East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 20, 1903, Image 8

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MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1903.
One Shipment
Ladies oxfords, light and
heavy soles, -which range
from i 50 to $2. In ladies
shoes we have a full line of
the latest styles that will
please all, and we will take
pains to FIT YOUR FEET
PROPERLY. - Remember
that if your shoes are prop
erly fitted you will never have
bunions or enlarged joints to
disfigure your feet and cause
you pain. WE FIT THE
Dindinger, Wilson & Co.
Those Main 1181
Good Shoes Cheap
Jnmes Davis, or Alba, Is In the city
Mrs. Linn Sturgis spent Sundny in
A. KunUel went to Athenn this
Judge Fee went to Walla Walla
E. H. Clark went to AValla Walla
this morning.
Mrs. X. P. Davis has returned from
Walla Walla.
J. B. Blanchet will go to Baker
City tomorrow.
Dr. Blakeslee spent Sunday with
friends at Union.
Charles Marsh spent Sunday with
friends in Weston.
Miss Annie Roislnberg, of Fulton,
is very ill with fever.
Mrs. E. J. Dockery. of Walla Walla,
is visiting Mrs. C. B. Wade.
Revs. Mulconroy and O'Connor
I went to Portland this morning,
i Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Penland
j have gone to Spokane on a visit.
I Mrs. Charles Carter returned last
Now Has About 100 Members in Pen-(evening from her visit to Portland.
dleton Officers of Local Lodae. rs. nose oampuen returned jasi
The Order of Pendo in this city i TVn' s c
visit in Walia
but few people outside of those who
belong to the order seem to be
aware of its existence. The national
convention of this order will be held
in San Francisco July 14. The dele
gate elected thereto is W. H. Huston.
The state convention will be held in
October, but the delegates have not
Charles Holdaway has returned
from a trip over to his Echo home
stead. W. W. Evans, of Boise, was the
guest over Sunday of his friend, E.
M. Lyons.
Thomas Vaughan has returned
home from the dental college in
been chosen. The officers of the lo-1 Portland, for a visit,
cal lodge are W. H. Huston, counse
lor; T. M. Keller, past counselor;
Mrs. Annie Egeard, vice-counselor;
Mrs. William O'Brian, chaplain; John
Zehner, treasurer; Mrs. T. M. Keller,
secretary: Orville Reeves, guide:
Mrs. Mae Stanton, warden. The di
rectors are T. M. Keller, John Zeh
ner, H. C. Cook. The order meets
regularly the second and fourth Tues
day nights of each month in LaDow
Bridge Gangs at Weston.
Two bridge gangs will be put to
work at once five or six miles the
other side of Weston, for the com-
Charles H. Green, the San Francis
co wool buyer, is in the city the
guest of E. H. Clark.
E. J. Murphy, who has been very
ill at his home with a bronchial
trouble, is recovering somewhat.
Hugh McArthur. of Walla Walla,
will be in the city In a few days to
visit with friends on his way to Port
laud. Professor Belle Wallace returned
to Walla Walla this morning. She
has been the guest of Professor
Forbes and family.
A. B. Noble returned from Walla
Walia last night. He has practical
Will Raise More Hay.
Cbarles Alcott. of Pilot Rock, a
prominent rancher of the upper Birch
Creek, was in the city Saturday,
trading. Mr, Alcott, who is the owa
er of 1,600 acres, will fence a quite
large acreage, and plant the new
ground to wheat for hay. He reports
grass still short in that country and
livestock as still thin, but improving
rapidly in condition. He reports
nearly all the Upper Birch Creek
stockmen are arranging to break
more ground and raise thereon hny
This is the result of the lesson the
past winter has taught them. All
through that country less and less
dependence will hereafter be put In
the natural range and more and more
reliance will be placed upon the sys
tematic use of forage crops.
Strawberries in Good Shape.
R. E. Grossehming. who resides
seven and a halt miles southwest of
the city, will build a new residence
and barn this summer, and also three
and three-fourths miles of hog-tight
fence. Mr. Grossehmig has In 200
acres of extra fine wheat. His seven
acres of young bearing fruit trees
nre all clean and in fine condition ex
cept that the peaches were nipped by
the frost this spring. An acre of
strawberries on his place are In un
usually fine condition for this time
in the spring. There is no sickness
at all in that neighborhood.
Cohen's New Residence.
Work on the foundation of Leon
Cohen's new residence at the corner
of Washington and Monroe streets,
will begin tomorrow. The building
will be frame, two full stories in
height, with basement, and will be
33x50 feet in size. It will have nine
rooms with a full complement of
closets, will have a bath, and be
modern throughout. It will cost
about $6,000 and will probably be
completed by the first of next Sep
tember M. R. Yates is the contractor.
plete rebuilding Of the two long , K- recovered from thp niiemtlnn for
wooden trestles In that neighborhood , the removal of gall stones.
l&w " art &,nN;i..ItnH ' ss Summer, the organizer for the
expected that the work will take all Women of Woodcraft, left Saturday
summer more or less, as It necessar- f Sp0kane. where she will work
a8nl4.bto T ,h2 W, fr short time, and then return to
There are 45 men in the two gangs, pemiieton
which will be employed on the work, j , , ,' , , ,
15 bridge builders under Martin, and John Ludeman, of Fulton, who was
30 laborers under Kelly. i o town Saturday, reports about tne
j usual acreage of white wheat in that
neighborhood, and it and all other
Sheep Healthy.
A. P. Warner ,of Combs Canyon,
was in the city Saturday. He lately
sold 1,100 yearling lambs to Thomas
Boylan, for the San Francisco mar
ket. He has 1,600 sheep remaining
on his ranch. His own and every
body else's sheep are all right, being
In good flesh and healthy. He will
drive his sheep to summer range
about May 15.
May Day Celebration.
The executive committee for the
May Day celebration is making good
progress. It has engaged two bands
for the day and made other prelimin
ary arrangements. The city schools
will repeat ou that day for the delec
tation of the public, their parade of
Arbor day. the procession starting, as
it did that day, from the high school
grounds. The May pole will be erect
ed and the dance about it will take
place on the campus of the high
school. The committee is having an
immense banner painted advertising
the day, and it will stretch across
Main street. The committee will
have another meeting next Friday
$5,000 Water Bonds.
The city of Adams, Oregon, will
receive bids for the purchase of $5,000
water bonds, said bonds to run 20
years, with a 10-year option. The
city reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
Chairman Committee.
F. & S. Bitters
The great System Tonic.
The remedy that is so
popular because of its
real mrit. Now is the
time to take F. & S. Bit
ters and tone up your sys
tem. One bottle is equal
to a month's recreation.
Manufactured by
crops are looking finely
A. D. Thompson, who lately sold
out of the second-hand store business
on Court street, will resume business
in a few days at the first door west
of Rader's furniture store.
P. E. McDuff and wife have return
ed from the West. They came direct
ly from Olympia. where Mrs. McDuff
visited while Mr. McDuff was attend-
Ink the embalming school in Port
I iand.
I A. Shoemaker and wife arrived
Friday from Cheslea, Indian Terri
tory, and will today go out to Mc-
Cormlck Siding to stop for a while i
with the . Grimeses and other old
' friends from Chelsea.
Arthur Kaske. from St. Joseph.
' Mo., was In the city over Sunday, the
' guest of E. M. Lyons. Mr. Kaske is
' on a tour of the Northwest looking
lor a location for a general merchan
' dlse store. He Is a man of conslder
i able means, and an old Missouri
friend of Mr. Lyons.
Here From Kansas.
Rev. A. L. Thoroughman and wife
are in the city the guests of Mr.
Thoroughman's mother, Mrs. H.
Thoroughman, who lately arrived
from Woodson county, Kansas, and is
at the home of her grand-daughter,
Mrs. Lipscomb, on East Bluff street.
Another son of Mrs. Thoroughman,
accompanied by his wife, are expect
ed daily from Vancouver, Wash., on a
visit here. Mrs. Thoroughman, Sr., is
on her way to Lakeside, Wash., to
make her home with her daughter,
Mrs. R. Plumb.
General Relief Committee.
Yesterday a "general relief com
mittee" of the I. O. O. F. was organ
ized of members from both the local
lodges and from the encampment.
Its duties will be the caring for cases
of destitution that do not strictly be
long to the duties of the local lodges.
R .Alexander was made president of
the committee. B. E. Coon vice-president,
T. F. Howard, secretary, and
Lee Teutsch treasurer. The mem
bers of the committee aside from its
officers are George W. Brown. John
Halley. Jr., L. A. Eddlngs. Philip .Mo
Brian and C. P. Davis.
Much Wheat Contracted.
J. F. Stunkle ,of Despain Canyon,
is overhauling his threshing outfit in
readiness for this year's business.
His plant has a capacity of 2,000
bushels per da' and in connection
with it he runs three headers. Mr.
Stunkle has 2,000 acres of the com
ing crop contracted for in advance.
He has followed threshing 16 years
14 years in Missouri and Kansas and
two years in Oregon.
A New Chop Mill.
Elmer Snyder, of Despain Canyon,
has put in a new chop and feed
grinding mill, using J. F. Stunkle's
20-horse power traction engine for
power. Mr. Snyder thinks of Invest
ing in an entirely new steam thresh
ing outfit that will cost several
thousand dollars.
Was Run Over by Team of Horses
and Badly Trampled Hopes of Re
covery. Jane, the 2-year-old daughter of C.
E. Roosevelt, was yesterday run over
and seriously, possibly fatally injur
ed. In Walla Walla, by a team driven
by Fred Winkler. The child was in
Walla AValla with her parents, who
went over to attend the funeral of
Mrs. Roosevelt's father, William
Stlne. The accident occurred after
the funeral, which was yesterday
afternoon. Her father came down to
Pendleton on the evening train, know
ing nothing about the accident. He
returned to Walla Walla this morn
ing In answer to the news of the
accident. The child, at the time the
accident occurred, was standing near
the curb. She was taken to the home
of Mr. Stlne, and Is in a very critical
condition. She was badly trampled
bv the horses. There are hopes of
her iccovery.
Benefits of Telephone.
M. O. LaHue, of South Cold
Springs, was in the city Saturdey.
Mr. LaHue has in 480 acres of fine
wheat. All the grain in that neigh
borhood looks fine. Mr. LaHue re
ports that farmers are making rapid
progress with their spring work, and
that the spring crops and livestock
are all In fine condition. There is a
good deal of telephone talk In that
neighborhood, and the advisability
of connecting with the line already
built to the northward or that neigh
borhood, or with Pendleton, is being
considered. The farmers all recog
nize the fact that a well conducted
rural telephone is a great saver of
time, vehicles and horse flesh, and
of course of money
7" r m ' w w n
nil ; iriL oriLEwAw 11110 wi-h
T . mt.
We will make espicially LOW PRICES dm
i WEEK on
1 .
Laces and Embroideries
Wp have the orettiest line of these eoods it h ...
' . . . . . t t:r
, t v f - - - O 1 k 4
T our pleasure to show. Come and look them over.
The Leaders in Pendleton
Drive to Mountains.
J. S. Manning and son, who live
two miles east of Pilot Rock, will
soon drive their 150 head of cattle and
30 head of horses to their mountain
ranch in Wood Hollow, southeast of
Pilot Rock, in the foothills. They
will fence 800 acres of their range
in Wood Hollow, beginning the work
this week. They were in town Sat
urday and report their livestock in
fine condition, and livestock general
ly in that neighborhood as doing
- - -w ii. vova
an orporimmy oi seenriw
onering just now. We
'aiiiuuu nn
hooks, tiies, reels. lead- .
evervinmc in tup m ii.f
mm t v m a x .
2ii Court Street
Cement Foundation Begun.
Frank Duprat began today on the
laying of the cement foundation for
the new Matlock building, at the cor
ner of Garden and Court streets. Mr.
Duprat has the contract for laying a
cement sidewalk from the Hotel Pen
dleton to Court street and thence
westward to Garden, with the excep
tion that Mrs. Miller, of Walla Walla,
who owns the Boston Store property,
has not yet agreed to the plan.
William Stlne Dead.
William Stine. of Walla Walla,
died In that place Friday last, and the
funcrnl was he'd in that place yester
day. It was attended by a number
of people from this city Mr. Stine
was the father of Mrs. C. E. Roose
velt, and had resided in Walla Walla
for 25 years.
En Route Via Automobile.
Dr. N. Mollltler, of La Grande, and
C. W. Smith, of Spokane, arrived in
town Saturday evening from Spo
kane in an automobile, en route to
La Grande. The auto is an entirely
new one, purchased in Spokane.
Fee Resigns,
P. H. Fee, who has been for a
long time one of the night police, has
resigned his commission as such, but
has not resigned as street commissioner.
Without a License.
H. W. Learn, the Athena dentist,
is under bonds for n second trial 05
the charge of practicing dentistry
without a license. Practically his
only defense is that he does not have
stated charges for his services, but
depends for remuneration upon the
generosity of the client.
Will Go to Redlands.
George Hatch, who lives on Birch .
Creek. 12 miles south of Pilot Rock, ,
has sold his farm to Andrew Fiddler, I
a late comer from Chicago, the con
sideration being $1,000. Mr. Hatch
will go to California, expecting to lo
cate near Redlands.
Our Laundry Methods g
appeal to every thinking man.
We call for your washing when
ever you tay the word; we laun-
der it immediately; we return it
to your hou-e at the hour prom-
ised It will cost you but little
to ascertain whether or not this
is an Idle boast. We court the
Inquiry. C
Court and Thompson Streets.
Sampson vs. Nelson.
Halley & Lowell, the attorneys for
the plaintiff, have filed an appeal in
the case of E. Simpson vs. J. A. Nel
son. The appeal is to the district
court from the decision of Justice L.
S. Wood, of Weston.
Home on Furlough.
Robert Baumgart is visiting friends
in the city and vicinity. He Is home
on furlough from the 30th battery of
field artillery. In which he enlisted
at Walla Walla 14 mouths ago. He
has been stationed at Walla Walla
ever since his enlistment.
Committee Meeting.
There will tomorrow afternoon at
2 o'clock be a meeting at the Com
mercial Association rooms, of the
Lewis and Clark Exposition commit
tee of the Women's Clubs of this
city. At 3 o'clock, at the same place,
will occur a session of the Women's
Church I seo a Jersey man Is
complaining because his wife thought
more of a doc than she did of him.
Gotham Well, perhaps the dog
growled less. Yonkers Statesman.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre
pared in two minutes. Ioboi!mg! n
baking 1 add boiling water and tst to 1
eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp-'
berry and Strawberry. Get a package 1
at your grocers to-day. to cts. I
Fresh, New, and Host Desirable Colorings
m j m a . f A
. m .- m m m mm my m m k . ic i
nmm notit I a nan ac a maniirarritrpre V A VI
All Our
24 Inch
Japanese and China Silk at
45 Cents
A n noir r n ? trt I o t ottaritintl Til
- m M M r m.m.m A- Awaa a m "l M TV Till fill
own. uvpcii iiiiwiiia "W, uui nui in in---
One of the finest residences in
Pendleton 11 rooms all modern im
provements; pretty lawn; complete
56,500. $2,500 down, balance on time.
Another residence 7 rooms, with
bath, sewerage, electric lights; pretty
lawn, shade trees, within three blocks
of Main street, $2,500.
Other houses and lots from JCOO to
Nice residence lots, $150, 950 and
Much Other Town Property, and
Easy Terms, Where Desired.
C. D. BOYD, III Court Street
- .
we nave c or"- -
nantK some 01 tbeffl
r . (hat
i,mnh tnr mimic.
will close out at greatly
Reduced Pric
i I.. 1-rtfT
Undertaking ranore "
nave Your Water Pipes Examined and Kepa -
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Pltf f '
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel