41 MONEY IN YOUR POCKET An Eastern Business House to ad vertise their business and keep themselves before the public give away for one day only new $1 00 Greenbacks for 90c. The crowd of buyers was immense With us you save more than 10c on every Dollar. If you don't believe it just read the following Cut Prices which are good j till JUNE t 1st. 3 packages Sioux Starch, 2oc 3 lbs, Gold Dust, 20c 3 boxes Spices, 2oc 3 2-uz. bottles Extracts, 2nc 1 1-lb. can ground Chocolate, 25c liaker's Cocoa, 25c Granulated Beet Sugar, per sack, $5.45 Granulated Cano Sugar, per sack, $5.80 Mocha and Java Coffee, per pound, 30c 4 packages A. it H. Soda, 25c 6 bars Owl Soap, 25c 5 bars Cocounut Oil Soap, 5c Semi-porcelain cups and saucers, per doz.,99c Semi-porcelain 7-in. plates, per doz., 81c Semi-porcelain pie plates, each, 5c Common lamp chimneys, each, Gc Woven wire wash boards, each, 39c 8 qt granite tea kettle, each, 73c Everything else at corn sponding prices OWLISH THE BEST MANUFACTURING COMPANY STEAM AND HORSE POWER COMB IKEJ II A II TESTE Ji S As McCormlck was the original inventor of the reaper and head er, so was "Best" the original inventor of the first successful Com bined Harvester. We wish to call the attention of our friends vh eontomplute purchasing a Slde-HM Combined Harvester the coming season, that we are still in the lead in the way of Improvements iu harvesting machinery, and which our farmer friends have rightfully named th "KING OF THE HELD." After watching its work in the field tn past sixteen years, and for the season of 1903 It will be stnl better, as we have made a number of valuable Improvements. The MACHINE Is the stroneat and most durable made. IMPROVED DRIVE WHEELS 5 feet 4 inches high. 22 inch tire. RUNAWAYS are a rare thing with us. There Is a brake- on main drive wheel, which Is controlled by the driver. HEADER Is driven independently from the grain wheel of sep arator, ai$l is arranged with a clutch for throwing in and out of gear when turning corners. THE SEPARATOR We wish to call your attention particularly to the separating qualities of our rnachlue. We claim that no other combined harvester on the market can In any way compare with It for speed and thofcughness of work, In all k nds and conditions of tiraln, andswlll require less team to operate It. AUTOItfAtlC GOVERNOR Our patent wind governor on the fans governs the blast so that at any speed at which the harvester may bo traveling, tho wind Is automatically regulated and prevents clogging the shoo and carrying the grnin ovor In the strnw. We take pleasure in Inviting you to call on Temple A. Wilcox, -. PeTdleton. and make a personal Inspection of each and every part of 'our machines before placing your ordors. Every machine warrant eu to do all wo claim for It and to bo first-class in every respect. TEMPLE & WILCOX, Local Agents WEBFODT COUNTRY HOW PORTLAND LOOKS' AFTER 23 YEARS' ABSENCE. R. F. Johnson, of Weston, Writes of His Visit on the Lower Columbia Is Very Thankful That His Home Is In Eastern Oregon. Wnshougal, April 22. (Editor East Oregonlnn.) My present visit to Webfoot after 23 years' nbsuncc, seems almost like a dream; whore ever I go. I am struck by tho mm y great and sometimes wonderful changes made both In tho cities and the country. So great aro the changes here that I havo concluded to send nrter my wife, so that she also may enjoy the sights, I sometimes feel like pinching mV self to find nut If I am really awake or walking nbout In my sleep. My arrival at Portland at first al most caused me to wish myself at once back again in the happy nnd peaceful city of Weston. This feeling was simply tho direct result from finding myself lost In a strungo city, where everything and everybody was flying around at a high rate of speed, lesombllng a lire brigade running to a fire, the whole thing seemed to mo very much like a hundred swarms or bees all mixed up and nil swarming at once, and to mo there did not seem to be any regularity to any thing at all, and I doubted very much it' anybody knew where they wore going or from whence thoy came. And then there were all those multi plying and Increasing number of electric street cars continually clang ing nnd banging with their bells and running In nil directions, and on all sides of a fellow just like some ond leas chain. Aded to this babel nnd confusion wore hundreds of teams, tiansfers, delivery wagons, etc. etc. Portland of 1880 and Portland of 1903, I found to be about as much allko as a gopher hill resembles Mt. Hood. The four bridges across the Willamette river was a revelation to mo worth looking at. I also found that ulectrle cars aro now both run ning to Oregon City and to Vancouver In Washington. One day I wended my way up to the gieat Marquam building and de siring to call at the supreme ollice of the Order or Washington, I had tho pleasure of entering the elevator and of being hoisted almost halt way up to heaven, where I found tho said of fice to be located at loom No. (Slfi. Once there 1 soon felt again at homo with Mr. Morehead. formerly of Pendleton. My next move was a trip down tho Columbia river via steamer to As toria, lieie again a great surprise awaited me upon my arrival. Improve ments and growth of that city was tu me simply astonishing. The city now reaches all the way from Smith's Point up to Tongue Point, a distance or several miles. Like Portland, As toria also has its electric street cars, though ,of course. In a lesser number, hut Astoria also Is chock full or bus iness and great preparations were be ing made for the fishing industry which started in on April 15. Hut while gill nets are yet used In fishing to a great extent, still I found that tho bulk of salmon are now caught with seines. Five cents per pound is now paid for the salmon by tho can neries and the fishermen hnve to fur nish their own gear or hlie them, that is, boats and nets, hut tho solnes and the men who operate them aro paid wages which ranges from $2 per day and up Including board, but tho bosses receive all the way from $r0 to $100 per month. At the present time the river Is full of salmon nnd smelt. I had the pleasure the other day at Washougal, 10 miles east of Port land, to see a lot or men catching smelts with dip nets and the dip nets would bo so full or smelts that it ro quired the united strength of two men to lift them out of the water. Two men caught 1G sacks of smelts In less than an hour. Wnshougal, whore I lived 23 years ago, Is also wonderfully improved und is now quite a city and boasts of two now hotels, two saloons, three largo stores ,one blncksmlth shop, one barber shop, etc. A large creamory Is also established here. Whllo in 1880 there was only ono small' store, one saloon and tho wharf. The country hereabouts (where 1 used to live) I also found to have greatly advanced, but it Is very bard work, however, to clear up the land here for tnrmlng. There aro two lines of industry hero .upon which the rancher dopends for his living, and ovory ono of them have their acres . that Is, as fast as they can bo cleared, seeded In with timothy and red clover for his cows, and once or twice a week ho hauls his cream to the Wnshougal creamery. During tho month of March ho received 32ViC per pound for his butter fat, but from now on through the summer be will not recolvo nearly as much as tho price of butter Is fast declining. In addition to the cream business many of tho ranchors here havo largo prune orchards and fruit driers nnd so far dried prunes havo sold readily for three cents a pound. I am told that a fow ranchers hero havo some years mado as much as $1000 to $2000 on their prunes, but whether tills prune business will not, soonor or latov, bo overdone romnlns to bo seen. Now, In conclusion, I will sny that while my visit hero has been vory In teresting nnd pleasant In a certain sense, yet, I am very thankful that BEHRENDT & WISHART i ii i n..iL.i :.. nl l r..i: n R P BEHRENDT iiraduate 01 iserun upumimju uuii, vd.uh, orniany anJI the American College, j;eiron, mien. Manufacturing and Refracting Opticians T th Haadache and Diseases often have the difiiiv I tv traced' to eve defects. The visual centers are in the closest connection with brain centers, consequently the -slightest disturbance ot vision produces sympathetic! irritation in the entire system. If your trouble is due to this cause, we will franklvl toll vott so. It costs you nottnng 10 nnci mis out, us wo :iikb no cnarge fori making EXAMINATIONS. Have your children's eyes attended to, as many are obtaining their education at the expsnssj of their general health. j Being direct rvlanutacturers and unnuers, um jjin-a wiwaium .vmi j;uou woiii first quality goods. We make every conceivable style of Spectacles and Eye Glasses. 1 It will pay you to come diiect to us. Our Optical De portment 'is complete,our knowledge of Optics the most thorough, covering years of study, the most rigid train iuc nnd :'5 years of constant practice, should bo suffici eiit guarantee of perfect satisfaction in every instance. We L'nnd our own Lenses, for each cane and repair and replace broken Lenses at moderate! chnree You are cordially invited to visit our office, whether you purchase or not, and watch out method ol lifting aim grinding ileuses. ii.aijniiuuu uuu nuii.i; net.. v.ii"ui a tyw u njiciuui.i Very respectfnlly. and I R.P.Behrendt, Practical and Scientific Opticians. I.R.Wishart Office in Tribune Bldg. ..4..fr..f.,.......l- --!---!----f !----- --J-- CHRISTIAN QHURCH Tuesday Eyeiiig; April 2P at 83 p, m. Lestore By Miss ELLEN M. STONE Who was captured by the Macedonian Brigands and held a prisoner for 172 days and was ransomed by the payment of $65,000.00 Miss Stone will relate the story of her remarkable experience.1 Pronounced a rare treat by the Press everywhere Mominii(G)ini 5 emitts my own homo Is located in Eastern Oregon. Soil and climate Is far net tor there than lioro. Tho othor day as I was gliding over tho waters ot tho Columbia river, I thought that after all tho greater por tion of all tho wealth piled up In Port land' has been floating down there from Enstorn Oregon. Yea, oven the width and depth of the Columbia rlvor receives Its trlbuto and tho i'&Min 1 iif I'm tb" ormisrafir rfrr" ' ' - t imt i utinthr in -" " greater part of Its water Mows down through the Cascades and thus also comes from east of tho mountains. All In all, considered, I will still proclaim that one of the wisest and boat moves I over mado in my llfo was in 1880, when I moved away from Webfoot and up to the city of Weston In Eastern Oregon. Hurrah, for good old Umutllla county. Including the Fnlrvlew farm! . "..,... .l.nu- than Umatlll, laid out of doors. J0ii.SJ Jacks io' " VasI 0 I have for sale at th , stock farm, 12 miles m p six 'head. Anyone wa"us, Heppner, Ore.