East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 27, 1903, Image 5

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Going to
,ir vour homes or places
(bSS braving thempa.n.-
1 or paPel
to os
!.. anu iu--'j
J Tof wall paper and paints.
111 Court Street.
incy for the Sherwin-Wil-
llitffls Paint.
Just received another
car load of Poultry and
stock supplies at the
127 slid 12 East Alto Strwt
Unlets His Credentials as Ambassa.
dor Arrive He Cannot Take Part in
Dedicatory Ceremonies.
Washlncton, D. C, April 27. Con
slderable attention Is being given In
official and diplomatic circles to the
embarrassing position which Ger
many is forced to occupy in Washing
ton as a result of the delay in the
arrival of the credentials of Baron
von Sternberg, who, it has ben an
nounced. Is eventually to succeed
Herr Von Holloben as ambassdor
hero. The German envoy's present
rank Is that of minister on a special
mission, and as. such he necessarily
Is at the foot nf thr lie ft li.-
- - - .ofc vi i iuuuait-r
and Just preceding the charges d'af-
lairus. wnuc uaron von Sternberg
has ostensibly taken no notice of the
embarrassing effects of his minor
rank, friends of Germany in the Unit
ed States arc dissatisfied that the
head of the German embassy, who
prior to tho departure of Em'basador
Von Ilolleben, was dean of tho diplo
matic corps, should be ranked by all
of the foreign representatives at
Washington save Venezuela, Uruguay,
China and the Dominion Republic.
It has been the intention of officials
of the St, Louis Exposition that Baron
voii Sternberg should be among the
especially honored guests at the dodi
catory ceremonies and German-Americans
there are preparing to make the
welcome of the kaiser's representa
tive a hearty one. Official etiquette,
however, will prevent tho embassador
taking a prominent part on that occa
sion. Unless his credentials as am
bassador arrive in the meantime he
will be seated at all official entertain
ments between Chckib Bey. the Turk
ish minister, and Senor Pulldo, the
Venezuelan charge d'affaires, assum
ing that the precedent set by the
Mexican embassador at a recent din
ner Is followed.
On the occasion of all official func
tions In Washington Baron von Stern
berg occupies the same embarrassing
position, having to give way to the
representatives of almost every other
nation. More noticeable than the hu
miliation to which the Baron is thus
subjected, however, is that of the
baroness, who Is popular socially,
and naturally would take a foremost
place at all official receptions. Under
he present conditions the delay In
arrival of credentials works as
fat.1.n 'iustl upon her as It does
upon the baron
Troops to Escort Governor Odsll.
Albany, N. Y., April 27.-Arrange-nf
it e becn Infected by AdJU
v-?; H?nry for thc C8rt 1000
National Guardsmen which will ac
company Governor Odell to St. Louis
to participate In thc exercises at
tending tho dedication of the build
ngs of the St. Louis to participate
in inn ovnrtMenn i . t
"on of the buildings of tho Louisiana
. -Kuwc exposition. Governor Odell
Ann the mpmlmr. . i m
1 .T . ' " v. . n vii HI." Mill
Tj i V " " special train ai
midnight tonight, and will arrive at
i"s Wednesday morning The
escort will compriso 150 cavalrymen,
a division of 70 Naval militia men and
of representations from various in
fantry organisations throughout tho
State. Col Rnmnol wik f n,.r.
falo, the senior colonel in the guard.
ma u;n ciesignntcd to command the
Mathews vs. Ferns.
Buffalo V. v a.ii o- w i
' tut: in-
ternational Athletic Club at Port Eric
iuiiibiu Many Mathews and "Hube"
Ferns will come together for a 20
round bout. Few of the prominent
figures in pugilism have met in tho
squared clicle so often as have the
Brooklyn and Kansas City lads. That
uit-.v am evemy roiucncxi i.i evidence
by the results of their previous en
counters, each having won two fights,
lost two. and secured two draws. To
night's battle will therefore be In the
nature of i "rubber" and as a con
sequence the result Is looked forward
to with considerable interest.
Bids Wanted.
Sealed bids will be received at the
county clerk's office of Umatilla coun
ty, until 2 o'clock p. in. May Gth, 1903,
for the west halt of block 85, and all
of block SB, Reservation addition to
Pendleton, known as the County Hos
pital property.
Bids for single lots, quarter, half,
whole block or thc entire tract (21
lots) wll bo entertained, reserving
the right to reject any and all bids.
The right to occupy the buildings
will be reserved until about July 1st,
190.1. Terms cash.
County Clerk.
Alabama Inventor Makes' an Appli
ance That Enables the Unfortunate
to Hear Words and Music.
"The deal may now hear!4' that is
n promise to 3,000,000 afflicted per
sons In America from Miller Reese
Hutchinson, a clever young Alabama
Inventor, who gave a convincing
demonstration or a now auditory ap
paratus In New York March 13.
Children born deaf, dumb and bltnd
listened to a piano and a phonograph,
and heard the sound of their own
voices for thc first time In their
deary little lives. Mr. Hutchinson
was recently decorated by Queen
Alexandra for his work In behalf of
tho deaf. The other week ho demon
strated tho efficiency of his now "eye
glass for tho car" before an audi
ence Including the Duke of Newcastle
and tho management of several New
York institutes devoted to the aid of
tho afflicted. The apparatus consists
of an or piece, a transmitter and a
small battery, all of which may bo
so arranged on the person that no
part need" Iks visible except tho car
piece. A movement Is now on foot
among tho charitable persons of New
York to provide funds to supply tho
poor with the device free of cost.
Have you had your shoes repaired
at Teutsch? Try him.
High Avsrag.
Goorgo McKnlght, tho Butter Creek
sheepman, was In tho city Monday,
says tho Heppncr Gazette. McKnlght
tiros, arc now finishing up latnnm,
which commenced with' one band of
2,000 head on tho 15th of March, and
tho second band of 2,000 on the 10th
of this month. They have had good
success, especially with the last lot.
The averago all tho way through will
be In the neighborhood of DO per
cent, which Is good for this season.
Grass now has a good start and tho
sheep are doing well. Two of Mr.
MrKnlght'a twos gave birth to eight
lambs, four etch. Five of tho lambs
are allvo anu doing well, which Is
pretty good for two ewes.
Monopole, Rock Candy,,
Red Star and White Rose
in halt gallons, gallons,
jackets and pails.
v '1
"1 would go back, but thc ways are
If ways thero are to thnt land, In
For what man succeeds In finding
A path to the garden of his last
"But I think sometlmca, when tho
June stars glisten,
That a rose-scent drifts from far
And I know, when I lean from tho
cliffs and listen
That a young laugh breaks on tho
air llko spray."
Ella Wheclor Wilcox.
i- , ... si v im
r 1 ' .Sm..
Before sailing for Scotland Friday,
Andrew Carnegie donated $1,500,000
for a temple of peace at The Hague.
Standard Grocery
Coort Street
Low Sellers of Gtocerics
The Colombia
Lodging Home
Sl'lll', THIHt"
"M! Ul KUlu'a runuiii ufl Willi our 'jtt itUililiuur
Newly Furnished.
Bar in connection.
Bet. Aha & Webb Sts.
In Center of Block.
F. X. Scbempp
Proprl e tor
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walters, Preprlstor
Capacity 160 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc
always ca hand.
anwmn vmmm mmmmnrmm mmmmmmwm nnnmnmifmninm rmmmmmmmm n mmmmvmm
MAY 15th, 1903
E Development at the Highland Mine Justifies an Advance in the Price ot Stock. It is Much Mor f
vaiuaDie rsow Tnan Yvnen we iiacea me rirsr Aiioimem on me marKci oumc
Two Months Ago. 3
A crew of men have been constantly at work ewr
fincc we acquired this property and the Glasgow crosscut
!.a. now encountered and fully crosscut the ledge. In this
doss-cut we have opened up a body of ore sixteen feel in
v i'ltli carrying good commercial values.
In speaking of commercial values we mean ores
v'l':cli have a sufficient value to pay for thc extraction
'"'lling and all other incidental expenses thereto, with
em ugh of a margin left over to pay good dividends to the
This large body of ore was not in the nature of a
surprise, we simply expocted it, as the surface develop
"ifiits showed this same large body of ore, and thero was
no reason why it should not be encountered in this cross
cut and at this depth.
We are now turning to drift on the ledge to the west
fioin the crosscut in order that wo may open up tho richer
neb at a greater depth which are found on the turf.ieo
"'roiigliout the Bnnnockburn claim.
This line of development, we believe, will prove very
interesting to all who arc interested, or may become inter
rsted in the Highland mine, as it will certainly open np
nre bodies rich in quality and in largo quantities.
It will demonstrate that the Highland will rani; as one
of the largest producers in the district.
From now on the development work will bo com
paratively easy and not very expensive, as wo will be
drifting along the ledge where the ground is much easier
;o work than in the country rock which encases tho vein.
Every month will show a largo increase in our ore reserves.
To any one who wishes to invest a reasonable sum of
mouey in the Highland mine, wo will pay all traveling
expenses to and from thc mine for the purpose of his
making a personal examination.
In offering you a free trip to the Highland we feel
that this is proof within itself of tho value of this prop
erty as it stands to reason that if we di dnot have a good
m:no there and all that we claim for it we could not offer
j on such an inducement.
We would be only too glad to have each and every
one- who contemplates the investment of money in mines,
c nic out and look over this property and the district in
general. In offering to pay your expenses out here and
back we feel that we are not running tiny risk whatsoever
as we know positively that no one. no matter how great
or conservative an expert or mining engineer he mny be,
could jiossibly, roughly speaking, "turn it down."
If you have not sufficient money yourself to justify
you in coming to tho Highland to look it over before in
verting, we would suggest that you and your friends make
up a small pool and send ono of your number ont here
to look over tho Highland. In this way wo believe you
v i uld get absolute information as to tho value of the prop
erty you invest your money in, and you will also have an
opportunity to leant all about the reputation, standing
and ability of the directors of the Highland Cvirnpiny.
Wo take pleasuro in referring you to any bank, em
it ss man, or mining man in our own community.
If you wish to seetiro any of this stock while it is
selling at tho low price yon should send in your order as
quick as possible. Those who havo not all thc monoy on
hand to pay for as much stock as they wish to purchase,
may scud us a jwrtiou of it and wo will set tho stock aside
4or you anil you can pay tho balance later.
In case, all the stock we with to sell yotf at this ptfce shoM be old
before yoer order it received, we reserve the right to return you
yor moaey.
Address all communications, and make your cnecks, drafts and money
orders payable to
Department No. 17
Financial Agents Sumptcr, Otef an
' 11