East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 27, 1903, Image 3

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    Something New
In the Line of a
Business Sack Suit
Yet has the tinge so
favorrcd by fashion the
correct drrssrs is im
pressed with. A strict
ly serviceable, up-to-date,
thoroughly good,
matter of fact suit is
the Harvard. Not high
priced but high Classed
from $10 10 $15 suit
(aid Sack
Grand Trunk Gold Mine
Impter, Oregon, Gold Mining District.
Is located upon the GREAT iUOITIbK
ODE system or veins anu nas iui ucigu
;ors on that vein such well known
nines as the NORTH POLE valued at
iio 000,000. inetULumDiAvaiueu ai
E5.000.000. GOLCONDA valued at$3,-
boo.ooo. inc iiiuiiiitviii www
BELLE BAKER mine vaiuea at $aoo,
B5oo,ooo. Tnc ItScX vaiuea ai j4oo,
boo, and many others.
M Trunk Gold Mining and Milling Go.
lit! Property Consisting of 160 Acres fcf Rich Qold Bearing Veins
thas no indebtedness of any character.
this a conservative mining and business management.
t is offering 50,000 shares of stock at 15c per share.
twill become a dividend payer in a short time.
twill pay you to write us for full particulars and to make
1 careful investigation of its merits.
It has the indorsement of minitig men, business men and
bankers of Eastern Oregon.
IVrite us today and let us post you.
H. S. McCallum & Company,
Miners, Brokers and Financial Agents,
0rR.S.BRYSON, Local Agent, Pendleton,' Oregon.
Weekly Mining Letters on Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining
District tree on Application.
s Harbor
Commercial Co.
M Keep Everything
no Keep H good ble
' wee ary Flooring,
'6 Hustle and Finish.
Pd. AldOttll hln.L
KMlon I.liniliiF l
ioS Lath and Shingle.
w uooru, Win-
oowing, Building
T Plrwr sn.l A 1
- wmpiew, ud au
1 ueea nr t....l--
w wrong n
w with the
Is Hrbof Com. Co.
lWiC.R. Depot
" Hinry'a
Gold Medal Butter, Pure,
Sweet, Clean. The chief
characteristics of good butter
are purity and cleanliness.
This butter combines both,
and will ietain its rich and
delicate flavor to the last.
Try it and you will never
use any other. Your money
refunded if joudo not like it
. . & SON . .
H K M I 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1
the ' most dreaded and deadly of all
diseases, as well as pneumonia, and
all Lung Troubles are relieved at
once and cured by Acker's English
Remedy "the king of all cough Cures
Cures coughs and colds In a day. 26
cents, Vour money back If dissatis
fied. Write for free sample, w. H.
Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. T. F. W.
Bchmldt & Co.
Will Kinney Thrown From a Horse
New Fire Company Organized Last
Wednesday J. H. Hall Goes to
Tennessee for a Bride.
Milton, Or., April 27. E. A. Greene
was a Pendleton visitor Friday and
John Harder, who has been seri
ously ill, is some better today.
Miss Rllla Bolus and Mrs. Ediuun
son wore in Walla Walla Saturday.
Frank Hoult and wife left last Wed
nesday for a month's visit iu Illinois.
Mrs. F. WorthliiRton went to Wnlla
Walla last week. She will be gone
about a month.
Ed Spencer sold bis team to Wilder
& IJudd, Sunday, for $200.
Mrs. Charlie Lollard's father and
mother, from Missouri, arrived in
Freewatcr Sunday morning,
Frank Cockburn was severely
kicked on the leg by a horse Satur
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoult left last
Wednesday for a month's visit in Illi
nois. I. N. Davis has rented the Worth
InRton property for ono month, and
moved Into It.
Phlll Hoon hns moved from his
ranch Into South Milton property on
Main street.
Vlck Chastnln will give his annual
May day Ice cream picnic next Frl
day evening In the new parlors re
cently fitted up for to serve the public
this summer.
Another barbed wire telephone has
been added or attached to Elam's
hardware store by Robert Still, of
Dry Creek. Ho intends to extend it
on to Weston in a short time.
Mrs. Burt McKnight and Mabel
Overman, who have been visiting for
the past three weeks with their
mother in Idaho, returned home last
Dr. M. Dlttebiant's father and
mother, of Nebraska City, arrived in
this city last. Wednesday for an ex'
tended visit with a view of becoming
permanent citizens.
Mrs. Rogers, of Spokane, who is in
this vicinity visiting her children, left
last Thursday for Adams to visit her
son, Iwowell, a prosperous farmer of
that place.
Will Kinney, a son of Danley Kin
ney, of Hudson Bay, was thrown
from a horse one day last week and
rendered unconscious for several
hours. He was severely bruised
about the face and shoulders, but
otherwise Is all right.
Professor and Mrs. F .V. Lough
singing prohibition evangelists, under
the auspices of the local rroniuition
Alliance, will give a free entertain
ment In tho opera house next Thurs
day evening, April the 30th.
Joint School Picnic.
The DeHaven school, taught by W.
S. Mayberry, and the Duny school by
Harry Huber, are making extensive
nroparations for a joint school picnic
uext Saturday, May 2, in the grove
near the forks of the Walla Walla
river. A neat program has been pro
pared for tho occasion, which is tho
last day of school, and a good time
is anticipated. Rev. R. L. Cartwrlght
and A. J. Adams will make short ad
New Fire Company.
A new fire company was organized
in this city last Wednesday evening
under tho name of tho Milton Hose
Company No. 1. H. F. Wrlglit is
chief and W. R. Anderson assistant
Tho members are Frank Wright, W.
R, Anderson, J. E. Nichols, L. L.
Beardsley, J. E. Campbell, Dick Tay
lor, James McKnight, Thomas and R
E. Frazier and William Teller.
Will Marry In Tennessee.
J. H. Hall, manager of the Peacock
Flouring Mills, of North Milton. left
tor his old homo In Joncsuury. Tcnn.,
last Monday without auy explanation
to his lady admirers as to Ms sudden
departure. Several rumors but noth
ing detrimental, were circulated pret
ty freely until a page camo on the
scene and reported that one of the
houses near the mill had undergone
extensive repairs, and a load of new
furniture had been unloaded recently.
Tho "Bachelors' Banquet" and "Old
Maids' Convention" seem to have had
the desired effect with the bachelors,
but the poor old maids who expected
to have homes of their own, and the
preachers that expected to rake In a
few eagles, are left. We expect to be
able to give reasons for the above In
a short time.
Fletcher's SawmlJI.
W. H. Fletcher, the sawmill man of
Weston, has been in the city several
days ou business, returning homo
this morning. Sawing will begin at
his mills In a short time. Ho has
1,200,000 feet of logs now on hand,
with which to do business this sea
son. Mr. Fletcher's fruit box factory
Is the only ono in Umatilla county,
and from present prospectB he ex
poets to be able to run it at full ca
pacity during a largo part of tho sea
son. He last year made 11.000 apple
boxes alone. The capacity of the
factory Includes everything in tho
way of a receptaclo for shipping
fruit, from a thrco-lnch box to tho
largest fruit crate.
The government of Prussia has de
cided to expel tho Mormon mission
aries on the ground that they are
propagating a form of rollgious belief
incompatible with the laws of tho
state and public morals,
Lot Llvermore Wll Put on Market
Tract at "The Point"
Lot Llvermore will In a short tlmo
have surveyed, platted and put on the
market an addition to the north side,
about IB acres iu cxtenL
This ground, which Is a portion of
a much larger tract owned by Mr.
Llvermore, lies on what is locally
caled "Tho Point."
It Is bounded on tho west by what
will be an extension of Monroe street
nnd on tho south by Washington
street. Mr Llvermore will proceed
with the survey and other preliminar
ies as rapidly as possible and the ad
dition will bo on tho market in a
comparatively short time. Mr. Llver
more thinks strongly of having grades
established throughout tho tract and
tho grading done to correspond bo
fore tho plat is filed, for tho double
purpose of making tho ground moro
marketable and also lessening the
liability of complications with the
city such as otten arise, and as illus
trations may be seen now on tho
north side In the efforts to have
grades established that will be equi
table to all tho property owners Interested.
Detectives at Grand Rapids, Mich.,
Saturday found two moro Insurnnvo
policies taken out by Mrs. Nancy J.
Flood on the life of John 1-omlon,
whom she Is accused of having killed
with a shotgun last Tuesday.
Is the worst fchvl of poverty. However
rich a woman may be, if her health is
"poor" she is poor indeed. She has no
appetite for food and the choicest dishes
cannot tempt her. She turns and tosses
through a restless night ou a couch
which might woo an empress to slumber.
She has no strength for household cares,
110 delight iu social pleasure. She sits
"perked up in a glistering grief wearing
a golden sorrow." She is a wife and
mother. Hut she has no happiness iu
either relation. She knows her husband's
life is set in tune and time to the minor
music of he own misery. If lier child
laughs or cries her nerves quiver with
sk such a woman if she would like to
be well: to lw her husband's comrade.
her child's playmate. Could there be
but. one answ er f
Such a woman can iret well if she will
All her svmptoms indicate n diseased
condition" of -the delicate womanly or
gauisui. Cure that condition anil the
woman will ue lined up to uic 11111 en
joyment of health.
Iu ninetv-eicht cases out of every bun
dreil Dr. Pierce's I'avorite Prescription
will cure womanly diseases, will restore
the womanly health. It has cured tens
01 tliousantls 01 women many 01 wnom
had liven t'iven ui bv nhvsiciuns and
friends. It is essentially a medicine for
woman's ills. It dries euiceuung drains.
It heals inflammation and ulceration. It
cures female weakness and bearing down
txiins. It trannuilizes the nerves, re
stores the appetite nnd gives refreshing
"i'avorite Prescription" differs from
rJmost all other medicines put up for
woman's use 111 that it contains no alco
hol and is entirely free from opium, co
caine and all other narcotics. 11 is in
the truest sense of the term a ;
pcrancc medicine.
A Constant Sufferer.
M hail Ikch n constant sufferer from uterine
Msmr for five vein." writes 1. A. Steortl. of Ynu.
kee Dam, Clay Co., West Virginia, "and for tlx
month previous to taklnc your meriicine I ou
not out nf my room. Could not walk or stand,
as there was such pain and drawing In lea stde
and heariiiK down weight in region of uterus.
accomptinieu wnn soreness, i suucrcu con
stantly with headache, pain in back, shoulders,
arms and chest: had palpitation, nervous proslra.
llou. CUUSUJ'uiiuu, iiihi-k, iinKiiiK ' tut.
could not sleep, and breathing was so difficult at
times 1 could not lie down. Words fail to de.
Krllie my suffiriugs when I wrote to you for
mil ice. fn a short time 1 received a kind letter
from you telling me 1 would be greatly bene
fited, if not entirely cured, by the use or Dr.
Ilerce's I'avorite Prescription. When I had taken
one bottle of the 'Prescription.' together with I)r.
llcrre's Pleasant Pellets and the focal treatment
which vou advised, I could walk (with the suo-
. - I 1 . 1. - -I - I ....... I .. ,H ....A
bearing down weight were not so bad, and when
I had Taken three bottles of the medicine the
periods were regulated. I was not so nervous.
COtua sleep wen, anu uic pain in siucsuvi imti'
tnir riawu had vanished. 1 have Isken sis: liot.
ties of I'avorite Prescription two of 'floidep
Medical Discovery and four vials of pellets
and my health is better at this time than it hat
bein in five years.
With grateful thanks for your kind advlc.
ana wun um wuiicb."
Dr. Pierce's Pleas
ant Pellets are a
most effective laxa
tive for women.
They cure bilious
ness and sick headache.
No diseate causes so much bodily discomfort, or itches, anil bums like
Kczcinn. ttcginnitiff often with n slight redness of the skin it gradually
spreads, followed by pustules or hlistcts from which nt;uuiuiy, sticky fluid
oozes which dries nnd scales off or forms bad looking sotes find scabs. It ap
pears on different parts of the body but ofteucst upon the hack, nrins, hands,
legs nnd lace, niut is ft
veritable torment at
times, especially nt
night or when over
heated. The cause of Kcr.e
ttta is ix too acid nntl
general unhealthy con
dition of the blood
The terrifying- itching
nnd bustling is pro
duccd bv the overflow
through the glnnds nnd
In 1800 I oxporlancatt nt times putchen ou tha In
dite of iuy hands that Itched anil burned, oaustnr
much discomfort. As tlmo want by ft
P rfcTl wraw won, and I was conYineed that
I wss afflicted with Ecaems. I con
sulted aevarnl phystclsns and a num
ber of specialists, and used several ex
ternal applications, receiving but
all u lit temporary relief. In l'obruary
I clcoliled to try H. 8. B., and in lesa than
a nisiith I experienced achanse for the
better, and by May all ymptoma had
dleappeared, nnd 1 found myaelf entire
ly cured, nnil havo had no return of
the dleenso elnce. W.r. BRUSH,
Mannirnr StooUman'e Advertising- Agency
(Station A, Kansas City, Mo.
pores of the skin of the fiery poisons with which the Wood-curniit is over
loaded. While external applications, such as
washes, soaps, salves ami jhiwiU is nte-ioot lilng nnrt
cooling they do not enter into the blood itself or
touch the real cause of the disease, but S. S S.
does, nntl nitrifies, enriches, .mil strengthens the
thin acid blood nnd cleanses uiul builds up the general sv-tetn, when the
skin clears off and Eczema with all its terrifying s.uiiptotus disappears
Send for our free book on the Skin nnd its diseases. No charge for
Timesdffly. Rpni 2
Aiden Benedict
BETH Powerful Company of Players! Spooial Scenoryl
Lytollum Torohosl Chemical Illusions!
Do0 HDD Lwr FDr
Reserve Seat now on Sale at Frazior'B Book Store
As McCorralck was the original inventor of tho renpor and head
er, so was "Best" the original inventor of tho first successful Com
bined Harvester.
We wish to call tho attention of our frlonds wh contouiplato
purchasing a Sldo-HIll Combined Harvester the coming season, that
we are still In tho lead In tho way of Improvements, In harvesting
machinery, and which our farmer frlonds havo rightfully named tho
"KING OF THK HELD." After watching Its work In the Hold the
past sixteen years, and for tho season of 1903 It will bo still better,
as we have inado a number of valuablo Improvements.
The MACHINE Is the stronost and most durable mfido.
IMPROVED DRIVE WHEELS & feet 4 Inches high, 23 lucb tire.
RUNAWAYS are a raro thing with us. There Is n brake on
main drive wheel, which Is controlled by the driver.
HEADER Is driven Independently from tho grain whool of sep
arator, and Is arranged with a clutch for throwing In and out of gear
when turning corners.
THE SEPARATOR Wo wish to call your attention particularly
to the separating qualities of our machine. Wo claim that no other
combined harvester on tho market can In any way compare with It
for speed and thoroughness of work, In all kinds and conditions of
grain, and will require less team to operate It.
AUTOMATIC GOVERNOR Our patent wind governor on tho
fans governs the blast so that at any Bpoed at which the harvester
may bo traveling, tho wind Is automatically regulated and prevents
clogging tho shoo and carrying tho grain ovor In tho straw.
We take pleasure In Inviting you to call on Temple A Wilcox,
Pendleton, and mako a personal Inspection of each and every part of
our machines beforo placing your orders, Kvory machine warrant
ed to do all wo claim for It and to bo first-class In every respect.
Local Agents