k,milEHLnfiBil LETTER. I SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1903. MALTMOID 1 For nil climates; heat, cold, rain, gases, fumes and fire do not affect it. Comes in rolls ready for laying. Low freight charges. Inexpen- ive to apply, cheap m the first place and lasts for years. Sua for booklet. a The Paraffine Paint Co. San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles and Denver, Colorado. TAKE YOUR CHOICE One of the finest residences In Pendleton 11 rooms all modern lm provements; pretty lawn; complete 56,500. $2,500 down, balance on time. Another residence 7 rooms, with bath, sewerage, electric lights; pretty lawn, shade trees, within three blocks of Main street. $2,500. Other houses and lots from $600 to $2,600. Nice residence lots, $150, 50 and 9500. Much Other Town Property, and Ranches. Easy Terms, Where Desired. E. D. BOYD, 111 Court Street Bargains m Real Estate I have a larger and better list of Farms, Stock 'Ranches and City. Property to sell than ever before. Also a big lot of land in the coming wheat section of Eastern Washington. N. Berkeley THE COE COMMISSION CO. Holds no customer re sponsible for more than the margin he places on a trade. A margin of one cent a bushel is required on grain, and ti a share on stocks. An eighth cent a bushel commission is charged on grain and of one per cent on stocks. R. L. BOULTER Mansger Pendleton Office 120 COURT STREET FOR SALE ItH) head of heavy horses.. I wish te ucll the entire bunch and offer them for $40 a hood, spring colts thrown lm, without charge. About 12 of these horses are broke to work and about 25 of them hare been handled and are halter broke. All of the young stock have been sired by an imported Per choron, which weighs upward of 2010 pounds. The Clyde mares are heavy, low, block, solid animals. There are n number of splendid G-year-old geld inns In this hunch, This Is a bargain for aora one. Call on or address for further information CHARLES E. HOOVER, jj Alba, Oregon. New York, April 25. Flowers ns nn accessory of fashion were nover 1 greater domnnd than this year. In deed, the modish woman's fancy light ly turns to thoughts of flowers with apologies to Tennyson ns the young man's fancy turns to thoughts of love In the springtime. Blooms of nil descriptions run the entire gamut of new dress nnd mull nery trimmings nnd there nre even variations for those who wish flower- bedecked lingerie. A pretty effect contains In nn after noon gown of pastel green cloth of light weight nnd high tlnlsh. The corsage nnd skirt are almost covered by a white and green silk braiding upon which are appllqued small sprnyB of Bill; rosebuds and green leaves. From the waist broad plaits nro Interlaced by Inlet pieces of the cloth worked over with flower trim med braiding. Plaits similarly braided on the bod Ice meet a triple pointed yoke having shoulder epaulettes forming a double pelerine. Accompanying this toilette is an oval tonne with loops of shnded green and white straw arranged in flower shapes, massed closely together over the crown nnd around the deep brim There flowers If they mny be called so are each formed of four loops, the white ones fitting in the Inter srtlces of the green. Around the deep brim a few green nnd white grapes with the bloom on and some tendrils, curl. Elegant separate skirts of black crepe do chine, voile and etamlne de signed for wear with separate bod ices have exquisite flounces of chlf fou and not embroidered with flow ers of nil kinds. Though black pond lilies and wild roses are blooms that exist only in the modiste's mind, they mnke an effective trimming for these deep flounces. The upper parts of the skirts arc either tucked trans versely, plaited or shirred nil the way around at Intervals of about eight or 10 Inches. Separate Bodices. With restrictions the separate bod Ices still enjoys popular favor despite predictions to the contrary. Dame Fashion has succeeded, however. In reducing the subject to the white waist and no other is permissible with a separate skirt. This is as or nnte and beautiful In detail as ever and may be carried out in any of the silky diaphanous materials, trimmed with lace, embroidery nnd flowers There Is an extensive range of cream and pastel grounded voiles stamped and embroidered with flow ers for late spring and summer gowns. One of the favorite blossoms is the gardenia which is worn en bouque t, with violets and imitated in em broidery or wnter color decorations, Sharing uomo of the favor accord ed the gardenia is the simple old- fashioned geranium. It Is remarkable how well this flower holds its own against the fleeting changes of fash ion. One reason Is that It Is so real istic In the variety of reds that are now de riguer. And, incidentally, red was never more fashionable. Wool costumes In glowing scarlet relieved with black are seen everywhere and have a stunning ensemble when top ped with n chic hat to match. A Smart Chapeau. A smart chapeau worn with an afternoon gown In red grenadine had a foundation of pale grey tullo and was very large and flat. Caught In careless clusters all over the tulle was a mass of purplish-red berries, while nt the back a large scarlet vel vet bow with purplish green glisten ed against the hair. The bodice of the grenadine gown has Insertions of heavy cream lace threaded with black and there wos a lace yoke with Incrusted bunches of black and steel beads. An elegant costume which might serve ns a model for the home dress maker and developed In champagne ladles cloth. The corsage has a quaintly shaped tippet collar bordered with a similar colored taffeta upon which are incrustratlons of needle point lace. The skirt, having a hip empleee- ment of taffeta Incrusted to corres pond, falls Into Innumerable narrow plaits to the hem. This falling from flat omplecement gives the figure a sheath-like effect distinctly becom ing nnd allows the supple cloth to fol low the figure in the plaits In the graceful lines, destroying any ten dency to bulklncss. Deep Fringes. Deep fringes are seen on gowns of all descriptions and are graceful and effective when proporly used. A blue mlrolr faco voile a charming now material which mav bo mistaken Tor and Is less expensive than crepe dc chine affords a striking' arrange ment of fringed ornamentation. It be gins In .an unllned yoke of blue -lace, from tho lower edge of which a fringe of fine steel beads falls to tho waist line. The skirt, which Is scant and cling ing, trails In the back and Is formed entirely of overlapping rows of fringe matching that on the bodice. Tho lowest row Is very wide and each suc ceeding row Is narrowed, although that at the top Is fitly nlno Inches deep. No woman with fashionable pre tentions Is ready for any daytime function nowadays without a bag of some sort, consequently thore are a number of designs from which one might make a selection. Tho pret tiest bags are of delicate gold and o ffare3eeiiuwred Two-thirds of the inmates of our hosnitals are women. Thov aro in most cases either for treatment or for an operation, made necessary by advanced stages of fonialo troubles which have resulted in ovaritis, a tumor, or displacement of the womb. "AN OPERATION NECESSARY." How these words after tho examination strike terror to a woman's soul, and with what regrets she hears them, Avhcn she considers that tho operation has becomo necessary through her own neglect. Female derangements cannot cure themselves, and neglecting tho warnings of nature only means putting it off until there is no cure. The woman who lets hor trouble make headway pays the penalty of a dangerous opera tion and a lifetime of impaired usefulness at the best, and the operation often proves fatal when her life ruiht have been saved by Lydia E. PliiUIinm's "Vegetable Compound. When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menstru ation, weakness, leucorrhaea, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flatu lence), general debility, indigestion and nervous prostration ; or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, ner vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, and " want-to-be-left-alone feelings, and the blues, they should remember that there is one tried and never-failing remedy; Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound at once removes such troubles. READ THE FOLLOWING LETTERS. "Dn'.rt ilns. Pixkiiam: I cannot toll you how much good you have done me and how thankful I am to you for it. For five years I have not been free from pain for a day. I have had backaches, headaches, and those awful dragging sensations with loucorihoea, and when menstruation appeared I was in such a condition I could hardly sit up. I doctored all tho time, but nothing helped me, and I was told that an operation was necessary. " Two months afro a friend sufrtrested that I try Lydia E. IMnklmm's VctrctnLle Compound. No one knows what it has done for mo and how thankful I am for it. It brought mo tho itrst well days I have had for five years. It did for me what doctors could not do, and I want every suffering woman to know about it." Louise Nauek, 751 E. KlOth St., Now York City. "Di:a Mas. Pixkiiam: I wish to thank you for what Lydia 12. IMiililiain's Vcirctulric Compound has done for me. I had terrible hemorrhages, being lacerated from the birth of my child. Tho doctor told mo that if I would have an operation I would bo woll and strong. I submitted to it, but was worse than before : no one knows what I sulfered. Finally a friend advised mo to try your Vecotablo Compound : I did so, and commenced to feel bettor ; I continued its use, and it has done for nip what doctors could not do. I am strong and well. If women with any kind of female troubles would only consult you before submitting to an operation they would bo spared many hours of nam and suirermg. I cannot thank you enough for what you havo done for me." Anna KmonnoFF, 150 E. 100th St, New York City. ftRAAn FORFEIT " w cannot forthwith produce tho original letters and signatures of nbovo testimonials, which will proTO S3)iJJJJmJJ their atuolulo genulueuess. I.ydiu :. l'lnklinm Mcillcliiu Co., Lynn, Muss. WISE IS THE WOA1AN WHO HAS FAITH IN (Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. liver filigree, finished like many of the silk bags, run through metal rings a couple of Inches from the top: the tops then fall back In metal ruffles and have little points finished with tiny round iendants. Black Jewelry. Ulack jowelry is very fashionable and ono does not have to bo In mourn Ing to wear It. It comes In enamel, gun metal, dull Jet, bog oak and bright cut jet. Sat with gold and studded with pearls grey or vhlto the dull or bright .lot In uol'glitfully rretty' and loses all the Roinoioness which one might be apt to associate with It. These odd trifles are at all prices, from 50 cents for a gun-metal safety pin, ornamented with a single baroque pearl, to $50 for a brooch of cut-Jet flowers. It is an assured fact that elbow sleeves and collarless waists will be qultcthc rage as soon as real warm weather arrives, so the girl with skin ny arms and scrawny neck, should consider herself forewarned and look up grandmother's receipts for tho skin foods and creams that will build up relaxed tissues and All out the hollows. Nothing looks prettier than a well rounded neck and arm and there will an opportunity this summer to show them off more fascinatingly than over. . For the woman who does not strike approval on tho collarless bodice there will bo narrow neckbands of transparent lace supported by boning or delicate ribbons run through them. MAUDE GHIFFIN. For Sale Cheap. A small farm close In; fruit gar den. Irrigated, high grade soil, good buildings. For Information, see- Jno. Halleyl No. 16, Judd building, or ad dress P. O. box 432. MISS S 1l Vice-President of 1 "fVnilSH OF CARDUI SARAH FINLEY, the Palmetto Club, Memphis, Term. is a thoroughly scientific and mod. em remedy, meet ing the needs of the modem woman in the modern way without tho torture of an operation. Wine of Cardui has cured tlici in tho pri vacy of their homes and it has found a place in the hearts of American women that no other medicine has found. In their gratitude over 10,000 American women have written letters commend ing Wine cf Cardui. Wine of Cardui meets their wants as no other medicine does. Jt sustains tho young girl at tho shock of her entrance to womanhood. Women who take Wine of Cardui have little discomfort during pregnancy and Utile pain at childbirth. When tho change of life appears they enter a happy, healthy old age. Every month it comes to the rescue to assist Nature in throwing the impurities from the body. Hita B&ruh Finley, of Memphis, Tens., vice-president of the Palmetto Club of that city, speaks for herself and .many friends when the bestows tho )tUi Sural Pinlty. following praise on Wine of Cartlm: "Among the numerous medicines placed before suf fering women for their relief none can touch McElree's Wine of Cardui. It tower above them all as a reliable female remedy. It simply drives pain and disease away and restores health in an Incredibly short period. I have taken great interest In this merllfme for the past two years, since It brought health and strength to me. I have also recommended It to a number of my friends and they who bare used It speak of it in the highest terms and I feel that it is pralie well botowed." If you are suffering from female weakness Wine of Cardui ij the xnedi-' cino you need. You can have health the tame M Miss Finley if you will take the Wine of Cardui treatment. If you need ad vice farther than the complete direo tions given on the bottle, ddnet The Ladies Advisory Department, Chatta nooga Med. Co., Chattanooga, Tana. WINEofCA&DVI A million suffering woman have found relief in Wine of Cardui. I I IVVhW A I 11 f . . v . i . . im Mf a iin MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insure, ' panics we represent ft companies stand fir,, 1 world. nrst J Hartford Fire Iiinrn,,. . Anb,' Alliance Assurance Co London & Lnncnshlre' V'rl S Insurance Co, North British & Mercantile '5H ti Royn! Insurance Co,. iW, FRANK B. AGENT SOO MAIN STREET A Bad Wr ccfc tin rtnt an had It t WI..1 11 can be "houiSi J vehicle Is always worth ropalrtor illtH And lllrlhurmnrn .1 Our Winona wagons are the en'lVst rSl wagniis on the market The outer tuti maiie by the same firm ai.d re giuuM i ir " "'"J ice out tm V.". sya?u' Mnw handltn br tail slickest thing lu earth. NESQLE HROTUIBI We soil and guarantee the Sto CuiJ home: Today I offer the followino city v country property: $20 per acre for choice 160-acreiJ about one mile from city 1 new house. ? 10,000 for 600 acres, part bottaa,! proved; ai0 acres In wail acres fine orchard: 10 air out. $10,000320 acres of first-class ill land, improved; crop goes i place; only two miles out $l,8(IOa new house anil lot to k torn. $150 and up for lots on south sift i A nice business which paysjor $1,200. Two other business ings. N. T. Conilin. :At Postoffice.: Phone, Red 277. Fino Yellow Newtown i only 90 cents a box. Fresh Ranch Eggs, 15 ctfl dozen. Wo have the Famons ul ways satisfactory M0N0P0LE COW A trial will convince yo tf J merits. D. KEHLER The Big Store to a S Koom. A Ha Rtrwflt. DnnOSit SlTifl UNDER NEW THE OLD DUTCH HEW "fclj signature Is on ery box of tho goniiw- ' w naus CM la omn eta. CorW. AltaandLill t vr fnrmerlyo' ... : f the c Alta, nas cwr,- - , it '.. ttj v.rd. ana pleasea to c - ; Plenty ol stalls, i-- grf loose horB.sand ttie. 3 cram lor sale. nection.