East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 27, 1903, Image 10

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    MONDAY, AVRIU 27, 1901.
One Shipment
Ladies oxfords, light and
heavy soles, which range
from $1.50 to $2- In ladies
shoes we have a full line of
the latest styles that will
please all, and we will take
pains to FIT YOOR FEET
PROPERLY. - Remember
that if your shoes are prop
erly htted you will never have
bunions or enlarged joints to
disfigure your feet and cause
you pain. WE FIT THE
Dkidtnger, Wilson & Co.
Phone Main 1181
Good Shoes Cheap
John T. Whistler Has Nothlna to Sav
G. W. Jones went to Umatilla this
E. Anderson has gone to Dayton for
a few days.
Rev. Robert Warner will preach at
Heppncr next Sunday.
Dr. Smith went to Echo on pr .fes
slonal business this rrcmrac
J. V. Tallman went to Echo this
morning for a hunt of a few days.
Joseph Easier will go to the Sound
in a few days to be absent for a week
or more.
Mrs. V. P. Evans, of Portland. 5s
visiting with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Mathews.
W. H. Stewart, of Meacliam. was
lr the city over Sunday, and Mt for
La Grande this morning.
Mrs. Charles Lusher, of Wardner.
Idaho, is visiting with her sister,
Mrs. Fred Walte ,of this city.
There was born today to C W. Me
Lyman and wife, of this place, a son.
The mother and child are both doing
C. O. French will return io the Sim
ilkameen district, British Columbia,
about May 6. He has coal properties
There was born this morning to D.
With Regard to the Outlook of Ir-SB. Bailey and wife, of this place, a
rioation on Butter Creek. ! sen. Mother and child are both do-
John T. "Whistler, the government I lnS finely,
investigator into the practicability of I C. B. Gabnelson, of Salem, is m
irrigation sites, arrived in the city j town on insurance business. Mr. Ga
last evening and before his departure ' brielson hopes that the drier the coun
from the county will further investl-. try is the more business he can do.
gate the Butter creek district which William White and R. Dowllng
the government set apart for experi-1 started on their return to Spokane
mental purposes. this morning. They have been visit-
He will also look over the new ing their uncle, L. L. Rogers, at
territory set apart for the same pur- Adams.
pose since he was last here, ana M M Godman and wife, of Dayton.
wmcn lies contiguous io me iormer bees in the city the guests of
reservation ana io lis weiiwaru. it u, , jnjce Fee ana Judge Lowell. Mrs
probable that he will also make fur- codman continued her journey to Chi
ther observations in the soutnern part caR0 tBis nj0rning. Mr. Godman re
turned to Dayton.
of the patient, 67 years, renders his
recovery extremely problematical,
but the surgeons see signs of hope
today. Dr. H. S. Garfield is In charge
and Dr. C J. Smith consulting.
Will Give Concert.
McLyman's Boys' Band will give a
concert In the opera house Friday,
May S. The object is to raise funds
with which to buy some new Instru
ments. The Instruments which the
boys now have are old and In very
bad shape and their practice has
reached the point where the members
of the band must have better Instru
ments. This band has had no assist
ance from any source and now ask
only that the people patronize their
concert This concert will be up-to-date
in every respect. The boys will
be assisted by members of the old
band. Tickets are now being printed
and will be on sale In a few days.
Free concerts will be given those
stores selling $10 worth of tickets.
Tickets will be $1 for lower floor and
30c in the gallery.
Filed on Government Land.
Mrs. M. J. Mays is in the city the
guest of her son. William Mays. Mrs.
Mays Is on her way home to Elgin
from Staruuck. where she and her
sons. Grant and Charles, have lately
Bled on government land. Mrs. Mays
i one of the pioneers of the original
class in Oregon, as she came to the
Willamette valley in 1S52 overland
with her husband from Boone county,
Missouri, and to Umatilla county in
of the county, on the headwaters of
McKay creek.
Mr. Whistler states there is no
probability of any action being taken,
even to the extent of a recommen
dation by the authorities upon his
reports inside of a year. Following
vorable to the expenditure of money
in the districts he reports upon, ap-
Rev. H. !. Beightol, of Heppner,
preached yesterday morning and eve
ning, at the M. E. church on Thomp
son street, to crowded houses. There
were three accessions to the church
J. D. Stanford started this morn
ing for Wallace, Idaho, to remain
propriations must be made, and there ! through the summer, having an offer
is hardly a remote possibility of ex-1 or jjn per day at his trade of palnt-
iwnmeauu wurn tous wsuu uu mg. He bought some lots here on
matter how favorable the reports may West Railroad and will return next
do. inside or two or tnree years. fan.
Carefully selected and guardedly ,
nhrased inaulrics made to Mr. Whls- Km5 tetnerow. or fcpoKane. stop-
tie In relation to his impressions of i the city over Sunday on his
the feasibility of the Butter Creek wa-r hoaie from Grande. Mr.
Jin tinner MrKav rrpt nplphhnr. ( imjuwi incu iu uic na ic.
hoods for scientific irrigation from , hrothers, with whom he was acquaint-
kl v!f- nolnt rfieitpd nleasant 1 i m vauey ana un anerman
smile. ! Hays.
i James B. Welch stopped off lor a
Many Newcomers. .brief visit in Pendleton. He leaves
J. H. Tomlinson, of Umatilla, who : tonight for Baker City to attend to
Has Deen tor several days in the city ; some ousiness connected with tne
on business, returned home this ' opera house there. Mr. Welch, who
morning. Mr. Tomlinson reports that ' formerly managed the opera house
a large somber of newcomers are . here has a position in the Baker the-
Hocklng into that neighborhood,, many ater In Portland.
of them from distant states, and that '
the government land is being rapidly School Fund Alloted.
iuen up, generally, in small tracts. , The conntv school fund has been
He speaks more particularly or the alloted among the different precincts
territory through which the ditches
of the Hblbrook Company run. He
states that the report that dirt had
been hauled with which to puddle
portions of the main Holbrook ditch
so it would hold water, was a mis
take, so far as his knowledge extends.
The great System Tonic.
The remedy that is so
popular because of its
real m;rit. Now is the
time to take F. & S. Bit
ters and tone up your sys
tem. One bottle is equal
to a month's recreation.
Manufactured by
of the county at the rate of $6 per pu
piL At this rate of distribution the
principal towns In the vicinity will
. be enriched according to the follow.
Ing list:
; Pendleton $4055
Echo S 247
' Pilot Rock :c:
, Umatilla 145
I Weston 97S
I Athena 1132
j Milton 193?
' Freewater 524
Ukiah 349
Adams 47S
This does not include the money
derived from the interest on the
money accruing from the sale of the
state school lands.
Condition More Hopeful.
The condition of John R. Murphy
is pronounced more hopeful today
than at any time since the occurrence
of the accident of last Saturday. The
seventh and eighth ribs on the right
side and about four or five Inches
from the spine were fractured and
probably perforated the abdominal
cavity. The right kidney received a
severe injury, the extent of which
cannot be determined in advance of
full developments. The liver also
shows indications of shock. A left
inguinal hernia has developed. In
addition to the above, Mr. Murphy
sustained numerous severe but not
dangerous contusions and cuts upon
the arms, legs and head. The age
rail! ..'. in (r
-r-l 1 T .la .Y jM I ' V
m T JS
3 BW H
V lit l1lBMW
it J r ltz .
2 u v-x
Our Laundry Methods
appeal to every thinking mau.
WecaJ for your wabiug wli-n
everyou ay the word; we laun
der it Immediately; we n-tura it
to your boui-e at the hour prom
led It will cost you but little
to ascertain whether or lint thl
is an ldleboasL We court the
Couit and Thompson BtreeU.
Street Sprinkling.
Bids will be received up to April
30th. for street sprinkling. Four or
more heavy teams with drivers. Com
mittee reserves the right to order
teams on, and to lay them off. Teams
and drivers will be expected to put
in full time and when not engaged in
sprinkling shall, when so directed
work under the street superintendent
at any other work. Right reserved to
reject anv and all bids.
Chairman Sprinkling Committee.
Cattle Very Thin.
G. B. Arbogasuof Adams, was in the
city Saturday. Mr. Arbogast reports
that the livestock came out of the
winter thinner this year than before
In many years, but that they are im
proving in condition rapidly on ac
count of the fine pasturage. Two
cows were lost in his neighborhood
lately by injudicious feeding at calv
ing time. All crops are looking fine
ly and the fruit trees are In excellent
condition healthy and with a heavy
setting of fruit.
Eagles Choose Delegates.
The Order of Eagles session last
night was attended by the state or-
g2niier. Charles I. Flynn. of Baker
City. A very large attendance was
present. Thomas Fitz Gerald and J.
T. Hinkle were chosen delegates to
the state convention of the Eagles
which will be held In June at The
Dalles. The order now has over 150
members in this place and has 15 ap
plications for membership on hand.
To Purchase Wool.
Jacob Schenerman went to Walla
Walla this morning, to open an office
and remain there during the remain
der of the wool-buying season, pur
chasing exclusively tor the Pendle
ton Woolen Mills. Mr. Scheuerman
has bought for this summer's opera
tions 200,000 pounds of wool at Echo.
It was all bought from two individuals
Antone Vey and E. D. Mathews.
Supreme Court Notes.
Salem, Or., April 27. No more
cases win be set in the supreme
court before the justices go to Pen
dleton to convene the Eastern Ore
con term of the court, which begins
on Monday. May 4. The court has
disposed of nearly all cases on the
trial docket, and has caught up with
the circuit court of the state.
Umatila's Share of Taxes.
County Treasurer Sommerville sent
one-half of the Umatilla county tax
for 1903, to the state treasurer's oCice
today. There is a state tax of 936.-
015 and an Agricultural College tax of
11.225, or a total of 137.240. The
amount paid today was J1S.C20. leav
ing an equal sum to be paid in the
New Engines Arrive.
Two of the new engines which are
to be put on this division, arrived
yesterday at La Grande. They will
be fired un and take their trial trips
for "actual business" tonight and to
morrow. They are very much larger
than any locomotives hitherto on this
Cart Off the Track.
Lant night's train from Spokane,
was 4S hours late, on account of two
boxcars going off the track near La
Crosse Not much damage was done
aside from turning some rails and
tearing out some ties, and no one
was hurt.
In Police Court.
Two lonely men. each known by
the name of John Doe. forfeited their
ball in the police court this morning.
Judging by the police court docket.
the family of Doe will run a close
second to the families of Smith and
Jones or Brown In point of numbers.
W. A. Shoemaker, representing
New York capital, proposes to give
Pittsburg, Pa., a filtered water and
pay the city $500,000 a year for operat
ing the water system.
A List of the Meets and Programs to
Be Given by the Pupils at the End
of the Present Term of School.
The following is a general schedule
of the events of high school com
mencement week:
Athletic field day, Saturday, May
23, at Pendleton, the meet occurring
at the Driving Park. A list or the
events with the principal contestants,
will be published later.
The baccalaureate sermon will be
preached Sunday, May 24. by some
prominent educator. The music on
that occasion will be furnished by a
chorus of high school students.
Monday evening. May 25, the high
school seniors will be entertained
by the juniors. In the assembly hall.
Tuesday evening. May 26, the high
school junior class will give a public
program in the assembly hall.
On the afternoon of Wednesday, the
27th will take place on the campus
ot the high school the class-day exer
cises by the senior class. The liter
ary part of the program on that occa
sion will be as follows: Opening re
marks. Olin Arnsparger. Class his
tory. Iter Neil. Statistics. Mary
Rothrock. Address to the juniors.
May Ferguson. Response. Fred Hart
man. Consignment, Robert Cronin.
President's closing address, Olln Arn
sparger. On the evening of Thursday, the
2Sth, will take place the regular com
mencement exercises, followed by the
presentation of diplomas. The pro
gram, rendered by the senior class,
Is as follows:
Salutatory, May Rothrock. Ora
tion. "Grand Army of the Republic,"
May Ferguson. Oration, "In Union
There is Strength." Robert Cronin.
Oration. "Luck vs. Pluck," Iter Nell.
Valedictory. Olin Arnsparger..
The musical numbers of this pro
gram will be announced later.
Professor Conklln and Miss Shep
herd are putting a great deal of the
most earnest, thorough work into the
preparations for the events briefly
outlined above, and they speak in
terms of the highest praise of the
earnestness T7ith which the students
themselves enter into the preparation
and the ability which they display.
. ,i,: , umntun vt?r-.-
enr Trip1 cnroi?!? r
We shall offer all our new Spring Goods at prices that No
nn,r?nr mwt We have the cnnilt mA .:n . y
the prices, and they will be so reasonable that No GOOD
SHOPPER will fail to call and examine goods and leam
nrices. We leel confident we can
every purcba'e made at our store.
save von ......
We include in this
viw immuuc in
sale Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishino,
Hats, Shoes, Notions, Custom Tailor Suits. Everything
goes; nothing reserved. Come and learn if it will not nav
you to trade at the ST. JOE STORE. Fi)
The Leaders in Pendleton
aatMua AHtt
Don't let it escape i
You don't alwavc ha,
an opportunity of securing i J
splendid fishing outfit as weaie S
offering just now. 'e hive '
the best split bamboo poles,
hooks, flies, reels, leaders, and
everything in the line of fishiar J
tackle. i
Sf43i W.J.CLARKE & CO. !
'('J1" Jff'T3' 2ii Court Street
Jas. B. Welch Is Certain That Pen-
dleton Will Have Some First-Class
Attractions This Season.
James B. Welch will go tonight to
Portland, to take up his permanent
abiding place there.
He will, however, retain the man
agement of the opera house here, and
expects to be able to book better at
tractions for this place on account of
his change of residence giving him
an opportunity to meet personally
the bookers for the combinations.
These gentry very seldom go directly
into the smaller towns, but make their
headquarters in the city and do their
booking by correspondence, and that
method is the one which results so
frequently in the dissatisfaction of the
Mr. Welch has a position on the
staff of the Baker theater and upon
its completion will have a position
with the new Orpbeum. Mr. Welch !
is quite certain that Pendleton will
have summer vaudeville this summer.
The only element of uncertainty is the
slight doubt as to whether lie will be
able to book a really first-class com
pany for the place, and unless he can
do this he will book none at all. How
ever, he considers the prospects for
getting a realy high-grade company
here as excellent
The season will open on or about
June 15 and continue without inter
mission for a month, with the proba
bilities that there will be a return
engagement in September. At this
time Mr. Welch has hopes of securing
the Weston-Herbert Co., which was
at the opera house a short time ago
and was pronounced by the large au
dience which saw them, the best com
pany that has appeared here in years.
See Our Corset
and Hosiery Window
The fit of the dress depeuds strictly upon the fit
of the Corset, therefore do not have your spring
gown fitted over an old CorseL We will supply
a new one in Straight Front, Girdles and Tape
Girdle at popular prices.
Our New Reporter.
Ralph A. Watson, formerly of the
Capital Journal, of Salem, Or., has
accepted a position as reporter on the
East Oregonlan. We bespeak for Mr,
Watson the co-operation of our
friends. Anything you can do to help
him get all the local news will be
appreciated. We want the East Or
egonlan to be the best newspaper,
locally and in every other way pub
lished in Eastern Oregon. If you
know any news and don't happen to
see the reporter, 'phone us. We will
sincerely appreciate your kindness.
Mr. Waite. who has been our report
er, will hereafter be telegraph editor.
No Dessert
More Attractive
vpend houra soaking, AfilrQj
wAA(mln9 4!.YftrnfK
and coloring when W, S2X5?i
produce better results ia two Tuinuteaf
Everything in the package. B imply add hot
water and set to cooL It'a perfection. Afcur
prtee to the h"Uwif". No trtmblt, lew x.
penae. Try it te-diy. In I" our 1'ruit Ft,
rem: lemon. Orange, Strawberry, Easp
berry. At grocers. 10c
We are
in position
to fit
w5s4jAJ fitting
fh )
We make
a Specialty
of Child
ren's Lace
and Fancy
Our stock of Ladies' and Children's Hosiery is
more complete than any in the city. We are
especially strong in Ladies' Drop Stitch and
Fancy Hosiery.
The Big Boston Store
We have Carpet Rem
nants, some of tbem large
t nough for rooms, that
will close out at greatly
Reduced Prices
j jjSPPy.'-a.- - Undertaking l"rlon iu j
Have Yottr Water Pipes KTamtnrrf and Repaired at 00
Delay will lead to Eerious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Vlvmhv-
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel