East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 27, 1903, Image 2

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Oiu-Priee Clothiers,
MONDAY. APRIL, 27. 190S.
A posse of citizens who were on
the lookout, hart a running pistol light
with six would-be bank robbers early
Saturday at Frankfort, hid. The in
truders escaped.
The New England manufacturers
and erectors of structural steel works
have withdrawn from the National
association recently formed by 50
concents in various parts of tin- coun
try. Three men ulew up the safe in the
postoiHce at Ferguson, Mo., securing
$120 cash ano. $18 in stamps. The
noise aroused the citizens who gave
battle to the robbers. No one was
Four burglars blew open the safe
of Munn & Sons' private bank at
Portage, O.. early Thursday and se
cured 53,000 in silver and paper
money. They made their escape on a
It is reported that the National
Bank of Commerce of New York will
soon pay an extra dividend of 53 per "
cent out of its surplus as a prelimi
nary to consolidation with the West
ern National. The dividend will ag
gregate $5,300,000.
The Louisville & Nashvills train to
Jlaysvllle, Ky., was held 10 minutes at
Lexington, Ky., while Louis Luusford, '
a passenger, who got into a fight on ,
the train, was arrested, taken to the
station house, tried, fined, paid the
fine and was allowed to leave for
Peter Snake Wolf, u ftillblood Cher-',
)kee. was assassinated in the Spavl-
num hills, east of Vinta, I. T., Sat-!
unlay. He was shot six times with a 1
Winchester rlile, supposedly by lull
blooded Indians who arc opposed to
the allotment of the lands of the
Cherokee nation.
The Jews at Kishineff, capital of
Hes8arabia, during tlie anti-Semite !
riots there April 20, suffered even
Tiiore severely than admitted official-1
lj . Scores of Jews were shot or j
lieaten to death and several hundred :
were wounded. Their houses were
wrecked and their shops wero sacked.
Thousands of Jews In the district are
homeless and destitute .
rcnM linu lif.nn fmlrwf l nin fill
from the Benton mines, five miles 1
from Senttlc. i
The United States signal sorvice
will install it wireless system In ,
Alaska by August 1.
near Stockton. Cal., have won a com'
plnte victory and will begin work nt
Serious trouble is brewing In labor
circlcB In Sumptor over tho boycot
ting of places hiring Chlncso and
A rato war ban boon declared by
the shippers engaged in the coa3t
trade between San Franclseo and
Gray's Harbor,
Dr. J. II. nosonburg, who lias boon
fighting the smallpox scourgo at
Prinovllle, has been stricken with
the dread disease.
Mrs. Kobort Adams, of Olad Tid
ings, Or,, lies In an unconscious con
dition in Woodburn, as the result of
n runaway accldont Saturday morn
ing. Hor skull Is fractured and she
will probably dlo.
We are selling all the
new things in Spring
Clothing (or Men and
Boys at Popular Prices
Men's Suits from
$5 to $ J 7.50
Boys' Softs from
$1.50 to $5
Hatters and Furnishers
Golden Rule.
W. I'. Jinett, Adams.
Joe F. Connelly, city.
D. Duncan, Echo,
M. Shannon and wife, Helix.
M. B. Weatherby, Belolt.
E. S. Urlggs, Belolt.
James Nelson and wife. Valley.
A. W. Dorchester and wife. Walla
B. W. Mitchell. Chicago.
B. L. Stewart. Portland.
C. It. .Moore, Portland.
W. P. Olbbs. Portland.
O, M. Richardson, Portland.
C. C. Richardson, Portland.
E. F. Richardson, Portland.
N. Valtinge and son, Athenu.
Ora A. Rhodes, Athena.
York Dell, Athena.
Henry Dell, Athena.
A. McBreen, Portland.
A. J. Hall, Spokane.
Willinm JI. Thompson, Spokane.
E. J. Wood, Portland.
William Keillor, Portland.
W. F. Carson, Portland.
J. B. Johnston. San Francisco.
Grant Horn, Pilot Rock.
Mrs. S. L. Muliane.
P. W. Roberts. Geneva.
R. Waltner. Nebraska.
Mrs. R. Walther. Nebraskn.
Mrs. T. B. Cutler. Utah.
George Manson, Chicago.
I . Malian, Baker City.
Con Finn, Walla Walla.
George Fletcher. Walla Walla.
A. E. Reed, Spokane.
I. W. Hance, Mt. Pleasant.
G. D. Galley, Portland.
F. J. Shaw, North Yakima.
George Borlelt. North Yakima.
I. S. Gnrrett. Boise.
Ella Pearson, Boise.
J. T. Van Vetchcn, Wawwatosl.
E. L. an Vechten, Wawwatosi.
.Mrs. E. O. Parker. Drain.
E. O. Parker Drain.
Sadie Parker, Drain.
A. Nylander, Portland.
R. Bergiven, Portland.
Mrs. E. M. Borthalf. Portland.
M. M. Goodman and wife. Portland
M. Beard, Portland.
J. D. Vane. Baker City.
A. G. Koontz, Spokane.
J. E. Moak, Tekoa.
George H. Curry. La Grande.
E. Burroughs. Portland.
W. II. McRoberts, Spokane.
C. L. Downer, Spokane.
XV. D. Marks, Spokane.
C. M. Lowny, Chicago.
I.. T. Anderson. Iowa.
Frank ,7. Cliener make onth that he In
the senior nartuer at the arm of P. J.
t'tieney & Co., doing buslnens In the city of
Th'fd2' .f0 "i'? Dd
Hundred Dnllnin for each and ercry case
of Cat irrh that cnunot be cured by the
"sorn,a!)- meCuarnd sutacr.bed m
ray presence this 0th day of December, A.
Notary l'nbllc.
nall'i Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally
end neti directly on the blood and mucous
Bnrfncfo of the ayatem. Bend for testi
monials tree.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O,
Bold by all druggists. 70c
nail's Family I'llls are the beat
Street poll tax of tho city of Pon
dloton Is now delinquent. Prompt
payraont must bo made or collection
will bo enforced according to law.
Oily Marshal.
For- Sale Cheap.
A small farm close In; fruit gar
den. Irrigated, high grade soli, good
buildings. For Information, see Jna.
Halloy. No. 1C, Judd building, or ad
dress P. O. box 432,
Committees Are Appointed and Kirk
man's Orchestra Procured for the
Occasion Will Be Held In Cunha's
Echo, Ore., Aprll2G. Quite an en
thusiastic meeting was held here last
night at the hotel In the Interest of a
Fourth or July celebration. A tem
porary organization was formed which
was afterward made permanent. It
was decided to have a rousing cole-
lirnttnn ntl.l , 1. nnn nAmmlHnfiG
were appointed and put to work.
Tt. m,it., '..,. ,f,i
, ..t.u.l UIIU M.U tUKUIIO V ill , ,1 1 1 H
v win iiiniui wit o jtut ha itpuin-u
that they had already procured the
services of KIrkman's orchestra of
Pendleton for the occasion. The en
thusiasm and harmony were such as
to Insure the success of any under
taking. Following nre the various
committees appointed. A committee
consisting of A. W. RobliiBon, Chas.
H, Miller and Elt Spike, to arrange
working committees, reported follow
ing permanent committees: On gen
eral management Charles H. Miller,
A l TJrMior,n V.U Sull.-n To.ni.o
Greene. C. P. Mmlgc nud W. H. Babb;
on finance and concessions, W. H.
Boyd. John Dorn and Frank Splko; ,
on spot ts and entertainment, A. W. I
Robinson, Charles H. Miller. Robert ,
Lewis. Arthur Hammer. Ham- Rog-
ers, Thomas Sheridan. Elt Spike, B. :
F. Atkinson, N. G. Newport. C. S. !
Mudge. Cloyd Oliver and Charles i
Willis; on advertising and transpor-
tation. H. C. Willis, J. A. Greene .ami'
L. A. Esteb; on grounds and arrange-1
monts thoreor, Joseph Cunlia, Rossi
Newport nnd R. Jones. The commit- j
tee reported that the beautiful grove
of Joseph Cunha's, contiguous to
town, was procured nnd tlio meeting ,
adjourned to Monday evening May j
4th at S p. m.. at Arlington hotel. Keep
your eye on.' Echo.
C. H. Waterman of Portland, and ,
Mr, Ashbaugh of Heppnor, drove over
from the latter place to catch the .
morning train here. Mr. Waterman '
was making the hurried drive to reach ,
his father at Payette, Idaho, who is ,
reported as dangerously ill with puou-'
monln at that place. They lost their
bearing In the night, which delayed I
him hero for a day.
J. N. Burgess, of Antelope, drove
over yesterday for the purpose of ,
purchasing a lot ot sheep to be ship
ped to Utah.
Robbed the Grave.
A startling Incident is nnrrntaj ,
by John Oliver of Philadelphia, a3
follows: '-I was In an awful condi
tion. My skin was almost yellow, '
eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain coir ,
tintinlly In back and sides, no appetite !
growing weaker dny by day. Three j
physicians had given mo mi. Then
I was advlaed to try Electric Bitters
to my great Joy, the first bottle made I
a decided improvement. I continued
their use for three weeks, and am
now a well man. I know they robbed
the grave of another victim." No
one should fall to try them. Only
nil cents, timranteed at Tallman &
Co.'s drug store.
Stock Farm for Sale.
Wp have the Jus. Lindsay farm,
near Alba for sale. It consists of G40
acres. 140 acres In timothy; more
than 2fl0"acres in wild hay, which will
grow timothy. A portion will grow
wheat and barley, balance pasture;
abundance of water. All fenced;
good buildings.
Will sell in one, two or three tracts.
Easy terms.
A Thoughtful Man.
M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Intl..
knew what to do in the hour of need.
His wife nad such an unusual case
of stomach and liver trouble, physi
cians could not help her. Ho thought
of and tried Dr. King's New LIfo Pills
and fihe got relief at once and was
finally cured. Only 23c nt Tallman &
Co.'.s drug store.
Agriculture In East Prussia, as well
as the- sugar Industry and trade, will
suffer by the prospective German-Canadian
tariff war.
Enjoy Life
Out door exercise means
improved health nnd a
sunny disposition
All Kinds of Sporting
and Pleasure Goods
No matter what game or
pastime your fancy runs
to, you can get the
goods to promote it at
Book and Stationery Store
May 3 Second annual meeting of
the Oregon Stato Federation of Labor
af Iji Drnnde.
May 4 State supreme court at Fen-
May 6 Stato camp Modorn Wood
men, The Dalles.
May 7 Graduation exercises at the
Pendleton Business College.
May 8 Interstate scholastic debate
at Walla Walla.
May S-17 Pacific Coast Congrega
tional Congress, Seattle.
May 14. 21 Seventh Day Adventlst
'.'nnferenee, Pendleton.
May 201. O. O. F. grand lodge,
May 20, June 3 Presbyterian gen
oral assembly, Los Angeles, Cal.
May 28. 29 and June 12, 13 Wool
, , i
? nirmlif
June 1 Circuit court.
June 2, 3 and June
sales. Hoppner.
23, 24 Wool
Juno 4 Presbyterian Academy
June 9, 10 and Juno 2G, 27 Wool
sales, Shanlko .
June 4. 5, l! Ninth annual Umatilla
Comity Pioneer reunion nt Weston.
June 5. G Wool sales. The Dalles.
June 15, 10 Wool sales, Baker
June 17 Oregon Ploncor Assocla-
HOI1, 1'OrUBna,
3"" 'f f '. Elgin.
ne ,,', 2C State Federation of
u ?molls glubs- Astoria.
Jlll5' 2-Eastpm Oregon G. A. R. on-
eatnpnicnt. Unloii
CIO Forty-second annual
meeting National Educational Asso-
elation. Boston, Mnss.
Jul 7 Improved Order or Redmon
great council. Portland.
August 17 National G. A. R. en-
camptuent, San Francisco.
September S-n National irrigation
congress, Ogdon. Utah,
All wheelmen are hereby warned
to discontinue riding ou the tldowalks
of the city under pennlty of arrest.
By order of city murslinl, J. W.
Ladles' half soles 40c. Tentsch.
TlmtV the point we nre trying
to im pre on the public mitiri
WhMi u clean, pure lru! stock
is HH)keii of we want that to ro
fer Ii our Htore. We're lining
all we can to niTit that title.
lt' the main point of our Imsi
uhw.s. We think nliout it t ml
tall: ul mt It nil the tim. Bye
una you'll ear thU in mind
if you liuvcn't alreiidy. There
i-i no fxtra e'it:ri:e for tills puri
ty. Together with aei'iirnev lt'n
our iuilut'eineiit for yt in jut--griptiuii
trade. V are care
ful and prompt with mail orders
F. W.
Ph. G.
Phone Main 85 J
We have purch se-.l the second
liaild ftore nt rtll! 'ourc treet. V in
iftul to THtlt It iiiul Incit-n-e the "lock.
We would Ihj k'u(1 to liave our frlend
drop in If you need anything In our
line If you huve anything to rn-il let
iih know, we can e1l It for you. Drop
in uml see our line of Indian curloi.
Give ur u trial, we will treat you light.
Gurdane & McBroom
10tX) buys 800x682 feet of sightly
lmildinK property, north wide.
S.')0, two excellent building lota,
stone wall aud nidewall;, W. Court.
$1800 buys three lots on north side;
corner aud good tf-room bonne.
tl200, corner lot, and cottage nearly
13000, four lots and Hplendid resi
dence, a very cheap property.
J2G00. fourtieres, edge of town, house,
Iraru, 200 fruit tree.
f22f0, 113 uere. 8f miles from town
N. E., SOaiiieH In nttltlvutlon, 60 In
wheat, up nicely, 4-room huuse, good
i860, a graded lot. Htoue wall, north
Hide, east front, sightly locution.
$10,000, half a section of choice farm
ing laud, crop Included.
Thete are entirely new oilers, but 1
have many more aud would like uu
opportunity to talk them over with
New Babies in TpO
Just arrived, the new style Baby Upright p' J
315 East Court Street.
Call and see them. They arereasonabl
makes it possible for everybody to have on
Investigate. Bt-
2 L U U IUUUIUI UO I V l.lfrllll Hnnl
j Beats them all for close skimming
j and easy running, no disc or tiowl
j complications whatover
You should know that the very best, DRY WOOD of
all kinds is to be iound at
P P. MSaer & Oo-?s Yard
G38 Main St.
1 1 miMMiiii
5 ssssgaBa
On Its Merit
lias the large demand for
Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters
to iJyers Best i lour. It s perfection in flour. mw
m m-M r. m m m ti I n u t n-a m-m iwiii.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
Is Manufactured fev
2 for 25c
T T?s a t t.t a KTirc Write tie
alogce of them. A foil supply always kept to
e in p-
The irldsist KkiniKilmr .,...1 . .
Reimrator vet niralun.t u,,!..??
rtltion and tempeaituie of the iiilit
rmitii, jit'iiiiivra, I'ciieiH creatu tuat V
out more butter than can la obtained
other Separator in oisten e. i anli
ly and completely wiiubprl l,,tWi
W "V. . V'i J, u,reeP'Mtll
mm Muiuwiv ni.tuc, mm can i
el nt a len cost for oil and renewal i
any other Separator on the market.
For catalogue, address.
T. C. TAYLOR, The Hardward
Gall at 0ct
Phone Main 1121
I ML, 1 I 111
Price S35
mi.... UrtOwnii
iter .stamp cmxw.