East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 25, 1903, Image 9

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fflirainiD)tt Stop 0
City Briefs
April 27, Only
1 piece 25c white
mercerized oxford
April 27, Only
3 pieces all over ora
broldorey, regular $1.50
quality, for one day
11 rAia 1U TKAUK AT
USUAL FREE GONCERT will be given
Saturday afternoons from 3 till 6 o'clock in
stead of evenings, as formerly. This change
is due to accident at the Light Plant, and is
only temporary. We will resume evening
concerts as soon as the lights come on again.
Don't forget the hour. Ses programs at store
Corner Main and Alta Streets.
A Growing Industry,
w Mimifonl. one of the largo
..,, nt liriinwnrnr. ih
.. . .1... Il nmnrh! till! Htl'llW-
,l. l,.lnltv nt Mlltnil
. UUU -
1. nlf 111 .IllltUllll I
to secure labor to harvest me
c jnu uni 1-1
fthich lasts about six wcekn.
, ..t.M.lrn.. ...Ill filiil
wumtn iiiiu uiiiiui ...n ......
Id addition to being a pleasant
tie little lots can pick a low
. . .1... I 41.- 11,tt,n.
Tailor inuusnuus 01 minutes euun
spend a few weeks m tlio hop-
ueir sciiuoiuuuks ami hiiuch una
. It.M.. Inx ........ f.... 1...t..t.na
t , mur ivil u,i.i lin laiiuuo
10 inuuige 111 many u limu nix
thev might not otherwise feel
could afford. Hut aside from the
mi rnnsinprnrinng it tirnvna n
u icasim wi v II u un uuua coun-
bring Into the county lots of
i-v nnu' ..nine ,,. tlii. uicnut Hikkk
Prlnevllle Notes.
(J. li. McDowell, one of the host
Known or I'rinevillo's business men
and one who had many friends
throughout Eastern Oregon, is dead.
An operation was performed upon
lilm for appendicitis and he did not
rally from the operation.
John T. Whistler, a United States
civil engineer, spent Buveral days with
us last weeK, looking over prospect
ivo sights for government irrigation
works, among which were the McKay
Creek and Crooked river countries.
B. F. Jones and Mrs. It. P. Har
rington left by stage Sunday with
Mrs. Luck Davis, who was declared
insane. Mrs. Davis, formerly Lucy
Vincent before her marriage, lived
near Medi'ord In Jackson county.
Umatilla's Exhibit.
It. C. Judson, Industrial agent of
tlio O. It. & N. railway company, is
daily expected to arrive in the city
to confer with the committee an
pointed by the Commercial Associa
tion and with others relative to the
proposed permanent exhibit of Uma
tilla county products in the Portland
Union depot. The committee up
pointed to Investigate the amount of
space and other details in relation
to the privileges tills county would
bo able to command at such an ex
hibit, report no progress, as the rail
way company Is dilatory In answering
their Inquiries.
"' Special alKnK f,,r .11
to $30 waiones
wtches $2 to $10
in ton
Wiled watches $12 to $45
I mi m m m . m
Big Snake Den.
Kd Huyes has returned from the
Seven Mile Country. Last Sunday
lie killed on John Wynn's place, on
Seven Mile, five rattlesnakes. Al
together about 30 rattlesnakes have
been killed this Bprlug in the same
cliffs, where wore killed last summer
180 rattlesnakes, large and small.
The cliff, which is infested with
snakes, is about a mile and a half
above the confluence of Seven Mile
with McKay, and Is on the left side
of the creek. It is shelf and' shale
roclt formation, full of crevices, hut
not of dens In the sense that there
are caves, for tliero aro not.
Tc Locate Here.
Ulnier E. Parker, brother of Dr. E,
O. Parker of this city, was a visitor
to Pilot Itock recently and remained
a low days. Mr. Parker is an attor
ney at law, and lias been practicing
ills profession in Iloseburg during the
past few years, but lias concluded to
locate In Eastern Oregon, where he
sees better opportunities for young
men than elsewhere. Mr. Parker will
probably locate in Pendleton. Pilot
Roek Record.
Will Visit Germany.
Joseph Slevers, of Fulton, contera
plates going to Germany with his
fnmlly the coming summor on a pro'
tractod visit. Mr. Slevers is a native
of Germany, and lias not seen his
natlvo land sinco first coming to this
country. He has been greatly pros
pered in tills country.
"i.i1uWle.cIiws to be selllllL' a mire Ciistiie Hoan. C The
for nn... .!" simply a trarln nmnn 'l'lau .- lm ul.in It
mid. in L?.f.P - We wlU Just nay that we aw selllutr an Olive
m. ti j 1 Jim 1 ii 1 rrtm w. ft . 7 . 1 n. 11 . i
Willi VOUf P.7lTo 7 , ,a"'" Vlivfl vii nuu ic, J-uu
tOc Cake; 3 Cakes 25c
"l Von In ..
r htehUni.7.icfi.Vle peculiar color of OUR 80AP (not pure
"f 16 p n J grey. Also notice the odor and
KOEPpen's niifi stork
P From
Choice meats at Houscr's.
Dost thoo work at Teutsch's.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
Smoke the "Pride of Umatilla."
Ico cream and soda. The Delta.
W. D. Fechter. teacher ot the violin.
Spring samples, large line, at Joer
ger's. Fish and poultry, Lyman's 310
Have your shoes repaired at
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
309 Court street.
Hays' cigar store, headquarters for
smokers' supplies.
Fresh salmon received daily at Cas
tle's flsli market.
All kinds of Imported and domestic
lunches at Gratz's.
New spring and summer Stetson
hats at Alexander's.
Croquet sets 9rc to $3.45; golf
clubs. $1.25. Nolf's.
Come quick, the new fad Monarch
shirts, at Alexander's.
Special bargains in street hats at
Campbell's, Court street.
The Delta ice cream parlors are
now open for the season,
Parties from La Grande aie about
to start a paper at Echo.
Try the Palm. 221 Court street.
for nuts, candles and fruits.
A house for .sale on installments.
$15 per month. N, T. Conklin.
Imported llraburgor and Swiss
cheese sandwiches at Gratz's.
"El SIdelo," the best, clear made, at
Rees' cigar store. Court street.
A paying business for sale, small
capital required. N. T. Conklin.
Lot for sale; great bargain: Raloy's
addition. Inquire at 403 Alta street.
Pendleton Boquet and Pride of
Umatilla. A. Rhode, manufacturer.
Our new spring patterns for suits
are for Inspection. Selbert & Schulss.
Kirkman's dance Saturday. Armo
ry Hall, 50 cents. Hall well lighted.
A La Grande attorney will locate at
Echo, and Is building an -office there.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
0!) V. Court street. 'Phone aud bath.
Blacksmith shop In Pendleton for
sale. See Earnhart, Association
For Sale Residence with one, two
or three lots, located at 517 Jane
street. Call at house.
Stop paying itnt. Own your home.
A few choice lots for sale at a bar
gain. Seo Whom & Swaggert.
Swearlngen Bros, will not start a
branch saloon at Helix, as has been
currently reported they would do.
For Rent Suite of rooms, nicely
furnished, one block and a half west
of Main street. Inquire 20S Alta.
Houser always furnishes good
meat. Send in your order. Market
Alta street, opposite Savings Bank,
For Rent Nicely furnished room
lor gentlemen; electric light and
bath, $G a month. Inquire at this
George Adams, of Camas Prairie,
will build several miles of fencing
this spring for the bettor manage
ment of his herds.
Ed Carney will this spring fence
in several thousand acres ol his moun
tuln pasture lands In the southesatern
part of the county.
For sale New residence and one
lot at tho corner of Washington and
Jefferson streets, one block from
Main street. Conrad Platzoeder.
Charlee Bredlng, of Fulton, is
fencing several tracts of his land that
have hitherto been open, and is
building a large poultry house and
also some stock sheds.
J. V. Privett has just enlarged his
bath rooms by the addition of two
new porcelain tubs making five In
all, The bath rooms have been re
fitted throughout, and old patrons and
new friends will be made welcome.
The A. F. and A. M. held a day
besslon yesterday In addition to tho
regular session, on account of the
pressure of business, not on accouut
of the absenco of electric lights, as
was reported. There weie eight ini
tiations Into the order yesterday.
Rev. Levi Johnson will build a res
idence this summer on his place east
of town. Mr. Johnson owns 18 acres
where he now resides. Tho contract
la not yet let for the dwelling, but it
will he an eight-room building aud
probably a story and a half In height.
Fishing Is reported Indifferent in
the middle and southern parts of the
county, on account of the unusually
cold water, and the half freshets
which have rolled the water. The
fish do not blto except in sunny, quiet
pools where the water Is settled and
U O. Sheek will 60011 begin tlio
election of an eight-room, two-story
tesldence with a full basement be
neath, on Thompson street, on the
third lot north of tho high school
block. The house will be ready for
occupancy in me lauur pun 01 iu
summer, nnd will be equipped mod
ern throughout.
Suffering With Appendicitis.
Mrs. Frank Brown, of Ukiah. hasl
been brought to the city suffering
with appendicitis. It is not yet
known whether an operation will bo
necessary or not.
Where there is so much. advertising, so much promised in the
way of bargains 'tis hard for you to pick the right one be
cause as much good can be written of a poor article as a good
one. We ask you to bring all your price quotations to our
store with you and we'll meet EVERYONE and beat many
Ladies' Shoes.
$15 Suits
but we couldn't tell it all, we'd much pre
lur that you come around and look at
them, try tlicin on; won't cost you
and we'll make you feel welcome
n cent
it you
This week we are odering somo ex
ceptionally rood bartmins in Ladies'
Stylish Footwear. Fine Kid, extension
sole, Slipper foxed low Shoes $2.50.
Extra fine, light solo, Dress Shoes $3.00.
Patent Leather, Dross Shoes, Ultra
make $2.75. Patent tip, Kid Oxfords,
fancy dull tops, 1.95.
Children's Shoes
Dongola Kid, patent tip, fancy stitch
ed 2 5, 50c. Dongola Kid, wedge luele,
patent top : 5, 75c. Plump Dongola,
box tips, (5-8, 88c. Vici Kid, fair stitcnod
odgts, y-11, 1.-18.
100 Pieces New Calicoes
Blues, Hcd-i and Blacks, only Best
Quality at 5 couth per 3'ard.
We could tell you a whole lot about our
Don't Want
to BUY
Men's and Boys' Clothing
Just a (ew words about the kind of clothing
this store deals in. Workmanship and quality,
a style and shape that shows itself on the
wearer; our showing of men's and boys' appar
el is complete as shown anywhere.
Men's suits from
$5.00 to $25.00
Hoys' suits from
50c to $10.00
Ladies' Neckwear
Piquo Wash Stocks, 48c and OUc. Mull
Embroidoried Stocks and Ties, 35c, 50c
and 75c. Now Turnover Collars 10c, 15c,
20c, 26c and 50c. New Venice Laco Col
lars COc, 85c, $1 00 aud $1.50.
Wants Her Interest.
Lena WooilB, liy J. A. Kw,
lias liwsiiii suit for the par
tition of the soutliweHt iinrter of nee-
tion 9, township 1, raiiKO .S.I. 'liio de
fendant, Jim White, is tho plaintiff'B
brother, and both nro half breed Unia-
tlllas. The property described was
the property of their father, who Is
deceased. White is in possession and
the complaint states that he refuses
to recoKHlze the plaintiff'B Hunts to
11 one-half Interest In the place.
Eagles Notice.
I'endleton Ario No. 28, F. O. IS.,
will meet In special Besslon Sunday
evening. April at K o'clock. State
Organizer Charles I. Klynn will bo
present. All IJagles requested to ho
J. T HINKLH, President.
ItOV W. lUTNKIt, Secretary.
Line of
for Men
in the
Boston Store
Where Whole Families Are Shod
Arriving Daily At
The Nolf Store
Fine Line Crepe and TIhhuo
aper All colors and shades.
Fine figured crepe paper, for
shelves, lamp shades, Etc.
mand than ever. Fine Oregon
Yellow Danver Onion Sets, 120
per pound. All 5c Vt-getable and
Flower Seuls, here for z'jc.
CROQUET -An :xtra fine line
now on sale. Hardwood and well
shaped balls and mallets, 95c to
3-45 a st!t-
ing tags, string tags, shipping
tags, pin tickets, rubber bands,
about twenty different brands of
inks, mucilages, Etc.
T Go where they all go, to T
Robinson's Amusement
Howling, Shooting, Fool
nnd Milliards.
Corner Mam and Webb Sta. X
printed, 48c.
The Nolf Store
Telephone M!a 4
The Little Darlings
Now that gentle Spring is with us, Mothers, you can
take your children out in the op n air and let them enjov the
We want to have the pleasurq of showing you the swell
est line of
In Pendleton,
Next door to Postofllce.