East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 27, 1903, Image 6

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Manx Strlrkxn niuih Wlfh DMi.tlnnu
M On Hi Died In the Put
It Watk.
Smallpox Is still In our midst and
since our last Issue ono death lias oc
curred, that or D. Bond, who died last
Friday night. Miss Clnypool and Miss
Boyd are getting alonge nicely. Sam
Smith and wife have, completely re
covered, and the quarantine has been
removed from their home. The new
cases since our last issue are as fol
lows: Clark Ewlng, the PrinevllleJ
Burns stage driver Is very bad and
Is delirious part of the time. Lawr
ence Dillon is getting along nicely.
"Prank Craln is In a very weak con
dition. Dr. Taggart Is broken out
well and resting cosy. Mr. Boyd is
getting better. Mr. Dillon, Sr., broke
out all over. Mr. Pruett better, but
not out of danger. City Marshal Har
rington and John Claypool are sup
posed to be taking It.
PrinevIIlo's public schools have
All dogs have been ordered chain
ed up. Every loose dog found on the
Btreets will be shot.
The saloonB have moved out all
chairs and tables to prevent crowds
congregating. Many of the business
houBes have closed. The barber shops
have suspended operations. All per
sons who have not been vaccinated
have been ordered to be vaccinated.
Health officers patrol the streets
' at all times during the night and day
, and are trying to keep a watch on
The passengers coming in on all
Btages are taken either to the drug
store or express office and fumigated
Owing to the presence of smallpox
in our city. Judge Brausbaw has ue
, elded that no session of circuit court
i will be held in May. but all cases go
over until the regular October term.
! Prlnevllle Review.
As an Accurate Man Tracker He Has
No Equal.
As a trailer the Colorado Apache
has no equal. Ho possesses the acute
instinct of the hound combined with
an accurate bodbo of vision. A turn
ed leaf, a fleck of gravel cast aside.
the displacement of a pebble from Its
oca an are clear, readable pages.
They ask few if any particulars of
tuo man they are to follow. They will,
as they progress on his track, gather
up lor themselves one by one little
Items as to his personality, which are
nearly always verlued in the end.
When following a trail over the iron
capped rocks and stony arroyas of
Arizona, his face is a picture of in
tense concentration. Not a syllable
escapes him. His pace varies from
no visible cause. At times he almost
runs; then, with a rapid glance be
hind, he glides along slowly and with
eyes glued to the ground possibly for
hours. Hero and there may be a few
stretches of sand, but dry sand leaves
after the footstep only an indention,
closing after the pressure, so that
to the Inexperienced eye It might
have been a horse or a mule that,
made It and not a man "Man Trail
ing With Human Bloodhounds" In
Two Men In the, Cab.
An engineer dead at his post, with
the throttle wide open and the train
racing along over switches and
around curves at 45 miles an hour,
and on another train an engineer
suddenly gone mad, unheedful of sig
nals, carrying his passengers Into a
wreck, are the two latest lessons in
railroading pointing to the absolute
necessity of a substitute or second
man in the cab. In the first case a
track cleared for a lightning Royal
Blue averted an awful disaster. In
the Bccond, four men killed and a
score of passengers Injured was the
price paid for the lack of precaution
in having a man who would assume
the duties of engineer whon sudden
insanity seized him. One happened
In Maryland and the other In Canada,
but both teach the same lesson.
New York Press.
Lots for Sale.
I offer some nico lots on the north
side near the river. No grading need
ed. Price 1200 to $300. N. T. Conk-lln.
The board of education in New
fork has voted to drop Mrs. Stowe's
novel, "Uncle Tom's Cabin." from the
school libraries because it only tends
to revive sectional feeling.
The Duke of Loubat has agreed to
iu .!..,. . . . i , . r
f excavating in the Island of Delos, the
3 Greek "Pompeii. It will cost between
jfr, $30,000 and $40,000.
Tuesday ETeiiig, April 28, at 8:3 p. m.
Leettunr By
The Hnnaerncaiini Mnssnenaairy
Who was captured by the Macedonian Brigands
and held a prisoner for 172 days and was
ransomed by the payment of $65,000.00
Miss Stone will relate the story of her remarkable experience,
Pronounced a rare treat by the Press everywhere
MmMssnaMm 5 emits
All-Star "Romeo and Juliet." planned by Liebler & Co., and which Utlca, Syracuse, Milwaukee, St. Lonii
K ml Old Mail My poor man. don't yon lind li.ufliis IjIhiijki.
Tramp An, bos I ruther like tiir work.
Albany ,N. Y., April 27. Not since is to have Its first performance hero
the all-star production of "The Rivals" , tonight. Included in the cast are such
several years ago has the play-going eminent players as Kyrle Bellow,
public of America had an opportunity ' Eleanor Robson. John E. Kellerd,
of enjoying such a notable produc- George Clarke, F. C. Bangs, and Ada
tlon as that of "Romeo and Juliet," I Dwyer. The brief tour will include
Cincinnati, Chicago, PlttBburg, BaW
more, Washington, Philadelphia ai
New York.
Lot for sale; great bargain; Baler1!
addition. Inquire at 403 Alt itieet
The Chance of a Lifetime to Invest in Stocks in the
At 10 per cent of par value. Shares may be had for 10 cents
Natural Gas Discovered on Columbia River, near Alder Creek, Washington, and Castle Rock, Oregon.
The Columbia River Development Company. Incorporated under the Laws of the State of Oregon. Capital Stock $1,500,000.
Dollar each. Absolutely non-assessable. No individual liability. Home office, ARLINGTON, OREGON.
i,5oo,ooo Shares, One
The management of the affairs of the company will at
all times be conservative and progressive. Every dollar
realized from the sale of stock will be accounted for.
Only the legitimate expenses of operating the company
will be paid. The officers and directors of the company
do not draw any salary at present.
Snares Absolutely Non-Assessable
Are your shares non-assessable? Yes, made so by the
By-Laws of the company, which forbid the board of di
rectors from incuiring one dollar of indebtedness. There
are no bonds, no preferred stock, no debts.
Oar Field, Its Location and Indications
Right here on the banks of the Columbia River in
Eastern Washington and Oregon, where thousand of
acres of sagebrush and bunch grass lands are awaiting
human energy for development, a discovery of gas has
been made less than a year ago. In a dozen places in
the vicinity of Alder Creek, Washington, and Castle
Rock, Oregon, illumating gas has been escaping for
years through the surface soil. The gas can be burned
for hours. Only recently some of the gas coming through
the surface soil has been confined in large tanks and con
veyed by pipe lines to several cabins, where it is being
used for fuel as well as light. Surely no other oil field
has displayed such excellent indications, Oil experts
have thoroughly examined the ground and pronounced
the prospect very good. We intend to drill aooo feet if
necessary but from all indications about iooo feet will be
sufficient depth. AH money obtained will be used lor de
veloping purposes, purchasing of additional machinery
and other necessary expenses. No expensive salaried
officials are attached to this organization. It is strictly a
home company organized by home capital. A limited
amount of stock has been placed on the market at ten
(10) cents jer share.
If .this property develops into a gusher or even into a
moderate producer it will mean not only a big profit to
investors at present prices of stock, but it will mean
much to this section. It will bring money into Umatilla
Arid lands, which at the present time produce very
scant crops, could be irrigated and thereby increase
their product tenfoid by having water pumped from the
Columbia river with the help of gas and oil for fuel.
Think of the vast benefits to this region. The test of oil
as a steam-producing fuel was made years ago; it is noth
ing new; its value has been well established, and the only
thing needed to bring it into universal use was the dis
covery of an inexhaustible supply. Oil fires a boiler
three and one-half times quicker than coal; has a greater
efficiency and cleanliness; requires less room and is far
cheaper. Railroads, steamships and manufacturers,
commerce of every description finds greater saving pos
sible by the use of fuel oil,
Active Operations
One of the largest, modern standard drilling rigs has
been put into operation near the Washington side of the
Columbia rive.
Ocr Drillers
Our drillers are old experienced men at the business,
and if there is any possible way of getting results, we are
positive that they will accomplish such. It is the univeral
opinion that the surface indications compare favorably
with any of the gas and oil fields in the United States.
Several experts who have investigated the discovery make
this report.
General Manager on the Field
Ross Beardsley, our efficient Vice-President, and one
of the first discoverers of the gas, is in charge of the
company's interests on tne drilling ground. A more en
thusiastic and earnest worker, iully alive to the interests
of all the stockholders, could not be found anywhere.
Fortunes in Oil
The wealth made and to be made in the production and
marketing of oil is likewise so apparent that it is
almost needless to recite the figures and comparison. No
other proposition has ever supplied such riches as have
oil wells for the amount of time and money invested in
them. Oil is so easily handled after .a,well is secured and
so short a time is needed before results can be obtained,
- that it is the quickest dividend bearer- The Standard Oil
Company in 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901 and the first
part of 1902, have paid $202,000,000 in dividends.
Profits in Oil Stocks
The following list will give a fair idea of some recent
independent profits in oil stocks:
Original Present
Price Price
New York Oil $0.50 $ 200.00
Union 1.00 1,500.00
Kern River 1.00 26.00
Kern River Oil Co 1.00 37 o
San Joaquin 50 16 00
Peerless 20 8.62
Thirty-Three Oil Co .... .35 13.50
Hanford 2.00 118.00
What $100 Would Have Done in the Fore
going Stock
$100 invested in N. Y. O. made $ 3,900.00
$100 invested in Union 142,000.00
$100 invested in Kern River 2,500.00
?ioo invested in Kern Oil Co 3.500.00
S100 invested in San Joaquin 1,50000
$100 invested in Peerless 4,210.00
?ioo invested in Thirty-Three 3.833-33
ioo invested in Hanford 3.794-00
Officers and Directors
President: -Geo. Conser, of First Nafl Bank of Heppner
Secretary: Frank Graham, of Arlington.
Board of Directors.
Geo. Conser, Heppner, Oregon.
Ross Beardsley, Arlington, Oregon.
W. H. Coldwell, Arlington Oregon.
M. McDonald, Arlington, Oregon.
Wm. Smith, Arlington, Oregon.
Chas, McCalister, Troutdale, Ore.
W. A. Campbell, Condon.
James Carey, Prosser.
L L. RAY, Local Representative, Office 120 Court Street