East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 22, 1903, Image 7

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Never before have we been
able to show you such a
Complete Line of Spring
and Summer CLOTHING
Nice, neat and (T I A
Nobby One J IU
Fit and Style Guaranteed
$7,50, 10.00, 12,50
SI5.00 and $20,00
Corner Main and Alta afreets.
City Briefs
Choice moats at Houeer'i.
Best thoe work at Teutsch'a.
House to rent, 8. E. T. Wade.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
Smoke the "Pride ot Umatilla,"
Ladles' hair soles 40c. Tetitsch.
Ice cream and soda. The Delta.
W. D. Fechter, teacher ot the violin,
Fresh vegetables all season, St. Joe.
Spinach, rhllbarh irrpon nnlnns St
Joe. ' '
Spring samples, large line, at Joer-ger's.
and poultry, Lyman's 310
prize Miss Nell Whlttemore,
The deilamatoi y contest lust night
the Pendleton Acndemy resulted
the first prize being awarded Miss
ace Crockett, and tln second, Miss
II U'Mttnninr.i Tim HrsJ f'nsh
- o 1 ,. ,,,.,,,, Q A
. I! ft' I .
m. lllfE T,ffirt TlnHut'cnii IMul RnVB
J. Dlven and II. V Harper.
Real Estate Transfers.
Sihorn & Swaggart have bought
Geary Klinbicll lot I, block 1, In
1 Urcrniore addition, paying there
jjni. This property lies on the
United Trust Company has
id i. ranee 3 . v nt k v ml na
J Manning has sold tn Levi El-
isf iui fu.uuu. iiis iiini-acro larm
the cltv
Presbyterian General Assembly Meet
ing, Los Angeles, Calif., May
23-June 2, 1903.
For the above occasion the O. It,
& N. Co. will sell tickets irom' all
rail stations in Oregon, Washington
and Idaho as follows: One fare to
Portland. From Portland to Los An
geles via steamer, from Portland to
San Francisco. In connection with P.
Sec-, C. S. S. Co. in both directions, $35.70,
including meals and berth.
From Portland via rail In both di
lections $38.00, or via ocean steamer
to San Francisco, thence Southern
Pacific to Los Angeles and leturn to
Portland, or vice versa.
Dates ot sale:
Via steamer from Portland May 10,
11. 15 and lfilh.
Via rnll from Portland, May 13,
14. 15th.
Stop-overs will be allowed In Cali
fornia In either direction.
Old Band Reorganized.
There will soon be a reorganization
ol the old band, and It Is expected
that nbout 10 adult members will take
part. Every part usually found in a
band of that size will be represented.
The reorganization will take place
next Tuesday night, and It is nroba
ble that rehearsals will begin that
nignt. Nearly all the players, or
perhaps all of them, will be expert
enced musicians, nnd It Is expected
that the new band will render some
line niuslc by the time May Day ar
ri!ie.'Tluli,1 ln '' m-w style In
". Special deslKUb for U.
qv.u mini WMinnoo vi'itn.fi
-"wwi iu k i i ur u i n n An u'iil. mrr
o-u uuou waiones $12 to $45
Articles of Incorporation.
Articles of incorporation of the
Umatilla County Abstract Company
were filed this morning. The com
pany has a capitalization of $5,000
and the Incorporators are Joseph T,
Hlnkle. William J. Keys and John
W. Haller. The company will do
general real estate business. Includ
ing buying, selling and leasing; also
a general brokerage business, ab
stractlng, Insurance and loan agency
and handle money for both borrow
ing and loaning.
Died of Heart Failure.
C. Gagnon arrived in the eity early
this morning tiom the Greenhorn
country with the body of his brother
Feter, who died Saturday last in the
Greenhorn district of heart failure.
His death was practically Instantan
eous. Mr. Gagnon was taking the
body to Walla Walla for interment.
Peter Gagnon had been In the Green
horn district about 15 years.
Wheat at Pilot Rock.
W. F. Earnheart reports the wheat
In the Pilot Rock country and all the
way south from the city as in really
better condition on an average than
the wheat In the northern part of the
county. All the livestock in the
southern part of tho county Is also In
line condition, and the range is excel
lent considerable better than It was
a year ago.
w ''lWl$fy. c,ai,KW to aeHlujf a pure Castile Soap, r" The
J.1 forOHrc Tni K!""plyl.? trade nme. There wae a time when It
0,1 Soap made In nTf p, We wH1 JU9t y that we are selling an Olive
cmrrett With"V.,cfTOt,H the Spanish Olive Oil nnd let you
0c Cake: 3 Cakes 25c
'hlcW of OUKSOAP (not pure
fh.lo'olorit,B m tt ,y adding (noe green) which H obtained by
"ct nn "itter. but ll.-i.t ... a'i., u. .,7i
le soap In water, '
Go to St. Joe store for fresh vegetables.
Have your shoes renaired at
xeuiscn s.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
3()y Court street.
Hays' cigar store, headauarters for
smoKers- supplies.
Fresh salmon received dally at Cas
tle's fish market.
All kinds of Imnorted nnd domestic
lunches at Gratz's.
Baseball bats, mlts. gloves, balls
and masks. Nolf's.
Have you had your shoes renalred
at Teutsch? Try him.
bpecial bargains in street hats at
Campbell's, Court street.
The Delta Ice cream parlors are
now open for the season.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candies and fruits.
A house for sale on installments,
$15 per month. N. T. Conklln.
Imported limhurger and Swiss
cheese sandwiches at Gratz's.
"EI Sldelo," tho best cigar made, at
Itees' cigar store. Court street.
A paying business for sale, small
capital required. N. T. Conklln.
Lot for sale; great bargain; Raley's
addition. Inquire at 403 Alta street.
Pendleton Boquet and Pride of
Umatilla. A. Rhode, manufacturer.
Our new spring patterns for suits
are for Inspection. Selbert & Schulz.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
309 W, Court street. 'Phone and bath.
Blacksmith shop in Pendleton for
sale. See Earnhart, Association
Mrs, Campbell has received her
third invoice of beautiful dress and
street hats.
Wanted Girl for general house
work. Apply to Mrs. W. J. Clarkp,
i. d Haley street.
For Sale Residence with one, two
or three lots, located at 517 Jane
street. Call at bouse.
Stop paying rent. Own your home.
A tew choice lots for sale at a bar
gain. See rtlhorn & Swaggert.
Houser always furnishes good
meat. Send In your order. Market
Alta street, opposite Savings Bank.
The Federal Labor Union in this
place now numbers 320 members, and
will tomorrow night Initiate 15 new
Jack Brown yesterday shipped
$1,300 worth of hides mostly from
cattle and sheep to Portland, from
this point.
Furnished house for a family with
no children, to be rented for two or
three months. Apply at the East
Oregonlan office.
Richard C. Baker has sold 100
acres of land near Nye to James
Davis for $1,000. W. F. Earnhart
effected the transfer.
The Woman's Auxiliary will hold
a dime soc a at tne pansn iiouse
this evening at 8 o'clock-. Proceeds
for parish purposes.
What might be called the adult
band In the absence of any more
definite appellation as yet, met and
practiced last night.
The W. & C. R. bridge over the
Walla Walla River, lour miles this
side of Hunt's Junction, was com
pleted several days ago.
The ladles giving the social at the
narish house this evening hope to
sec a large crowu present, a gomi
time is assured everyone.
For sale New residence and one
lot at the corner of Washington and
Jeffeison stieets, one block irom
Main street. Conrad Platzoeder,
Penland Bros, have leased the
Armory Hall. Lodges or private
parties wishing to rent the same can
apply at their office, No. C47 Main
Milt Pomeroy of Seven Mile, will
this spring build several miles or
fenclnir on his ranch and also build
several cabins for the accommodation
of his herders.
.1. W. Prlvett Is nutting in four new
bath tubs and two new boilers for the
bathroom In the rear of his barber
shop. The Thompson Company is
doing the work,
C. R, Dutton is completely remodel-
ing the Interior of his confectionery
store, and having the exterior rf
nalnted. In addition, tho Interior Is
being lepalnted and repapered.
Cainots and upholstered furniture
renovated; all dirt removed and orig
inal colors restored without romovlng
from floor. References from best
homes In city. Leave orders 400
West Alta, or 'Phono main 1441.
J. S. Jones the stock buyer, states
that It takes lots of rustling to get
hold of almost any kind or stocK
eady for shipment to the Hound for
Tomorrow IT ra Tomorrow '
wool mm, The PEOPLES $2 00
Where there is 50 much advertising, so much promised in the
way of bargains 'tis hard for you to pick the right one be
cause as much good can be written of a poor article as a good
one. We ask you to bring all your price quotations to our
store with you and we'll meet EVERYONE and beat many
Express Arrivals
Peau do Soie, 36 inoUos wide, just tho
thing for Skirts, Waist Shirts Monte
Carlos. Anuora Pongee, the latest for
Skirts and Shirt Waists, 7oc per vard.
Jap Silks in 20, 21 and 27 inch. Taffeta
Silks in the wash and changeable in
complete lines of colors.
Damask Waisting.
Mercerized Oxfords are the very new
est novelties. We have them for 25e,
35c, 38c, 15c and 69c per yard.
Ladies' Neckwear
Pique Wash Stocks, 48c and 63c. Mull
Embroideried Stocks and Ties, 35c, 50c
and 75c. New Turnover Collars 10c, 15e,
20c, 25 1 and 50c. New Venice Lace Col
lars 66c, 85c, $1 00 and $1.50.
100 Pieces New Calicoes
Blues, Reds and Blacks, only Best
Quality at 5 cents per yard.
Special Values in Laces.
Linen Machine made Torchon :,' inch
to 4 inches wide lc, 2c, 4c, oc, 8c and
10c per yard.
Nainsook, Swiss Cambric Edges and
Insertions; also Beadings 1 inch to 9
inches wide, 2c, 4c, 6c, 8c, 12c, 15c and
25c per yard.
Experienced llressmakers will only
fit over Royal Worcester Corsels not from
'.l. 4..i. !. -i- -'-i-'t--l- -i
favoritism but because ifia tho only Cor
set over which a garment may bo fitted
to any form and yet set perfectly smooth.
It is the BEST Corset, sold, and we
carry full lines from 50e eacn to $2.75.
Ladies' and Childrens' Black and
Colors, Chiffon and Silk, Ruffled and
Plain, 25oeaeh to $10.00.
Men's and Boys' Clothing
Just a few words nbout the kind of clothing
this store deals in. Workmanship and quality,
a style and shape that shows itself on the
wearer; our showing of men's and boys' appar
el is complete as shown anywhere.
Men's suits from
$5.00 to $25.00
Boys' suits from
50c to $10.00
Ladies' Shoes.
This weok we are offering some ex
ceptionally good bargains in Ladies'
Stylish Footwear. Fino Kid, extension
sole, Slipper foxed low Shoos $2.50.
Extra fine, light solo, Dress Shoos $3.00.
Patent Leather, Dress Shoes, Ultra
make $2.75. Patent tip, Kid Ox'fords,
fancy dull tops, $1.95.
Children's Shoes
Dongola Kid, patent tip, fancy stitch
ed 2-5, 60c. Dongola Kid, wedge heels,
patent top 3 5, 75c. Plump Dongola.
box tips, 6-8, 88c. Vici Kid, fair stitcned
edges, 9-11, $1.48.
4- -l 4. 4.
the fresh meat market. He yester
day bought a bunch of fine beeves
of J. R. Gurldarian for I'latzoeuer.
The Lewis and Clark committee
from the women's clubs of tho city
adjourned yesterday afternoon until
some later date subject to call. In
the interval between this time and
the next meeting plans for action will
bo formulated.
Let Us Give You a Pointer.
There will be "something doing" all
the time at Walla Walla on Friday,
May 1, and you can't afford to miss
being In. The excursion train will
leave the Washington & Columbia
River office at 7:30 a. in.
Arriving Daily At
The Nolf Store
WE ARE pleased to advise that
we have received a full new
stock of these celebrated
$2.50 Shoes
Fine Line Crepe and Tissue '
aper All colors and shades. I T
Fine figured crepe paper, fcr
shelves, lamp shades, Etc. 1
mand than ever. Fine Oregon
Yellow Danver Onion Sets, i2c
per pound. All 5c Vegetable and
Flower Seeds, here for 2c.
CROQUET An oxtra fine line
now on sale. Hardwood and well
shaped balls and mallets, 95c to
$3.45 a set.
ing tags, string tags, shipping 1
tags, pin tickets, rubber bands, 1
about twenty different brands of
inks, mucilages, Etc. I
Go where they all go, to t
1 Robinson's Amusement
Howling, Shooting, Fool
and Billiards.
I Corner Mam and Webb Sts.
printed, 48c.
This is the shoe we had last fall
and sold out every pair before
we could get more of them. We
have arranged to keep them cons
tantly on hand, so you had better
try a pair,
DESCRIPTION Vici kid, Good-
year welt, patent tip, smooth
insole, flexible and new spring
last, la:e.
Boston Store
Where Whole Families Are Shod
The Nolf Store
Telephone Main 4
The Little Darlings
Now that gentle Spring is with us, Mothers, you can
take your children out in the opi n air and let them enjov the
We want to havt- the pleas ire of Mnwhg you tie swell,
est line of
In Pen Itton,
Next door to PoBtoflicc.
. 1 1
1 t'j