East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 20, 1903, Image 3

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    "Florsheim" shoe
Our Oxfords
L different, yet they don't cost any
F1 0 rr! we are showinc
B0 uncreated no little talk.
ft season
I . styles-made just nght shaped
Spcrfectlj-hug the instep-don't
1ft the heel to rub p and down
Mcnnd workmanship and
IjTwy we fit thcm to your fcet' Cal1
. for vmirself.
and sec-"';
Look at Our Ladies Shoe Display
Alexander Dep't Store
m m m h m ar at
1 11V ----- ' -w
Sunipter, Oregon, Gold Mining District.
Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER
LODE system of veins and has for neigh
bors on that vein such well known
mines as the NORTH POLE valued at
$10,000,000. The COLUMBIA valued at
$5,000,000. GOLCONDA valued at $3,
000,000. THE MONMOTH G. M. CO'S
BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,
ooo. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at
$5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $400,
ooo, and many others.
Tho frond Trunk Rnlrl Mininrr and Milllnrr Rn
1 ii'j jiuiiu nuiin uuiu iiiiiiiiic. unu iiiiiiiiic. uui
Oral Its Property Consisting of 160 Acres of Rich Gold Bearing Veins r
It has no indebtedness of any character.
It has a conservative mining aDd business management.
It is offering 50,000 shares of stock at 15s per share.
It will become a dividend payer in a short time.
It will pay you to write us for full particulars and to make
careful investigation of its merits.
It has the indorsement of mining men, business men and
bankers of Eastern Oregon.
Write us today and let us post you.
H. S. McCallum & Company,
Miners, Brokorsand Financial Agents,
Or R. S. BRYSON, Local Agent, Pendleton, Oregon.
Our Weekly Mining Letters on Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining
i-'isinct free on Application.
""m !i 11 1 v v v v vwvvwvwwmwwwwwwwwwwwvwvwwwwvww
0A f Vl I expect people to know wha
WWW LVS I VU you have to sell If you don't
-vi v van never DC
Wall Street, New York, ts Now the
Gold Center of the World Two
Pounds of Gold Dug Out Every Day
Colorado Leads in Production.
Xcw York city has become tho
gold center of the greatest sold
country In the world the United
We have more gold than we know
what to do with, and still It Hows Into
our treasuries In a steady stream.
Every ribbon ot smoke off the
Grand Hanks means more gold for
Uncle Sam. Every donkey engine
hauling and puffing in the Western
mines means additional riches for a
country whose wealth is already the
marvel of the world.
For a century or more we gar
nered and hived our products for the
coffers ot Europe. Our prosperity
fluctuated at the will of Thread
needle street or tho bourses of Paris
and Berlin.
Great Indeed must the European
convulsion be which can now shake
the solid foundations of our prosperity-
Because, in the treasury of tho
United States there are more than
a thousand tons ot gold enough to
make a vast yellow cube over which
a tall man could not look without a
stepladder. Its value is $638,000,000.
Moreover, Europe Is in debt to us.
While the countries of tho world arc
squeezing and taxing their peoples,
we are going to take some of this
gold from our strong boxes and dig
a big ship canal across the Isthmus
of Panama and build a great navy to
keep the peace.
It is no marvel that men of finan
cial genius like Morgan, Yerkes.
Gould, Rockefeller and the heavy
Wall street bankers, taking advan
tage of the enormous increase in this
country's wealth, have won a victory
over foreign rivals and have made
us the credit nation.
For years New York has been ship
ping gold to London. Now as a re
sult of the war for finavtcial suprem
acy, the bank of England has been
forced to pay the remarkably high in
terest of 4 per cent to keep gold from
heing shipped from England to Amer
ica. The struggle between Wall street
and the great trans-Atlantic powers
has been like a tug of war with a
rope of gold.
First the rope would slip toward
Europe. Then our captains of In
dustry would lie down to It and
heave, metaphorically, until they
grew black in the face, and the gold
! Week More
of Suits". Skirts, etc. Balance
stock must be sold at tame price
It will pav vou to visit the Eleu
Store the LaBt V-k of the Sale
Tim last week of the Eben Sale
will be the best cliauce of al! to
tret bargains in Suirt Waists,
Skirts, etc.
The biggest bargains yet pie
tented, will be ollertri next week
If vou ate ijolug to buy 11 Shirt
Wal-t, Skirt or i-uit, it will be
decidedly to your Interest to viMt
the Eben Store Next Week the
lust week of th" nale.
What the good cost will not be
taken into coimlderatiiin (luring
the Last we-k of the Eben Sale
of Suit-, Skirts, etc.
rone would trail Into our treasuries
And now, to uso a sporting expres
sion permissible under "tho circum
stances, we have Europe "out of tho
They are out ot the race and are
apparently In a rago about jt. They
even threaten to quit, playing In our
yard. They arc not going to givo us
any part of tho new Atrlcan loan.
When the $150,000,000 Khaki loan
was floated in March, 1900, a very
largo part ot It was taken by Amer
ican banking houses. More than halt
ot the 5 per cent exchequer bonds tit
$60,000,000 were taken in New York,
Ot the $300,000,000 consols issued In
April, 1901, 35 per cent were takeu by
J, Pierpont Morgan & Co., Daring,
Mngoun & Co., Kidder, Peabody &
Co., and other American banking
During 1902 this country produced
$SO.S5S.070 In gold, a large output
than that ot any other country, and
tho government now possesses a larg
er quantity than was ever before un
der one control .
There Is enough gold In the treas
ury to give $14 apiece to every man,
woman and child In the country.
If you do not possess your pro
rata It Is not the fault of Uncle Sam.
Thirty years ago tho amount was
only $3.33. Four years ago it was a
little over $10.
Two Pounds of New Gold Ever Day
But while you have been sleeping
and eating and living your life In
the non-producing states the miners
in the West havo been digging out
gold at the rate of two pounds n day
for every day ot tho year.
Beside iMs enormous amount tho
riches of Solomon were Insignificant.
In I. Kings It Is recorded that In one
year he received "sixteen hundred
and three score and six talents of
gold" about $1 4.000.000.
Because of tho vast amount that
has been written about South Africa,
the Impression Is general that It Is
the chief gold-producing country. Its
output was onlv $30,000,000 worth
last year, and $0,000,000 in 1901. But
the 'war cut down the production
In those ycais. However, in 1900,
when there was no war, the total out
put was $73,000,000, or $8,000,000
less than that of the United States
last year.
The Increase in the gold production
In this country has been tremendous.
In 1SS3 the output was $30,000,000
In 10 years u had Increased only $3,
000,000. Then It began to bound up
ward, but It never touched the $S0,
oon.ooo until last year.
Colorado led tho gold-producing
states and territories with a total of
$27,502,429, while California was
second with $17,124,914. Alaska's
output was $7.S23,793. Montana
produced $4,134,30.5; South Dakota,
$7.39S.057; Arizona, $4,155,039; Ne
vada, $3,514,412, nnd Utah, $3,720,930.
There are In the Union not fewer
than 22 states that produce gold, ac
cording to tho statistics of tho mint.
'T A rH
America's Foremost Classic Ator
MFo DnairBes Bo
.. v '
nwnticcTinVAm V i
Accompanied by MISS MARIE DR0FNAH and a Superb Company
in Shakespeare's wittiest and most perfect comedy
Positively the most Sampttfous and Best Cast Legitimate Pr odaction
on Toar . Order Yoor Seats Well Ahead.
A Great Sensation.
There was a blc sensation In I.ecS'
llle, Ind.. when W. H. Brown of that
place, who was expected to die, had
his life saved by Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. He writes:
"I endured insufferable agonies from
asthma, but your New Discovery
gave Immediate relief and soon there
after effected a complete cure." Sim
ilar cures of consumption, pneumonia.
bronchitis and grip an; numerous
It's the peerless remedy for all throat
and lung troubles. Price uOc and $1.
Guaranteed by Tollman & Co., drug
gists. Trial bottles free.
Presbyterian General Assembly Meet
ing, Los Angeles, Calif., May
23-June 2, 1903.
For the above occasion tho O, It.
& N. Co. will sell tickets from all
rail statio.-.s In Oregon, Washington
and Idaho as follows: One fare to
Portland. From Portland to as An
geles via steamer, from Portland to
San Francisco, In connection with P.
Q. S. S. Co. In both directions, $35.70,
Including mealti ami berth.
From Portland via rail In both dl
lections $38.00, or via ocean steamer
to San Francisco, thenco Southern
Pacific to ijoa Angeles and return to
Portland, or vlcu versa.
Dates of sale:
Via steamer from Portland .May 10,
11. 1C and Ifith.
Via rail from Portland, May 13,
14, 15th.
Stop-overs will be allowed In Cali
fornia In either direction.
Stock Farm for Sale.
We havo tho Jas. Lindsay farm,
near Alba for sale. It consists of 640
acres. 140 acres In timothy; more
than 200 acres in wild hay, which will
grow timothy. A portion will grow
wheat and barley, balance pasture;
abundance of water. All fenced;
good buildings.
Will sell in one, two or three tracts.
Easy terms.
Makes a Clean Sweep.
There's nothing llko doing a thhiK
thoroughly. Of all tho solves you
ever heard of, Ilucklln's Arnica Halve
Ik tho 'jest. It sweeps away and
cuies burns, sorc'B, bruises, cuts, bolls,
ulceis, skin eruptions and piles. It's
(lily 2Cc, and guaranteed to glvn Hat
h.factfon by Tallman & Co., druggists.
75c and 50c
K- w 7 f ' 7 f
Lots for Sale.
I offer some nice lots on tho north
sido near tho river. No grading need
ed. Price $200 to $300. N. T. Conk-lln.
For Kent Suite of rooms In East
Oregoulon building. Steam heated.
Hot and cold water and bath room on
same floor. Inquire at this office.
Is Manufactured bv
2 for 25c
ALLEN & LEWIS, Distributors
Charlemange Tower Is Fitting Up
One of the Finest In Berlin.
Much criticism has been heard In
diplomatic circles because tho em
bassies or tho United States In Hur
opo were not housed In accordance
with the Importance of tho country,
It has been explained that preten
tious houses wero not leased because
the ambassador hod to pay tho rent
from his own pocket, but It has been
hard for Kurope to understand that
the United States mnkes no allow
ance for Its diplomatic corps to en
tertain. For the first time tho embassy of
tho United States at Berlin is to bo in
a pallatlat lesldenee belonging to a
nobleman of high rank, In reduced
circumstances. The new ambassa
dor, Charlemagne Tower .becnuso of
his great wealth has been nblo to
have fitted up an embassy worthy
of his country.
Ambassador Tower's new homo la
one of the finest private buildings
in Berlin. It is being decorated lu a
most artistic manner under his super
vision. He Is planning to mako the
embassy at Berlin tho most brilliant
lu nil Kurope.
ills palace windows overlook the
stately Helehstng building and tho
colossal Bismarck statue. Tho now
ambassador intends to entertain on
a most lavish scale. Ho regrets that
the reception nnd dining rooms are
not largo enough for entertainments
on a scale to meet his ambition.
New York World.
They say he's n trlllo close. Close?
Why, he won't run his 'unto' on n
road when tho lines are over $5.
$1000 buys 300x682 feet of sightly
building property, north side.
$8.')0, two excellent building; lots,
stone wall and sidewalk, W. Court.
J1B00 buys three lots on north side;
corner and good ti-room house.
$1200, corner lot, and cottage nearly
$3050, four lots and splendid resi
dence, a very cheap property.
$2000. four acres, edge of town, house,
barn, 200 frull trees.
I22.S0, 113 acres, 3 mileH from town,
N. K., SOumes In cultivation, Willi
wheat, up nicely, 4-rooni house, good
$350, a graded lot, stone wall, north
side, east front, sightly location.
$10,000, half a section of choice farm
ing laud, crop Included.
These are entirely now oilers, but I
have many more and would llko an
opportunity to talk them over with
Engine, Boiler and Machinery
Of all kinds is our specialty. All
work guaranteed.
Exlra Parts Furnished for all Kinds
of Harvesting Machinery.
Manufacturer of
709 East Alta Street.
Baltezoru & Howe's Old Stand,
Is always received when you
place your order with us.
Fir. Tamarack and
Why buy poor coal when you
can get the best for the same
Laatz Bros.
Telephone Main 5i
The genuine, the bicycle
which is the undisputed
leader, is handled in Pen
dleton only by us, Conic
in and sec the Uacyclc.
3U Court
We have purchased the secoud
hand store nt 31t! Court street. Wo In
tend to relit It mid increase tho stock.
Wo would bo glad to havo our friend
drop in If you need anything in our
Hue. If you have anything to sell let'
us know, wo can hell It for you. Drop
lu and see our Hue of Indian curios.
Give us n trial, we will treat you tight.
Qurdane & McBroom
By the Fire Insurance Com
panies we represent. Our
companies stand first in the
Hartford Fire Insurance Co.. 13,259,074
Alliance AMuruncu Co 20,030,06
London & Lancashire Fire
Insurance Co, 2,544,83:1
North DrltUh & Mercantile
Co 10,005,074
1 loyal Insurance Co 22,897,153
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
Wc Don't Keep Everything
Hut we !o Keep n good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Hustle and Finish .
lu all grades Also all kinds
of Dimension Iuimbtr, In
cluding I-ath and Bhlugles.
Our stock of Doors, Win
(lows, Moulding, Building
nnd Tur Paper and Applu
Boxes Is complete, and ativ
one in need of Lumber wm
not Ijo wrong In placing
their order with the : : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W; A C. R. Dpot
100 head of heavy horses, I wink (
soli tho ontlro bunch and offer thorn
for $10 n head, spring colts thrown l,
without charge. About 12 of theuo
horses aio broke to work and about
25 of them huvo boon handled and aro
halter broke. All of tho young stock
have been tlrod by an imported Ier
choion, which weighs upward of 20M
pounds, Thu Clyde mares aro heavy,
low, block, solid animals, There are
a number nr splendid C-year-old gold
lugs In this bunch. This Is a bargata
for koiiio one, Call on or address far
further Information
Alba, Oregon,