TV 7 ickess Cards and Societies IJl-- ,IBUeTI.AIIU I 5SIONS AND THAU", wri.nuw . .wi.! MHKANQED. FRATERNAL ORDERS. I.iM'ICi: IN JUDI) j DAMON 1.01)011, NO. -I, MnCTS VvT'lTv l, ImiMilf" .... .. 1 "', 1 ;V,Vo".?, V ;V.,.'.V.,mF even- LCi h n:i,; r"al- I "V,"', , n Mavhnra "hhk """"" Biro" '. .I., mi Iltonf. "al" ........ . ..... A nulling nelKll- bora nrp cord In I ly Invited to attend Villi 11I0 Stllltnnn. (Jnnrdlnn Neighbor. 1" I'lctehcr, Clerk. k r' 1,va Ml ...viil l'UVSir AN -AM iff ,.i.i,n i.iiiru I .... fitnnvii1 I ..ifVlKHlSi:. llSTHM'ATH ' rUnV Telephone I'll ... r 1) I'HONK OFFICE RED OCULISTS. I int. w w auui:t , mm, Rrndiintc- opti cian. The only mm oleic optical parlor In the .Ity Six l Snlllll OI I BOARD AND LODGING. NIPK KtJnNISHKD 1IO0MK FOU iirvB on I'-ast Alta street, second iloor from Wheeler gallery. uoriir. ai.ta, conxint ai.ta and Mill streets. Ilonril by the (lav or week. Oooil tnble net. Hates anil S4.o0 per week. Pendleton 1'eeij Yard In enniiectlon. . . Idmlstcn, I'rop. THE STISAllON UOOMIXI! IKIUaif oiS Main Htrect. Mrs. II. l:. Cooper, Prop Kvcrythinsr strictly flrst-clans. Itates "Se ."lie nnrt ?t per day. ' W1IHX AO!' 00 TO PILOT IMICK STOP at the City Hotel. Oood meals and llmt-elas rooms. Special attention given to commercial travelers. Mrs, C. II ltle. tl, Pilot Hock, Ore. Till-: WHITH 1I0AMUNG AND LODGING House. 1101 South Main street. Mrs. Helen Whlttemore, I'rop. Housekeeping riKims nnd lodging rooms. Good romfortn- iih rooms unci cicnu, well-Kept beds Lodging cents. MltS. H. L. HUNHNUTON HAS I'IJKCmThKD tho Lodging House at CO Garden Street, when eke will be glad to ice her friends uud patrona. jiff ind ronsimntlun. No fee charged LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. Till: IIKPOT STAItLKS, COTTONWOOD Btreel. between Altn and Webb streets. II. Hlewnrt', Prop. Ilest care luken of burses. Good stubles and plenty of feed. DENTISTS. rvTr'miAN-. nnXTlKT O PI' I OK IN l bnlMInc Tl"'. '' . . Mm block, nver Schmidt's new drug 'Phone, ml 2H Till: CITY LlVlUtY IIOAltl) AND SALK StnblD. M. 3, Carney, proprietor, for fine turnouts. Stable lis Alta street. COMMBIICIAL STAHLHS, 41. M, PliOOMH Prop. Livery, feed and boarding. All kinds (if turnouts. Competent drivers. Opposite Hotel Pendleton. 'Phone, main lilt. VETERINARY SURGEON Till-! TKl.KPIIOXU LI,Vi:itY, I'KHD AND Sale Stable, Court street, opposite Court House! boarding horses 11 specialty ; good turnouts i rigs delivered. 'Phone, main SSI. 1 IhXAIIlt .VITi:iHXAIl llt-m lnrttP III I lit I IIMUirmj TONSORIAL PARLORS. Wv.iula. City veterlmirhm of Rpo III) .eflr" HIT it at lanuiiui lure 'Plume red 141 Treats till 1 ol il.aifsllculi'd animals. I BANKS AND BROKERS. NATIONAL HANK OP ATIIHNA. ;uD. laphal. f.iO.lHlil . surpiUH noil ! K.iHiO. Interest on time deposits. I In f.irelcn anil duniestle exchange. litem promptly attended to. Henry Leu, president T .1 Kirk, vlce;pres- I . llllliw CilSIIItT 1 i li;nii. FA1UIBKS' HANK OP WKSTOX, lion. Iimniii. Pis'" a general bnnk- lulnew. Hiiliaiigu linught and sold. Iiim promptly attended to. H. .Imti' I ipmiarnt. lieorce iToeiisiei, Inililfnl J I: Kllgoie. eushler; dl- , II. A. Ilnrtmun, -M. .M. .lolms. T. int. II. H. (Irnw. J P Kllgore, Hob- limwin, (1 l'l-oelwtel 1 I'KXDUn'OX SAVINGS HANK. lileuin. Ilreffou OrgunUed Murch 1, linltal. Sliui.oiii) surnlus. $11111.- iotrmt nlluurd mi nil time deposits. mw iiu2Ut miu sold on all principal SwcUl ntlentlim given to col W J Furnish, in-ciddeiit : J. X. I tire pnnliU'iii T .1 .Morris, cashier : . jiaiiinej- aNHiitnnt cashier. HILLY KHASSIG, 1IAHIIi:H SHOP AND Itnrh rooms. .Main street, three doors north of Hotel St. George. Pint-class service. XHW TOXSOHIAL PAHLOHS, COt'ItT ST. Fhrei' doors west of Golden Hule Hotel. .T. II. Pine, prop. Plrst-class workmen ; everything dean ; nil modern Improve ments. PATTO.WS "SAXITAHV nXHHi:itSHOP, Despalu block. Court street; best work manship; all the modem Improvements : nil tools sterilized ; bath rooms In connection. FOR SALE. GOOD SOUND WOOD Is always received when you place your order with us. Fir. Tamarack and ..Pine.. Why buy poor coal when you can Ret the best for the same price? Laatz Bros. Telephone Main 5 J LET US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and sa v e you money DOORS WINDOWS Building paer lime cement brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., Opp. Court House "THE RACYCLE The genuine, the bicycle which is the undisputed leader, is handled in Pen dleton only by us. Come in arid see the Racycle. l-tllt KAI.i: AT A IIAHGAIN A S1X rnom house with bath, pantry and cel lar; two aci-en of ground; good wuter; Hn c.i'l street, West Pendleton. Impilro of ,1. P. Hurl or of I'red Hurl at Peoples Ware house. FOR SALE A K-FOiOT M'KEL FltAME llndgc Header. Complete, with four boxes. Inquire ot Johu Mvltae, seven milva west ol Helix, Oregon. T NATIONAL HANK IIP PKXIH (iDllal, STii.oiiii, siiroliis. S!l.-,.0iiil : ll a jpneral bunking business. 1:1- 1 nil telegritiililc transfers sold on ti Sal Frnnrlrtl-n. 'u- VnrL- titiil PMl point In tin- Xi.rthwest Drafts P no uilna. .lniiiin umi r,i,,i.n Mitif.. tl on reasnnnhle terms, Levi An- IVftiiiont w P Jliitliiik. vlce-nres- I II ih- i-ilHliler II !' .Ii.liiicmi laat canhler IHCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. I Lilsiw'Tiii! Ai i iirn h'!'u of "rk "gnreil on. .lob ?MtHfllclirv -.. rL- ............. I ' w'antpd no WANTED. Withee, 3U Coort Street Big Ben OIIMrtAV AT I THE CHURCHES J 4"' Church of the Redeemer Dtvlno Rcrvlcc tomoirow nt hours as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m.; litany and sermon, tollowcd by tho colouration of tho Holy communion at 11 a. m. Evening prayer, choral, at 7:30 p, m o First Christian Church Sunday school, 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m., subject of sermon, "One Anoth er." Evening service, 7:30. Subject of sermon, "Glad Tidings of Great Joy," I'rayer meeting on Wednes day evening. Endeavor Society Fri day evening. The nubile Is cordially Invited. N. It. Ilrooks. minister. o Methodist Episcopal Church Sun day school, 10 a. m.. A. J. Owen, su perintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. by Hev. 11. U Belgium, of Hoppner. At tho close of this sorvleo the sac rament of tho Uird's supper will bo observed. In the evening at 6:30 a geneial love feast will be held, fol lowed by a sermon from Hev. Heigh- tol, All arc cordlaly Invited to these , services. Robert Warner, pastor o First Presbyterian Church 10 a. ni., Sunday school; 11 a. m sermon, "The Church": 3 p. m Junior En deavor; fi:45. Senior Endeavor; 7:30 sermon. AH strangers are especially Invited to the meetings. Robert J, Diven, pastor. Congregational Church Services on Sunday as follows: Sunday school nt 10 a. m. Morning worship and preaching at 11. Subject, "The Uni versal Good." Christian Endeavor service at C;45 p. tn. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Subject, "Joyful Relig ion." A cordial welcome to all, Jon athan Edwards, minister. West End Chapel Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. every Sunday. Song service on Tuesday evening. o First Baptist Church All tho regular services tomorrow. Sunday school at 10 o'clock, Spencer Sim mons, superintendent. Preaching nt U a. m. Subject, "Waters of Marah." At (I.3U p. m. the young people will meet in devotional service. At 7:30 preaching, subject, "Hnran nnd Its Lessons." The male chorus win sing at both services. Some new and Im portant additions havo been made to the male choir this week and when all are present there will be a full double quartet. All strangers In the city and those who liavo no regular place of worship are most cordially invltedi to be at all these services. It. W. King, pastor. M . e. Church, South Sunday ser vices as follows: 10 a. m., Sunday school, I ,E. Earl, superintendent; 11 a. in., preaching by Hev. A. L. Thor oughman, and class service; 3 p. m., Junior Epworth League, conducted by .Mrs. Mar)' W. Jones; C:30 p. in., Epworth League, leader, Miss Rose II. Carrier, Subject, "Our Cities for Christ." Missions. 7:30 p. m preaching. Prayer meeting on Thurs day at 7:30 p. m. Tho general pub lic Is cordially Invited to attend any or all of these services. E. II. Jones, pastor. INSURANCE AND LAND BU8INE8S U. 8. IlttVSON. ATTOHNMY AT LAW i Collections ant Itsnranei?. Onlce In K O. building, J. M. I1KNTLKY RKPRKaiiN'tV'TltK 4)LIIF.?T nnd most reliable lire nnd seel. lent lmmrnnce romnsnles, OlDeo with llsrlrasii Abstract I'o. TRANSPORTATION LINE. JOHN HAILHY. JR.. V. S. LAND COM mltttuaer Specially made ut land fillug and proof; Insurance and inlleetlont. Of flco In JudO building, room 1U. JOH 11 PAHKKS. OFFICE I0 COl'IlT KT lend oil loi buttnc, inch n tiling of c'.almi unit Initiating contests a specialty. ill OREGON SH OUTLINE EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. STAR HMPLOYUKNT OKF1CB, 038 Main St. ; If yon nenl help or seek em ploymeiu ill on ua. 'Phone, main 1011. BLACKSMITH I NO. copV.i and" lsaNn7:Nl:i7Ai. hlack- smithing and repairing: horseshoeing a .n..tall . I....L- iiMtnnll nt!lwltt ini rAll Just Ihree Mocks riow .nam sireei HOTELS. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corntr Pourl and Jomon Blreetn, rendition, Oregon. M. F. Kolly, Proprietor. and Union Pacific Two Trains to the East Dally Thiouih fullmali itauiUnl smlTonrlit tlMa Ing cars dally to Oinsha, ilhlrago) tonrlal aleenlna ear aallr to Katmaa L'liv: thrmk Pullman tontlit leeplnit rata ipeisonallr eo durud) wcetlr tn Chicago, Knii lltr, at. louiasnii .iipmpniii reciiuiUK cnair cart fM tree) lothe Kne(ly, I nu-iar I Tlmo SoIkmIiiIo rot i V'i-miii I'onillotnii HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY Aiiu'i'lciiii Plnti. mU-sSI MA to !.. IKI pel lilts'. Kili'iipo'iu Plull, fillo, "!iv, l.l)4l. Npeeliil rnti" ly week or month. Free 'bus meets all trains Commercial trade solicited Fine sample roomi Special Attention (liven Country Trs-Ji HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS I.VltDKIlS ut .Mrs. Ilolcomlis, I I'litlemen preferred. AND II()().Mi:ilS I.". Main street: llov.tim ii...,,. rTTTTTTrr ItaiwuWl. makes i.,nni V,i rJu. fsL f-l,",IM,l!,i!," '" clt- " IK k frill' T. TTTT I i KL, '? , ' t . ' '"5 2 t.J, iiini"ri i It II (Ml 1 luit-i'i near .Main. HAT'Tiin iviiiiii,, ?""t fur isi , . " " . , " one walla, etc. WANTKD ADVKUTISERS TO MAKE USB of ttieso classllh'd columns. If you have aomi'tlilng you have no use for, offer to trade It for something thnt some other body may have nnd have no use for, some thing that yoti may used In your business. You may havo an extra horse tlint you may wish to trade for a cow or n vehicle. Homebody may hnve the cow nnd vehlele nnd want thi horse. lSc or 25c wuut ad will probably do the business. H'ANTHI) SHWINIi IN l-'AMILIKS I1V MrKt-elnsH .M'limstress. ('all or address -III) Ann Ht. 1 Raised by Cas Rogers on But ter Creek. Sired by a thorongli bred Jack. His dam was a large Maltese Jenny. He will make the present sea son at my place three miles North east of Pendleton on Wild Horse Creek. i Terms: Sio to insure lne colt. , W. W. HARRAH! MISCELLANEOUS. t Km union TKorniAx, llri'iiiinlim oirice. Association tlniiidi "'Tl: ' AXP i. -- itinjiii i. vsilleton, Ureitou. B-m. l'USTIIItIM tolas wn-nt nails ,. '..iV,'.. 1'Iv lis. ' urilm i,.V.- " "rn Ktiariiiiteeil, Iain. " V. Zeliner'H elKar AND CARRIAGES. NVTH'i: T4I HT04'KIIOLI1i:ilS--NOTK'i: Is hereby ulven 'o the stockholders of the Pendleton Wool Kcourlne and Pnek Init Co., that a meellnu will Ihi held Tues day. May .'III, lllli:l, nt the olHee of the I'omoany hi Penilletou, llrei-'ou, nt 1 i. m. Dated' April B, ItMI.'l. K. Y. Juilil, presl ilenl : K. II. 4'loplun, seeretiiry. N4)TR'i: TO STOCKIUILDHIIS -NtlTIt'r: Is hereby irlven to the stm kholilers of I he Pendleton Woolen Mills, thai a meet lag will be held Tnesduy. -May .lib. 1IM, at the office of the company In Pendleton, tJregon, nt -1 p. in. I in led April ft, It" a. ' JU'M, caMitit : P. I! ' opton, sec retary. OWNER Rev Thoroughman to Preach, Huv. A, h. ThorouKlinian, of Con uesseo, Idaho, has been detained In the city over Sunday on account of tho death of his aged mother, anil will (111 tho pulpit or the -M. E. Church South, on Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. Hev. Thoroughman will leave for- IiIh home on Monday or Tuesday and his many friends should take this op portunity of again hearing him. Quarterly Meeting, Hev. 11. U IJelghtol, of Hepjiiier, wi preach at the .Methodist church North this evening in addition to the appointments announced for him elsewhere. Tomorrow will lie held the regular quarterly meeting. i GEO. DARVEAU. Prop Elegantly Furnished Steam Heateo tiuropcan Flan Block anil a half from depot. Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50c, 75c, $1.01 PROPOSAL FOR SEWER PIPE. PQ- Kenled propotHU will bo recfWeit by the City Itouordorot Pendleton, Oregon, until louro'- uiock i Mta Ait y o, iws, tor iuriiiBuins: in "SE. Klttviv in., main 7t ' 1 i.. ,'uin" nuu waiiiii. eiocK i-. ai.. av aeit to .Siirlnpi Hank cordance with tue gpeclllcstionson Hlo In the E8. ttrt&iWK HTIIKBT. oiST l n:"" "eaicrs in ..i,.,.,i..i 1 CoV' f'r of DliHlInuer AND DEALERS'. 1 fw-l." I Br -mere IK UKM. "-"iirt street. rtt 'iLi .Bco.NDiiiv. ...rr.. - --i-itnijim Hll-f.l office of the '-Ity Recoider, tee followlnii ap proximate qnantitias oi sewer pipe, r.u.fl. vataal Pendleton, Oregon: 1 18,100 foat 6 inch pipe, i 7,800 feet 8 Inch pipe, 4,biju irei iu incn pipe. H.llOOfoet 12 loch pipe. wu leei la incu pipe. 400 feet IS Inch Dine. ltepalr a 'oc' 18 Inch pl. I d.uwiiniii muiyiiv. 6SOplooes II In by 1Mb. by 1 In. Y branchea. : H 10 pieces Sin, by Mlu. bycln. Y branchoi. 20 plocos 10 In. by 10 In. by 0 in. Y branchea. 1 130 piece 12 In. by 12 In, In. Y branchea. 110 pieces 14 In. by 14 ln,.by 6 lu.'.Y-bruuchea 110 pieces 16 In, by IS In. by Gin. Y branchea, 10 pieces IS tu. b 18 lu. by li ln.'Y branchea. 80 plecea 21 In. by !l In, by 0 Id branches. Kor apeclflcat'ona. form of Wd&etcyaCldreai (! M. MILLKK, liUtl and SAOUary nt)necr, ' Peudletou, Oreeon, 'Ai"r j. . Knch proposal milat tw acoompnlcd by certified check for tne anm -or Woven Hun dred and Fifty (70.wi) Dollara. Datable to The Olty ot Pendleton, Oregon, which sum shall ba forfeited In case the bidder to wboiu I tie award la made ahall (all to enter Into a con tract with the City for furnlahina sewer pi rc Tho cityrikurreitheriKbtto rejact any or all bids. Dated Ap'llS'-'.'mi-l. THOMAS riTZUKKALIi, Clly Recorder. Engine, Boiler and Machinery REPAIRING Of all kinds is our specialty, AH work guaranteed. Extra I'arls Furnished for all Kinds of Harvesting Machinery. Manufacturer of ROV-CLOYE HARVESTER 709 East Alta Street. Baltezore & Howe's Old Stand. i ". atorn , -''-trlcal U ' twlba r ." "fw. wlreil for elwtrlc 2,fl klai"' h' i:ieetrleal fii. , 8 4 PUltr ' "llr I'fhea. Itenalr 1 J 0E REPAIRINn b:"k'ai.. liuSif'; 'lwi,,L0V,) '."''I'VIII.i: llOplecealtln.oyl41n,.bylu.'Y,bninohea 0l In L... 1 'i'r "K Scott's Sistal-PepsiD Capsules A PQSITIVK CUBE For Inflammation or Catarrh of the Madder ad Ulaewtd Kldnara. Mo euro no par. Caraa quickly and Perm a neaUy lha worat eaaea of Uoiiorrliofs andUleel, no matter of bow long ataad log. Abaolatelr hannlria. Bold by draiflata. Prlca tl.00, or by aaail. poatpatd, THE BAMTAL-PCPSIH CO, oeuieoTiN, ohio. Sold by F. W. Schmidt & Co. jj MEN ANDWOMtH. Pf?7779H UBl20oruoaatural dlMbatana.nuunuiisiionf, Irrltatlooa or Wiratloii of raiicoua uaubraaai. f.0J. of S LottiM. ta-TJ. Reunion of Sultana Survivors. Knoxville, Tenn., April 25. Oranil Army veteran In Hast Tennessee are taking much IntereBt In tho reunion (if the Sultana Survivors' Asiuiclntlou, which In to bo held tomorrow a' Wild wood, Dlotint county. This Is tho enly organization ol' IU kind In the United States. Th' Sultana wjh a tiaiihport In the packet no-vice w nlcli inn hetween Vlckabiirs, MIkk,. anil Cairo, III. It left Vlckauiirfi on the nisht of April 23, 18G4, anil reached Memphis en tho morning of April 28, and left then for Cat Inland am! when near there tho .loller tin iiie boat exploded and I lie craft with burned Over 150(1 people loxl thu'r Uvea, among them being over 1200 boldier who were returning fiom South )ni prisons where they had been con fli ed. The Hiirvlvor ot tho catastro phe have maintained tho organization many yoara, though of late the ranks l'ove been so thinned by death that the membership now In very small. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON Ameiiian Plan, 13 per day ami upwaia llcaduiiartera for touritta and coiuiiiiiclui lra clera. Special ratea uiwlc lo fainlllca and alnf U gentlemen. The manaiienttul will I plcaae at all lluiea to ahow rooina and itlve prlcea. t modcru TurUah lialhratabliabiuctitin I he hol'l II. C. IlOW'KHH, Manaitri. rllK(UEKN 1101 KL 4'lcan I loiiiiortablu rooma fiom i ' i-enlau,). Newly Inrulalied tbrouKhoul. i)ueen Chop lloiiae In coniieclion, Meala at all hoiira. Only while help em ployed. Hive u a trial. . '. CHICHESTER'S PILLS aa r- (li unil llolr riiuliir i'.T'fr'JNA 1-n-Bj.r.l IU-i.a.M.1. Mlrr. C. l - lO.OIIO TMluwiMftU. tk4l-a,aa OrwflUI i rravtala CoalHUa. B'Nai B'RIth. l'ensacola, Kla., April 25,Many ) delegates are ararnglng for the in-'. nual convention of tho District Grand Lodge. Iiidependent Order of Il'Nal , 13'Hlth, the most prominent Hebrew charitable and fraternal order In tho world. The district comprises tho states of Louisiana, Texas, Florlila, Alabama anil .Mississippi. The con vention will open tomorrow and con tinue In session several days. Ques tions of local needs ami relief and of meeting tho problem of Increased ac cessions to tho ranks of refugees from European persecution will en gage tha attention of the convention. Ifl'l, ... I u. iallu Uik. .. MlM llk Llw rlbum. TLf hi. i.ll,ri llrfita aak.lltyl!H wl I lalllll loi. .I"" liruii.i.orMb'l IrreulM iir" fc"',?rT llraUrM. Trllutal.lMU ail llwwblti r.r l.JI.. ! -irH lull. an. fcr Ulilu. t I Irrl u MaillawaMiui.p.-, I'llll-A Ifcl.k. ..ul..l- Potlland atlOam aaaiTl TROM Chlearo saopm Portland ltwa m Portland Special No. t Chlcafo Special No 'J Malt and Expreaa .No.J Tha KaM Kna a.m. Portland 3:t0pm The Kmi l:tsaa The Kat w a m Mall and KipreaaMo.f PortlacH ' 4:l3aa Pendleton Paaaeu'ctr No, 7 Spokaaa i M p aa Spokane Spokane) PatMnger ana a m i no. a a too pin rendition ilrauch Ulied Train No, 41 Walla Wall Branch Mixed Train No, 43 laopaa Ocean and River Schedule. FHOM PORTLAND. I M0 p. in. ' Dally except Hnnuay 8.1X1 p m. Baturday 10X10 in All aalllng dalea ob-l jeci locnange. For Han Franclaco Sail erery S daya. Columbia Hirer ToAatorta and Way Lamllnga. 4U) p. ca. 4aM p.m. 8unlaj Wllliuiicttnltlvur. Doala leave IVrtland dally, except Sunday, (ataite ol water pcrmlUttiR) lor Wlllauetle ad Yamhill Hirer polnta. Learo lllmula ' 4.ia. tn. Dally Excpt Mon Bnake Hirer Klpatla to Lewlaton Lear Lewlaton 7:00 a.m. Dally Kxcpt Me V K WAMULKV, Agent, Pendleton. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for CUIcmko, Ht. Paul, Ht. Louis, Kan was City, Ht. Joo, Omaha, ami All Points East and South Portland and polnta on tho Sound TIME CARD, Leare Pendleton, dally except Bmidaye 7:00. rm. Aril re Pendlaton Monday, Wednaaday 4 Friday 1 1 as pm. ArrlT Pendleton Toeaday, Thntaday a a Batorday 0.-23 am. Learn Walla Walla daily, etat bound, 11:00 pa. Attire Walla Walla dally, weal bound, I sift ax. For Information regarding rataa and aeoaxa modatloui, call 011 or addreaa V. APAMH, Agent Peodletiu, Oragoa 8. B. CALDRHIIEAD.a P. A., Walla Walla. Waah. RUNS Pullman Slueplttg Citra. Eleguut Dining Cnrs, Tourist Sleeping Ciirs. rsr. Paul TO MINNEAPOLIH DULUTH KARGO (I RAND KORKH CROOKHTON WINNKPEG HELENA raid BUTTE. THROUGH TICKETS TO OHICAGO WABHINOTON'l PHIIiADELPHlA NEW YORK BOSTON and all poluta Kant anil HuuUi fhrongh tloketa to Japan and China, rl Taeoma and Northern Paelfle Btoaauhlp 0. end American Ua. TIHB 1CHBBULB, Tialna leare Pendleton dally except Buttaa at 73J0 p. m. For Inrthar Inloruation, llm carda, aau and UckaU, callon or writ W. Adaaoa, rg. dtatoo, Oregon, or A, V. nilARLTOM, Third and Morrltoa Btt Portland, Ov. lAimoM ajlahooa' Pill bar Maa la umi oier at yar Iwadara ut Ilia aWiuoa Churcnaii.rilii'rrruaiJtiara. )'uaillTir caraa uia woral caMa labia aiul rouaa- arldlaarrua Imnolenc, Loat Power, Nlaht.Low,prmatorrncaUnaornnlfl, IfSTnil VA"V I" Bnok, gfrll Dealrea, Bamliial imlronV, Lam giiaok. Nanioua OaDMItf, 'A Headaona, Unfltn toMarra Com of mn, ngaga Varfcoor, or Co" MAT ptlpatlon, Btop Prematyoef, top Mnj frffl ou Twltohlngc My Bvallda. M'l ara nuiuadWa, laipari rigor and gTUSJ x'tauer lo urerruaa ll'ii. lk,uUiitia.wili.Unl,acurlalliuf,lUtorMinJI, BJla uiulalopd uriaaa. III. bMlnaiiJliarraeeolara. Wwlm,Jraoi7dill. Awna- jaauaraawji,oMro hkIcI viiiiaUiaa. cin-uiara frea. Adair ' atlahop Bemedr Co.. Ban Franolaoo.43aA. & CO., DHUQQI8T8, Mlmolatc. Ull.l ft II SOLD BY TALLMAN PENDLETON, OREGON. 1 Tagttoi -tlB'i. 35