East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 20, 1903, Image 5

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I -
Never before have we been
able to show you such a
Complete Line of Spring
and Summer CLOTHING
Fit and Style Guaranteed
$7,50, 10.00, 12.50
$15.00 and $20.00
Mice, neat and
Nobby One
Corner Main and Alta Streets.
.,,i nnnii.ll mpetlnir of
'n ctnto Federation of Labor
La Grande.
ictntp sunreme court at Pen-
cctr.t fnnm Modern Wood-
i. The Dalles.
Mia Walla,
.1 .rr. Contflf.
n.. on t n n. F grand louse.
-s penaieton.
:ne 4 Presbyterian Acaueray
.u'PIlt HIIlrllLi.
.me y. iu anri . une i'u. i'i wool
. Rh&ntkn .
une 4. 5. C N nth annual Umatilla
.Mr PinnrPr ronntnn nt rAsfnn.
ma f. i: u'Aft eniac nnime
F.I 305
S lmtl. In the uoiv tIe In
5&i,,Vllt, LKdle. Btirt (Jems
"ciK. Special designs fur alt.
I nmmi'n J 1 .
j in su
ksivukh in .VIII
PnlrlllJ ill - .
, ". BIU WiUUIIHX SiZtl Tn. Villi
iiffnimii.j . i :::: :::
-. miou wtttcnes $1 j to $40
June 15, 16 Wool sales, Baker
June 17 Oregon Pioneer Associa
tion, Portland.
June 18, 19 Wool sales, Elgin.
June 23, 24, 25 State Federation of
Women's Clubs, Astoria.
July 2 Eastern Oregon G. A. R. en-
-.nmrmipnt.. TTntnn
ThU- fl.10 Fnrtv-speoml annual
meeting National Educational Asso
ciation, Boston, Mass.
July 7 Improved Order of Redmcn
great council, Portland.
August 17 National O. A. R. en
campment, San Francisco.
September 8-11 National Irrigation
congress, Ogden, Utah.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received
at the ofllce of the undersigned, up to
3 o'clock Monday, April 27, room
over Boston Store, for the erection
and completion of a two-story brick
build ng with basement, lor -Maloney
& Ferguson, according to plans ind
sneelncations now on file at my ol-
flee. The owners reserve the right
to except any or reject all bids.
In Critical Condition.
George Alfred, the man fiom
Perkins, Neb., who was taken to the
hospital almost unconscious last Sat
in day morning, Is still in a very
ciltlcal condition, and it is nanny
possible that he will ever be any
better than he now is. He has been
unconscious nearly all the time since
being taken to the hospital, and his
death s liable to take place at any
hour. When taken off the train here
he was on his way to California for
his health.
Will Get Victoria Island.
A. D. Stillmau has returned from
San Francisco. When asked about
the famous Victoria Island litigation
he replied that the appearances are
that Henry Pierce will retain the
property and ictaln It on terms mat
will make it profitable to him. The
case Is sec for trial for the 2utn oi
.May, In the superior court of Calilor
nla, and Mr. Stillman will conduct
the case In that court in the Interests
of .Mr. Pleice.
Local Wheat Market.
The local wheat market shows
some signs of recovering, or at least
of being not entirely dead. K. W.
McComan Saturday last bought of
Moses and Casper Woodward, of Ad
ams. 30.000 bushels of No. 1 club,
paying therefor CO cents per bushel
straight. The Eastern market Is
gradually becoming stronger.
Wlrlna Completed.
The wiring of the new hospital will
be completed today, and It Is expect
ed that the plumbing will be finished
about the end of the week. The plas
tering will be begun some time tills
m ,'(Luwry?ue.c,,ia(' to wiling a pure Castile Soap, r The
fa Oil nil oWmp'Jr a trade name. There was a time when It
"8oPmdSi L8ofp- We will Just ay that we are selling an Olive
cmpareitwltb B,,a,,Vcfrom the 1)684 Spanish Olive Oil and let you
tOc Cake; 3 Cakes 25c
'whichTMV0.1106!1116!160111'" color of OUR SOAP (not pure
f?'S coloring mol? ? y adding (noegreeu) whlob W obtalued by
thMtWof ?i? atteF' but a light pure grey. Mm notice the odor and
we wap lu water.
r rrn
,m Main St., Toward the Court House
City Briefs
l omorrow
Choice meats at Houser's.
Best thoe work at Teutsch's.
House to rent, $8. E. T. Wade.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
Smoke the "Pride of Umatilla."
Ladles' halt soles 40c. Teutsch.
Ice cream and soda. The Delta.
W. D. Fechtor, teacher of tho violin.
Fresh vegetables all season, St. Joe.
Spinach, rhubarb, green onions. St.
Spring samples, large line, at Joer-ger's.
Fish and poultry. Lyman's 310
Go to St. Joe store for fresh vegc-tables.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
309 Court street.
Hays' cigar store, headquarters for
smokers' supplies.
All kinds of Imported and domestic
lunches at (Jratz's.
Fine box of stationery In new styles
ami tints. Koirs.
Good housekeeping rooms for rent
407 West Alta street.
Have you had your shoes repaired
at Teutsch? Try blm.
Special sale on street hats. Camp-
bell s millinery store.
A new seven-room house for snle
at cost. N. T. Conklln.
Tho Delta Ice cream parlors are
now open lor the season.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candles and fruits.
A house for sale on Installments,
$15 per month. N. T. Conklln.
Imported llraburger and Swiss
cheese sandwiches at Gratz's.
"EI Sidelo," the best cigar made, at
Rees" cigar store. Court street.
A paying business for sale, small
capital required. N. T. Conklln.
Lot for sale; great bargain; Raley's
addition. Inquire at 403 Alta street.
William B. Planting, of Grease
wood will build a large barn at once,
The Oregon Dally Journal can be
found on sale at Frazler s book store,
Pendleton Bonnet and Pride of
Umatilla. A. Rhode, manufacturer.
Our new spring patterns for suits
aie for Inspection. Seibert & Schulz.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
309 W. Court street. 'Phone and bath
Blacksmith shop In Pendleton for
sale. See Earnhart, Association
Mrs. Campbell has received her
third Invoice of beautiful dress and
stieet hats.
Wanted Girl for general house
work. Apply to Mrs. W. J. Clarke,
iui Haley street.
For Sale Residence with one, two
or three lots, located at 517 Jane
street. Call at house.
Stop paying rent. Own your home.
A few choice lots for sale at a uar
gain. See Rihorn & Swaggert.
A six-room house with bath, two
lots, frulb and shade, near the
churches, $2,200, N. T. Conklln.
Houser always furnishes good
meat. Send in your order. Market
Alta street, opposite Savings Bank.
L. A. Spicer. of Seven Mile, will
this spring build several miles of
fence and also herders' cabins on his
Isaac Christopher, of Greasewood.
will very soon begin the building of
a residence which will cost about
The J. U. Smith Livestock Company
Is breaking ground and fencing large
tiacts of land In the boutliern part
of the county.
Knox Bros., the Wood Hollow
stockmen, will build several miles of
fence and build cabins for their
herders this spring.
J. SI. Haley's residence propel ty, at
the corner of Johnson and Alta
streets, Is being repainted. K. J.
Murphy has the contract.
Sucre Hendrlckson, who lives 11
miles northeast of the city, will begin
at once on the erection of a lesldencc
which will cost about $2,000.
Penland Bros, have leased the
Armory Hall. Lodges or pilvate
parties wishing to lent tho same can
apply at their ofllce, No. 047 Main
J. Dand, of Middle Cold Springs,
reports crops In general In good con
dition. What fruit trees there are in
that neighborhood are in good con
dltlou. V F Moore, or Union, has In 400
acres of wheat which only looks fair.
Wheat In general lu his part of the
county Is hardly up to the average
for this time of year.
C. B Mark, of South Cold Sprlngu,
is building a very large hillside cis
tern for the purpobo or supplying his
lesldeuce and barns with running
water throughout the season.
Bessinger Bros., or Cold Springs,
are building a cistern 8x9x30 feet,
which will be red by a windmill from
a well. It Is at a height and so ar
ranged that all the buildings on the
place will be supplied with water
from It.
K B Shafer, who lives nine miles
northeast of the city, reports wheat
looking pretty well In that neighbor
hood. The apple and almond crops
promise finely, with the only draw
back In sight being the possibility of
late frosts.
Wesh Suits
48o to 60o VALUES
25 Cents
Where there is so much advertising, 50 much promised in the
way of bargains 'tis hard for you to pick the right one be
cause as much good can be written of a poor article as a good
one. We ask you to bring all our price quotations to our
store with you and we'll meet EVERYONE and beat many
4. Merceri.ed Oxfords are the very mnv-
est novelties. We have them for 25c,
35c, 38c, 45c and 69c per yard.
Express Arrivals
Peau do Soio, 3 inches widi juat the
thing for Skirts, Waist Shirts Monte
Carlos. Annorn Pongee, tho latest for
Skirts and Shirt Waists, 75c per yard.
Jap Silks in 20, 24 and 27 inch. Taffeta
Silks in the wash and changeable in
complete lines of colors.
Damask Waisting.
Ladies' Neckwear
Uinno Wook RtnoL-c 4fir ami I't'Ao.. iWnlft
Embroidoried Stocks and Firs, 35c, 50c
and 75c. New Turnover Collars 10c, 15c,
t 20c, 25c and 50c. New Venice Lace Col
J lars 6Gc, 85c, $1 00 and $1.50.
favoritism but because ifis the only Cor
set over which a garment may be fitted
to anv form and yet set porfectly smooth.
It is tho BEST 'Corset sold, and wo
carry full linos from 50c eacn to $2.75.
Ladies' and Childrons1 Black and
Colors, Chiffon and Silk, Kuflled and
Plain, 25c each to $10.00.
Men's and Boys' Clothing
Just a few words ahout the kind of clothing
this store deals in. Workmanship and quality,
a style and shape that shows itself on the
wearer; our showing of men's and hoys' appar
el is complete as shown anywhere.
Men's suits from
$5.00 to
Boys' suits from
100 Pieces New Calicoes
Ulue3, Reds and Blacks, only Best
Quality at 5 cents per yard.
Special Values in Laces.
r.inp.n Machine made Torchon '; inch
to 4 inches wide lc, 2c, 4c, oc, Sc and
10c per yard.
Tninsork. Swiss Cambric Edges and
Insertions; also Beadings 1 inch to 9
I inches wide, 2c, 4c, Gc, 8c, 12c, 15c and
25c per yard,
Curse Is
F.xnnrienced Dressmakers will onlv
fit over Royal Worcester Corsets not from
.i' 4' 4'
50c to $t0.00
Ladies' Shoes.
This week we are offering some ex
ceptionally good bargains in Ladies'
Stylish Footwear. Fine Kid, extension
solo, Slipper foxed tan Shoes $2.50.
Extra fine, light sole, Dreas Shoes $3.00.
Patent Leather, Dress Shoes, Ulton
make $2.75. Patent tip, Kid Oxfords,
fancy dull tops, $1.95.
Children's Shoes
Pongola Kid, patent tip, fancy stitch
ed 2-5, 50c. DongolaKid, wedge heels,
patent top 3 5, 75c. Plump Dongola,
box tips, 6-S, 88c. Vici Lid, fair stitcned
edges, 9-11, $1.48.
We wish to announce to the public
that we have just received from tho
East a now hearse touting $1,G00. It
Is of the latest pattern and best work
manship, having rubber tires and nil
modern Improvements. Our under
taking department Is thoroughly
equipped and up to date.
Pendleton, Or.
All wheelmen are hereby warned
to discontinue riding on the sidewalks
or tho city under penalty of arrest,
By ordei or city marshal, J- W.
WE ARE pleased to advise that
we have received a inn new
stock of those celebrated
$2.50 Shoes
This is the shoe we had last fall
and sold out every pair before
we could get more of them. We
have arranged to keep them cons
tarUly on hand, so you had better
try a pair.
DESCRIPTION Vici kid, Good
year welt, patent tip, smooth
insole, flexible and new spring
last, la:e.
Boston Store
Where Whole Families Are Shod
Arriving Daily At
The Nolf Stofe
Fine Line Crepe and Tissue1
Paper All colors and shades.
Fine figured crepe paper, for,
shelves, lamp shades, Etc. '
GARDEN SEEDS -Greater de
mand than ever. Fine Oregon
Yellow Danver Onion Sets, i24Cj
per pound. All 5c Vegetable and ,
Flower Sctds, here for 2j4c
T Go where they all go, to T
Robinson's Amusement
Howling, Shooting, Fool
and Billiards,
CROQUET An extra fine line, I Cornor Mum and Webb Sts.
now on sale. Hardwood and well
o'lnni-rl lialU :inil mallets, rise to!
$3.45 a set.
ing tags, string tags, shipping j
tags, pin tickets, rubber bands, 1
about twenty dillerent lirands ot
inks, mucilages, Etc.
100 VISITING CARDS, nicely
printed, 48c.
The Nolf Store
Telephone Mulu 4 a
The Little Darlings
Now that gentle Spring is with tis, Mothers, you can
take your children out in the opt n air and let them enjov the
We want to have the pleasure of showing you the swell,
est line of
In Pendleton,
Next door to Fostoflice.