East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 25, 1903, Image 7

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..M$t " . ... and
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ieI ll aiy ce.ll.iB to lwr tm,
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PhliiM nf the HUHHIUU limnjiiu-
rtrH, ilnmniift. GUlnCSO -
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t. rh hpro for consiuoruuuu.
piacan assured Ms eoneasuus
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Cbwane to the Chinese was uio
. f n (jnnitarv rommiB
n 7HL1U11 Ul
... .A Fan nrr in
British c.rcles over the appointment
or n Hussion commissioner )n ni
iMvuni,, uul mis revelation of Rus
sia's determination to retain control
of Manchuria and close tho door there
robs this appointment of Its Import
ance Tho Chinese court returned to the
Forbidden City today with a spectac
ular procession from tho huntlne
park. "
Ninth Annual Affair Has Some Very ,
interesting Attractions.
Philadelphia, Pa., April 25, For
tho ninth consecutive year the cream '
of college athletes of the entire coun
try lino up on Franklin Field this
afternoon for the animal relay races 1
conducted under the auspices of the
University of Pnnnsvlvnnin '
Harvard, Columbia, University of
Chicago, Pennsylvania, Amherst,
Princeton. Cornell and other large
colleges, besides a long list of smaller
Institutions, have sent their very
best athletes to compete In tho various
events and there Is every reason to
believe that several records will en
by the board before the afternoon's I
program Is completed. Willi., ths
big relay race, in .which Chicago, Har
vard, Yale and Pennsylvania will
take part, quite naturally attracts
most attention, there are several
other events on the program that
promise to be of equal Interest. Amonc
these are the broad jump, in which.
1'rmsteln, tno American record hold
er. Is entered, and the high Jump, in
which S. S. Jones, the world's cham
pion will compote, against several I
other athletes with splendid records. (
In the pole vault champion Morton, l
of Princeton, Mnges, of Chicago, and
IJaird, of Pennsylvania are entered.
U all of these men live up to their
present performances there will bo
new figures established In this event.
We sell the greatest of blood puri
fiers, Acker's Blood Elixir, under a
positive guarantee. It will cure all
chronic and other blood poisons. If
you have eruptions or sores on your
body, or are pale, weak or run down,
It is just what you need. Wo refund
money if you are not satisfied. 50
cents and $1.00 F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
5yrup of Rs
tkfr best family laxative
It is pure.
It Is gentle.
It is pleasant.
It is efficacious. ,'.
It is not expensive.
It is good for children.
It is excellent for ladies.
It is convenient for business men.
It is perfectly safe under all circumstances.
It is used by millions of families the world over.
It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians.
If you use it you have the best laxative the
world produces.
L -3 '
Its component parts arc all wholesome.
It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects.
It is wholly free from objectionable substances.
It contains the laxative principles of plants.
It contains the carminative principles of plants.
It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are
agreeable and refreshing to the taste.
All are pure.
All are delicately blended.
All arc skillfully and scientifically compounded.
Its value is due to our method of manufacture
and to the originality and simplicity of the
To get its beneficial effects- buy the genuine.
Manufactured by
San rnneltcot Cat.
Loutavlll. Ky. Nw York. N. V.
Have you had your shoes repaired
at TeutBch? Try him.
May Day Celebration.
The custom of celebrating May Day
Is becoming more universal every
year nnd In many cities it Is recog
nized as a public holiday, business
houses and banks closing.
The celebration at Walla Walla
this year, arranged jointly by the
Woodmen of the World and the Com
mercial Club of the city, promises to
he unusually attractive.
Aside from the Interest to members
of the order above mentioned arrange
ments have been perfected to enter
tain a largo crowd, and tho attend
ance from the cities of tho Interior
promises to bo large.
The Washington & Columbia Hlver
Hy. announces a special service from
Pendleton on that date, and from the
general Interest manifested thcro will
undoubtedly be a Inrgo attendance
from here. The train will leavo the
corner of Webb and Main streets at
7:30 a, m. and return before mid
night. It will rench Walla Walla at
111 a. m. giving visitors an oppor
I tuulty to get lunch nnd enjoy a Htioll
about tho beautiful city before tho
1 street parade nt 2 o'clock. From
I that tlmo until 10 p. m. will bo tho
I moat spirited Walla Wulln has seen
i in recent years.
, Lots for Sale.
i 1 offer senile nice lots on the north
sldo near tho rlvor. No grading need
ed. Price $201) to $.100. N. T. Conk-lin.
Makes a Clean Sweep.
There's nothing llko doing a thliii?
thoroughly. Of nil tho salves you
over heard of, Ilucklln's Arnica SjIvo
Is the beat It swix'ps away and
cuii'H bums, sorex, bruises, cuts, bolls,
ulcers, skin eruptions and plies, It's
rnly 26c. and guaranteed to give nut
IMactlon by Tollman & Co., druggists.
Tho nrt or glyptics, engraving on
pieelous Rtones. Is being revived in
The Chance of a Lifetime to Invest in Stocks in the
mi iiiiJDiA Diirn nrvri nniMritiT rrt
LUHJiTiiJi iitii Lf i t iivr itili 11 1 van
At 10 per cent of par value. Shares may be had for 10 cents
, Natural Gas Discovered on Columbia River, near Alder Creek, Washington, and Castle Rock, Oregon.
The Columbia River Development Company. Incorporated under the Laws of the State of Oregon. Capital Stock $1,500,000. i,5oo,ooo Shares, One
Dollar each. Absolutely non-assessable. No individual liability. Home office, ARLINGTON, OREGON.
The management of the affairs of the company will at
all times be conservative and piogressive. Every dollar
realized from the sale of stock will be accounted for.
Only the legitimate expenses of operating the company
will be paid The officers and directors of the company
do not draw any salary at present
Shares Absolutely Non-Assessable
Are your shares non assessable? Yes, made so hy the
By-Laws of the company, which forbid the board of di
rectors from incumng one dollar of indebtedness. There
ate no bonds, no preferred stock, no debts.
Oar Field, Its Location and Indications
Right here on the banks of the Columbia River in
"Stern Washington and Oregon, where thousand of
acres ol sagehrush and bunch grass lands are awaiting
jiiiman energy for development, a discovery of gas has
wen made less than a year ago. In a dozen places in
"ie v'cimty of Alder Creek, Washington, and Castle
,Rock, Oregon, illumating gaB has been escaping for
J'ears through the surface soil. The gas can be burned
r hours. Only recently some of the gas coming through
ne surface soil has been confined in large tanks and con-
Jed by pjpe jnes to several cabins, where it is being
b 1 . 1 as wel1 as 1!eh-- Surely no other oil field
hiveih Syed such eXLellt:nt indications, Oil experts
,l e,nroughly examined the ground and pronounced
prospect very good. We intend to diill 2000 feet if
snffiV i , , rom a11 indications about 10:0 feet will be
veW Pth" A" mone' ol,taed wiH l)e used ,or de"
andoth8 nirFosus purchasing of additional machinery
official llrcessar' expenses. No expensive salaried
hom", are at-ached to this organization. It is strictly a
araonn, !pany orBnii:ed by home capital. A limited
' ' ' !,l0CK "as been placed on the market at ten
H this
Per share.
moder,,. ueveiops into a gustier or even mm a
v"-'ie DroHnror : ...:n 1.. 1.:.. ,r,. .
il 1,111 iiirrmi iiui umv i uil uiu 11 iu
invest,,, -f '
dA .f. present P-ices of
County; Sec,,on"
stock, but it will mean
It will bring money into Umatilla
Arid lands, which at the prestnt time produce -very
scant crops, could be irrigated and thereby increase
their product tenfold by having water pumped from the
Columbia river with the help of gas and oil for fuel.
Think of the vast benefits to this region. The test of oil
as a steam-ptoducing fuel was made ears ago; it is noth
ing new; its value has been well established, and the only
thing needed to bring it into universal use was he dis
covery of an inexhaustible supply. Oil fires a boiler
three and one-half times quicker than coal- has a greater
efficiency and cleanliness; requires less roam and is far
cheaper. Railroads, steamships and manufacturers,
commerce of every description finds greater saving pos
sible by the use of fuel oil,
Active Operations
One of the largest, modem standard d'illing rigs has
been put into operation near the Washington side of the
Columbia rive.
Our Drillers
Our drillers are old experienced men at the business,
and if there is any possible way of getting results, we are
positive that they will accomplish such It is the univeral
opinion that the surface indications compare favorably
with any of the gas and oil fields in the United States.
Several experts who have investigated the discovery make
this report.
General Manager on the Field
Ross Beardsley, our efficient Vice-President, and one
of the first discoverers of the gas, is in charge of the
company's interests on tie drilling ground. A more en
thusiastic and earnest worker, lully alive to the interests
of all the stockholders, could not be found anywhere,
Fortunes in Oil
The wealth made and to be made in the production and
marketing of oil is likewise so apparent that it is
almost needless to recite the figures and comparison No
other proposition has ever supplied such riches as have
oil wells for the amount of time and money invested 111
them. Oil is so easily handled after a well is secured and
so short a time is needed before results can be' obtained, ,
that it is the quickest dividend bearer The Standard Oil
Company in 1897, 1S98, 1S99, upa, 1901 and the first
part of 1902, have paid $20;, 000, 000 in dividends,
Profits in Oil Stocks
The following list will give a fair idea of some recent
independent profits in oil stocks;
Original Present
Price Price
New York Oil Jo. 50 t 200.00
Union 1.00 1,500.00
Kern River 1 00 36,00
Kern River Oil Co 1.00 37 00
San Joaquin ,50 16,00
Peerless 20 H.62
Thirty Three Oil Co 35 '3-5H
Ilanford 2. 00 1 18 00
What $(00 Would Have Done in the Fore
going Stock
$100 invested in N. V. O, made 3,900.00
$100 invested in Union 142,000.00
ioo invested in Kern River 2,500.00
Jioo invested in Kern Oil Co 3,500,00
t too invested in San Joaquin 1,500.00
t too invested in Peerless , 4,210,00
Jioo invested in Thirty-Three 31833.33
$100 invested in Ilanford 3. 791 0,)
. Officers and Directors
President -Geo. Conser, of First Nat'l Bank of Heppner
Secretary: Frank Graham, of Arlington.
H o. it 1 1 of Diki:( ions.
Geo. Conser, Heppner, Oregon.
Ross. Beardsley, Arlington, Oregon.
W, II. Coldwell, Arlington Oregon.
M. McDonald, Arlington, Oregon.
Wm, Smith, Arlington, Oregon,
Clias, McCalistcr, Troutdale, Ore.
W. A. Campbell, Condon.
Junes Carey, Prosser
I. L. RAY, Local Representative, Office 120 Court Street