brenton. Congressman Hull and President Lyons of tho Commer cial Exchange. All approaches to the depot were roped off for a block In either direction, and tho distinguished visitors passed to their carriages be tween lines of Iowa National Guards men. The first hour of the president's stay was given over to a tour of tho city. Tho route of the parade extend ed over several miles of gayly decor ated streets, which were packo 1 on I pnnh nlrlfi U'lth n fillrt mnau nf iwMinTn ncss section of the city will blossom out in a mass of color. The business j b(;sti and thcrp wng no (elay In get. """'"i uwo UU1- Inz to tho state can to , whero tho Monroe Doctrine to be Discussed. SL Louis. Mo.. Anril 28. The debate netween Washington University and William Jewell college, which is to oe held in Memorial hall tonight, is attracting much attention and will be an important event in the college year. The question, upon which Washington will take the negative and William Jewell the affirmative side. Is: "Resolved, That the United States should maintain the Monroe Doctrine in so far as it forbids all acquisition of South American terri tory by any European nation." Meeting of Texas Pythlanf. Fort Worth. Texas. April 2S. .Men wearing swords at their sides and gay plumes in their hats are much in evidence today about the streets and public places of Fort Worth. They are trie delegates to the annual con clave of the Texas Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias. The sessions were opened today in the city hall and will continue until Friday. Elab orate entertainment has been pro vided for the visiting knights. Shot HI Employer. New York. April 28. Leopold Werthelm. a wealthy, widely known and retired merchant, today was shot and probably fatally wounded by Joseph 8lmpson, a discharged watch man. The latter demanded some money, -which was refused. Secret Cabinet Meeting. London. April 28. The cabinet meeting this morning was secret It la believed that Russia's demands for Manchuria was the subject of discus sion. Governor of Wyoming Dead. Cheyenne. Wro.. April 28. Gover nor Deforest Richards died at 7 this morning. His chair falls to Fennl wore Cbatterton, the secretary of state. Ilze the decorations. In every- quar ter of town. In the manufacturing and residence districts, where neither me president nor any or the otner nota hies from out of the city will be likely to go, shops, factories and bouses are decking out In honor of the occasion. In the most out-of-the-way corners flaps have been rigged out and por traits of the president exhibited. Everybody believes that the cele bration will draw a ulgijer crowd to town than ever gathered here before, but It remains true that In hotels there is usually room for one more. The Southern, Planters and other big hostelries are booked full for the next four days and several more of them are arranging with boarding houses and furnished-room owners to send thn expected overflow to these plares. The weather is perfect. Tho Utah delegation was the first to arrive. Five thousand militiamen are already In tents on the exposition grounds. The hotels are Inadequate for the crowds that are constantly arriving. Guardsmen From Buffalo. Buffalo. April 28. One thousand guardsmen left here this morning an three special trains for the St. Louis Exposition dedication. Leaving Washington. Washington, April 28. This Jb a speakers' stand had been urected. There were 20.000 gathered In the capltol grounds and tho adjacent thor oughfares, and the president was In good voice, so only thoso on tho ex treme edge of tho crowd missed any portion of his speech. Tho president's spech waB frequently Interrupted with applause. Tho crowds that lined tho streets to the Rock Island station wero tho largest, over seen here. Tho president left for Oskaloosa and Ottumwn amid the cheering and the wnvlng of hand kerchiefs from all who could get with in a block of tho station. President at Shenandoah. Shenandoah, la., April 28. Tho presidential train arrived at 7 o'clock this morning and ho was greeted by 10,000 people. Congressman Hepburn met the president. Governor Cum mins and party will meet him at Clarlnda. At tho second stopping place the president addressed tho people from the platform. Clearfield, Iowa. April 28. Secre tary Shaw Joined tho president at Clarlnda, where bo made a short speech. He also made short speeches at Sharpsburg and Vanwert. FIGHTING LUMPY JAW. NOTED MATHEMATICIAN. Professor Jonah Gibbs, of Yale, Dies This Morning The Author of Many Text Books. New Haven. Conn., April 28. Professor Jon can Gibbs. who for 32 years has been at the head of math ematical nhvslcs at Yale, and one of the most renowned mathematicians In the world, diea this morning, ue was born here In 1839 and was a bachelor. He studied extensively in the famous old world universities. and was author of a score of mathe matical text-books. Chicago Wheat Chicaro. April 28. Wheat 72 714 cents per biushel. FIGHT AT MONTREAL. Noo-Unlonists Are Attacked by Force of Striking Longshoremen. Montreal, April 28. Three hundred striking longshoremen this morning made a rush for tho non-unionists urn toyed In unloading four vessels In this port Tho police drove tbem back with revolvers. Military protection has been called for and three regi ments are now on the scene. Situation More Hopeful. Balonlca, April 28. The Albanian situation is more hopeful. Albanians in Lieumaindipeka, tho center of dis satisfaction, have agreed to lire up to the reforms proposed by Russia and Austria. Four Cases Found In Dairy Herds by La Grande City Marshal. Ia Grande, April 28. Four cases of "lumpy Jaw" In a most advanced stage, woro found by City Marshal Rayburn, In a herd of cattle, being pastured partly In the city limits, near the old Alliance Flouring mill, Monday evening. Tho diseased cattle wero running at large with a herd of dairy cows nnd young stock and were at once taken In charge by tho authorities. A strict search Is now being mado by tho health authorities for other cuses of tho disease and all the slaughter pens, dairy sheds and town herds are being closely watched. It is not known how long tho cases have existed, or to what extent tho healthy cattle have been Inoculated, but the city health board Is determ ined to stamp It out at once. Change of Eating House. Iji Grande, April 28. After May 1 meals will bo served at Hotel Foloy, to passengers on No. 6, tho 8MC east bound train. Heretofore meals have been furnished at tho Spokane cafo, but owing to tho increased travol, tho accommodations aro inadequate. King Edward In Rome. Home, April 28. King Victor and King lMward had an early breakfast and then quietly visited points 'it in terest. Tho Vatican Is In a Purry In preparation for tho reception to bo given Edward this evening when ho visits the pope. Robert Hanbury Dead. London, April 28. Robert Hanbury tho minister of ngrlculturo and one of tho ablest members of the cabinet, died today of pneumonia. SANTA TERESA TAKES I HIND MURDER MYSTERY Geo. L. Mills, a Los Angoles Monoy Lender, Lured Into a House and-Killcd. POLICE SO FAR HAVE NO CLUE TO MURDERER. Have Been Five Murders During the Past Month Two Others, Thomas Cummlngs and J. M. Howard, Were Killed In Exactly the 8amt Manner. I)s Angeles. April 28. The police say that Williams, tho man who It Is supposed lured Georgu L. Mills, tno money lender, to a house on Six teenth street and murdered him, and who said ho worked for Sachs Bros.. of San Francisco, had an accom plice. Tho police say thoy havo no clue, but aro looking for soveral. Ono Is Dr. Walsh, tho divorced Husband of Mrs. Mills. Tho killing of Mills Is tho fifth murder mystery of the month. Thomas dimming and J. M. Howards were killed exactly in tho same manner . BETTER FACILITIES. MAKES NON-UNION MEN QUIT AT LOS ANGELE8 Mexicans Obey Her Blindly, Thinking She Has Great Power as a Healer Mexican Laborers Strike for Higher Wages. l.8 Angeles, April 28. Santa Ter esa has taken a hand In tho strike of the Mexican laborers on tho street railway lines. Last night she mado &o non-union men quit Tho Mexl cans obey her blindly. Sbo has a great power among them as a healer, ELOPED TWICE. And Peart 8awyer Had a Divorce and Alimony Though Not Yet of Age. Miss Pearl Sawyer, of Omaha, not yet of age, has eloped with William Ostrandcr, Jr., making her second runaway marriage with the Bamo mnn within a year. After tho first elopo- mont who won a suit for divorce and was granted $000 alimony, which wbb paid. Friends accidentally met tho couple as thoy were hastening to catch south-bound train. Ostrandcr met Miss Sawyer, who was an expert skater, as a high school girl, at. a riiiK. Tney were married secret' Iy on December 3. Tho dlvorco was granted April 2. 1903. The boy Induced his mother. Mrs. John H. Shaver, of Cedar Rapids, to come to umana and asBlst in a roc onclllatlon. The mother took apart' ments at tho samo aristocratic board. Ing house at which MIsb Sawyer lived and almoflt dally took the yonne ladv driving. Sho finally drew tho two to gether by a pretended chance meeting on tno Hireet. Tno samo evening Ok trander took up his homo with his mother and renewed his courtship. Young Ostrander recently came la to possession of a fortune through tho death of his father. Attorneys searcnod ror monthB for tho boy at the time of his father's death and finally found him working as a cow boy on a ranch In Texas. Belongs to Soortsmen's Association. Dorsey Burgess, of Omaha, repre senting an Eastern rubber concern, was the guest of If. J, Stlllman yes terday. Mr. Burgess has been a mem ber of tho Pendleton Sportsmen's As sociation for sevoral years, but this was bis first visit to tho place. Sev oral of tho sports went with him to tho shooting range and Indulged In a half bad of shooting. John Wannamaker Says: "No great business bag ever been built up without consistent and steady use of the columns of the newspapers. A .merchant who doesn't spend five per cent year on newspaper adver tising Is not building for the future." "Johnny," said the teacher, "write a sentence containing the word 'con tents.' " After a few moments' bard labor Johnny submitted tho following: "The contents of a cow U milk." Chicago News. Judae S. A. Lowell Speaks of Ad vantages to Country Pupils Under New School Law. In conversation with Judge Iwell tho ropartor lonrned somo of tho de tails or tho law which went Into effect In this stnto February 17, providing for tho transportation to school under some conditions of puplla at the pub lic oxponBo. Tho school iKiard. by tho authority of tho voters expressed at a legal school meeting shall furnish transpor tation to all pupils living at a distance of two or more miles from the eehonl hoiiRO, whllo the school board In Us dlHcrotlon may transport at tho dis trict's exponso pupils living within a less dlstanco than two miles. Tho school hoard mny also, In Its discre tion, pay tho board of pupllH at some point near tho school If such an ar langemont will be cheaper for tho dis trict than to pay mileage. Tho school board Is authorized to levy 11 tnx to carry out tho provisions or tho liiHtructlmiB given It by tho pa trons at tho regular meeting. The school bonrd mny also on authority vcHted In It by putrons at a regular meeting suspend tho school altogether and nrrangn for transportation to aud payment of tuition In an ndjolnlng district, or If thought best, in a dis trict which docs not adjoin the dis trict In which school has been sus pended. Tho expense of such sus pension followed by tho payment of tuition In somo other dlatrlct and of transportation to It to bo paid out of tho common school fund, or, If author ized by a majority at a regular school meeting, nut of n tax levied for the purpose. In .Indue Ixiwcll's opinion, this law will probably Increase the attendance upon the Pendleton city schools and also tho schools of all other towns having graded schools and which maintain a high avcnigo of educa tional opportunities. Thousands of children will bo given under this law vastly hotter school facilities than they had before, and at no greater ex pense to tho taxpayers. The advantage will nut by any means bo 0110-sldod. It will bo recip rocal. Tho town's trading population will bo groatly Increased as well as tho school population, and every en terprising, modern town can easily arrange to reap a great boneftt from the operations of the law. It will prove a great stimulus to school af fairs In general and to education In tho abstract 13 Dead. KrnCHl Ipalln Vflllnrnn . tA .".'i n . years and 6 months, died at the home 01 nis parents in mis place at 8 o'clock this morning, of corobro spinal meningitis, The funeral will be held tomorrow at 2 o'clock and tho inter mont will bo mado at Olnoy cemetery. Lucy Corley. aged 3 years, died at tho homo of her parents, at Mountain Valley, at 2 o'clock yostorday, The funoral will be hold at and Interment will take place at Mountain Velley tomorrow. Tl Dnnn UA T1..I fl f-.... , reports an Increase In he company's business during tho pas year turn pared with last year of at 1eat 25 per cent 's'&mnuur. a. 1 ii-jie.