East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 25, 1903, Image 1

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    fl EI !-- - ii ' .
1 Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight and 8unday partly
I cloudy : threatening.
w . wwWMMM.
NO. 4727.
i ' vj VIV t
.. Croatlv Benefited
5 Been uiu'j
i- v. niuctnnn
ii ifipir in i . 1 1 ii vr oiv 1 1 v
(J. U -
. 1 I I A Ml
Na onai i
.ii -r a i r. n n '
FCIKb in"..-
t-, Haopened to Get on the
. eh, Nlnht Not isnwf
That It Was the President
u,. Handeurrea anu
Ranfijine Car.
r.. Anrll 25. ThO PrOS-
LB - , 1 1 F
nurlnc me uikui- -
secret servlco men qibcuvuiuu ...
Vestibule between the baggage
buffet cars a tramp, who was
..J thrown inio uid
QCUUCll " . . n
... Hd itHP Mb lllimu us jvuo-
car. x 6- , -
and said lie was a urau
Seamen's Union at San Francisco,
said he did not know of tho pros
. L"i v.o trnln. Imt ho was
r i it nit im -
of It. The authorities at mi-
, .Mont., took charge or mm.
President In Nebraska.
. o. nw rru n t
. .L - JMnlnnnt'tt tntlT flflnr IllR
01 Hie IlieoHicuvo
weeks outiup in tho Yelowatono
auy lai iuuu0..
picturesque cuumry " .
nntll after tho Nebraska state lino
been rcacneii nine. - lu,l""
..-.-J ...til. tl fnmlUnr Rlp-ht
i:in.ltu null ..iv) -"n
. . i-i . .i r..nt e 1,,.
. wiinout unnecessary uuiuy mo
rnPY.u-nti mtn tps m Liiwurii
Ilsland, where the party will
Saintl Sundav at Grand Island.
tucker In honor ot President
eduleii to spend Sunday here,
er the president has been formally
roaed to the city he will bo left
w mjuj uiu Utt.V IIH IK' uesii t'h.
Is eipocted that he will attend
rch in tho forenoon and, If tho
...... mvuulu, juvinvH,
' Dcltclch and prohobly Senator
"J will join the presidential
v "ere anu rcma n w Hi t tn n
ct the Nebraska trip.
ce Makes Trial Trip In Light
"." I-, April 2r,. Tho Miii
-V( Hwiautu Hiurifu ntit nn T in
u wai tests under its own rI1
-u- manu h mairniiirent an.
anro tk .i. .... .
. Wn was llglit nt the
' oi the start wium fii
ened up the Uolnca ...,, nllt
al " Kon speed, with
re ns a ripple bohind. Sho
erltlence of lining r.., i..
Furnished by Coc Commls
" Company-F .w, Bout Loca,
'"W, 120 Court Street.
ftS,pr" 25.-Wheat-
v S Both Tlir ..o.. !,,.
showng a loss of with
cent meo o
reMrt ... , .. onuw b
t bearish v,. DClm011 to 1)8 anie.
h v w I "at those
r com.:;: or tue
h ic the anxiety as
U-"re,t In thft Mn. r
UHS hrool. " . "" "
. Ann ic -
-nil it,,-.
upened. Closed.
-vipt I. . . .
- no Hrlll.l, - n'"vu 1UUI
kte ;ioria for rioUnc. Thr.
lAv.n : 1 o un n.n n . .
General Manning Meets the Forces of
the Mad Mullah and Defeats Them.
nhha. Knmnlllanri. Anrll 9K n.
rm Mnnnlni? pnmTnnnHlnw th uw.
Ish force in Somaliland, on his
way to reuevo uoionei uouoe, who is
surrounded by tho forces of tho Mad
Tn11nh TTint fhn lnttnr nnrl itnrnntn
hlra. Mullah lost 2,000 killed. Brit-
isn loss is iioi reporiea. uoddc was
successfully relieved.
The forco defeated by Manning
was the same that surrounded and
annihilated Plunkett's force last week
rnmnosed of 12.000 men. 2000 holm?
Have Been Discovered In the Trans
portation 8ervlce Many Officers
Chicago, April 25. J. B. Wilson,
ex-disbursing officer of the bureau of
coast guard and transportation, has
been arrested for alleged Irregulari
ties and throatens to implicato othors.
James Beauhan has been convicted
of defalcation, and Captain Harry
Chamberlain, quartermaster of the
transport Seward, is charged with
smuggling. His case is likely to
drag a numbor of high officers in the
army into tho scandal.
Plans Being Formulated for Some Action to bo Taken in the
Next Forty-eight Hours.
Married by the Cardinal.
Washington, D. C, April 25. Car
dinal Gibbons officiated today at the
marriage of Miss Theodosla Cook
Martin, of this city, and Mr. Francis
J. M. Graco, of Now York. The cere
mony was performed this afternoon at
tho home of tho bride's grandmother,
Mrs. D. D. Colton, in tho presence of
a fashlonnble gathering of society
folk from New York, Washington,
Baltimore nnd other cities.
Barrett Sinclair, Former Treasurer
of Rlzal Province, Short Some $20,
000 Tried to Commit Suicide.
Washington, April 25. Reports re
ceived this morning by the war do
pnrtment from Manila indlcato that
a number of financial irregularities
If not actual embezzlemonts have oc
curred in the Philippines. Among
the cases cited Is that of Uanett
Sinclair, tho former treasuer of Itlzal
Province, now under arrest. His ac
counts are $20,000 short. Sinclair
tried to kill himself when arrested.
Montauk Club's Depew Dinner.
New Yorl;, April 25. The annual
dinner ot' the Montuuk Club of Brook
lyn In houor of the birthday of Sen
ator Chaunoey M. Depew, taices place
nt tho club house tonight and prepara
tions for tho evont, it is said, have
been made on an elaborate scale.
Senator Depow's birthday was last
Thursday, but It Is tho custom of the
club to hold the dinner on the Satur
day night following. Tho Depew din
ner is always u unique affair end Is a
popular event with Brooklyn cluo
men. The guost of the evening is the
only spoaker, and the birthday cak
always come in the nntuto of a sur
prise. Last year when tho cover of
the huge silver dish was raised a
daintily dressed little maiden step
pod out of the enko bol'oro the sen
ator and recited an appropriate
verse. Krleuds of tho senator are
wondering what new form the birth
day cake will take tonight.
King Edward at Naples.
Naples, April 25. King lSdwurd
ivns enthusiastically giceted uu n his
arrival In Naples tody, en lotite to
Rome nnd Paris. Tho town and har
bor were astir early. Immense crowds
nssomblod along the bay front, nnd
icunds of cheers mingled with the
British national anthem and salutes
from tho harbor ships and land bat
teries as tho royal yacht Albert and
Victoria ncared shore. TJie bay pre
sented a striking spectacle, owing
to the great gathering of war and
morchant ships, drossed from stem
to atom in rainbow fa3hion. After
tho exchange of salutes tho royal
yacht was boarded by the civic and
military dignitaries of Naples who
officially welcomed his majesty. Later
In tho day the visits were roturned by
King Edward. The king will remain
here until Monday when he will pro
ceed to Rome.
Mrs. Burdick Gets Money.
Buffalo, April 25. Mrs. Edwin
Burdick will get a good share of the
$25,000 left her by Arthur Pennoll.
It is assorted aftor consultation be
tween attorneys that the matter was
compromised and Mrs. Burdick was
glvon a liberal settlement.
Itufus Cantroll, tho Indianapolis
gravo robber, was found guilty Thurs
day night. ,
London, April 25. There is a
strong belief in government circles
that Russia in her demands on China
relative to Manchuria, is trying to
perpetrate a bluff to see how strong
tho Anglo-Japanese alliance is. It is
believed that Russia will make a dis
play of force in an endeavor to oaus.i
England to break from her new al
lies. But if tho alliance resists with
a contra demonstration, she will back
Will Take Action.
London, April 25. Up to lato this
afternoon the foreign office had to
fusel further Information concerning
tho eastern crisis. It's unusual rctl
cence Is construed as showing an CX'
trcme delicacy in tho situation.
Despite tho refusal of the foreign
office to give out any Information, It
Is rumored that plans for a joint pro
test by Great Britain, Japan and the
United States is being formulated
with the greatest rapidity, and that
wrao action will be taken within the
next 48 hours.
Declaration of Good Will.
Washington, April 25. Secretary
Hay received a note from tho Rus
sian ambassador reiterating Russia's
previous declarations of good will to
ward the United States and reassert
ing her policy In Asia, calculated ns
one far from working harm to this
Its tenor is like that of all the fore
running Russian notes on Manchuria,
so extremely general as to throw no
light upon Russian intentions.
Will Play Lone Hand.
Meanwhllo Secretary Hay has sent
to President Roosevelt a complete
statement of the case and its bear
ing upon American interests. No re
ply has yet been received and it Is
apparent that tho matter is looked
upon hero as ono which Is so import
ant and so fraught with posslblo dan
gers that It would bo given the most
careful consideration.
The. stories that a Joint protest
will bo mado by Japan. England and
the United States aro unworthy of
consideration. The United Stntos will
play a lone hand .
Three Men Secure Several Hundred
Dollars at Ferguson.
si lnnls. Anrll 2B. Three men
robbed tho nostofflce nt Ferguson this
morning. They blew open tho safe.
Tho explosion wrecked tho building
nnd nrousod tho cltliens. Tho rob
irr n'ltm honvllv armed. Several
hundred shots were exchanged with
tho posse which pursued mem to
within a mile of this city. Tho rob
bers secured several hundred dollars.
Powers Marshalling Ships of War in
Chinese Waters.
i Washington, April 25. In view of
the latest, developments in Mnucmiria
the naval strength ot various powers
in Chinese waters becomes Interest-
Inrr Tl, Tt,D(nt flnnt hnu limMl
' gradually Increased until It now mini
' hers 12 vessels, Franco has 31 ships
and 20 others In Indian and Cochin
China wnters. Great Britain at last
accounts had 37 vessels In Chinese
waters, and Germany 17. Tho Ken
tucky and Oregon are the only Amer
ican battleships on Asiatic stntlons,
but there are 24 other smaller Amer
ican warships. Including two moni
tors and some small gunboats, In
Philippine waters. Japan has a
strong nnvti) force on the coast.
College Ball Games Today.
VnrV Anrll 2E. Both EaBt
and West a number of important
games arc down on the collegiate
baseball schedulo for decision today.
Pennsylvania and Ynlo meet at Now
Haven, Princeton and uruwn ni j-rov-l,ian.
linrvnr.t nml West Point nt
West Point. Columbia and Lehigh nt
South BoUilcnem, anu ueorgeiowu
and the Naval Cadets at Annapolis.
In the West, Illinois and Michigan
play nt Ann Arbor, Northwestern nnd
Belolt at Belolt, Wisconsin and Chi
cago nt Madison, Purdue and Roso
Polytechnic nt iJifoyotte, DoPnnw
ond Ohio Wesleyan nt Delaware, O.,
nnd Knnsas and Washburn College nt
Uiwrence, Ivns.
Kentucky T. P. A,
Paducah, Ky April 25. Tho Ken
tucky division of the Travelers' Pro
tective Association is In a highly
flourishing condition, to Judge from
the largo nnd representative) attend'
nnce at the statu convention in nes
slnn hunv Tlio ilnv WAR nccunlCll nl-
most entirely with tho transaction of
business relating to tho nrtnirs or tno
association and tonight there will bo
a wlnd-np of festivities arranged by
the Paducah members of the organiz
First Ball Game of the Season Will
Be Played Between Dayton and
Pendleton Chorus of 300 Voices
in Training.
A chorus of 30(1 voices from the
public schools or the city, the music
of two bauds, the winding of the Mny
pole, and the danc'o and songs accom
panying that function, a parde by the
public schools, an address by Hon.
T. G. Halley, ti. May queen and tho
first league gamo of baseball, will bo
the principal attractions In Pendleton
on May day.
The committee on arrangements
was last night given by tho Progress
Club cat to blanche to go ahead with
all uriangsments necessary to iniiko
Mny day a big success, nnd Incur
whatever expenses the committee
thinks necefcsary to cany out the
plans. The business houses will bo
closed on that day from 1:30 to 4:30
p in., and there will be no school.
Tho managers of tho basebnll team
have Invited tho attendance free ot
charge of every duly accredited pupil
of the public schools and tho teach
ers as well, to tho bull game, which
will bo held on the grounds in the
western part of tho city. It Is not
yet settled where tho winding of the
May polo and tho danco will bo held,
but U may bo In the courthouse
bquare instead or on the school cam
uus, as was at first thought advisa
ble. Tho parade will compriso all the
novel features of tho Arbor day pa
rado, but will bo the first profession
al game of this season within the
present organisation, and will be be
tween Dayton and Pendleton,
M. A. Rnder is chairman of the
committee on arrangements appoint
ed by the Progress Club, Tho chorus
,xf vnne,u fmm Hlf. nilhlln HrhnnlH Will
be trained by Professor Roy Conklln.
While Crossing O. R. S- N. Track
East of the Junction the Aged
Man Is Run Into by Engine Two
Ribs Broken and Head Cut.
Today's northbound train from
Walla Walla, ran luto John R -Murphy,
breaking two ribs and cutting
bis head quite badly. Mr. Murphy,
who Is fi" years old. started to cross
tho track. Tue engineer wnlstled,
but Mr. Murphy did not quite clear
tho engiue. Ho was struck in the
side and thrown down the embank
ment. Tho accident happened about
a quarter or a mllo east of the junc
tion switch.
The engineer stopped at once and
two members of the train crew pick
ed up the Injured man. They carried
him on a stretcher to his home at
1003 East Court street. Drs. Smith
and Garfield, who were called, re
port that the injuries aro painful, but
not serious. A gash has been cut
across the forehead nnd downward
to the cheek bone, but probably It
Is a surface cut. Two ribs are
liioken. Mr. Murphy, who has been
living at the homo of 1). D. Phelps,
his son-in-law, for the past seven or
eight years, Is ono of the oldest res
idents ot tl Is city, having mine here
in 1878.
Nationalist Party Leader Explains the
Object of His Organization.
Washington, April 25.-Tho civil
government In the Philippines has
called upon the nationalist party to
explain the charges that It is aiding
and abetting the drones. The
president of tho party made an on
Uor but It is not deemed satisfac
tory. In It he professes great friend
ship for Americans and declares that
the only purpose of the party is to
achlovo Independence of tho Fl pi
nos, but through the aid of the United
Money for Philippines.
Philadelphia. April 25. An express
train carrying 250 kegs, each con
tainlng $10,000 In silver coll, guard
ed by a squad of regulars is soon
to leave this city for New; York. The
coin was stamped by the Philadelphia
mint for circulation In the Philippines,
Killing Christians.
riln Anrll 25. A Vienna dis
patch says that TurklBh troops have
plundered many Maceuonian viiiubuh,
killing a number or unrisuan.
Mrs. Gertrude Stiles, Mrs. William
Linden and Mrs. Gottfried Sowltch
woro badly burned In a fire that de
aimvtiA on nrttrtnmnt house in Chi
cago. Sixteen families were driven
out. The loss is K'o.w.
King Alfonso of Spain Entertains Del
egates to International Medical
Congress at the Palace Slighted
His Late Enemies.
Madrid. April 25. King Alfonso
and his queen mother received last
night, delegates to the International
Medical Congress, which Is In ses
sion here. The members woro plac
ed In various rooms In the pnlnco.
Cubans nnd Amerlcnus were plnced
In the dining room. They consider
this an Intentional slight. They
were preparing to leave when the
American minister nrrlved and per
hiindcd them to remain. The inci
dent Is widely dlsciiHsed todny. There
Is n general opinion that the slight
was Intentional.
Ready for Soldiers' Show.
New York. April 25. With clatter
ing side-arms and tho rattle of steel
shod hoofs, tho ndvancfr guard of tho
Military Show took possession of
Madison Square Garden today, and
witli the re-ndlnesH of triad enmpalriii
eiB, converted the Fourth Avenue and
Tti!.,iiiv.uiviii virci.t primer Into n cav
alrymen's e-amp. The business-like
methods or the soldiers and mo case
and celerhy with which they mado
iiwmiuiiiu.ici iit iintmi 1 1 1 1 1 1 n Htlmuhitlui;
effect on tho preparation for the Mil
itary Aimeuc leagues umiuhwiii.iii,
which will open In Madison Square
Garden Monday nnd continue for 10
days. Tho participants In the tour
ncinent tlilH year will Include cavalry
troops from Fort Myor, artillery from
Washington barracks nnd Fort Ethnn
Allen and several detachments of tho
engineers' corps. Canadian soldiers
,111 I,., rr.tiriiHmitrrt bv n dctnchmellt
of the Forty-third regiment (the Duke
of Cornwall's own nines), wno saw
service In South Afrlcn, Then there
will be a company of i-adctB from
West Point, ami various detachments
leprtsenting tho marine corps, tho
naval batnlllon and the signal corps,
In Police Court.
Four hoboes, all charged witli vug
lancy, were arraigned before Judge
Flu Gerald this morning. Two woro
given three days each In tho city Jail,
ono was given five days ond sentence
suspended for one hour to give him
an oportunlty to get out of town.
Back From England,
Rev. John Warren, assistant rector
of the Church of the Redeemer, is ex
pected to arrive In Pendleton in about
two weeks, via Toronto and Vancou
ver, Wash, Mr, Warren has ben ab
sent on his trip to England since
October last .
Roland I Morgan, of Elgin, 111.,
died suddenly at his country homo
near Pensacola, Fla., after eating
part of a packago of prepared food
that he received by mall. Tho post
mark on the packago Is indistinct.
Lato Attorney-General of Post-
office Department Submits
All Papers to Knox.
Pending the Investigation Now Going
on In HI Department Stated That
Tyner Courts the Fullest Inquiry
of His Conduct.
WnoMitatnn Anrll 25. GeOrRO
Christlancy, acting assistant attorney
general for the postofflco department,
said ho would apply today to the
postmastor-goncrai to do reuoTuu
from duty ponding the investigation
Int.. I. In nffll-n or, III-mllM Of tllO HU'
stractlon of pnpers from tho safe of
Tyner by Mrs. Tyner, wuuu u
(Christlancy) was tho responsible
head of that division and on duty at
Hint time.
Attorneys representing Tyner wont
into eoiiBultntlon with Pnynu this
afternoon. They brought with them
a bundle supposed to contain the pa
pers taken from tho safo. They said
tho futuro course of tho government
depended upon tho outcome) of the
After consultation Tyner's attor
neys announced Hint they hail sub
mitted all tho papers taken from the
Hnfo to Payno and that he had re
turned all but ono to ryner.
-rl,.i ii i,nr 1rmt liv him DCrtalllOd
to the charges against a former em
ploye of tho department, now noun.
They declare that nil tho other docu
ments woro purely personal. They
also state thnt Tyner courts the full
est Investigation of his conduct
O. R. & N., It Is Reported, Will Cut
Out 45 Miles of Curves In Umatilla.
A report has sprung into sudden
prominence which has Its origin In
railroad circles, that the O. R. & N
will within tho next two or threo
yeniH lnalso two cut-offs In tho wost
em pnit of Umntllla county tnat will
abbreviate tho mileage, of the road
approximately 15 miles.
It must not bo considered that this
has yet reached the authorltntlvo or
cemcluslvo stage, but the fact re
mains thnt the report originates In
railroad circles. Tho first proposi
tion Is to the effect thnt the road will
be built almost In n direct lino (nf
proximately direct) from Echo to
Coyote. This will save a distance of
23 iuIIoh. The second proposed
"straightening" vlll bo between Wul
lulu and Foster, and the dlstanco
unveil it this is done will bo not less
than 20 miles. Of course all thin
presupposes the abandonment of the
Kclm-Unuitllla line and of the line be
tween Wnlluln unit Umntllla.
Tho currying out of this scheme
means furtlior tho arrangement of
illvlBlons and Is in fact only a detail
In a general plan ot physical rcorgan
Izatlon. It is iiltogother likely that
with tho currying out of the changes
Indicated Pelidloton would full holr
to tho O. R. & N. division with round
ItoiiBO and other affairs of tho com
pany now conducted ut Umatilla,
Jess, the Blooded Pointer Bitch Be.
longing to F. F. Wameley, Gets n.
other Prize at San Francisco.
A telegram from F. F. Wamsloy
this morning to Mrs, Wamsloy, states
that Jess, tho now famous blooded
pointer bitch, and now famous prlzet
winner, hus taken another blue rib
lion. This is tho fifth first prlzo
tnkon by thlB splendid animal Hlnce
being taken to tho National Bench
Show, now In session at San Francis
co. Tho dispatch states that "Jess
lias been awarded tho Cunningham
special prUo as tho beat all-round
pointer of either sex at the bonch
Bhow." Tlila award places this dog
In tho list or the flnost animals in the
United States, us tho standarila of
the national oxhlblt aro high and en
forced with unvurylng Impartiality
H. B. Nelson Not III.
The report that It B. NoIboii .of
Weston, has had a atroko of paraly
sis Is Incorrect, It appoaring on tho
contrary that ho Is In his uBual
healthaccording to a tolonhone mes.
sage received from him today at the
East Oregonlan office The statement
that Mr. NoUon was 111 was mde
upon what was considered good au
thority, and thoro Is no present moans
of accounting for the origin of the