Usincss Cards and Societies S0N8 AND TKAUM,-. "HHANQED. PHYSICIANS. orrici: in 11 ntrt noun. llilH "'".i.nlKlllC reu tlmloo" ."' .., f'r refractive cr- ATTORNEYS. JAbuiifins: FEn' IjAW omcn IX jud"d Jill 111 " ,. M ,i'n HOMEOPATHIC :M. M' off ce i J-ii black 73! rea lm! WVWr fclcl.rLne. office, jpirj' TImr IlOOM 17 AS()riA- Mick ll . iii:ni".!Ii.?.().n' mTlo STlrf Ilank build- HV8ICIAN eve. ear, iM.'- r i'hinc. m" w.k m in-""-""- irlMV (MIItONIC V.VX K. . and .ll-i-nwH of "fflrim Miiw. ",; ?n. res ' 'office I'll'""- 'nl" -1 ' Xta red 273. nno.Vi:. OSTiun-Ai" '-Y.1 ThnmlMOII StVOt. Telephone IIAILEV & LOWELL. ATTOttNEY AT law, omce In Deapaln block. HALLrHAY & McCOUr.T, iTvwypps-! i roclatlon building. " ".i.s. A8- mnmh nnri . ...... . LfiiAf" iww.r.l, AliUllNnvR AT Imu AfTInn In Gl. n - . . . . u.t. umvs m uanug UdUK DUlKllng. IIENIIY 3. BEAN, ATTOHNEY AT LkXV AtBOclatlon block, Tcndletcn, Oregon.' E. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT I, V " Court street. Ill L. B. ItEEDER, ATTORNEY Pendleton, Oregon. AT LAW, N. BERKELEY. ATTORNEY AT t,lv OBlce In Savings Bank building. " ' II. p. COLLIER, LAWYER. orFICB Rooms 7 and 8, Association building. bTILLMAN & PIERCE, ATTORNEYS AT I.rtt Mr. Stlllman Ins been admitted to practice In united States patent oillces and makcB n specialty of Patent Law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 1, Association Block. II. .1. SLATER, ATTOItXKY.UOOMS "3 Judd building. FRATERNAL ORDERS. DAMON LOUGH, NO. 4, MEETS EVERY Monday ovi-nlnn In Secret Socletv hall. 'T.-uiinviTrTmcF. RED Jionnny evening in secret Society ha II KiRBY, M. V.,? Ll'nAMncla. t.nlloiv block, at Pendleton. Ore. 11. w mtwM'l1""', I'letclier; K. 11. S. ; W. .1. Keyes. C. C. ,;mim. Pendleton, Oregon. I MM. rendition OCULISTS. i.i. u- W OARRET- ,(,n, grndiuite opti cian. The only com nlele optical parlor In he elf Six doors Koiith of P. (I.. Main fire. o nil nu,ftl" ULatlon nii'l consultation. 'dentists. E.VDLETON CIRCLE, NO. T.2T. tt'OMl'.X oi wiHMicrnii, nieeis every l rmav even ing at Hendricks hall. All visiting neigh bors are cordially Invited to attend. .Min nie Stlllman. Guardian Neighbor; Era Fletcher, Clerk, BOARD AND LODGING. OKl'ICE IN- NICE I't'KNISIIEI) ROOMS Pol! RENT on East Alta street, second door from Wheeler's gallery. HOT I Hj ALTA, CORNER ALTA AN I ) MIR streets. Board b.v the dav or week. Oood table set. Rates HUM and ?4.ri( per week. Pendleton Peed Yard In Vll'HHAN. PRNTIST. OI I bullcllng. 'Phoae, red 71 uiX Iil'.NTIST, OI'FIC'E IN AS- connection. W. W. EdmMen, Prop. "JS Wtl'hP!'j ScI'n,,dt'" "n,g, TIIirSTIlTnONROOMINr, HOl'l01S 'I'hone, reil -n Muln street. Mrs. II. E. Cooper, Prop. RETEmNARY SURGEON. r McN-AlllI, .VI'.TERI.N ARY SUIt- Fi (Irailuote or me u ii.ti.uj tlianla. City veterinarian of Sno lOjean. tlrtlce at Tnllmau & ( os. (,f ilomestlcated nnliiials. Everything strictly first-class. Bile and Ifl per day. Rates WHEN YOt' GO TO I'lLOT ROCK STOP at the City Hotel. Good meals mid flrst-class rooms. Special attention given (o comiuerclnl travelers. Mrs. C. II. Ille tel, Pilot Rock, Ore. l. (Olll . 1 ..... Yes, and juu t.i,t und said 'the' n long woru INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS R. 8. tlRYSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW! Collections Itturanca. Offlo In K. O. building., J. M. DKNTLKY RBPRKSKNTS T1IK OLDEST and mom rollsblo Are and accident tnsurauca companlet. Offlco with Hartiaan Abstract Co. JOHN IIA1LKY. JR.. U. 8. LAND COM mlMlonr Specialty made of Und flllnn nd proof. Insurance and collections. Of flee In Judd building, room 10. JOE H. rARKES, OFFICE 120 COURT HT. Isnd ofllce biulneaa, such as flllnf of claims and Initiating conteeta a spectaltj. TRANSPORTATION LINE. .$ EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. STAR EMPLOYMENT OrriCR, 688 Ualn 8L: It yon need help or aeek eaa- pioyment can on ue. rnone, mam iuii BLACKSMITHING. COPELAND-& 80N. OENKRAL BLACK- smlthlnc and reoalrlne: noraesnoelns aiHclaltv! work nromntlr attended to: call anil see us : snop an tti neon iireci. Hist tnree piocss dciow uain itrvei. HOTEL8. STILL TIEY COME CHARGES AGAINST POSTAL OFFICIALS NUMEROUS. BANKS AND BROKERS. NATIONAL RANK OP ATHENA. t'spllal. s.iii.oi.o; surplus mm inniiii. Interest on time deposits. i In rurelsn mid domestle rxchnngi'. , lilon promptly attended to. Henry Lm. prmlili'iit T .1 Kirk, vice-pros- r S. heltiow CHHIIIIT ; I. -u. ivt-uin, ndiier I ni!Mi:i:s' rank op weston, hlim. (Irci-dii. Dim a ireuel'lll builk- riKliieKH. Kxitinuge hutitrht and sold. i tlonn promptly attended to. R. .Tnm- priMuVnt , lleorge W. Proehstel, rallies! . .1. I! Kilgore. enshler : ill- . II. A Ilnituinn. M. M. .lohns. T. (I. II. (Irnw, .1 V KIIkoip. Roh- I imes,,n. (i. W Pioebstel. THE WHITE BOARDING AND LODGING House. .-10 1 South Main street. Mrs. Helen Whltteinore, 1'rop. Housekeeping rooms nud lodging rooms. Good comforts Ule rooms and clean, ell-kept beds. Lodging 1'.' cents. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE DEPOT STABLES, COTTONWOOD street, between Alta and Webb streets. II. Stewart. Prop. Best i-nie taken of homes. Good stnbles and plenty of feed. THE CITY LIVERY BOARD AND SALE Stable. M. .1. Carney, proprietor, for line turnouts. Stnble 1th Alta street.. IT.MU.irro.V SAVINGS BANK, dlrton. Oregon. Organized .March 1, Cipitnt. fliiii.iiiiu. Mirpliis. $, interent iilloneil on all time ileposlls. ;e Miumii nan soni on an principal Simlnl attention given to mi tt' J I'lirnMi. nresldenl : .T. N. tW pro Went T .1, Morris, enshler: Maloney iisshtnnt eashler. NATIONAL RANK OP I'EXDLE. I'suttal. $70.01 10 : Hiirnliis. S'l.-,.llilil : N'ti cMierul hanking business. P.x- tnn telegmplilr transfers sold on l Thrill rrmirlMi-ii V.t. V....L- .,H W i"lniM In tin. Northwest. Drafts ra On I'll nil. Jniiiln titwl I'n ........ .!,.! ..., jtiioti nn reanoiiahle terms. Levi Au- ' n ." -Matlock, vlce-pres-1 II Wmle. i-nslili.r ,. 11 1.. Sill uililer ' HCHITECTS AND BUILDERS u'"; l'(l-vl'IIA(TOIt AND IIPII .... Miias in wora llgured on. Job ted 15V! " W"rli K"l"'t'-ed. COMMERCIAL STABLES, G. M. PROOME Prop. Livery, feed and hoarding. All i kinds of turnouts. Competent drivels, ' OppoNlte Hotel Pendleton. -Phone, uiitlu llil. THE TELEPHONE LIVERY. PEED AND Sale Stable. Court street, opposite Court House: boarding hoies a specialty ; good turnouts ; rigs delivered. 'Phone, main ".SI. TONSORIAL PARLORS. BILLY Until north i service. KRASS1G. BARBER SHOP AND rooiiiH. Main street, three doors f Hotel St. George. ITistclimn NEW TONSORIAL PARLORS, COPRT ST. Three doors west of Golden Rule Hotel. I. II, Pace, prop, Plrst-class workmen; everything clean ; nil modern Improvements. ! PATTO.VSSANIT.VRY BARBER SHOP, Despolli block, Court street: bent work manship; all the modern Improvements; all tools sterilized ; bath rooms In connection. IKlWAItt Aomri .,.. .... uljr.if .Vi i, eoiii neie nun re -KVm I Vm U ,'!"? " " ' conn "m ti Juikl bulldlug. FOR SALE. ;( 4 i'oi.k ' wru. IV'Ml t,m,.. . . . . ikiM p. ':.'"!" !"lB A'' J,,i, .. iiirniKiieit on short i?!.!1 "Pw-imtJ-. Prompt r mieei near .Main, n?;'"''' AND BUILdT - TitorTuiv 'WlBlMden nv'ilKl ' AND 1.&UMI, PLASTPIMvr. . 0,. .... P" furnUhlT1.-'1-'.'' specialty. Es- ' t l ooiev Vur,k.K"ranteed. CABS AND CARRIAGES. iilSWIS -l-AKKR. PROP. " lteet, nelt wu'tlng I'OR SALE AT A BARGAIN A S1X room house with bath, pantry aud cel lar: two acres of ground; good water; Ha zel street. West Pendleton. Inquire of J, P. Earl or of l'red Earl at Peoples Ware house. FOR BALE S ROOM HOI'S K AND LOT.SKK Spoonemore A. Brummett, the real estate men.vo r:. court Ht. Machen is Center of Fire Has Made Free Delivery System Political Ma chine and Used It to Make Him Solid IWth "Leaders Is Converted Democrat. Washington, T). C, April 22. The assurance by Postmaster General Payne that there was to lie a thor ough investigation of affairs In the postoffleo department and that all guilty parties would be brought to Justice has had the effect or brinBliiK out an enormous number or charges against officials and complaints or their methods or transacting public business. This will but delay the fi nal report oi General Bristow. for every charge is to be looked into and, while no doubt a great many will, when sirted down, prove harmless, it Is probable that others will bear some fruit. Heretofore contractors lor postal supplies and bidders on postal service, who have felt that they were unjustly discriminated against, have kept their dissatisfac tion to themselves, feeling that it would be useless to file complaints. Now, however, many of these old grievances are being renewed. The free delivery office and its superintendent, A. W. Machen, arc still the center of fire. The trouble witlt Machen has been, ever since lie was in office, that lie Insisted in running tne tree delivery system as when he decided to flop. From that time on his strongest friends and sup porters have been republican leaders. Probably the worst feature ot his r.fllce s his desire to accommodate friends, both parties; In other words, to make himself solid, and ho has maintained during the Investigation that he will come out all right, nl though the many complaints Hint lave been mado Indicate that better methods are needed In his office WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN. General Summary In Oregon Re ports From the Columbia River Valley Furnished by the U. S. De partment of Agriculture. Portland, Oregon, April 21, 11)03. The weather during the week has been favorable for farm work, but the nights were too cool for rapid growth. Frosts occurred frequently, and early cherries, plums, silver prunes and peaches have been cllght ly damaged In the upper end of the Willamette valley and In Southern Oregon, The bulk of the fruit crop, however, is uninjured, and Is gener ally In a very promising condition, The soil Is In excellent condition for plowing, and this work Is advancing rapidly In all sections; some are sum mer lallowlug, while others are plow ing lor corn, potatoes and late grain. Spring wheat seeding Is nearly com pleted, except on low Imids and in the plateau section of the state. Fall wheat Is doing well; It lias n good color and covers the ground nicely. Spring wheat Is germinating slowly, but otherwise It Is In a prom ising condition. Ilarely also looks well; hut Tew complaints nro made about weedy fields. Considerable al I'alfa has been winter killed In linker and .Malheur counties. I'asturago Is GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Comer Court and Johmon Streets, rendition, Oregon. M. F. Kelly, Proprietor. HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY American Plan, l-ntost.-Jft to 9'.'. IK) 1()1' dnv. Kiii-opomi 1'lHii. OOu, 7fie. Vl.OO. Special rutin ty week or month. Free 'bus meets all trains Commercial trade solicited Fine sample roomi Special Attention Given Country Trad ShohtUnr mm union Pacific Two Trains to the East Dally . Through Pullman standard andTourlil sle Ing ears dally to Omaha, Chicago; toorut iMPlng er dally to Kmui cityt throatfc Pullman touriit ileeptng can (personally c. ducted) weekly to Chicago, Kaniat city, M. Louis and Memphis; reclining chair car ((MM tree) to the Rait dally. Dirur roa Portland 8:10 am Chicago i-M pm Portland 1 :.-H)am The Enitl laoio Time SohmluU From I'otitllotou rortland Special No. l laaiTi raoa The XaM HMO a.m. Chicago Special No. 1 Portland StWpm Mall and Kipreta No.5 Th Bui llttll Mall and Kipreit Ko.S Pendleton PaMenger No, 7 Hrokane j 3:10 a m 1 trOOpm Spokann Panengcr No. S rortland IllSia Binkarc rendleton Branch Mixed Train No. tl Walla Walla Branch Mixed Train No. i 1 DO p Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. M) p. m. a political macnine no nas urougiit nip,vlng slowly, and stock hns gain j 1 '- i" eui un 1 ins t.(1 proportionally in llesh. The crop administration has bee,, lor the bene- ()f lnnllls 1h hi.U)W xhil aVeiage. Sheep ..1 v., nun ,!) 1 siiearlng Is In progress. Hops are leauy to mane sucrincea to po""-1 coming up and being cultivated: ciaus aim pmuu jiumuiB to iiuuugu considerable complaint Is made of matters so that he would always have stiong friends at eouit. He came Into the office as a democrat under the Cleveland administration. Later, when he could not stand for Uryanlsm, he became a republican supporter. From that time lie be came Industrious In a political way and employes under him became ef ficient political reformers and, aB he had been previously building up a democratic machine, 'lis Inronnatlon became useful to the republicans THE COE COMMISSION GO. in HTitmrr. di Uouta .'. rtlra In electrical Knivt,,, '"'"' feriSsLSf:!! rear 'of-liffiaiS? Cj. .Na call , 1 kt. irrr : 1 . 730 Co,i"J'. Waters . j.i.. ottonivod gtreet- ,-etary. .. ,.".' nouns at tnc nrr ci or klnih f,r -..."fBrB: mouey Uregou.v nt 4 11. m. Dated April fi. lOOIt Tan .. l 11C1CM. IL'n..... .. . ..... 1, ',...... ., p 1'iinil'lli . I . . ' FOE BALK-A 12-FOOT HTKKL FRAME Uodge Header. Complete, with four boxes. Innulre ot Johu McKae, icvea iiiIIvh west of Helix, Oregon. WANTED. WU WANT A ItUI'llESUNTATIVi: IX this atatc to represent our uualneaa. Our propoaltlon la an exceptional one and offera to a good, reliable, honest party, with ref erences, not leas than $100 per month. No canvnaRlng or appointing of agenta. A bouaUdf, legitimate htiBlncaa. Addrena with Htnnip, V. ti. I'ulalfer & Co., I.uui Iwr Mxchnnge, Sou t tie. Wash. WANTKD IlOAIlDIIItS AND KOOMlIltH nt Mih. Holooinli'H, :ii:i .Main atrcet; gentlemen preferred. WANTKD SllWIXO IN FAMILIES IIV Ili'Mt-clnaa HeaiuatreHS, fall or address 410 Ann St. WANTKD WOIIK AT WASII1NU, IKON lug or hotiM' clennlug. Inquire nt 701 Alta atreet. MISCELLANEOUS. notr'i: to sTocKiior.Dr.its notkm: Is hereby given to the stockholder of the Pendleton Wool Scouring and rack ing Co., that h meeting will he held Tnea-do-. May nth, llilKI. nt the office of tlm l oinnany In 1'eudleton, Oregon, nt -t p. ui. Dated April fi, 1H03. W. V. Judd, presi dent ; K. II. Olopton, si-cretnry. kotUJk to STOt'Kiioi,Di:its xotici: la hereby given to the atiM-kholdein of the IVndleton Woolen Mills, tliut a nieet lng will bo held Tuesday, May nth. lOiKI. at the urTlce of the company In IVndleton, Holds no customer re sponsible for more than the margin he places on a trade. A margin of one cent a bushel is required on grain, and $2 a share on stocks. An eighth cent a bushel commission is charged on grain and of one per cent on stocks. R. L. BOULTER Manager Pendleton Office 120 COURT STREET missing hills. Potato planting Is gen era! In the western sections, and some com has been planted In the southern counties. Columbia River Valley. Iloyd, Wasco county, l r. Under wood. Warmer weather and good ahoweis have been very beneficial to ciops. Spring ginln has come up well. Fall guiln sloollug nicely, where far enough advanced. I'otnto planting begun. Wnsco, Sherman county, W. C. Morehouse. Excellent weather for wheat; spilng seeding almost com pleted. In the sections whete tho cut worms havo done damage, re seeding Is In progress. lone. Morrow county, I. 0. Ilnlsln ger. Weather favorable for crops; wheat and grass progressing nicely. Arlington, milium county, H. H. Robinson. Grain doing well. Poplar and locust trees leaving out. Fast week has been favorable for crops. Pendleton, Umatilla county, II. J. Taylor. Weather warmer, but rain needed. Wheat growing nicely. Gardens not glowing much. Potato planting begun. Summer fallowing Is progressing nicely. Grass short, Stock not doing well; feed In stub ble fields poor. Seeding completed here. Plateau Region, Union. Union county, John W. .Mln nick. Cold and generally cloudy. Nothing glowing. Ground very dry; rain badly needed. Spring seeding will not germinate until it rains. Seeding nearly finished. Stock very thin. Oklahoma's Rapid Growth, Okluhoma City, Okla, April 22. Today Uklahotna entered upon Its FOR SALE 100 head of heavy horses. I w!s to sell the entire bunch and offer them fifteenth year It being on this date for 40 a head, spring colts thrown la, that the first Installment ol Indian without charge. About is or tneso iuiiub uh opened to white settleis. horses are broke to work and about Added to the first small tract thrown 25 of them have been handled and nro open to settlement were the adjacent halter broke. All of the young stock Indian lands opened from time to tlmu have been sired by an Imported Per- until today thi territory has an urea chcrou, which weighs upward of 2000 about equal lo that of the state of pounds. Tho Clyde mares are heavy, Ohio. Today the territory has a pop- low block, solid animals. There are illation of 100,000 nnd tho ussesHed a number of Bplendld 5-yenr-old geld- valuation of property exceeds $&0,- Ings In this bunch. This is u bargain When UKlanoma was doiii for some one. Call on or address for only one rallioad traverted the terrl- further Information toiy; now there are nearly a dozen CHARLES E HOOVER, w'tn nlanJ' branches nnd extensions Alba, Oregon. ' l'OKrosi of construction.- HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS m-r- -. ti I 1 1 i la I bailr except Bnnday 1:00 p.m. Saturday io ao p. in. All tailing data anb- jeoi io enange. For Ban Francisco Sail arerr lday. 4X0 p. m. I Columbia Hirer To Astoria and War Landing!. lp,B, Sandaj "Willamette. Klvur. Boat! leava Portland dally, except InndaT, (tag of water permitting) for WlllamttU and Yambtlt Rlrer polntt. Lear Klparla 4:05 a. m, Dally I Kxcpt Mom Bnake River Rlparla to Lewliton Lea? Lewliton 7:oo a. a. Dallr Kxcptwwi F. F WAMBLEY. Agent. Pendtatoa. Washington & Columbia River Railroad GEO. DARVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heatea European Plan. Block and a half from depot. Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50o, 75o, $1.01 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON American Plan. 1 per day and uuwara Hcadauartera for touriila and comuieicial trat elera. Special ratea made to famlllca audilngU gentlemen. The management will be plcaaed at all tlmea to ahow rooms and give prtcee. A modern Turkish bath establishment In thtbot! If, C. BOWKKb, Manage!. Take this route for Chicago, Ht. Paul, 8t. Louis, Kail sas City, Ht. Joe, Omaha, aud All Points East and South Portland aad polntt on the Sound TIM JC UABD. Leave fendloton, dally except Bandars 7:00. pm. Arrlv Pendleton Moudaj, Wedneadar 4 Friday UrtSpm. Arrive Pendleton Tattday, Thnrtday SB 4 Batnrday 0 -U am. Leave Walla Walla dally, east bound, 11 M0 pea. ArrlTt Walla Walla dally, wsat bound, M am. For Information regarding rata and aocaaa modatlons, call on or address W. ADAMB, Agatit, Pendlatan, Uragaa 8. B. CALDKRHKAD. O P. A., Walla Walla. Wash. IsllKQUKKN HOTEL Clean comfortable rooms from 'i' cents up. Newly furnished throughout. Queen Chop House In connection. Meals at all hours. Only white help em ployed, (llvu us a trial, v v Schedule of Fares On and after April i, (arc over the Pendleton & UK'iali Stage Line will be: !...,.. ... n k , Bn..4 , I .. ... 1,.. dleton to Alba, I".' 7S, round trip, Ml Pendleton to ninge, 2, rouui inn, iido; renuioion so Ntr il.U). round trip, fijibi Pendleton to Pilot noes, si, rouuu iri, Office at Qolden Rule Hotel RUNS Pullinun Sleepibg Cars, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. rsr. Paul TO MINNKAPOL1H DUIjUTH FABQO GRAND FOHJUI CROOKSTOIsT WINNKPKG HKLKNA and BUTTE, THROUGH TICKETS Tt CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHIIiADELPHIA ; NEW YORK BOSTON and all poluU Kaat aad HouUi rhroogh ttckati to Japan and Okla, tla Tsooma and Northern PacIOo StaasBifelp 0, and American lint, TINI SCHIOULI, Tridns leave Pendlatou dally aioepl BaauUi For farther Information, tlm oatds. bmm andUckaU.callon or writ W. Adams, 7S. dleton, Oregon, or A. D. nHAaLTOM, Tblt d and Morrison lu., Portland. Or. MANHOOD RESTORED "CUPIDEIE" iBH Tllf ret VrgctaMo Vltullxtvr, the (iretorliillon vt u fumoiia Vraortt iibvfclclati. will AaK quick! cuiuyuu of nil iurvouiortfktUM.iof ttiuifuiif ruuvuorKUUH.auvIt uili Mtut ffVr . VB IimmI, lutoiittilu. lulu In the Jtuck Meiuliml KwUlui Avrvou JblH(ir 4tdMVtmvlr, ITnlllur l murry KKhwuttluir JlrMlii. Vimiccsvi1, uutl ('-wfutiv VlrV'H put Ion Jtftlopa ull lutiU' brtfaf or night, I'ruuiuturity. wturn it lttl t,UtHthl limit NiW foHfnuatrirrli'iraaiidull I ho horrors ot linMteiitr. C'V IIXW cUuiiittt ihtt Jlrur. Ihokldaoy. ilWlDllX K utrvnKll"''" ami rtntore. Tlit r'iMHi kuilrir uru nut curtt by Uoolom inbocautvo ulrifiy per cent.aru irmiblrd with Vi'oa.utltU, CUl'lDr.TiK U lliu onlr known rumilr to euro wlthojtun operation, OSW tehtlmonlalai. A wrluuii fifuramuu irlrvu ami moimjr rvturnM If ui boxen do not etTcct a iH;rmdnint cunt. vi,mu bm lx tarVtiDny mull. PvtuX lor I'rte clrvuUr aua tRtliuoulaU.'4(ldrcu.lVOI, HI 1 111 CI XI! CO., Man KiuucUco, ChI. 1 ' SOLD BY TALLMAN &. CO.. DRU GGISTS, PENDLETON, OREQONt J i 'a',' " '-i , imdf i """ ' ..m&R in assra. tWaMBEe., mml-SWi;