East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 22, 1903, Image 5

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Made of felt, thor
oughly saturated with
P&Bcompound. Not
impaired by varying
temperatures. Does
not evaporate, crack,
expand or contract.
A low priced roofing that cn
not be equaled. to Woklef
The Paraffine Paint Co.
Sin Francisco, Swttk,
Porilind, Lo Anjclu
and Dtnvtr, Colorado.
gl WWW
Just receivedi another
car load of Poultry and
stock supplies at the
nurw kiii i
1"7 and 12 7 .inst A1U Street ?
William Parry Telia of the Large
Elk Herds, Also Moose and Griz.
lily Bear Beautiful Red Top Mead,
ows, Where Only Game Browie.
William Parry, who Is one of the
United States forestry officials on the
Bitter Hoot forest reserve, and who
lias been In the rttv inteiv .m iu
the district between the forks of the
Clearwater river, which is under his
control, was visited by only 23 peoplo
last summer. This district is larger
than several of the New England
states, says the Spokesman-Review.
"The several months that I spent in
that section last summer I met only
five parties, in which there were al
together 23 people," said Mr. Parry.
"Ernest Seton Thomson was in the
section last summer looking for game.
We met his party and from what we
could learn they had been very suc
cessful in locating both elk and
moose. Some of tho other parties
had also been successful in seeing
neither mooso nor elk and believed
that there were none nl the country.
"I have spent five or six summers
in this district and fully realize what
an excellent game country there is
between the Sol way and the Locksaw
"There is an abundance of elk in
tho country, and In one herd that I
saw last summer I counted 42 cows,
two young bulls and a large number
of calves. This was before July 1,
when they are banded up. As soon
as tho calves become active the
herds disband and It Is then much
more difficult to locate them. Where
1 saw this large band was on the
bead of Warm Springs creek. This
creel: has become famous because it
was near here that tho Carlin party
made their raft for the voyage down
tho Clearwater.
Moose Harder tcr Get.
"Moose are much harder to reach
than elk, for they remain In the cedar
swamps and other inaccessible
"Grizzly bears are also found. A
piospecting party last summer had an
experience with a large silver tip.
After they had made camp they no
ticed a large bear coming leisurely
down the mountain. The prospectors
had no firearms, save a 32-callhre re
volver, and they knew it would bo
foolhardy to fire at tho monster. Ar
he came slowly lumbering down tho
mountain side the campers brought
their horses In close and tied them
securely, for they were afraid brutn
ould attack them. As tho bear ap
proached closer thoy began shouting
In order that they might drive him
off. but he paid no attention to the
disturbance and commenced circling
around tho camp, drawing in closer
all tho tlmo. They then began throw
ing firebrands at htm, but this had
no effect upon him.
Halfbreed Wants to Fire.
"Thero wctc twa white men in the
party and a halflireed Indian, who
was conducting them to some lost
placer mine. The halfbreed became
so excited that ho was on the point
of discharging his revolver at the
brute. His companions insisted that
he put the revolver down, and as he
insisted, that he Intended firing in
a minute, both men jumped at him,
knocked him down and took the re
volver away. After tho scuffle was
over and the men arose the silver tip
was still nosing around, but within
a few minutes he became dissatisfied
with his observations and disappear
ed Into the brush.
"At the heads of many of the creeks
there are beautiful meadows in which
there Is an abundance of mountain
red top. On Elk creek summit there
Is 1000 acres of land covered with
mountain red top. I believe rr.at a
ton and a half of hay can be cut on
every acre. Cattle can never be taken
there on account of the shortness of
the season. It would be Impossible
to get them Into the country before
July 1, and early in September It
would be necessary to tauo them cut.
"In parts of the icserve thero are
snlendld bodies of Umber. It Is most
ly yellow pine and cedar."
Bids Wanted.
Sealed bids will bo received at the
county clerk's office or Umatilla coun
ty, until 2 o'clock p. m.. May 6th, 1903,
for the west half of block 85, and nil
of block 86, Reservation addition to
Pendleton, known as tho County Hos
pital property.
Bids for single lots, quarter, half,
whole block or the entire tract (21
lots) wll be entertained, reserving
the right to reject any and all bids.
The right to occupy the buildings
will be reserved until about July 1st,
inns. Terms cash.
County Clerk.
There are 40,000 persons In the
municipal service In New York city.
MnnnnAl. 1) nrr f
in hall nllnn
, jackets and pails.
! Lettuce
1 Onions
. KJ
The Caddie I fought I'd Irurn omr itew vuu wunln in din lilaiima, liu
blamed lr dry uln't vtui'k a Hundny-iicliool leather on in!
Liitw riirin 111 . III.R
Kennel Show on Coast.
San Francisco, Cal., April 22. The
seventh annual bench Bhow of tho
San Francisco Kennel Club, which
opened today In Mechanlc'8 PavlIIIon
Is pronounced by expert fanciers to
be the most notable exhibition of the
kind ever held on tho Pacific coast.
Well-known kennels from Victoria to
Ios Angeles have sent their prize
winning canines and every known
breed Is represented. Tho Judging
was begun today under tho direction
of (leorgo Ruper of Knglund, and will
be continued until the close of tho
show Saturday night.
The Colombia
Lodging Hoae
Newly Furnished.
1 1 ii in I I til T r-t:
Delegates of tho rallrond and
steamboat clerks of the Unttod States
met in Chicago Monday and organiz
ed the International Association of
Hallway Clerks.
F. X. Schempp
Propr! e t o r
rnrmers iusiuiii
Fred Walter, I
Capacity 160 barrels day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, miii Feed, uno?pea
always oa hand.
-smw mm m? www?? ??????? w???w
1 MAY 15th, 1903
Development at the Highland Mine Justifies an Advance in the Price ot Stock. It is Much More;
Valuahle Now Than Wnen We Flacea me First Allotment on tne MarKet some
Two Months Ago.
A crew of men hsivc been constantly at work ever
since wo acquired this property and the Glasgow crosscut
has now encountered and fully crosscut the ledge. In thin
ciosscnt ive have opened up a body of ore sixteen feel in
width carrying good commercial values.
In speaking of commercial values we mean ores
wl'jch have a sufficient value to pay for the extraction
milling and all other incidental expenses thereto, with
on ugh of a margin left over to pay good dividends to the
This large body of ore was not in the nature of u
surprise, we simply expected it, as the surface develop
ments showed this same large body of ore, and there was
no reason why it should not ho encountered in this ckns
'iil and at this depth.
We arc now turning to drift on the ledge to the west
from the crosscut in order that we may open up the richer
eies at a greater depth which are found on the surf aw
throughout tho Bannockhurn claim.
This lino of development, wo believe, will prove very
interesting to all who are interested, or may become inter
etted in the Highland mine, as it will certainly open up
ore bodies rich in quality and in large quantities.
It will demonstrate that the Highland will rank as ouo
of the largest producers in tho district.
From now on the development work will be com
paratively easy and not very expensive, as we will lw
drifting along the ledge where the ground is much easier
to work than in the country rock which encases tho vein.
F.very month will show a large increase in our ore reserves.
To any one who wishes to invest a reasonable sum of
money in the Highland mine, we will pay all traveling
expenses to and from the mine for the purpose of his
making a personal examination.
In offering you a free trip to the Highland we feel
tinit this is proof within itself of the value of this prop
erty as it stands to reason that if wo di dnot huvo a good
n,:ne thero and all that wo claim for it wo could not offer
uut such an inducement.
We would be only too glad to have each and every
em who contemplates tho investment of money in mines,
me out ami leok over this properly and the district in
general. In offering to pay your expenses out hero and
back wo feel that wo are not running any risk whatsoever
as we know positively that no one, no mutter how great
or conservative an expert or mining engineer he may lw,
could possibly, roughly speaking, "turn it down."
If you have not sufficient money yourself to justify
you in coming to tho Highland to look it over before in
vesting, wo would suggest that you and your friends make
up a small pool and send one of your number out here
to leok over tho Highland. Jn this way wo believe you
v uld get absolulo information as to tho valuo of tho prop
erty you invest your money in, and you will also have an
opportunity to learn all about the reputation, standing
and ability of tho directors of tho Highland oitmpiny.
Wo take pleasnro in referring you to any bank, buv
ii ess man, or mining man in our own community.
Tf you wish to secure any of this stock while it is
selling at tho low price you should send in your order us
quick as possible, Those who have not all tho money on
band to pay for as much stock as they wish to purchase,
may send us a portion of it and wo will set tho stock aside
for you and you can pay the balance Inter.
Address all communications, and make your checks, drafts and money
oruers payame to
In case all the stock we wish to sell you jfJ
before yow order received, we reserve the right to retera yo
Department No. 17
Financial Ag cots Sumptef, Oregon