East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 20, 1903, Image 4

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Outfits, Regular $500 $400
Bowls, Regular. 60 40
J3owis, Kegular 1 35..
Picture Frames, Regular 25..
Picture Frames, Regular 35..
Picture Frames. Regular 40..,
Picture Frames, Regular 50..
Tobacco Jars, Regular.... 165..,
Steins, Regular 165..
Trays, Regular ...
Pipe Racks, Regular 7? 50
Stein Racks, Regular 85 60
1 10
1 10
Let us not fear robbers or
murderers. Those are danger
ous from without, petty dang
ers. Let us fear ourselves.
Prejudices are the real robbers;
vices are the real murderers.
The great dangers He within
ourselves. What matters it what
threatens our head or our
purse? Let us think only of
that which threatens our soul.
Victor Hugo.
Among the -IG visitors from Germany
are owners of feudal estates, profes
sors. professional men and practical
farmers. They will be In Pendleton
about June 3. If their visit results
in advertising our resources In the
"fatherland" we will gain a very de
sirable class of immigrants. The
Germans nre au industrious, intelli
gent nnd progressive people and
make excellent citizens. A colony of
Germans settled at Echo after the
government ditch Is constructed,
would convert that sagebrush waste
into a garden spot.
The politicians have suddenly dis--eovered
that the initiative and refer-'-endum
now In operation in Ore--on,
and proposed in Missouri, is
-contrary to the federal constitution.
Judge T. A. Sherwood, for 3D years
-a member of the supreme court of ered. when he deems It necessary, to
Missouri, has a strong article against close schools, shops and factories, to
The dark history of Poland is to
be repeated in Finland. The people
of that nation are a sober. Industri
ous and liberty-loving people. The
czar of Russia seems determined to
crush out their national life, and to
Russianize them.
A dispatch from Helslngfors, Fin
land, announces that a decree has
just been published which provides
that the governor-general is empow-
prohibit private meetings, dissolve
private associations and expel from
Finland all persons who are cons Id
ered undesirable. Expulsions, how
ever, except in cases which do not
permit of delay, must receive lmpe-
the Initiative and referendum, in the
Central Law Journal for April, in
-which he recites the fact and em
phasizes It strongly that this meth-
od of law-making takes some of the
powers away trom the legislative
ooa. and lience is contrary to a re- rial sanction. Persons expelled may
ptiuncan lorm of government. be ordered to reside in certain places
Judge Sherwood voices the sentl- within the emplie. The decree he-
inent of the common politician, whose conies operntive In three years,
prosperity largely depends upon his To a people who love their home
ability to deliver the priceless priv- as do the Fins and who also Jove
iliges belonging to the people, to pri- their liberty, this leaves the hard
vate corporations. choice of staylllg nnd e,iring op-
He deplores the fact that Ieglsla- i presslon or leaving the home of their
tures are heiifg stripped of their tin- childhood, abandoning the land of
limited powers by the people, as in their birth, breaking home ties and
Oregon and South Dakota. He trem- casting their lot with strangers,
bles for the safety of popular gov- Russia is without conscience in her
eminent because of the universal territorial ambitions.
iendency to give the masses a voice
in selecting and rejecting laws. , Some of the German papers take
Judge Sherwood cannot push bad; exception to the visit of our Eurone-
Uie waves of fate. Already 30 of the an snuadron to Marseilles, after rie-
.sovereign states of the Union have dining the semi-official invitation to
-declared for the popular election of be present at Kiel this summer. Sec-
United States senators, "contrary to utary Moody will arrance to have
the federal constitution." Already
the Initiative and referendum sent!-
,1111,1, tu n..ilnt! . 1. . 1 .. , .1
.w.. ,d uiiauii nit- ivujiie uiiii uie
tleptelatures of most of the leading
part of our European squadron put
In at Kiel during the summer, if pos
sible during the German demonstra
tion. Both Secretary Moody and
biuies in uie union. tne federal Secretary Hay entertain the most
t.uuoi.iuiiuu at. nui inuue 10 Kiuiiu coriuni reelings for Germany and
amtouched forever. Whenever the ' wish to reciprocate the many kindly
sovereign people of these United acts or Emperor William toward the
states find a liaw or weakness in It, United States,
they mill certainly renovate it and
iuralgate and rebuild it. to milt the
What do the people care for the
('occupation has been all these years.
. me caij.uiluuuii ui me natural re-
unnrpps rtf tl, n,iltnttt nm tlm ...
- ww w. 1. .-w..... i.i.ii in,, iim-
uipulation of public nrivilaeoK for
.private ends?
The Initiative and referendum was
toricinmeii mr r lit. ven- nurimao nr -..
storing to the people some of their
cherished rights. It was brought
.forth, and made a part of political
piatiorms for the very purpose of de-
tnroning the politician. It is the
Russia and Austria are endeavor
ing to keep the Macedonians pacified.
So far a general revolution has not
occurred in Macedonia, though if the
porte makes no attempt to carry out
the promised reforms the smoldering
(ires which now appear as partial out
breaks will blaze up In a general in
surrection. Turkey has always been
long on promises and Bhort on per
formance. CHILD LABOR.
We lead in the Scriptures of King
David, during a military expedition.
suffering with thirst and some of his
strong right arm of the common peo- Jf?tuXl8t t!ir0,,gli ,tl,,e
..... i..w lw uuiu in UUt when the refreshing clement was
cuecK me pionigate .wjusjatures. and offered the king he refused It, say-
wueii uie people or tne united States ",B; ,H ' ruoou or me men
awaken to its true significance it lnal wunt J80!" of their lives?"
will be n nnrt f ti, -, , ' , A,1(1 ,le poured it on the ground as
mill be a part of the organic law of the nrice of blood.
crj muie in me union.
If the federal constitution Is be-
Hind the age, let it be amended to
become a useful ami vlrni n......
....... V ,
inStf'Afl nf n miiDl,. lm--t..n.l 1
vlilch the opulent and powerful ton-
tftinnllv hlflf,
The tour of the German agricultur
ists through our statu will attract at-
tontlon to our resources in Germany.
I In these days the nroduct of child
labor may be considered the price of
blood. A writer in McClure's or the
present month, tells of a child being
doomed to eleven hours night work
daily In a mill, who lost her mental
faculties, ("sorter quit keering for
things,") then her physical powers
gave way and she was sent home
sick, permanently disabled for the
, battle of life. In a recent number of
the Outlook, Lillian W. Betts gives
a graphic picture or child labor in
Now York state. As a sedative to the
public conscience a law is in effect
in that state excluding persons under
14 years from employment In a fac
tory, and those trom 14 to 10 require
a certificate executed by a health of
ficer. But an affidavit from the pa
rent or guardian, properly attested,
certifying that the child is 1C, puts
the Juvenile operative beyond the
reach of the law, which regards this
declaration as tormlnntlvo and final.
Describing a visit to a textile fac
tor)1 within the limits of New York
city, the writer found but two per
cent or the child employes of native
birth. All nationalities were repre
sented: Poles, Russian, Italians, Ger
mans, Finns being In predominance,
A whole group of these would fall
to understand English; few were able
to write their names in the language
mey spoKe. An Incident given in the
narrative is worth reproducing,
"Among the swarthy foreign child
ren whose babv faces nnd diminu
tive, ill-nourished bodies were a pos
itive contradiction to the sworn state
ments of the parents on file, stood
out the refined head and face of an
American boy, 11 or 12, apparently.
There was a certain pathetic apeal
in the boy's eyes that drew the visitor
to him. He answered In a refined
voice nnd with clear enunciation as
to his name and age, responding to
the questions. -How old are you?'
Fourteen.' 'Wheu were you born?'
October 23, 1893.' The visitors were
able to control any expression of
surprise, but asked where he attend
ed school and when he left. At the
noon hour one of the visitors went
to the school to verify the boy's state
ment. The moment the boy s nnmc
was mentioned, the head of the de
partment to whom the visitor tiad
beeu sent, nsked breathlessly, 'What
is he doing?' 'Sweeping floors.' The
teacher's eyes tilled with tears. 'What
crime! A boy with such a mind!
He has nlways attended this school.
Every teacher he ever had loved him.
1011 do not know how hard we tried
to keep him in school. You could not
tire that child s mind, it was as tresh
at 3 as at 9. Yes, there Is his school
record. He will be lu years old next
October (1903). I refused to sign the
school certificate for a week. He
never was ill, never missed a day
from school; we hoped much for his
future. His mother declared he was
14 last October. Of course under the
law, her word, not our school record,
stood.' "
That boy's work certificate, the
writer adds. Issued under the auth
ority of the law and In strict accord
ance with It. protectb him from mo
lestation until lie has worked under
Its protection two years, when, that
being his authoritative age record,
he would be lfi years, and free to
work without it.
Trafficking in certificates is a com
mon piactlce. An applicant for a
work certificate being refused for any
cause, the expenditure or ?1 will pro
cure one from some owner, and the
laxity of the factory inspector nnd
his subordinates leads to numerous
Irregularities, in one plant in boys
and four girls were found working
without authorization, and when the
superintendent ot the works Is ques
tioned on this matter, his answer .s
very apt to be, "This Is a business
proposition, not a philanthropy."
And this evil of child labor is ex
tending In our midst. We boast of
the prosperity which adds wealth to
the country at an unexampled rate,
and keeps every willing worker em
ployed; but to our disgrace be it
said this heaping up of ducats is
largely at the expense of our tender
offspring, whose minds and bodies
are destroyed in the eager struggle
to get rich. Dr. Edgar G. Murphy,
chairman of the child labor commis
sion of Alabama, sayse: "The devel
opment of machinery has made a new
market for child labor. It does not
take much of a human being to run
a modern machine. The thing is so
highly developed that only a tiny
connecting link is required to com
plete the chain of the process." In a
recent address given In Baltimore,
Md.. this official makes resort to sta
tistics. In Maryland during the last
decade, he mentions an Increase of
9 per cent of adult labor In the state,
while child labor showed a gain of
42 per cent. In Baltimore the figures
were striking. During the decade
from 1S80 to 1890 the gain in adult
labor was 43 per cent, and child la
bor showed a decrease of C5 per cent.
In the following decade, however,
there was no Increase of adult labor
in the city, but a gain of 123 per cent
in the labor ot children.
According to a saying or Shake
speare, The whirligig or time brings about
Its own revenges.
Children set to work in factories at
a tender age, deprived or schooling
and parental cares, grow deformed
in body and porverted In mind. An
Instance is mentioned by the writer
of a Russian Jew boy. who attended
school on the East Side. According
to the school record, he was just 13
at the time of his promotion. The boy
displayed the brightest mind In
school, led all his schoolmates and
was endowed with a phenomenal
memory. Shortly after bis advance
ment the boy's father presented him
self with a printed blank, requiring
the teacher's signature as to school
attendance. She expostulated with
the man. "The boy Is too young."
she said, "you are not poor; he has
a brilliant mind and should be given
an opportunity to study,"
The father left In anger, after
shamefully abusing the teacher for re
fusing to sign the paper. The sequel
to this outrage on nature Is told In
pathetic language. The following
September the man returned with his
boy, desiring to enter him as a pupil.
The principal tells the story. "I
looked at them," she says, "tin boy
1 Tailor Made Suits
I i ,u- ii.-,f,i iiAJnufiflrl suits and skirts, and none are better httinir. bett
Z .. . ,i. it .-,. n irnnil suit we have it. If vou want a cheap or medium .
w- I11U1C UW , w UUl. .1 Cl . . . , . . n - ('1 lv.C(
or skirt we have it, perfectly made and the best values to be found in Eastern Oregon. us"
-SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK, ending Saturday, April 18th:- With every tailor mauw,.
cLIrf anrl shirt wa.Qt Qiiir. SO Cl lot KI2 Of more, wc win "''; ivi-i, your pK!. .
r . -1 . -... qnv errppr nai ui liiiiiiiicvi 11.1 1 uui vawv.wuhik p 1 1 1 1 iirirn "
4t any saiiui uat ... uui aiuun, ui - - r
With every tailor made suit, or skirt and shirt waist suit, costing 7.50 or more, we will KiVe
lutelv free anv sailor or street hat in our stock, costing $1 or less.
jj Saturday Specials
1 Calico 10 yds. 40c, outing flannel 10yds. 7c grade for 5oc, gingham 10 yds. for 4oc, LL house lining
5 4'.cyd. Men's shirts black striped or light colored 40s each.
Agents for the Raymond Washable Kid Gloves
who had left me a rollicking, happy,
brilliant schoolboy, stood before me
broken and cowed, looking like a
sneak. 'What has happened?" 1
gasped. The father, in a tone vin
dictive and cruel, responded, 'He is
a thler.' The boy shrank within his
It developed that the boy had been
set to work with a jeweler, having no
certificate, and attcr a few months
was arrested for stealing. He passed
two days in jail and then his father
purchased his release. When re-nd-mltted
to sehool he was classified
three grades below the one from
which he was promoted, and then he
could not keep up with his work.
Sorrowfully the principal remarkes:
"I think his mind Is destroyed."
Surrounded by evil Influences,
these children naturally take to
wrongdoing. "In one of these
plants," the writer tells us, "a system
of stealing metals has been evolved."
A fence had established himself with
in bandy reach, who paid trifling
sums for the plunder brought him by
these Juvenile delinquents. These
facts lead to the question whether
our statesmanship stands approved
In vitiating and corrupting the grow
ing generation, in order that the bulk
of our manufacturers may be swelled ,
and the accumulation of wealth in-'
creased. "Righteousness exalteth a j
nation" the wise mnn reminds us, r
"but sin Is n reproach."
Western states, where they had been
comfortably situated, and who were
attracted by the cheaper lands in
Western Canada, aro now convinced
that they made a mistake when they
mirchased their new possessions in
the colder and less congenial latti-'
tudes of
crops are
a much
bought for the same amount of money ,
than could be bought in tr.e united
States .but because so many new con
ditions present themselves to which
the settleis from tills country aro
neither nccustoined nor to which
they mny easily become accustomed,
lies Moines Register.
it vnu linvpit t a rprulnr. litkWliv H. .
the North! not that abundant 60v.ru m-rr any, jou'i- III ur inS.S"
linger irucx ui luim i "c . iiiii iuj u : -.
The average number of employes
in the service of the U, S. Steel Cor
poration during 1002 was lCl3,127, re
ceiving for salaries and wages, $120,-
32S.343. The total number of stock- SJ.ui" AudrV..
ImltWe In Mnreh 1 flllH wns 3S.2! an ntULli liu.or
lmTfinsp nf lr. in Tii k fines not in- vllu iiiiiu ui iiiiii hi
.lnrl l,o c n liQnrl ut In,, fnr nwfprrpil IUUII ULUUU UL
stock by the 27,379 employes who
were granted the opportunity to par
ticipate In the profits of the organiz
ation through the purchase of pre
ferred stock of the corporation.
"There nre some shoppers in this !
town who think they know it all. But
they never buy in Atchison O .no! ,
this town's too small. They shop, !
and shop, and shop, and on clerks !
here have no pity. But when they
have n cent to spend, they p t.i Kan
sas City. In Atchison they're tieated
the most respectful way, while down
in Kansas City the clerks all rail 1
them. 'Say.' And to each other, i
when they'ie pone. In most sarcastic'
manner remark: 'There goes a :v-
mer I'll bet her name is Ilanr.cr.',
Hut human nature'" much the w. : ,
no matter wher you go. And vv'ille
i.ur dear friends her" think i.ui sun".. ,
so very slow. In Kansas City, hr sis
ter or cousin, to say the leis can't (
find a thing to suit her there, anl
goes farther East. In Chicago, tha: :
big city that is rulKl by men fioi.' ;
Cork, her bister's slsto' fii'U to lii.il
anything this side of New York. 1
While in New York another si:- ce
and there nre many more than tlm o
can't find a thing to mlt hf,r .here,
and she goes across th- sea In Lon
don and In Paris, vh ''-1 still ether i
sisters dwell. I really don't know
where they go, I hope they go .o
li 11." Original poem by an Atchison
dry goods merchant, who was nm
under the collar. Atchison Globe.
; Ustwaii&y Hair
Str taa Eitmi thai
cltUwEr anwnJ and
eai Bt the ruot ot the
halrr ic.ktnx -and
rail, auxiinx lllin(
lulr,. iiwUiUjr bl.
A HealtbT Hair.
A" marks exter
na! Jayor of Cl6ar
mlc sheath. "D "
mark, the Interior
extremity. -B"
marks the Intarcal
layer. "C" mark
the root of the hair.
Destroys those parasitic germ.,
and it Is the only hair preparation
that decs. Destroy the canst,
you remove the effect."
I We make a Specialty of Building Roui
I or Snuare
We make them right and they
I always give satisfaction Qa
work is lit ver slighted or botcM,
Pendleton Planing Mill
and Lumber Yard.
RonruT For ter, Prop.
A considerable number of farmers
lu the West are having their attention
drawn to the new fields for agricul
tural enterprise that are being opened
up to settlers in Canada. Many
Americans have already gone there,
and many of them will never return;
nevertheless, there are many who are
sorry they ever went.
Some who had sold farms In the
A small bottle of Scott's
Emulsion costing fifty cents
will last a baby a month a
few drops in its bottle each
time it is fed. That's a small
outlay for so large a return of
health and comfort.
Babies that are given
Scott's Emulsion quickly re
spond to its helpful action.
It seems to contain just the
elements of nourishment a
baby needs most.
Ordinary food frequently
lacks this nourishment;Scott's
Emulsion always supplies it.
We'll tend you a sample free upon request.
SCOTT & UOWNK, -jo Pearl Slrtcf, New Ywk.
Suffered Eight Months!
I can heartily recommend Acker's
Tablets for dyspepsia and stomach i
troubles. I have been suffering for j
eight months and tried many reme-1
dies, without relief, until I got Acker's ,
Dyspepsia Tablets, which I used only
a hhort time and am now perfectly 1
well. Thanking you for the speedy
recovery, I am gratefully yirors, Fran
cis I. Cannor, Vancouver, Wash. Send
to W, H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo. N.
Y., for a free trial package. (Nothing
like them.) F. W. Schmidt &. Co.,
Fine Yellow Newtown Apples,
only 90 cents a box.
Fresh Ranch Eggs, 15 cents a
COMVrtlCHT 7""
A Bad Wreck
Hut not to bad an it might be, nor w
wnat it tail be thorouablr rrP" K."!,
kill and experience, good workmwu nip.ijj
palut and Tarolan can do wo"0""-..
vehicle 1 always worth repairing a ui j
paired rlpht, and that U wnat 'VjU
And turthermore our pricei are """JSE.
Our Winona nacom are the "'"J'vSSS
wafomon the market The '?X
block, and steel clad buU maki W'u
tructable In tbl climate. Our Mtu
made br the aame arm and are Ku'r"JIL
be the beat made. Call aua bi -r-
The Srracuee flow handled bj
tllckeat thing In earth.
We cell and euarantee the BWtt -u-
We have the Famous and al- i
ways Batisfactorj
Atrial will convince yon of its
The Big Store in a Small
A1U 8treet, Opposite Savings Bask
Dally East Oregonlan by carrier,
only 15 cents a week.
Cor W. Alta and Lillith So
L. Nefl, formerly of the Hjj
An i Mr,fiof the Old V?1.
Feed Yard, and
pleased to care for your o'
Plenty ol stalls, large c0a1' d
itAair nui rn r Lie. v
grain for sale. Chop null'111 -nection.