East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 20, 1903, Image 2

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"L" 3
ft . m
We are selling all the
new things in Spring
Clothing for Men and
Boys at Popular Prices
Men's Suits from
$5 to $ I 7,50
Boys' Suits from
$1.50 to $5
I Baer & Daley
One-Price Clothiers, Halters and Furnishers
i i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i r utm h ww"H i -n-1 m i i.iMH-t-t
R. M. O'Brien Thinks Apricots and
I rhrrli. Ar Killed Peaches in
I Good Shape.
j R. M. O'Brien, who lives n mile
' and a hair from the city and has con
' slderable rrult Interests, reports that
, imnrlr all tho cherrlea were killed hy
Many Nrw Mowlno Machines Pur- tne yCry cold weather from the Sth
chased to Cut the Present CroD of i to the 10th of the present month.
Alfalfa An Effort on Foot to I The peaches, except a small per
I cent, wunsiooa inp coia uui'ij
Build a Creamery.
Echo. Ore.. April IS. A meeting of
the business men of Echo Is called
for Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock nt
the Arlington Hotel parlors for the
purpose of organizing a club. This is
a move in the right direction and It
is hoped that all Avho are lntertested
In the business welfare of Echo will
T. C. Benson loaded another car
of fat steers here today for the Union
Meat Co.. of Portland. The cattle
were purchased of Ben McCullough.
Ten mowing ninchlnes were un
loaded here today and a car load will
arrive a little later. It is estimated
that number will be required for cut
ting the present crop of nlfalfa.
There is an effort on foot here to
build n creamery in connection with
the cold storage plant proposed by i of the ground not merely pounding
the American Hare Packing and Cold ! the clods into smaller clods, but work
Storage Co. This would no doubt be j ing the ground until to a depth of
n II O -1 Tl l.n.tnASn nc 1 1. Dhl .. r 1 ,1 1 1 ! tn ,.,.. Innli.iE l lo 1 i' fi fl H
This layer of dust thous
experiments have shown, i
constitutes the most effective mulch-1
ing for the retention of moisture that i
can be applied to any ground. It
hns the great advantage of straw and
hay mulching in that It does not har
bor Insects and mice: neither does
it heat the ground and so neutralke
the benefits of the mulching.
nroniiso excellently for this time of
the year, the buds not being affected.
The apricots are gone, being In worse
shape than the cherries. They are
In full bloom, but examination shows
that the bud is killed. His opinion
Is that tho plums and prunes arc gen
erally In good condition, but he has
not examined them closely enough to
give a conclusive opinion.
Up to date the pears are uninjured.
Mr. O'Brien reports that the wheat In
the vicinity of the city is not in as
good condition as It has averaged
previous years. It has not stooled
out properly and needs rain.
He has in 12 acres of wheat which
he is experimenting with by applying
what is called the Campbell system
of culture. The Campbell system
consists In pulverizing the surface -..otcm a ? S. S.
In S. S. S. Nature has provided a toniTI
requirement of the system when in j .s?Wl
run down condition. Jt contains no strong 5l
ln,frs. but is a pleasant vegetable preparation. You can La ri
reniedv for toning up the nerves ami hnnginfr refreshing, restful
; in'w stntp of health, or sick and worn out vnth work nr. '
S. S. S. improves the I have no heaitaney In recommending
..'m tl, aatbe best Sprint tonlo on the mirti? Tnii,
nnoetite. aids the ciiges- ,. hr mniMr,.. hn .... c 1 h.Jr
ttou and reinforces the edly .the tonly tonlo that ;will build up uU"?!
system, and its good ef- oWS&S
lectsaresecnalniosurom xouw iruijr. lewis s 1
the first dose. It acts " . Ixxgi
promptly in tiiM-sui ummn j i-ir...... .....(,..... .uu 4U, Moniachtm
and does away with the uncomfortable fullness, nausea, shortness,,! i
HroWMIiC?! uuu uiiiil-,.. -Mtj;
o r o : Iiftct trmif lint rmccfccc filf.:
properties, and if there is any taint, humor or poison in the Ui
searches it out, and removes it. Jlany times a low state of LealHi,
lilnnd and can onlv be renipclipfl K.. n . "
.i . :nn..,l,!np.l nr enrl. n remedv ns S. S. S PtSs
to a bad condition of the 1
If you suffer from debility, insomnia, nervousness, loss of
bad digestion, or any oi uic sympiuiu ui u uisoruereu blood. nntHV,
so soon put your blood m good condition, invigorate ,md tone nn
Is no better dairy country to be found. I as dust
I ands of
MONDAY. APItlL, 20. 1903.
During a thunder stonn near West
Point. N'eb.. Saturday. lightning j
set the house of Fred Sendigriff on I
Are and one of his children burned i
to death. i
Hairy C. "Wayne, n grocer of Fort
Wayne, Ind.. Friday night fatally '
wounded 13-year-old Llzxie Jackson.
with whom he was infatuated, and j
then killed himself. )
Every window glass factory in the !
XTnited States went out of blast Sat-)
urday and 20.flini skilled laborers left !
the factories with no idea when they
would return to work. j
Every flour mill in Minnesota and '
the Dakotas has ceased operations
pending inatriietlons from the Min
neapolis millers, who claim discrim
ination on tariff against flour.
The International Brotherhood of
Paper Makers at Xueuah. "Wis., has
refused all offers of compromise In
their employes' struggle for shorter
hours and l.otio men went out on
strike Saturday night.
The Great Northern and Northern
Pacific have issued an order reusing
to furnish anv more ars for shingle
shipments east of Chicago, because
they now have 14.iiih cars on East
ern Unes which they are unable to
get bark.
Oil property involving about $7.
fMUUMm in the Trenton fields of Indi
ana and Ohio, have been transferred
to a French syndicate under a deal
just closed. The company win con
trol most of the crude oil iu those
states and will be a formidable rival
to the Standard Oil Company.
Golden Rule.
S. P Fisher, Walla Walla.
G. W. Bradley. Athena.
W. Wakefield, Fresno.
G. D. Galley, Portland.
G. C. Schultz, Pennsylvania.
Arthur Kaske. St. Joseph.
F. W. Churchill. Chicago.
D. B. Johnson. Athena.
F. M. Baum, Seattle.
A. Nylander. Portland.
Mrs. B. Cartane. Portland.
.Mrs. W. R. Herden. Portland.
Mrs. E. J. Kelly. Portland.
Mrs. M. F. Hudley, Walla Walla.
C. E. Coffin and wife. Walla Walla.
L. Estes. Athena.
D. Estes, Athena.
R. A. Seeds. Spokane.
S. A. Garber. Nampa.
H. E. McBeeu. Portland.
Mrs. T. Johnson. Walla Walla.
Mrs. L. B. Wells. Echo.
A. J. Hall. Spokane .
M. Brawne. Colfax.
.May Carmlchael. Astoria.
Joseph Robinson. Lone Rook.
Joe Connelly. Pilot Roch.
Joseph Burns. Athena.
Joseph Messenger. Athena.
F. E. Mills. Portland.
Robert Stewart. Spokane.
Mildred Stewart. Spokane.
J. H. WulBman. San Francisco.
W. W. Evans. St. Joseph.
.Mrs. B. B. Day. St. Joseph.
A. Baring. Baker City.
E. Belzer. IJaker Clt
D. R. Le Fene. Chicago.
M. Bnrman. Milton.
F. E. Burman. Milton.
E. A. Milks. Now Tork.
X. B. Mackiin. Portland.
Mrs. Crumlne. La Grande.
S .E. Crumine. La Grande.
B. W. Mitchell. Chicago.
R. Gumner. Chicago.
H. X. Halvereon. Northfield.
P. H. Lowell. St. Paul.
Frank Hershey. Nebraska.
T. A. Sullivan. Nebraska.
S. S. Gill. Spokane.
W. J. Moore. Spokane.
F. J. Gardner. Portland.
M. W. Smith. Spokane.
S. A. Frans. Spokane.
J. G. Hamilton. Spokane.
John Buner. Thorn Hollow.
John Buxton. Thorn Hollow.
Lee Swartz. Thorn Hollow.
J. F. Clemmer. Camas.
Lee Cunningham Portland.
Prof. Fenneman of United States Geo
logical Survey Investigates Boul
der Fields.
The Boulder oil field of Colorado
has been Investigated during the last
year by Professor X. M. Fennemnn.
of the United States geological sur
vey. The principal results of his in
vestigation are given below, sum
marized from a report which is now
in press.
Skamania county. Oregon, la pre-
r.n4n ... l.,il!J " ...... .w.i.w I.AIID.. i
The Hotel Corvaliis, at Corvallis.
Or., is being given an interior finish.
Rev. E. J. Kelly has been reap
Itointed to serve the Evangelical
church at Independence. Or.
At the Columbia mint-, near Sunip-
ter. Or . the water has iieen lowered , state of onto.
to a few feet below the itn-foot level. C1TV OF TOLKIx. )ss
n uBBiciir vaue are 10 m- tht nIor na-mer of the Unn of F.
mat tne growing nop rop is iuokior
sickly and will be vny .short this
While niakiug a poultice to alevl
ate the misery oi a tnend Miss Grace
McKlnney was fatally buruiid Fritlav
night in the WlnflHd House. In Port
land, j
A contract tor clearing 7i acres of '
the government reservation adjoining end arts dlrectlr on the blood and mncotw
the barraclis at 1 ort Stevens ha nrfac- or tne system. sna lor iu
been let to W. A. Goodln. of this city. ; monleix tree.
at 72.30 per acre.
We sell the greatest of blood puri
fiers. Acker's Blood Elixir, under a
positive guarantee. It will cure all
chronic and other blood poisons. If
At.0m'.,to t ,wi i. i ,u ,.iii... ! you have eruptions or sores on your
of Boulder date back to 1807. The i ,b, ar? '!ale' weak or run down ,
Biirfnre in.iirntinnt nnnSi nr dm,,, i it is just what you need. We refund I
bituminous odor of certain shales! moue' 11 e "ot B,a"fHflfeii' n
and of seepages called oil springs. c,ents .and J10 F- - Schmidt & Co..
The region borders the foothills, druggists.
most of the drilling being In nearly .
horizontal strata about three miles j
east of the "hogbacks." In which the I
rocks are upturned at angles of 30 i
to 90 degrees. The drilling is in the!
upiwr 2000 or 3000 feet or the Fort ,
Pierre shale, whose thickness here I
Is over twice that number of feet
The drill encounters mostly shale,
with local hard "streaks" and "shells"
and occasional sandy lnyers. These,
sandy lnyers bear oil and some gas.
Fresh and salt water are encoun-1
tered occasionally, but holes are gen-'
erally dry below 100 or 200 feet, i
Some require casing to avoid caving, j
The local sandy layers which yield I
the oil have small lateral extent and :
may occur at any depth. They often j
overlap, so that two or three are j
pierced in one well. No communlca-
sands. j
Shooting of wells is general but not !
universal. Some wells have beer
injured by the use of too heavy
charges, or by shooting nt the wrong
place, with the result of compacting
Instead of shattering the rock.
The source of the organic matter
giving rise to the oil is in the Fort
Benton and Fort Pierre beds, the low
er of those beds being more bitumi
nous than the upper.
Eighty-two wells had been drilled
or started up to February 1. 1003.
Nine thousand barrels of oil were
pnmped prior to December 15. 162
About 2on barrels a day were pumped
during January. 1SM3.
New Babies in Town
Just arrived, the new style Baby Upright Piano
315 EaBt Court Street.
Call and see them,
They are reasonable in price
Call for School Warrants, District
No. 1C.
All outstanding warrants of School
District Xo. 16. from No. 109 to No. I
281 Inclusive, will be paid upon pre
mutation at my office, room 16. Jurid
building. Interest ceases after this
Pendleton. Oregon. April 18th. 1!'"'?
That's the point we are trying
to imprest ou the public mind.
When a clean, pure druic stivk
is 8K)ken of we want thai to re
fer to our store We're doing
all we can to merit that title.
It's the main point of our busi
ness. We think alKiut it nd
talk abaut it all the time. Bye
and bye you'll i ear this iu mind
if you haven't already There
is no extra charge for this puri
ty. Tonetaef with accural- it'h
our indticeiiieiit for yr.ur p"e
pri("iin traitr. We are i-iri-ful
and primp with ma'I ordere
F. W. J
Schmidt, f
Pfi. G. I
Phone Main 851
makes it possible for everybody to have one.
Sharpies Tubular Dairy Cream Separator
Beats them all for close skimming
and easy running, no disc or bowl
complications whatever
The cTi-it bkimniii g aril eniest turw
.Separator yet pro'' iK-ei!, -ecui ing under th o.
adverre circumstance iir legu it to alily nt
tlltiou and tcni'i iat"re of the mil!;. rt-.j
heretofore considered impossible. Itdclittni
smooth, frothlesfl, perfect cream that wlUchnl
nut more butter than can be obtained fromnjl
other .Set arator in existen e- an IwthonKiS-l
ly and completely washed inside of fivena-l
tile", as there are onlv three piece- tothf toiil
lue Hlmrples Tubular machines are iliem!
simple i.ml durable made, aud can lie nuoua-l
e'l at a lew: cost for oil and renewal ,itfIiJJ
any "ther Separator on the uiarke
For catalogue, address
T. C. TAYLOR, The Hardward Ha
741 MAIN ST.,
Street poll tax oi the citf of Per.
dleton Is now delinquent. Prompt
payment must be made or collector
will be enforced according to law.
City Marshal.
Chnej- & Co., doing bilnis In th" city of
Toledo, county and state afornmtd. and
that said arm will pay the sum ot One
uanarea ifonara tor eacn ana every rase i
of Catarrh that cannot be cored by tbe i
ue of nail's Catarrh Cure.
Swom to bofore me and subscribed In
my presence this Cth dsy of December, A. ,
v.. laso.
(Sea!.) A. W. GLnAKOX.
Notary Public.
nan catarrn Lnre m inaen lnieninuj
The mayor of Wallace. Idaho, has
closed that town in the most sweep
ing manner. Ho says if the people
of that city want to make a Suuday
school out of Wallace he will help
them .
The corner-stone of the new boys'
dormitory will be laid with consider
able ceremony next Tuesday at the
Cliemawa Indian Training School,
near Salem. The structuro will cost
The department of the secretary of
utate at Salem, Or., has received of
ficial notification of the annexation ot
the Wideawake, Hurahlll. Doctor and
Iloarlng Gimlet quartz claims to the
town of Greenhorn, Baker county.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O
Hold by all drticslsts, 73c.
Hall's family l'llls are tbe best
For Sale Cheap.
A small farm close In: fruit gar
den. Irrigated, high grade soil, good
buildings. For Information, see Jno.
Halley. No. 1C. Judd building, or ad
dress P. O. box 432.
If you desire a good complexion uae
Mokl Tea, a pure herb drink. It acts
on the liver and makes the skin
smooth and clear. Cures sick head
aches. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Money re
funded If it does not satisfy you.
Write to W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo,
N. T., for free sample. W. H Schmidt
ft Co., druggists .
njoy Life
Out door exercise means
improved health and a
sunny disposition
All Kinds of Sporting
and Pleasure Goods
No matter what game or
pastime your fancy runs
to, you can Ret the
goods to promote it at
that gets your lungs sore and weaV
and paves the way for Pneumonia or
Consumption, or both. Acker's Eng
Itch Remedy will stop the cough In a
day and heul jour lungs. It wiil curt
Consumption, Asthma. ' Bronchitis
and all throat and lung troubles. Pos
I lively guaranteed, and money refund
ed If you are not satisfied. Write to
us for free sample. W. H. Hooker
Co.. Buffalo. K Y. F. W. Rrhmidt &
Co., druggists.
t ,
t '
Book and Stationery Store
On Its Merit
Has the larct. demand f r
Byets' Best Flow
Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that pr w- enters o-j
to iij-ers Best I'lour. It s perfection m rio'.r iwaje w -
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
f-fr-M-,!."!' I 'K 'I 'I1
Take I1 1
Bowman, the Photographer
Special rate for the next 60 days
One cabinet photo of the baby free
Until July lt I will gle abiulntcly tree one
length ol time I will make a 8MALL CABIXhT
(ample cabinet photo of an) baby k-M thnn
I wo fur Old. iinng mem in hot nay
8tunUr. that It nir buir day For ID,
l'UOTO ot children or adult for-":. Don't ml
this opportunity of netting an artlttlc. well
nnUhei! ploiuroof your little mics vbfnlutely
free. Komeinbvr the plare. ilaln tret, nenr
tbe bridge.
Nicely mowed Lawns are easily maintained
at our
Easv Running Lawn Mowers.
ihey are made on the correct principal. It s a r' 0gg,
operate them. Let us supply you with GARDEN n
Best goods at lowest prices. : : t :
i Thompson Hardware Co.,
62 J Main Street
t Headquarters for Fishing Supplies.
4-M Hi IIIIIIIIH 4HH 4-1 H 1 1 1 I I li