East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 21, 1903, Image 2

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i EL ecTMCNt, tm, tr
We are selling all the
new things in Spring
Clothing for Men and
Boys at Popular Prices
Men's Suits from
$5 to $1750
Boys' Salts from
$1.50 to $5
Bae & Daley
Ui.t-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers
H 1 I I I H I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 H--H-H-S
President Roosevelt will be tlie
guest of the labor unions while he is
at Butte. Mont
Birmingham council has been test
ing a motor fire engine which can
travel at 30 miles an hour.
Paraffin oil is about to be tried as
the motive power for herring fish
ing boats on the Moray Firth.
The government has just purchased
24,000 ounces of silver bullion to
turn into coins for the Philippines.
In Cardiff a parrot has just died
which was 40 years old. It had been
for 35 years with the family that
owned iL
A shipload of 16.000 seals has ar
rived at St. Johns. X. F. The Arctic
ice this year Is the heaviest known
for many years.
The astronomers of the world will
merge and form an association with
$10,000,000 capital. Harvard college
will be custodian of the funds.
A tornado in Neosha county. Kan
sas Saturday uigbt injured four peo
ple fatally and destroyed many homes
and a school building at St. Paul.
Ten state senators In Missouri will
be indicted Tor either perjury or brib
ery at St .Louis as a result of the
Investigations of the grand jury.
A 36-hour snow storm raged over
' Germany Saturday and Sunday Tel
egraph wires are down and trains
are stalled. It was accompanied with
wind which did much damage to
houses and trees
The anniversary or th emancipation
of 23,000,000 Russian peasants, liber
ated by Alexander II. in 18C1. is to
lie celebrated hereafter in the ortho
dox churches by elaborate thanksgiv
ing services instead or uy a smgie
requiem naBs.
W. H. Strawbrldge has recently
purcliased 42.000 acres of timber land
on the upper Rogue River for $960.
000. President Lytle of the Columbia
Southern, says that his road will not
be sold to the O. R. & N but that
It will be built into Central Oregon.
The National Shorthorn Breeders'
Asoclatlon will ship a consignment
of registered stock to Walla Walla
and hold popular sales early In
Patrolman W. F. Barnes, of Port
land, was shot at 1 o'clock Sunday
morning by CbarleB Palmer, a flee
ing robber. He was not seriously in
jured. Paddy Lynch, the Astoria sailor
boarding house mastei is In Jail con
victed of kidnaping Charles Gardner
nnd placing him upon the British ship
The sheepmen of the Sweetwater
country in Wyoming, have declared
open war upon the cattlemen and a
clash Is Imminent The state militia
may be called out to prevent a gen
eral fight.
All the union employes In the mills
and logging cirmps of Hohbs. Wallace
&. Co.. at Crescent City. Cal.. are on
a strike as the result of a refusal to
grant a request for a new schedule
of wages.
Between the ravages of an unusual
ly severe winter and the breaking out
of a malignant disease known as "big
head." the sheepmen of Utah. South
ern Idaho and Eastern Nevada have
lost nearly 40 per cent of their flocks
Golden Rule.
Mrs. Turner Oliver, La Grande.
Mrs. Olive Navin, Athena.
Bessie Navin. Athena.
D. L. Craig. Halverton. Mont.
Mrs. 12. Craig. Halverton.
A. Catlin. Portland.
L. Howard. Portland.
Miss Roberts. Portland.
James Beard. Tekoa.
G. V Hamersley. Milton.
Mrs. L. E. Hamersley. Milton.
Mrs. Crumrine. La Grande.
E. M. Crumrine. La Grande.
Louis Kahn. Portland.
Asa A. Moore. Milton.
Lessie Moore. Milton.
R. Morrison. Wnlla Walla.
B. F. Boughey. Kotinck.
C. Burroughs, Portland.
Jeff Berg. Walla Walla.
Bob Taldot. Walla Walla.
E. H. Burke. Portland.
W. R. McRoberts, Spokane.
J. H. Kloeckner, Spokane.
C. .1. Bundy. Heppner.
M. L. Warreu, Foster.
E. L. Daniels, Denver.
W .M. Hutchinson. Pilot Rock.
Joe F. Connelly, city.
D. H. Holyoke, Kayriu.
B. T. Williams. Demer.
W. E. Moore. Denver.
William Hosco. Speucer.
H. C. Hint. Echo.
A. G Newton. Echo.
M. L. Newton. Echo.
S J Holier. Echo.
F J. Gardner, Portland.
citv or TOLRPO. Is
j Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is
. the senior jmrfner at the firm of F, J.
' Cheney & Co., doing tmslnes In the city of
' Toledo, connty nnd state aforesaid, and
I that said arm will pay the anm of One
I Ilnndred Dollars for each and erery case
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
use of nail's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In
my presence this fith day of December, A.
D- 1880.
(Seal.) A. W. GLEASON.
Notary Pnblle.
I nail's Catarrh Cnre Is taken Internally
cnd acta directly on the blood and mnrons
anrtacea or tne system, wsnrj ior testi
monials free.
F. J. Car.STT! k CO Toledo. O
Sold by all druggists. 73c
nail's Family nils are the beat
Stock Farm for Sale.
We have the Jas. Lindsay farm,
near Alba for sale. It consists of C40
acres. 140 acres in timothy: more
than 200 acres In wild hay, which will
grow timothy, A portion will grow
wheat and barley, balance pasture;
abundance of water. All fenced;
good buildings.
Will sell In one, two or three tracts.
Easy terms.
We wish to announce to the public
that we have just received from the
East a new hearse costing $1,600. It
Is of the latest pattern and best work
manship, having rubber tires and all
modern improvements. Our under
taking department Is thoroughly
equipped and up to date.
Pendleton, Or
If you desire a good complexion use
Mokl Tea, a pure herb drink. It acts
on the liver and makes the skin
smooth nnd clear. Cures sick head
aches. 25 cU. and E0 cts. Money re
funded If It does not satisfy you.
Write to W. H. Hooker Sc Co., Buffalo,
N. T., for free sample. W. H Schmidt
& Co., druggists .
Lots for Sale.
I offer same nice lots on the north
side near the river. No grading need
d. Price $200 to $300. N. T. Conk-lln.
High Wind Blows Down Fruit Trees
Frnk Kapp Returns From Medi
cal Springs Fine Weather for
Ridge. April IS. Thomas Ogle re
ports that the high winds a short
time ago blew down about 25 fine
trees on the B. F. Ogle stock ranch.
Most of them were In clusters and
were torn up by the roots.
It Is reported that Kopp brothers
lost a good cow atid calf In a well of
Mrs. James Davis, a few days ago.
Frank Kopp, who has been taking
treatment at the medical springs of
Washington, has returned home much
improved, yet not fully cured.
B. Htnkle Is building fence for the
Rust Bros.
W. E. Baker was transacting busi
ness In Pendleton this week.
It Is reported that George L. Horse
man .of Gurdane. has purchased the
Harold farm in that vicinity last
week. The farm consists of 4S0 acres
and the price paid was $2500.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Slmonton are
working for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ely
of Gurdane at present.
J. A. Ingersol. of Michigan, is visit
ing with his niece. Mrs. .1 H. Taylor,
or Alba.
Charles E. Hoover, of Alba, was a
guest of the Ogle's Wednesday night.
He was on his way to Pendleton and
reports some wlntery weather in his
E. R. Baiter, of Pendleton, was vis
itiug in this part a few days ago.
The Misses Susan and Fraukie
Ogle of Athena, are reported to have
the measles, but are getting nlong
William Futter has moved his cat
tle out to nis home ranch near U!:iah.
Mrs. James Davis and family, of Al
tai, are visiting and transacting liusv
intss ii. this vicinity at present.
We have had very pleasant weather
fc the ii?.s wc-ok. Cloudy and warm
most of the time with some snow
and rain, some freezing during the
first part of the week, and the ther
mometer registered from 36 to Co
above zero. Nice weather for lamb
ing nnd fine grass, and good for all
kinds oi stock.
Thomas Ogle, who has undergone
a siege of rheumatism for some time
it mains in about the same condition.
Mrsfl. Charles Betts, of Helix. Give
an Old-fashioned Party to the El.
derly Ladies.
On Saturday, April 18. Mrs. Clias.
Betts. or Helix .gave a dinner party
and an old-fashioned quilting bee to
the elderly ladles of the village.
The guests were Mrs. Myrick. Mrs.
Rehm. Mrs. Stanton, Mrs. Huson,
Mrs. Montgomery and Mrs. Dodge.
Their combined ages numbered 380
years, hut In spite of their advance
years, they showed their skill by a!
most finishing the quilt.
Miss Emma Green assisted Mrs.
Betts in receiving them. They pass
ed a very pleasant day together, re
calling their younger days .and round
that each represented a different
The old gentlemen are anxiously
waiting, hoping Mrs. Betts will give
Ihem a dinner party, and have faith
fullv promised to split wood If she
New Babies in Town
Just arrived, the new style Baby Upright Piano
315 East Court Street.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received
at the office or the undersigned, up to
3 o'clock Monday, April 27. room 7,
over Boston Store, for the erection
and completion of a two-story brick
building with basement, for Maloney
& Ferguson, according to plans nnd
specifications now on file at my of
fice. The owners reserve the right
to except anv or reject all bids.
A Great Sensation.
There was a big sensation In Lees
lile, Intl.. when W. H. Brown of that
place, who was expected to die. had
his life saved by Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. He writes
"I endured insufferable agonies from
asthma, but your New Discovery
gave Immediate relief and soon there
after effected a complete cure.' Sim
ilar ernes of consumption, pneumonia,
bronchitis and grip are numerous
It's the peerless remedy for all throa
amrTung troubles. Price 50c and $1
Guaranteed by Tallman & Co., drug
gists. Trial bottles free.
For Sale Cheap.
A small farm close in: fruit gar
den. Irrigated, high grade soil, good
buildings. For information, see Jno.
Halley. No. 16. Judd building, or ad
dress P O. box 432.
Call and see them. They are reasonable in price
makes it possible for everybody to have one.
Sharpies Tubular Dairy Cream Separator
Beats them all for close skimming
and easy running, no disc or bowl
complications whatever
The closest skimmiug and easiest tun
Sepurator yet produced, securing under th.
adverse circumstances as rega'd to nuallty o
ditlon and tcmpeinture oi the milk ns
heretofore considered impossi le. It dtlivmJ
Hmooth, frothless, perfect cream that will ctJ
out more butter than can be obtuinwl fmm.J
other Separator in existen e. ' an betboraS
ly ana completely wasuea inside of five nj
lite, as there are only three pieces totht kt
rue rjnarpies iuuuiarniaciiine3 are then,
simple nd durable made, and cau bpmilnt.
ed lit a lew- coxt for oil and renewal parts lb
any inner oepantiur ou me umrKet.
For catalogue, address:
T. C. TAYLOR, The Hardward
cK 81 sbik7'
'3 741
The Cause Must Be Removed, Same
Way With Dandruff.
Kill the germ that causes dandruff. '
falling hair and baldness, you will t
have no more dandruff, nnd your hair ,
must grow luxuriantly. Herplcitle
not only contains the dandruff germ !
destroyer, but it is also a most de-,
Itghtful hair dressing for regular toi
let use. No other hair preparation
is on this scientific basis of destroy
ing the dandruff germ than Newbro's
Herpicide. Sold by leading drug
gists. Send lbc in stamps for sam-l
pie to the Herpicide Co.. Detroit
Mich. Sold by F. W. Schmidt & Co.
Ca!' for School Warrants, District '
No. 16.
All outstanding warrants of School 1
District No. 1C. from No. 103 to No.
231 inclusive, will be paid upon pre
sentation at my office, room 10. Judd
building. Interest ceases after this
Pendleton. Oregon. April lSth. 1603.
Bride From Capetown.
Loudon. April 21. Captain Dudley
Rawson de Chair, the British naval at
tache at Washington, was married at
Torquay todnv to Miss Enid Struben
of Cape Town.
H, i i . i .,h..h..i....i. H M M' H"I-
I. Parity
r Trr 'IT t TTTtTtT
Street poll tax of the city of Pen
dleton Is now delinquent. Prompt
payment must be made or collection
will be enforced according to law.
City Marshal.
We sell the greatest of blood puri
fiers. Acker's Blood Elixir, under a
positive guarantee. It will cure all
chronic and other blood poisons. If
you have eruptions or sores on your
body, or are pale, weak or run down.
It Is just what you need. We refund
money If you are not satisfied. 50
cents and $1.00 F. "W. Schmidt & Co.,
Enjoy Life
Out door exercise means
improved health and a
sunny disposition.
All Kinds of Sporting
and Pleasure Goods
No matter what game or
pastime your fancy runs
to, you can get the
goods to promote it at
Book and Stationery Store
TlisitV the point wv ure tryitie
to uupie- on the public mind
When a clean, pure drus slivk
i- vpokev of we want Mis. to r
fer f iur xte tte'ie tbiitig
all we can to HiTit tlint title.
IlV the mat: point of our bm-i-ne-.
We t'lliik utiou it lid
talk ub iiit It hII the tiuif. Bye
and iye you'll eir till- iu mind
if you haven't already There
who extra charge for thU puri
ty. ToaetliT with iicniiraey it's
our inducement for ymir pie
fw'ptloti trude. We are care
ful and prmiipt with umll orders
X Nicel n owed Lawns are easily maintained. Take a ie
at our
t Easy Running Lawn Alovvers.
Z T1k- are made on the correct principal. I s a rw"1
T J i .i r nnrv liner
uptrate tnem. i-et us supply you wim o-Mvwcn uw
est goods at lowest prices.
Thompson Hardware Co.,
62 J Main Street
Headquarters for Fishing Supplies.
HWWH Mill I i H-H-H -I' H
F. W.
Schmidt t
Ph. G.
Fhone Main 851
You should know that the very best, DRY WOOD of
all kinds is to be found at
P. P. Collier & Go.'s Yard
Also GOOD COAL. Call at Officf
638 Main St. Phone Main 1121
Maple Brt
Agents fort"
Tvnpwn ef
Price $35
100 V"
Equal to nujr
They are
ber 8tauip
Bowman, the Photographor
Special rate for the next 60 days
On cabinet photo of the baby free
Until Julr lt I will Ku nUuluiely Ireo mm
sample csbinel phnln ul uy tat)- U' Hum
two yr old. llrtiiK tlinn In nnv ilny excepl
Saturday, as thxl l my buy riuv. For inn me
leDKth oi time t will make u fc.MALL CA1II.N hT
P OTO of children or ilult for ?5. Don't inlM
this opportnully of getting an artistic. ll
fluished plcijirr of your little onvs tsolutely
fre. l.'eiwritHT Itif nlnrc. Main rcrt, near
lue ouug?.
On Its Merit
Has the large demand for
t Poct
... . . . . ....... .i.. -rnWSWfJ
Been built up.. Unly the choicest wneai m r. ' . la(e 1
iu uycia ucbi i-iuur, lis jjciiciuuu
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
nil iiii u,jtm, i ii
'i "MP 'jag