East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 22, 1903, Image 8

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    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1003.
S" a I
eft, tf Mo.
Such us New-
ode produces,
because they
realize that It In
aronsos their
beauty fullv inn
percent All ladies
wno wisn in nlvn
cidx a trial will coon
become convinced ot
this fact, bernnsc. hv
destroying the dead
ly trerm at work up
on the hair ront. it
makes dandruR. falling
uoir ana mm. nnu m
And iteaaallv as ralunhln. fru
it Works llkoacharm.CTcn m..
on bald heads.
ft Sale at all r.rst-CUta Drag Store
Lazy Liver
"I liavn lienn troubled n creat deal
with a torpid liver, which produces constipa
tion. I found OASUAKHTS tobooll you claim
for them, and secured Mich relief tho first trial,
that I purchased another supply nnd was com
pletely cured. I shall only bo too clad to rec
ommend Cascarets whenever tho opportunity
Is presented." J. A. Sumi,
2B0 Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Pleasant. Palaiahlo. Potprit, tin. in Anmi 5V
' m 6UrI constipation. ...
Slrrflc -...j, H..., W..lr.l. ,. Y.ri. T
ajfl Tit DAP Solit anil iritnr.inlucil by alldruK-
iiitu to : UK.; Tobacco llablu
Engine, Boiler and Machinery
Of all kinds is our specialty. All
work guaranteed.
Extra Parts Furnished for all Kinds
of Harvesting Machinery.
Manufacturer of
709 East Alta Street.
Baltezore & Howe's Old Stand,
f 1000 buys 300x582 feet of sightly
building property, norm siae.
850, two excellent building lota,
atone wall and sidewalk, W. Court.
$1600 buys three lota on north side;
corner and good o-room house.
1200, corner lot, and cottage nearly
(3650, four lots and splendid resi
dence, a very cheap property.
$2000. four acres, edge of town, house,
barn, 200 fruit trees.
$2250, 113 acres, Similes from town,
N. E., 80 acres In cultivation, 50 in
wheat, up nicely, 4-room house, good
4350, a graded lot, stone wall, north
side, east front, sightly location.
$10,000, half a section of choice farm
ing land, crop included.
These are entirely new otters, but I
have many more and would like an
opportunity to talk them over with
Is always received when you
place your order with us.
Fir. Tamarack and
Why buy poor coal when you
can get the best for the same
Laatz Bros.
Telephone Main 5 J
carpets, on shelves, walls, or for wrap
ping purposes. Old newspaper In large
hurdles of 100 each at 20 cent a handle
at the JJA6T ORKdONIAN office, l'eudls
ion, Oregon.
Disease Like Clockwork Dr. Woode
Hutchinson Returns From Visit to
Infected District Stringent Meas
ures Adopted to Prevent Spread of
Smnll pox at Shanlko and Print-
vlllc lias already claimed six victims
and of the ton unfortunates suffeilng
In the post house at tho present time
two aro not expectod to recover.
Dr. Woods Hutchinson returned
fiom a visit to the infecti'd district!!
yesterday, tiftrr an absence of 10
days, and reported that tho ul tending
physicians believe they have the mal
ady under control. Dr. Hutchinson
Mates that nil the patients in both
towns have liecn reniovti' to isolated
pest houses nnd the exposed buildings
thoroughly fumigated. All the per
sons In Prlneville who have been
vaccinated and aro subjected to ex
amination for developments of, the
disease every day. At the order of
the board of health every person In
Shnnlka has been vaccinated, nnd all
the other necessary precautions have
been taken for tho prevention of any
ltirtlicr spreading of tho disease.
Dr. Hutchinson said: "The origin
of the disease has been traced to a
man named William Vasvlnder, a
Pennsylvania Dutchman, who, to
gether with a party of Pennsylvania
timber hunters, had been locating
timber claims in the mountains some
miles distant from Bend. While In
the mountains Vasvlnder was taken
sick, a rnsh breaking out upon his
face. A physician who accompanied
the party from Pennsylvania pro
nounced the rnsh to be poison oak,
and ns this Is quite frequently con
tracted In the Oregon woods. It was
ot considered to be dangerous. Tho
lollowlng .lay tho party journeyed
br;ck to Pilnevllle, where thev stop
ped over night, .March 17. Vasvlnder
was again taken very sick, hut on tho
lollowlng morning telt well enough
to accompany the party on the two
nys' stage rlcio to Shnnlko,
Va;v!hder Remained Behind.
"The party arrived at Shanlko on
the evening of March 1!), where they
secured rooms at the Columbia
Southern Hotel for the night. On
tln following day the party departed
lor Pennsylvania, but Vasvlnder wns
unable to accompany them, and, to
gether with his uncle, whose name is
DeMoss. remained at the Columbia
Southern hotel. The following day
Friday. JIarch 20, the local doctor
wns called In to attend the sick nioi.,
n ml continued to visit him until on
Monday, threo days later, ho pro
l dunred the case to be smallpox and
caused the hotel to be placed under
quarantine. Up to this time nothing
had been said about smallpox, nor
had it been suspected, and the land
lady, as well as the chambermaids,
waitresses, porter, and, in fact, all the
employes In the hotel, who had
brought little delicacies and read to
the sick man from time to time, had
been exposed to the disease.
"On tho following day a house
was secured and the patient removed
in order to check ns much as possi
ble the contagion thnt would result
If he were allowed to remain at the
hotel. A malignant type of disease
rapidly developed In the little pest
house, which resulted in Vnsvinder's
"On April 3 tho second case devel
oped, John Morgan, a stagedriver, be
ing stricken with the disease. It was
supposed that Morgan contracted the
disease by sleeping In the laprobes
used by tho party on their trip from
Prlneville to Shanlko. ho having
used them In making up his bed In
the livery barn at Shanlko. In spite
of tho advice of many friends who
urged him to bo vaccinated. .Morgan
laughed at their fears and two weeks
later paid tho penalty with his life,
"William Prose, another stage'
driver, contracted the disease at the
same time that Morgan was stricken,
but in a milder form. This was un
doubtedly owing to the fact that he
hod been vacclnnted some years ago
anil he is now recovering.
"Tho following day J. Summor,
third stage drlvor. developed a case
of smallpox. All these cases appear
to havo been contracted by either
having been exposed to Vasvlnder or
by using his blankets in the barn.
Trouble Commences at Hotel.
"The trouble at the hotel com
menceu on ino atl, miss Keener, a
sister of the landlady; Miss Arm
strong, a chambermaid: Miss Mor
rison, a waitress, and Harry Espind,
the porter, nil developing cobcs of
the disease. The landlord of the
hotel had tho patients removed to
n private house, where they wore Iso
lated from every one, nnd secured
nurses to nttend and give everv pos
sible comfort to the unfortunate subjects.
"On April C a little girl, the tlaugh-
tO.T nf nttp nf li wtillrnaona in thn
hotel, Mrs. Bond by name, was also
taken to the private residence with a
case of smallpox. A strnngo coin
cidence in connection with this Is the
fact that Mr. Bond, the child's father.
Is one of the dead at Prlneville ns
result of the disease, while Mrs.
Bond's sister is an inmate of tho
Portland pest house, a subject of tho
same disease.
"Wednesday, April 8. two moro
cases developed. Two children, a
hoy and a girl, aged 10 and 11. re
spectively, developed cases. Tho boy's
name was Moore and he was an em
ploye about a livery stable. The lit
tle girl, the boy's sistor1, was ac
customed to playing about the burn
with her brother, and climbing In and i
cut of the stnees, and both cases are
thought to havo been contracted
fiom the robes of the stage In which
Vasvlnder came to Shanlko.
"All of these cases undoubtedly
originated directly from Vasvlnder.
all having developed shortly after he
leached Shanlko."
tiie...-,..-:-i - i
Illinois Supreme Court Holds That
Lorimer-Durborrow Ballots Shall
Be Counted.
Springfield, III., April 22. Tho su
preme court yesterdny settled the
l.orlmer-Durhorrow election contest
by handing down an opinion in which
they hold that the circuit court of
Cook county has no Jurisdiction In
the case, and that the whole matter
was In the hands of tho election com
missioners. The results of tho
court's opinion will be that the bal
lots will be counted and the courts
of Cook county can make no further
order In the case. Tho supreme
court ordered the habeas corpus pro
ceedings against Sheriff Barnett, of
Cook county, for tho release of tho
election commissioners, who were
cited for contempt of court, dismiss
1 The mirror never flatters: it tells
truth, no matter how much it may hurt the
nride or how humiliating and disagreeable
the reflections. A fed, rough skin is fatal to
bcautv, and blackheads, blotches nnd pimples
are ruinous to thcTcoinplcxion, and no wonder such
desperate efforts arc made to hide these blemishes, and
cover over the defects, and some never Stop to consider
the danger in skin foods, fnee lotions, soaps, salves
and powders, but apply them vigdrottsly and often with
out rerrard to conscaucnccs. nnd many complexions
are ruined bv the chemicals and noisons contained in these cosmetics
Skin diseases arc due to internal causes, to humors and poisons in the
blood, nnd to attempt a cure by exter
nal treatment is an endless, hopeless
task. Some simple wash or ointment
is often beneficial when the skin is
much inflamed or itches, but you can't
depend upon local remedies for perma
nent relief, for the blood is continually
throwing off impurities which irritate
and clog the glands and pores of
the skin, and ns long ns the blood re
mains unhealthy, just so long will the
eruptions last. To effectually and per
manently cure skin troubles the blood
must be purified and the system
thoroughly cleansed and built up, and
S. S. S., the well known blood purifier
and tonic, is acknowledged superior to
all other remedies for this purpose. It
is the only guaranteed strictly vegeta-"
ble blood remedy. It never deranges
the system or imnairs the dice3tion
like Potash and Arsenic and drtira of this character, but aids in the digestion
and assimilation of food and improves the appetite. Being n blood purifier
and tonic combined, the numors nnu poi
sons nre counteracted and the blood made
rich and pure, nnd nt the same time the
general health and system is rapidly built
up and good health is established, and
this, after all, is the secret of a smooth,
soft skin nnd beautiful complexion.
If you have any skin trouble send for our free book, "The Skin and Its
Diseases. " No charge for medical advice. Write us about your case.
Oartarsvllle, Oa R. B. No. 2.
I sufferod for a number ol years
with a severe Nettle-rash.
About twolvo years ago I started
tialnc- S. S. S., and after taking-three
bottles I folt myself cured and have
slnee taken a bottlo occasionally,
and bad little or no trouble . along
that line. My general health has
been better slnee. I rsoommend
8. S. S. aa a good blood medlolno and
all round tonio, Yours truly,
Borne two years ago I suffered a
groat deal, oaused on aooount of bad
blood. Small rash or pimples broke
out over my body ana kept getting
-worse day by day for over a year.
Seeing- 8. 8. 8. advertised In the pa
pers and having- hoard also It bad
oured several people In this city,
concluded to give It a fair trial.
After using-the medlolne for some
time, taking- in all slz bottles, I was
entirely oured.
10S0 Clay Btreot, Paducah, Ky.
Young MHwauKoo Society Woman.
Ono of tho finest ,.ij
Pendleton-li TTm I
provoment8: nret i.."-n I
$6,500. $2,500 down, uX,,'1C0,t
Another rosldimri!?
bath, sewerngo. electric iff
lawn, shado trees, wiihu ," Pu
ot Main street. $2.50n luree '
$20?r hU8CBana iotrromts
$500 rPf"0OnCS l0t8'
Other Town Properlyi 1
Easy Terms, Where Desired.
U. U. BUY I), HI CnH c(,
By the Fire Insurance CoJ
jiauios we represent.
comnnnlpi. cr-mJ c.
1 j ""u iu5i in I
Hartford Fire Insurance iWw!
A 1 1 1 ll A qui , n. .... i '"r
. .... v v. ..mumiitc V.IJ
Loudon & Lancashire Fire
iiiHiirnnce jn tu,.
-Vorth British & Mercantile m
o lomnj
It is the Cream
H that makes the coffee appearing-. Poor
fgfj cream has .polled many a breakfast.
The geuuine
I Economy I
Brand I
Evaporated I
bears the above can label. Ask
afK your grocer for the right kind, ffS
aVgfa which is the most satisfactory gH
kind. Never sours, guaranteed
fgfgfj absolutely pure cow's milk, most fH
nutritious and appetizing. Try
it in your coffee It beats all
Highland, Illinois e)
Kentucky Medics in Session.
Louisville Ky., April 22. The Ken
tucky State Medical Association to
day opened Its forty-eighth annual
meeting in this city and will remain
In session until Saturday. The at
tendance is large and representative
of ovory section of the state, while
the excellent program arranged Indl
cates that the convention will bo one
of the best In the history of the asso
elation. The sessions are being held
In Scottish Rite Temple.
A Great Sensation.
There was a big sensation In Lees
vlllo, Ind when W. H. Brown of that
place, who was expected to die, had
his llfo saved by Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. Ho writes;
"I endured insufferable agonies from
nsthma, but your Now Discovery
gave Immediate relief and soon there
after effected a complete cure." Sim
ilar cures of consumption, pneumonia,
bronchitis and crin aro numerous,
It's tho peerless remedy for all throat
and lung troubles. Price 50c and $1.
Guaranteed by Tallman & Co., drug
gists. Trial bottles free.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will bo received
at the ofllce of the undersigned, up to
3 o'clock Monday, April 27, room 7,
over Boston Store, for tho erection
and completion of a two-story brick
building with basement, for Mnlonoy
& Ferguson, nccording to plans nd
specifications now on file at ray of
fice. The owners reserve the right
to except any or reject all bids.
For Sale Cheap.
A small farm close in; fruit gar
den, irrigated, high grade soil, good
buildings. For Information, see .Tno.
Halloy. No. 10, Judd building, or ad
dress P, O. box 432,
Street poll tax of tho city of Pen
dleton Is now delinquent. Prompt
payment must bo mndo or collection
will he enforced nccording to law.
City Marshal.
We sell the greatest of blood puri
fiers, Acker's Blood Elixir, under a
posltlvo guarantee. It will euro all
chronic and other blood poisons. If
you have eruptions or sores on your
body, or are pale, weak or run dovro,
It is Just what you need. We refund
money It you aro not satisfied. EO
cents and ?1.00 F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
iKN thousand enrcA
women havo written
to tell bow Wine of
Cardui bestows the
blessing of health on every
woman who takes it, rich
and poor alike. 3Irs.
Helena lilau, No. 12.1 Sev
enth Street, Milwaukee,
Wis., is one of the young
women whom Wino of Car
dui has rescued from a life
of suffering. She writes:
"Wine of Cardui is certainly 'worn
out' women's best friend and I am pleased
to give my experience with It. A few
months ago I caught a severe cold, hav
ing been out in inckment weather, which
settled all over me, particularly in the
abdomen. I was la almost constant pain.
I consulted a physician and took his
medicine for a month and without any
relief. I then decided I would try your
medicine and it was a lucky day for me
when I did so. I noticed a change In a
few days and felt encouraged to continue
taking Wine of Cardui, and my patience
was rewarded, for in two weeks my pains
had left me and ! felt like a new woman."
Mn IUlmaBlau.
The woman who lias suf-
cred from female weakness
should do anything within
reason to securo health.
Wine of Cardui in the mcdi
cino that appeals to reasona
ble women women who
hold operations and cutting
in horror women whoknow
that Nature is tho best phy;
sician. Wino of Cardui
gives women back their
health bv civinrr Naturo a
chance to build up tho wasted and dis
eased tissue Wino of Cardui regulates
the menstrual flow and Nature, when
rcliovcd of tho drains or of tho poisons
in the system, makes tho functional
organs strong and healthy again.
Any woman who is silently suffering
untold pains because she is too sensitive
to undergo a physician's examination
and treatment can find no excuse for
not securing relief when Wine of Car
dui is offered to her. There is no pub
licity to deter her. She can tako Wino
of Cardui in the privacy of her home,
with as much assurance of a final cure
as though a dozen doctors recommended
it. Many physicians . do recommend
Wino of Cardui to their patients.
Why not get a $1.00 bottle of Wine
of Cardui from your druggist today?
A million suffering women
have found relief in
Wino of Cardui.
The new store can never be
known unless It advertises
expect people to know wha
you have to sell If you don'l
It is Coming Rapidly In Pendleton.
RADER. So many peoplo go through
tho same oxperlenco daily. This pub
He statement should be proof positive
tn evory wavering doubter, Read It
Mrs. C. C. Hendricks, wlfo of C. C.
Hendricks, lnsuranco agent, living at
108 West Court streot, says: "When
I first heard of Doan's Kidney Pills
I had b"!cn suffering for over n year
t'th pains In my loins and back and
with a weakness of the kidneys, nnd
I therefore decided nt once to try the
pills. I got a box at the Brock &
Mc-Comas Co. drug storo. Now I don't
want to say that they have entirely
cured me, for the troublo may return
some tlmo In the future, but thoy en
tirely rolloved the backache and up
to this time I hnvo had no return of
the troublo. Only the other day I told
a lady friend, who is suffering from
kldnoy troublo to try thorn and havo
recommended them to others. I shall
continue- to do so."
For snlo by nil dealers. Prlco B0
cents por box.
Foster-MUburn Co,. Buffalo. N. Y.
solo agents for the United States.
Remember the nnmo DOAN'S
and take no other.
Pure and Mellow. I
Rich and Ddlcate. I
The East Oregonian Is Eastern Ore
gon's representative paper. It leads
and the people appreciate It and show
It by their liberal patronage. It la the
advertising medium of this section.
Royal Insurance Co.,
Going to
Repair your homes or plia
of business by having them piial
ea or papered.
to ts
Large and nicely selects!
stock of wall paper and paints.
E. J. Mtttphy,
111 Court Street.
Agency for the Sherwin-Wlil
Jlams Paint.
lly daylight Inn memorial
trip WJKiii imuiiu"v
Famous Badger
State Express
Minneapolis and St.
Paul to Chicago
daily, via
.... Pirlt'l
Oil C arlHUtttiohi. to tojl
or thlH train. -M,'B "nJl
- a, in (-arte. tvul s
unly ftr what ' ord', I
...ii tnin.mntlon and tiM I
H. L. SISLER. Gen-lAjt
248 Alder Street. Fort:sni."
want to ,0st?trVw Bf
papers In the United 8tJ
Silt by postal note. eb ,rt
EAST OREGON Ar. i" -oelH
price ot the publication fj BwSj.
:.,ni v.. .a it amt TO'l ana 7.iui
II Will .. ""11 ESfJ
von are a soDSCniwr w in
rrom me puDiwuei -r. ivml
sMHBra j
'fMam . I :-w