V lu'' fi" 'Hf M FOR TEN DAYS ONLY CLEARANCE PYROQRAPHIC MATERIAL Outfits, Regular $500 $400 Bowls, Regular 60. Bowls, Regular....i 135. 40 90 20 25 3 35 1 10 1 10 ricture frames, Kcgu'ar 25. Picture Frames, Regular 35. Picture Frames, Regular 40., Picture Frames. Regular 50.. Tobacco Jars, Regular.... 165., Steins, Regular 165.. Trays, Regular 35 25 Pipe Racks, Regular 75 50 Stein Racks, Rrgubr 85 60 BROCK & McCOMAS CO. DRUGGISTS WEDNESDAY APRIL 22. 1003 All nre not just because they ilo not wrong: Hut he who will not wrong me 1 when he may ' He only is the truly just, I I praise not them Who in their petty dealings pll- ( for not. : Hut him whose conscience spurns a secret fraud I When he might plunder and defy surprise I His be the praise; who, looking dawn with scorn Upon the false Judgment of the partial herd, I Consults his own clear head ; and boldly dares 1 To be not to be thought an i honest man. SEND BACK THE CRIMINALS AND PAUPERS. swer is that It does, and that the people seem to bo satisfied. And the reason is that ours is "a government of laws, not of men" particularly not of a man and when rightly wound up it runs automatically very well for a coustdorablo period. Six insane pauper immigrants who arrived recently on board the Bul garia iron Russia, are to lie deported. While immigration of the better class Is desirable, there hns been too much laxity in years gone by in the en forcement of the regulations prohibit ing pauper, criminal and other un desirable classes coming to our ble because it was not generally THEY ALL HAD A CHANCE. Speaking of success, one of Theo (lore WInthrop's characters said; "Some men grab their chances, some chuck away their chances and some just let their chances slide." The following able lnwyers have held the office of attorney-general since the Sherman anti-trust law was passed. In 1S90: W. H. H. .Miller, under President Harrison, Richard Olney and Judson Harmon, under Cleveland. Joseph McKenna and John W. (Jriggs, under MeKinley. Philander C. Knox, under McKlnley and Roosevelt. All these men had an equal chance to win credit for the administration and personal distinction by securing an enforcement or the plain law against competition-killing and traffic-restraining trusts. Mr. Knox is the only one who improved his op portunityor to put it idiomatically. "grabbed his chance." And Ills action is the more conspicuous and credita- to understand that such appointments can 110 longer be obtained for parti san services only. The applicant for a consular office must be fitted by nature and by training to perform the duties which the American pub lie has a right to expect from each and nil of Its representatives abroad, The Washington Stnr In noting what has been, done in the way of reform says: "The service has grnd ually Improved In recent ndmlnlstra tions, but has not yet come up to the president's standard. Ho Is now on gaged In hoeing out the weeds, and In the several weeks past more men in the establishment have been re moved for reasons of reform than ever before in the same space of time." The report adds: "There now are 327 posts In tho service. While perhaps the poorest paid, it Is look ed upon ns already the most efficient consular corps in tho world. In tho eld days these po3ts were looked upon very generally ns sinecures, of' ferlng a foreign lite of ease to men with sufficient private fortune to ad mit of their mingling In society nbioad. Literary men coveted many of the berths for the abundant ma terlal offered and many a lasting bit of fiction has been Inspired by the romantic surroundings of our consul ntes. Hut tho Ideal wave of Yankee commercial supremacy has now beat en. upon the shores of the farthest distant isles of the sens and nearly every American consul is busy." The improvement thus being effect ed in the service without the old of reform legislation tends to confirm Dr. Johnson's theory that tho govern mem that Is best administered is best. It proves thai when a long de sired reform becomes n necessity and men are resolved to have It there Is nlways found some way of achieving it, oven If politicians object. It would be better, of course, to have a thor ough reform of the consular system, but oven If the present system con tinue It can be made to work well by resolute president. San Francisco Call. THE CHILDREN OF RICH. THE NEW- shores. .America has been used as the dumping ground for the scum and dregs of other nations too long. We have been the asylum for crim inals when their own land became tropical for them. We have been tho peeled of him. New York World. HOW THE DANCE ENDED. Wind ol an eye the fiddler played 011 a tliree-stringed violin: and ever tho same old tune he made, wore harbor of refuge for nihilists, high- ovc' tne sumo old grin. The rough binder nnrl n.nil.m nr ,,,., ,-,.. ' "ur ami me rougner wall to izatlons as the Mafia. If lite stom ach takes In too much trash the blood becomes impure. We have taken In too many undigestlble ele ments into our national life, hence we have such colonies as are found at Paterson, N. J., the 'headquarters of somo of the most noted anarchists from Europe. We are nlways willing to welcome emigrants who come here to make this land their home and to was iair by paint 3ince ever the the jostling crowd, thev creaked There was beer, mescal .or the Scotch high-ball while the fiddle screamed and shrieked. So the miner danced in his wild, weird might to the blaze of the tallow dip, and varied it all with brawl and fight and a ready hand at hip. For the smile he fought of his lady fair. though painted she was like sin. and the fiddler kept to his lonesome air and ever ho seemed to grin; for the Indian cross, and over and ave the mixed blood taint showed plain through the surface gloss. And the glasses clinked at the slop py bar and tho oaths they were some what rude, for this is a tale of things that are and of social form that's crude. So they danced and drank nnd drank and swore, and once was a pistol shot, and a form lay stretched or. tho rough bonrd floor, and a man that was. was not. But thev took the Inferior, our country Is not corpse to a nearby tent, and on they wont with the dance, for as yet the night it was not hair spent; iunnnua, tomorrow, perchance? become loynl and law-abiding citi zens. We want to purify our national life and to keep It pure. To do so we will have to exercise greater dil igence n excluding Immigrants who come here as agitators or to brew trouble and not to earn a living and found a home. While our extent Is vast nnd we can assimilate much that is a lake into which Europe can dis charge her sewerage and garbage to pollute our national life. GOVERNMENT IN THE SADDLE. It is a singular coincidence that when the kings and presidents of Europe are upon their travels Presi dent Roosevelt is also absent upon a Go-days' whirl through half as many states and terlrtorles, snys the New York World. The president of France, now In Algeria, is an amiable figurehead And the frontier keeps to a two fold law like the moral code of sin, and the man who attempts it must be raw If he wears a dusky skin. For the frontier holds to Its double code, and the man who shot was white, and the man he hurried to death's abode, ho was neither black nor white. It is treat and dance nnd dance and treat to each of the painted bunch mescal or beer and a cigarette, by tho way of a Mexican lunch. And the danco went on and the fiddler played on hie thrce-strlnged violin with few official duties; the king of t ver the same old tune he made nun ever no seemed 10 grin. And the moon went down nnd the day put out the lamps in the desert sky; ltl tho sun came searching all about with his blear and torrid eye. Qreat Britain, who recently amused himself at a Portuguese bull-fight, "rules, but does not govern;" but a president of the United States hns something to. do. Yet how wonderfully easy, after all It must be to run this govern ment. 'A man In Dakota cannot sign papers, commissions and orders In Washington as tho executive servant of congress, THE CON8ULAR 8ERVICE. Although congress has- never pass ed any of the many measures devised for tho reform of tho consulnr service. It appears that reform is nevertheless taking place very rapidly. The ores- Practlcnlly, so far as sure of commercial expansion has the legal or constitutional form of service Is concerned, lie cannot per form It unless all these papers nro Bent after him to take their chances with the bears and bobcats. How can this government go on like clockwork for CC days without a head In Washington? The best an- been felt In tho state department. and in response to the domands of merchants nnd manufacturers tho service Is being filled up with men competent to promote American trade and advnnco American Interests. President Roosovolt has cordially co-operated In tho work of Improving tho personnel of tho service and has given the politicians at Washington The United -States commissioner of education. In his speech before the International Kindergarten Union in Pittsburg, did- not exaggerate the acts when lie said that 'an import- nut work for the kindergarten -is to uienare the precocious children which are born into families of the newly 'rich for a life helpful to civi lization," or in coupling them with the children of the very poor as a oclal problem for educators. The making of money Is normally an intellectual operation. It sharp ens the wits, develops keenness. Unfortunately breadth does not al ways develop in due proportion. Having "made his pile" the newly rich man has too often no resource except to go on and make more, or to stop working, stop thinking, eat and drink more thnn is good for htm, try gambling, nnd In general make of himself a spectacle and an exemplar of what not to do. Even where the father avoids tills j swift mental and moral degeneration the son Ih apt to justify Commission er Harris' description of him as "wil ful and capricious, siouthful nnd un certain In his habits of study, and altogether an unmanageable pupil in school." This is the type of .glided youth who barely "scrapes through" a fashionable college, which ho de moralizes by his idleness and ex travagance; who distinguishes him self 111 the gaming houses of two con tinents, and who. armed for uluucht ter with a high-power automobile, nnd regardless of law or the people's rights. Is almost as much n menace to life as would be a baby with a Ratling gun. How to find useful employment for Idle millionaires nnd to teach them that there Is more hnppitiess In work than In health-wasting profligacy, is rather more than a kindergarten un dertaking. New York World. - K - Tailor Made Suits We have the celebrated "Ainsfield suits and skirts, and none are better fitting, better more up to-datc. If you want a good suit we have it. If you want a cheap or medium or skirt we have it, perfectly made and the best values to pc lonnu tn fcasterq Oregon, SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK, ending Saturday, April 18th: With every tailor mart skirt and shirt waist suit, sold for $12 or more, we will give you absolutely FREE, your rv any sailor hat in our stock, or any street hat or trimmed hat not exceeding $175 j price iir.i. tMnr .nn.ln onit iir ct-!rf n n rl chirt- waist suit, costintr S7. eg or mnm , ...-n llll l.i fcuuui muni, anil) - - - - ' ' ,j win gJYg j luteiy lice any sunur ur sucui uai m um sium, I jj Special Bargains Calico io yds. 40c, outing flannel 10 yds. 7c grade for 50c, gingham 10 yds. for 40c, LLhoiissr j 4c yd. Men's shirts black striped or light colored 40s each. . " THE FAIR hr AAAAAAAMAa. HhbbHtm Agents for the Raymond Washable Kid Gloves THE MORNING SUMMONS. and When the mist Is on the river tite haze Is on the hills. And the promise of tho springtime all the ample heaven 1111b: When the shy things in the wood- haunts, and tho hnrdy on the plains, Catch up heart and feel a leaping life through winter-sluggish veins: Then the summons of the morning like a bugle moves the blood, Then the foiiI of man grows larger, like n flower from the blood; For the hope of high endeavor is a cordial ball' divine. And the banner cry of Onward: calls the laggards into line. There Is glamour of the moonlight when the stars rain peace below, lint the stir and smell of morning is n better thing to know; While the night is hushed and hoi- den and transpierced by dieaniy song, l.o! the dawn brings dew and lire and the rapture of the strong. Richard Ilurton. HOMES In Pendleton and cut a few miles. Farms or small Tracts. $10.50 per acre buys ICO-acre farm with crop, U miles from town. $C,000 buys 480 acres, spring water, it miles out. $3,200 buys 1G0 acres, new home, only 2 miles from Pendleton. $4,!i00 buys 3G0 acres, purt bottom, some timber, growing crop a rare bargain. $S00 buys 5-ncrc home near city limits, mostly bottom in alfalfa Just what you are looking for. $1.D00 ,bwyB20 lots Irrigated, fruit; bulldlnga... I $2,200 lacreXhome; well improved mittonCJM,Tlrrignted for garden and chlcltetw.s.' $2,f00 A JO-aoreHiomo; well Improv ed; fruit. vr. 4-iO acres; choice grain land, 9 mllcB 1 out, 17.000. , , I N. T. Conklin. lAttPMtoffice.: , Big Ben Raised by Cas Rogers i ier -recK. aired by a tU bred Jack. His dam was il raaiicse jenny. u.. ...:n . 1 . " mane Hie preseal son at my piace three miM east of Pendleton on WiMfl Creek. Trr- c if t . 1 W. W. HARR OWNER ATER TI in me l mien mines imp iieuiu in iDI,... d.j on' V 1 every five is either murder or mil- I Ph"e' Red Z77;Jh i cine. LET US FILL I We male a Specialty cf Builirj or Square To look well iyour bill W1TFR your blood must be pure to give 1 II HI LI I your complexion that peculiur fresh- ! Bi f D T TT'JW RFP ness which can only be obtained I r UmDCl when your system is m good work ing order. Beecham's Pills will put I you in condition. i The land office at The Dalles Is in receipt of a department order with drawing from entry four more town ships in the Irrigation district in Umatilla county, near Willows, ex cept under the provisions of the act or June, 1902. Entries under this act are Biibject to a cutting down of acreage at the discretion of the secre tary of the Interior. The tract with drawn by this order Is townships " and 4 north, ranges 23 and 24 east THE PERPETUAL WAR There is always a fight going on in every human body between health and dis ease. On one side are poor food, bad air, over-work, worry, colds, accidents. On the other are sunshine, rest, cheerfulness and nourish ment. The reason Scott's Emul sion fights so powerfully for health is because it gives so much more nourishment than you can get in any other way. Get in the sunlight and try Scott's Emulsion. We'll tend you sample free upon rcquett. .SCOTT & UOWNE, 409 Pearl Street, New York. To feel well you must be well. Your digestive organs must be doing their work properly. Beecham's Pills act like oil on machinery, and will give you the snap and vigor that only comes with perfect health. To keep well every organ must be doing its duty stomach, liver and kidneys must each be in thorough working order. If you are not as well as you ought to be Take a small dose of BEECHAM'S PILLS They will set you right. Sold Everywhere IO Cents and 23 Cents We can supply'you with Building Material of all descriptions and . sa v e you money DOORS WINDOWS B u i Idin (,' paperlimie,, cement, brick and "'s anil?" Wood gutters for Ibarnsi and dwellings a specialty Oregon Lumberlard Alta St., Opp. Court HotiK HAY 1 Fine baled wheat hay f : for sale at We make thnm rislit :d always give satisfaction work is ntver slighted or todj Pendleton Planing! and Lumber Yard. Hon KT F0KSTE1 4i fiiiifipis mm ONLY ONE Week More OF THE EBEN SALE of SuilH, Skirls, elc. lluliinre of stock niUHt lie Hold at Hume price It will pay ton to visit the KIhjii Store tli" Tifgt Week of the Sale 'J li lui-t week of the Klen Sale. will lie the bent clmiiee. of all to tifll I'hikuIuh in Khirt WsIhIh, Fkl"- He. The? lngg.-.-a baruliiM yot pre Bcnt""", will beollereil next week If von nrotroluB to buy a tililrt Wnlat, Skirt or Milt, It will be decidedly to your interest to vu-it the J2ben Store Next Week the Isat week of the mle What tho good cimt will not l,v taken luto coualdcrntion during the Last weak of the Kbeu tinv of Sultv, Skirts, etc. Dutch Henry's Fed Yard Fine Yellow Newtown Applet) only 90 cents a box. y Fresh Ranch Eggs, 15 cents dozen, j We have the Famous and atf wavs satisfantnrv 4 " ? M0N0P0LE COFFEE : A trial will convince yon of its merits. D. KEHLER & SON The Big Store in a Small Room. Alta 8treet, Opposite Savings Baak Tho Oregon Dulljr Journal can be found on sale at Fraalor's book store. A Bad Wreck JMit not to bad x It might t, tmMmmt It tu thnroilBDlT Ft I rnail WOrlO nton nd vrolih cn do MjJ1.! vskicle la may" worm ir'"J or Wlnuna wagoni re the M am on ine mar" -r. .i MSkaand ateel clad but ns" " HtacUDie id iuh tniu.. i beat made. Call and ie KyracuM l'low nanaiw i - l tiling in earui. uaaQLE HROTHI" . .'!' Mil ud guaranty Iae6"" ilMDER NEW MANAGE TH OLD f Alta and Lilli'i P'Neff, formerly AteJWchaige of the1 uSui2Sr.fl Yard, ana p care for jo' tl.TSH .n- ur0p con- i-hon nu granRlc' necMH KTiim mi 1 LaPraijA. : ..IHBM"H" M