East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 27, 1903, Image 4

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We believe that every man when he is sick should call a doc
tor, and not try to "doctor" himself. We believe there would
be far less sickness far better health if everybody would do
every thitjR possible to co operate with doctors in taking better
care of their health. We believe that the best way, always, is
to have a doctor see what the matter is, and write a prescrip
tion for it, and then have a reliable druggist prepare the
medicine according to the prescription. -:- -:- :
Prescriptions our Specialty. Accuracy
and Purity of Drugs Beyond Question f
Pendleton DRUGGISTS Oregon
MONDAY, APRIL 27. 1903.
! The lust of power, the love of
i. gnln,
I The thousand lures of sin
I Around him hail no power to
I stain
I The purity within.
He felt that wrong with wrong
That nothing stands alone.
I That whoso gives the motive,
I makes
! His brother's sin his own.
I Whittier.
The home is the safeguard of our
nation. If the home training is good
we are going to have good citizens
when the children from that home
are ready to set out in the world and
take up life's duties. Unless the
parents support each other in disci
plining the children there can he no
effective home training. Where the
parents disagree ns to the discipline
and do not give each other hearty
anu loyal support, tae children are
Iiound to show their lack of proper
home training. Lack of harmony in
the home life between the parents
especially when It leads to legal sep
aration, is a trultful cause of undis
cipllned children. The trouble Is, too
many young persons enter Into mar
ried (life without realizing the import
ance of the relation they are assum
ing. . Then follows the discovery that
they are unhappily married and the
divorce courts are appealed to. If
they have children the effect upon
them can not be other than bad
An exchange, in commenting upon
the frequency of divorces, very wisely
One of the safeguards of marriage
is the Idea of Its permanency. A man
who 'takes a wife should realize that
he is shouldering a responsibility
that jit is more than a matter of
laughter, flowers uud son words.
If you will study the divorce courts
3'ou will And that much of the unfit
ness that made the marriage craft ur
Heaworthy could have been discover
ed In time to have prevented a wreck;
that the bulk of those who found sor
row Instead of love gave little
"thought to the long future, but rush
en into a contract that was meant to
and should exist during the term of
the natural lives of husbaud and wife.
Too many people mistake admira
tion for love. Admiration is a fair
weather word. It calls for sunshine
and perfume, for beauty of face and
figure and attire.
And love notes all these things and
lives when they are not. It bums
even when age and sickness and bur
dens come, when wrinkles multiply
mid the end of all things is near. It
makes sympathy and toleration:
comforts and shields.
gests the commission of acts of that
kind to other dispirited or weak-minded
' The correctness of this assertion
seems to be proved In pan by the
i conduct of the eight Englishman who
! left word behind that they desired to
follow the example of General Mac-
llevo lawlessness to a very largo de
gree deters men from working. I be
lieve lawlessness under all clrcum
stnnccs will militate against the men
who go on strike.
As I have said many times, I have
an abiding faith in the American
people. I believe that when they un
derstand n cause to be right they will
support it, and without the support of
the people no great movement can
succeed. That Is true of a strike. If
the people of the country are not in
sympathy with It It must fall, and I
am sure the sympathy of the people
will uever be with those who violate
the law. John Mitchell. President of
United Mlneworkers of Amerlcn.
Something in me dwells, 0 Fat
That enn rise and dominate
Loss and sorrow ,aud disaster.
How. then. Fate, art thnti my
In the great primevnl morn
My immortal Will was born.
Part of that stupimdous Cmibo
hlch conceived the Solar Laws
Lit the sun and lilli'd the eaF,
Uoyalist nf pedigrees.
'I he great ,-nup was lov. tli" source-
Who most loves has rr;.--: foive.
He who harbors hat- one hrr
Saps the soul of t'oai- and lwer.
He who will not hai- his fop
Need not dread life's hardest blow.
A wise old man told his son Just
starting out In life to think more of
his duties and not so much of his
rightb. This is advice that can be
profitably used in every life, says the
Commercial Bulletin .
No success is as great and so full
of satisfaction as that which has been
gained while giving due consideration
to others. The man who can view his
!p the realm of brot'inc'ioo 1
Wishing no man aught but good.
Naught but rood can come to me.
This is Love's supremo ile-ree.
Since I bar my door to hats.
What have I to fear. 0 Fate?
Since I fear not Fate. I vow,
I the ruler am. not thou!
Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
Pendleton will celebrate May ist this year, and THE FAIR is
on hand as usual with a full line of Furnishings to outfit our
customers for the day. Suits for men and boys, all descriptions
and all prices. Shoes for the whole family, guaranteed in
every particular. Hats for men, Hats for boys, Hats for
ladies, Hats for children and headwear for the babies Call
at our store and get onr SPECIALS for the week, as we can't
list them in this space. :- ":
Agents for the Raymond washable gloves
f T
We m.ke,Speci,l,yo(B
We make tl,Rm right ,
always e ve :. ?Bt !l
work is n?vm,
' "'gated o,
Pendleton Panin
nnH f . I
uumoer Ya
If Maria had the lumpy Jaw,
I 'I lull 1 ,1111.11. HlGf
record through 20 years with the sat-, if the doctor had to use the saw.
We are all more or less affected by
example, and home persons are very
susceptible to that always powerful
Influence, says the Independent.
There Is little doubt that one crlmo
suggests another. This one was shown
Tjy the number of bad men who were
seized with the desire to emulate the
notorious outlaw Tracy last summer.
Although rather a gloomy subject
to discuss, it is Interesting to note
that of 40 cases of suicide reported
fronv'dlfferent portions of Great Brit
ain recently, eight of those who took
their own lives left uotes behind, say
ing that they wanted to "follow Fight-
isfaction of knowing that he has won
success and at the same time yielded
more than a compromise In niauy in
stances can call himself even more
successful than the man who has 1 When the mornin
t. .i .i .. 1 1 i . - . . i
4umuc u imic mutt; muiiey ny apply-
Oh I'd be blest;
For her talk It Is to me
A source of eudiess misery.
And dnrk dlspalr.
1 ife"--
Purest and Best Candies Constantly on hand. Drop
in and test our Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda
T. D. GADDJS, Proprietor.
ing the squeeze wherever he had the I jv the Uvilight time It has not ceased'
opportunity. . nt still It dins:
Nothing makes a mail or woman i Bven my ri;nni6 " wags,
greater than the spirit of sacrifice. To! 'SfX! swea?'"88
yield something to the weaker out j
of the dictates of our better selves is I If Maria bad that dread disease;
...... nII,t .
...... i..... "'ifrg..,.,!,,.,....,
A Bad Wreck
skill slid rxricricnp .J l'.tl
palm nrt vyrulih can do V0.4SI
vehicle ! aim;, wtmb jJJJJ!
Ilreil rtcht am? ilm, 1. Vffl
And tuctUermoreourprlMiinHlS
l III r w nun. r. ........ . 1
, .tut -uxi vinu HUM Dim tt
, ilnictable In tills dim." "ft
T i Dilute by the tame n .,h ...
T I be the best mtae. fail .nrt .'!r3
S RlfpLt'it IMn In itl. 1 Bi
. . . . ...... u.
. '
a great trait
this world.
We are very busy in
I Oh grant It pray
Til m.l.l tl... t UK
n ... . f i iiri . .Ji.iii ..lull, tttilf nit- jun iui
But now and then we get I " Qf, 1 J
time to notice that some of onrj Homo, Hooray!
brothers ba-e departed for their re- j Then her tongue It still could swing
ward into the great bevond. Whnt is I n"t its ' never rl"S
ti.-,, r..-. i. .. u ,. ..... " n'Sht till morn.
Let us hope It is the
reward of a life which there was much !
consideration for our fellow man.
Uussia has as usual broken her
faith in regard to the evacuation of
.Manchuria. Uussia formally pledged
herself that her troops would be with
drawn as soon as peace was declared '
in China after the Ilo.xer uprising.
Russian diplomacy has discovered a
pietense under which she hopes to
stay In Manchuria a while longer and
probably make her stay permanent.
Her policy is to transport Russian
colonists free, to the territories she
wishes to acquire". Land is given them
and they settle down to Rnssiaulzc
the new territory. .Manchuria will
ir that happiness could but be mine;
Oh: Fate be good:
I would float thy altar high with wine:
Indeed I would.
That would he the greatest Joy
Since I frollced as a boy:
Since I was bom.
II. A. Watson.
white man. He will have to compete
! with Kaffirs and perhaps Chinamen
i and can only get down to their level.
The conditions, as will be seen at a
I glance, are not at all similar to those
under which democracy thrives anu
the wage earner Is a self-respecting,
comfortably-housed and well-fed indi
vidual, enjoying lull political rights
and educational privileges, and as
cending, if he has the requisite ability
patience and determination, to a po
sition of eminence In the community.
The movement to import Chinese la-(
uoters into sown jwneii snows nun
hopeless the cause of true democracy
Is In that part of the world. Indeed,
the former republics of the Transvaal
and Orange Free State were never
republics except In name, though con
ditions in the Orange .Free State were
vastly better than in the Transvaal.
South Atrica has no objection to
cheap labor. The gold and diamond
mines are worked chiefly by Kaffirs,
and the life of the employes in the
diamond mines Is one of peculiar
hardship and difficulty, says the Tn
coma News. The men are watched
and guarded like felons ami" they prac
tical'y surrender their liberty and en-
l tor a term of slavery when they ac
J cept employment in the mines.
We wit and guaranty tnc Uxt i
self on successfully floating a new j
...... ..nr.. (nnn A... ,1.1 ,,.. ...t.,1. I
of offering n new loan at over 2 per' LllJISrS A! WAUI
fP.lt .-111.1 u-n shlllll.l ..v.i.ct n lil-.mil.im i - 1 ii I 01
The current exnlanatlcm of the di- , MET PROMPTLY
mnnd for our bonds is that It is due !
to their use ns a basis for national
bank circulation But only half the 1
bonds outstanding are held by the 1
national bunks to secure notes and
government deposits combined. What ,
holds up the rest-' San Francisco 1
By the Fire Insurascel
panies we repress::.
compante stand first i
As In all countries where one nice
give access to Port Arthur and thus Is vastly. Inferior to unother. the dom-
funiish an open harbor for the terml-1 lna,u lace ln mn Atrica despises
mis of Its trans-Siberian railroad.
The United States will enter a vig
orous protest against this lirst step
In the partition of China.
An Indiana factory Is putting up
boneless turkey" made from Belgian
hare. We may soou have Umatilla
county boneless turkey when they
make a drive of rabbits down at Echo.
But Joking aside, there Is no good
eason why the Echo Cold Storage
Company should not make a success
of putting their product on the market.
menial work. The Boers were hunts
men and planters, but Kaffirs did the
hard work on the farms. In the gold
mines Kaffirs are also employed to do
the hard manual work. There are
j plenty of Kafllrs ln that country, but
they do not relish hard work and are
a lazy,, shirking lot. It Is now pro
posed to import Chinese to work In
the gold mines. If the gold mining
companies can get Chinamen to enter
their service in large numbers one of
the grent problems In South Africn
will be solved.
Of course, the Ram! and region (
about Kimberly is no place for a poor;
Luther Mulion, who for several
years has been an employe of the Or-
gon Lumber Company, left laRt night
for Poudleton, where he has a remu
nerative position with a sash and
door factory. Ills family will' follow
n a few days. Baker City Demo
I want to say, as to the matter if
lowifcjisness 'luring s'ri!.e, that i e
fore beinj president of a union, bo
fore beinij a member of u union, I
am an America, over and above
overythin;; else. I ballove thai every
man should first be an American.
There Is no man who could condemn
lawlessness stronger than I would.
If I did not do It uei.ntiM I wus
oi.noseil In Inwlessness- T u-milil iln It
lnir Mne." referring tn Sir Hector Mac- I because It militates agulnst the MIC-
Donald who recentlv blew bis brains 1 ct'88 of a htrlk0 aml "Sl'ist tue sue
ijonmu, wno recent. uiew jus orains s am, Blivnncomtmt of ,a10r 0Tf.au.
out in Paris. I izations. I do not believe lawless-
The truth is that one suicide sug- iiess ever won a strike. I do not be-
in discussing the fall of 21 per cent
in the price of consols in we years
the London correspondent of the
Evening Post remarks that "England'a
credit litill stands much above thut
of any other country."
If so. It carefully conceals the fact
from the money mnrket. On Saturday
consols paying 2& per cent interest ,
were quoted at 91 "-lC. which was
two points better than the price a few
weeks ago. On the same day United
States 2-per cent bonds could not be
bought for KiC'-i bid, which is con
sfdeiably less than they were sclll.ig
for before the secretary of the treas
ury began bearing the market. Eng- i
land has never had a 2-per cent bond, '
and If she should try to Issue une
now she- would be lucky to be able 1
to sell it at SO.
Judged by the test of the market
the credit of the United States Is not
only the first In the world, but so far
the first that there is no second. Our '
2 per cent sell at higher prices than j
British 2V-: per cents or French threes. '
Germany is just congratulating hor-
wm ' t i'v
MM 9,
Krair makes Isfcautifu!
HLAVTIFI L II Allt. bwuiiso it do.
-tr.iys il.ts U-jdiy iiiKTulh. at wurk
uiia tho Imir routi, thus maMitg
ilundrutl uud falling hair iitiiu
.ilbie, uud promoting thick, luxu
riant growth of hair, iiH-rr.i-ini; tliu
oivnorg(M(.l Imilia fully lmiH'rcent.
1. ftlllAljnninytmrfuttitfr.1inUMr.liii.
Ikiiiii of iu.-tti.trL of any aii irruiioii
t,iy lu.ijr l.i.v.-. rwi, UUiIiimi, for UnorLa
t.-!i.tnu 111.111 iiuti.i,-t iiau t'. u
yoiiiv-li . tlieii jfuu v Ull.ln-ly m-Qiuinpinl U.
For Sale at all hlrst-CUji Drug Slortj.
; Hartford Fire luMiraucift'oJljj
1 Alliance Assurauce Co. S
Loudon & Lancashire Fm
Iiihiir.Hiii-f Cn 'i
1 North British i ilercamik
Co... ,..IU
I Royal Insurance Co..,
The gt mire, the bicjxfe
wh.ch is the undisputed
leader, is handled in Pet
dleton only by us. Com
in ami see the Kacyci;.
WANTED iWithee,
The life of food is the fat
within it the more fat the
more real benefit from the
food; that is why cod liver
oil is a powerful builder of
Scott's Emulsion of pure
cod liver oil solves the
problem of how to take cod
liver oil. That is one reason
why doctors have been pre
scribing Scott's Emulsion for
all wasting diseases, coughs,
colds and bronchitis for
almost thirty years.
We'll mi foa unple frc upon request.
SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl Sirtl, Ntw YeA.
Rich and D licatp.
For Hale by
Help n anted to harvest the straw
berry ci op lu the vicinity of Milton
and Freewater. The crop promises
to bo unusually large, and outside
help will be needed. There will be
employment for a larger number of
persons in harvesting the crop. Fam
ilies who wish to take a six weeks out
ing ami combine profit with pleasure
are Invited to come up to the Freo
water strawberry fields, Camping
grounds will be furnished free.
Twenty-five cents per crate Is paid
for picking. Address N. W. Hum
ford, Freewater. Oregon, or It. T.
Motley, Milton, Oregon.
Custom Made
Shoes to Fit
$2.50 to $4
Cr. Court and Main Sat.
Judd Block
Week Moie
of Suit, Skirts etc.
stock must be M.ldtw?
It will ltt.vyou tovUUtb
Htnretl e List Week of M
Store the Last
The last week of ttie BM
will 1 the bwt cu?Sl3
....1 iwrimins la Sain r
Skirts, etc.
The biggest taJS!?!!
souted, Willi
If vou are folug W J?
WalHt, Skirt or 1.
ilpc. ilfd V 10 yum. v.
the Eben Store ext
last week of tbp
11I.. .l.o frnndCWt Wtt
taken Into cojwldel vm t
the Last week of the "
of Bultf, Sklrt, etc.