" - --v ... ' DA1LYEVENINBED1TBI -A-AA-A-AA-rtHHrt 5 Dyr pastern Oregon Weather; .kff . Tonight ninl Tuesday, probably showers. PEKDLETOy, UMATILLA COUNTY, OTtEGON, MONDAY, AP RIL 20, 1903. NO. 4722. II 'A.'XS A X. - . II HUSBAND T.-iifinc That Mrs. LeS Fair Lived 15 Mm- s After Fair Was Uead, ULAR ATTACHE MAKES UsATIONAL STATEMENTS te Skulls of the Fairs Will Nothing But There Were Important Witnesses That I Tdl Mch- . ii Anril 20 Paul Pa S. TT-itn states consular at- fm Paris .v'ho accompanied J10S0S rOWier in," t. tko man Wno oau "'""" consular investigations death of Charles Fair and wife. i the attempt m piui "j that the wire surviv j ie !l losh. He declares that Cert three Important witnesses ace about whom me nens IrniMnr. One of tnem can that Mrs. Fair survived her Id 15 minutes. He says the i a janitor of the casue near 0 PaW lUe UCUUtUl ttiiu luium lir dead. Mrs. i-air was sun ar. He ran to the casue anu nd found Mrs. Fair still alive. lis fast as he could it would it least 15 minutes to mal.o p. He says me man is a iypi- tinnan, overly suspicious, ann i. and for a long time could Induced to say anj mwg. us- whllr sick, he told or the liJalr to his physician, WINDOW GLASS I FACTORIES CLOSE TODAY. kr to Reduce the Stock on ! and Hold Up the Prices- lands Thrown Out of Employ- wins. April 20. Nearly all the mss factories in America rosed today in accordance with hemcnt between the independ fi federation companies to ro pe rtocks and hold up the price. mis morning show that less l pots are working. They will ea several weens. DUNSMUIR FIRM Will Not Discuss a Settlement With Miners Unless They Withdraw From Western Federation. Victoria. B. C. April 20, A delega tion from the miners ot the extension again waited upon Dunsmuir. As representative of his miners, Duns muir admitted the delegation. When In reply to his questions they admit ted they belonged to the Western Federation of Miners and represent ed a branch of such federation, he re fused to discuss a settlement with them. He informed them that he would have nothing to do with them until they withdrew from the West crn Federation. SILVER IN MARYLAND. Find Was Made at Frostburg While Opening Up a Fire Clay Bank. Cumberland, Md April 20. There is considerable excitement over the discovery of silver in Frostburg. Tho find was made while opening some fire clay banks. Professor Rutledge, the geologist of John Hopkins Uni versity .visited the mine and assay ed the ore. He declares that paving quantities exist. The mine is in' the heart of the coal regions. NORTHERN SECURITIES CO. MAY PAY 1Y DIVIDENDS Judge Sanborn, After Hearing Arguments, Permits the Stock holders Several Privileges. St, Paul, April 20. Before Judge Sanborn today arguments are being made for and against the modification of the decree in the Northern Secur ities case, permitting a payment of tho May dividends. District Attorney Haupt argued against it. taking the ground that it was not a case of equity, but a statutory case and that it was not in the province of the court to allow the law to be disre garded. He declared that a suspension de cree would allow the merger to con- tlnue violating the law. The nrgu In Honor of Jefferson. Kansas City, Mo.. April 20. The Democratic Club of Jackson conntr ment that the market would be af has complete arrangements on an j ftcted was one that would not appeal elaborate scale for its Jefferson day ' o tnc court banquet tonight. While the affair is intended to be in the nature of a testimonial to Hon. William J. Stone, recently chosen United States sena tor, tho gathering of prominent demo crats and tho speech to be delivered will be of a character to attract wide attention. Some who have accepted invitations to speak are William J. Bryan, Senator Bailey, of Texas; Senator Cockrell, of Missouri, and E. W. Carmack, of Tennessee. LOCKED OUT ANTHRACITE OPERATORS RE FUSE WORK TO 30,000 MEN. Judge Young then began his argu ments for a modification. May Pay Dividends. Judg Sanborn, after hearing tho aiguments, ruled that the Northern Securities might pay the May divi dends, May 1, holding that the fede ral court ly an injunction prevent ing the mergei from voting the stock of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern, has a sufficient hold on the concern. He held that the injunction against the dividends was auxiliary and could not be modified by the court, in as much as such dividends do not belong to the United States. The Decree. The decree permits the stockhold ers of the Northern Securities to ex change their stock for the stock of the railways for which It was issued. If the supreme court affirms this de cree the stockholders of the Securi ties Company can take exchange and Because the Miners Would Not Work 9 Hours Last Saturday No Explan ation Was Given for the Action. Mahonoy City. Pa., April 20'. As a i draw dlvllentls ffm the companies. sequel to the men's refusal to work ' Protects Stockholders. nine hours Saturday a lockout tills I ,f the Kunrem rnnrt reverses th morning wes inaugurated in the Phil-! j, - ,.i ., .i,. adelphia & Beading collieries. Thir- i lrom th0 securities Company. The ty thousand men and boys are idle. retention of the dividends bv the rail- pURDERER IDENTIFIED. lody Found In Body Was That Kadeuna Beneditto, of Buffalo. Tort, April 20. Inspector Mc J this moraine announced that rrel victim had been identified sienna ueneditto. 43 years old ". his nome was Buffalo. wuy identified by his broth-r Mhtrtn-Law Serving Time. turns urothpr ic e.ri., te.!!?,Lfor.couut,;rfelnc- IZ.a. ,e went to tne prls tdav and shnu-eri o ,o..; ..r wered man, which was in- snned by the convict. JURY DISAGREED ' Melrose, Chamed with rd of w. u Bronm, A"seles, April 20. Tho lurv of w 11 Broome, pan. I . " I'lominent f testing '.i. "Ul,ess to the was f,!?iBroom a"er the "uwiuea and dy Mass i. ... l.i -, . nnru vii iM i.. t". TlClnlty thPru - - "us: tm Of natrtn... , Kenel ttTe. thP ... , lno 11(10 of from BosZ" .0I,tUe Brlt' er nZ.8.ton. to Lexington 4 Treat 'ne iIl'n,s Ut .17. "' of the m "wrest 0. ""uoca oi h?.a11 yfortho P?toni :rP,a,UI. Kruger will e m,.. " not ve No explanation accompanied the op- eraiors- action. The men were slm ply told "there Is no work for you." NEGRO GHOUL ON TRIAL. a... . I "Ml.- B Yo S- Pril 20.-The ismt'4 m T" ,ant Mar ABertna1Prrnlne trom Cantrell, of Indianapolis, Pleads In sanityGreat Trouble In Securing Jury. Indianapolis, April 20. Rufus Can trell, the negro ghoul, was placed on trial in the criminal court this morn ing. He pleads insanity. There was gieat trouble in Eclecting a jury. Scventy-flvo men were examined and excused this morning. All said they had determined in their own minds mat Cantrell was tho guilty one. U. S. STEEL MEETING. All Officers and Directors Reelected and Plans Ratified. New York, April 20. The report of the United States Steel Corporation ior the year having already been made public. Wall street is manifest ing but a passing interest in the an nual meeting of the company at Ho- ooKen today. It Is generally under stoow that routine business onlv will be transacted at the meeting." The stockholders are expected to ratify tho purchase of tho United Steel Company, in which Director Henry C FricU is interested, and likewise to approve of the purchase of the stocks and bonds of the Troy Steel Products Company, in which Directors John D. Rockefeller and Henry H. Rogers are interested. The program also calls for the ratification of the plans of me board of directors for the expen diture this year of $30,000,000 in the improvement of the plants of the company. It is confidently exweted that the eight directors whose terms expire will be re-elected for a period of three years, each. Tho steel corporation today re elected the directors and all plans proposed were ratified. way companies while the appeal is pending would not enhance or speed the enforcement of any legal right of tho United States while it might intlict' unnecessary loss and Injury upon the stockholders who are just ly entitled to receive these dividends as soon as Uiey are earned. It is the purpose of tho government tc enforce the law against all illegal combination in restraint of trade. Dur ing the pendency of tho appeal the government Is protected by that por tion of the Injunction which forbids the acquisition or voting of any stock of these two railway companies, Tho appeal In this case will probably bo determined by the supremo court about November. It Is not perceived how n retention or payment of dividends during the pendency of the appeal can injurious ly affect any rht of the United States In this litigation nnd tho only question Is as to whether the dlvl dends shall be niled up in the treas uries of the railway companies or be paid to the stockholders to whom they legally belong and who must ultimately receive them, which ever way a Una! decision In the case may bo. Filed an Appeal. Immediately after tho decision the Northern Securities filed an aiv peal and following the order of the court gave bonds for JdO.OOO. Every point made by the railway attorney was sustained, Judge Sanborn elucl dated his position at length and said the defendants hadn't asked tho court to suspend the entire injunction, but only that portion which restrained the payment of dividends pending nn appeal. Wall Street Surprised. New York, April 20. Northern Se curlties stock Jumped from 94 to 99 Immediately when the news of the suspension of the injunction permit ting the May dividends, was announc ed. Wall street was surprised. REPRESENT AMERICA. Men Chosen to the Championship Automobile Race In Ireland, July Second. Garden City, April 20. L, Moore, ot Cleveland nnd Percy Owens, of Now York havo been chosen with At cxandcr Wanton to represent Amor lea In the world's championship nutO' mobile raco In Ireland, July 2. They were chosen as tho result of tho race run early this morning nnd which wns started at S o'clock. Owens mndo the fivo miles In five minutes nnd 25 seconds. Tho fastest mllo was ono minute nud two seconds, Moore's time Is not announced. TREATY WITH FRANCE. Public Opinion In Scotland Favors Peace Between England and the Republic. Olnsgow, April 20. Tho Chamber of Commcrco this morning enthusias tically passed a resolution favoring a treaty of penco between Great Brit ain and France. Tho action Is sig nificant as showing tho trend of nub ile opinion with regard to France. Cat., KILLED BY OUTLAW. City Marshal of Bakersfleld, Died This Morning. Hnkersflold. Cal.. Anrll 20. City Mnrshnl T. J. Pncknrd. who was shot yesterday in a battle with outlaw McMimey, died this, morning nt 7 o'clock. Iki was president of tho lo cal Knglos nnd a ptomlnent Rlk. TO BRING PHILIPPINE SCOUTS. As Part of an Exhibit at St. Louis Exposition. Washington, April 20. Secretary Root, Adjutant General Corbln and Colonel Edwards, chief of the insu lar bureau, today Iiad a consultation over the project of including in the Philippine exhibit at the St. Louis Exposition, a battalion of the Phil oppine scouts. The matter was first brought to the attention of ihe expo sition management and Governor Taft was communicated with. It has finally assumed such definite shape that Secretary Root has directed that anangements be made for the scouts to come. A Filipino band consisting of SO or !'0 pieces will accompany tho scouts. Labor Leaders at Toronto, Toronto, Out., April 20. President Samuel Gompers and a number o leading members of the American Federation of Labor, including John Mitchell of the miners, are gathered In Toronto. The occasion Is the an nual meeting of the executive com mittee of the federation. The busi ness to be transacted Is largely of a routine character and concerns chief ly the affairs of the labor bodies of the Dominion, Kinn of Servla Scared. Paris. April 20. A dispatch from Servla today says that the body-; guard of the royal palace at Belgrade has been strongly reinforced as a co.ip de main is feared. FIND THE BODY OF WHITENECK Brother and a Neighbor Run Across Kootenai County Man. Rathdrum, Idaho, April 20. Tho body of Frederick Whiteneck, who burned his house anil barn Thursday night, was found on the river bank Saturday. A brother of the dead man's wife and a neighbor discover ed the body about 400 yards from where the barn stood. Whiteneck Jay In a thicket, a bullet hole In the temple, anil a 32-callbie revolver by Ills side. The position of tho corpse was vory peculiar. The face was :ov ered with blood, the legs straight out in lino, with the body face up ward, the left hand folded across the breast. A slouch hat was drawn over tho faco. The revolver wns leaning against tho man's shoulder butt on the ground, muzzle straight up. The body was not touched until the coroner s Inquest was held. Chicago Wheat, Chicago. April 2n. Whcat cenu per bushel. 777 PARRY THINKS FOREIGNERS RUN UNIONS Declares the Labor Leaders Are Trying to Start a Rebellion Against the Government, Indianapolis, Ind.. April 20. H. C. Parrv. president of the Manufactur ers' Association arrived here yester day. He says he bas no desire to oppress the workers of this country, and that no assault was niado on or derly leaders of unionism. "If tho nntniis." he said, "want to carry on a contest along hlgh-tcned and lawful lines, the employers or this country will be glad to meet them on that latis. He says the country will then resolve itself into a vast Industrial army and there will bo no hitch in cur advanco toward complete com mercial supremacy. "But wo do not the United States propose to have placed in the clutches of tho dreary, obstlnato, vicious sort of trades unionism, which iins England by tho throat. Senator Unnn.'i, (ortaluly made a true expres Finn, when ho said trades unions in this country need Americanizing. "The movement In this country to day." continued Parry, "is in tho hands of foreigners of strong social istic and anarchistic tendencies and their lendciB aie doing everything In their power to start a rebellion against the United States government." ALL RECORDS ECLIPSED. Reports From Kansas Show Finest Prospects for Wheat. Topekn Kan., April 20. If the state board of agriculture predictions, an contained In a report today, come true, all rocoids of wheat crops will bo eclipsed. There Ih tho heaviest acreage over planted in the state A SELF-STYLED ONE WILLIAM BROWN CUTS WIDE SWATH IN ENGLAND. 8EVEN WERE KILLED AND 12 SERIOUSLY INJURED. Marries a Pormer Countess and Creat ed a Great Furore In London Has Been Arrested. London, April 20. The soli-styled Prince .Athrobold Stuart do Modena, who on December 17th married for mer Countess Russell, was today nr rested charged with assuming u false name. His real name, tho pollco al lege, Is William Brown. Ho created n furoro when ho first arrived In Lou don nnd wns considered a great matri monial catch. Ho took u trip with his bride 12 dnys nnd then disappear ed. Several Passenger Cars Were Derail ed and Two Sleepers Were Burned Five so Badly Burned That They Were Unrecognizable. Jamestown, N. Y April 20. Four were killed and many Injured in n wreck of tho Krio passenger trnln nt Redhouso, about 4 o'clock this morn ing. The passenger inn Into tho renr etui of n freight, which wns de layed In making a siding. Several passenger cars were uerailiM nna two sleepers wero burned. Three bodies havo been recovered, but nro unrecognizable. Three More Reported Dead. A second dispatch says that In ad dition to the women and children re ported killed, two pascngors In tho day coach and u brnkeinnn on the freight wero also killed. The Officials' Report. New York, April 20. Tho Erie of- Ilclttls hero report that only three were killed In the Redhouso wreck, two women and a child. Five cars wero totally wrecked. Later Seven Killed. Dunkirk. April 20. A complete ac count of tho casualties of tho Red- house wreck shows thnt seven wero killed nud 12 seriously Injured. Ot these, live of the dead wero so badly burned that It wns Impossible to Identify them. The tlames of tho wreck wero put out by the Salamoncii nro company, which was sent on a special trnln, CONVICTS FIGHT. One Is Stabbed, the Other Had Head Crushed Both May Die. San Francisco. April 20. K. W. Hamilton mid Will Brown, convicts In tho state prison, had n fierce bnU lie wllli an Iron bar nnd knife this morning, Hamilton wbh stabbed in the aide. Brown Is suffering from (ouciiKslon of tliu brain. Both mny dle. A LOYAL CONFEDERATE. ENGINEER ON TRIAL. Was In Charge of Engine of White Plains Local Train Which Killed 17 Persons, New York, April 20. Locomotive Engineer Wlsker. v. lio was In charge of tho engine of the While Plains lo cal trnln which collided with the New linven local in February, 1902, when 17 wero killed, was liiouglit up fur trial on tho clinrge of manslaugh ter In the second degree In tho crimi nal branch of tho supiemo court this morning. He looks III nud emui'lut- ed. Howard on Trial. Frankfort, Ky., April 20. A cross- examination of Howard this morning has so far fulled to elicit any mute i nil contradictions, Storm in Germany, Berlin, April 20. Tho storm Germany continues unabated. SHIPMENT OF SHEEP, Charles Cunningham Sells 2,000 Reg istered Rams to Montana Firm. Charles Cunningham today la load ing for shipment to Montana for feed ing on tho summer range there, and subsequent sale, 2,000 registered Ramboulet rums, Mr, Cunningham ias for years found a profitable mar ket In Montana for u good many of his surplus thoroughbred rums, Thoso 2,000 will bring him 20 eur-h. Tho lawa of .Montana are such that a stay of 0 days In the ututo Is .tcessary beroro sheep run ho mar keted there. This Is no dlsudvuntuxu as the animals become acclimated In that tlmo and are all the moru sale able on that account. Mother Yes: and when the Piodl- gal Son returned to his home after being sorry for being bo bad his futh- cr killed the fatted culf Bobby But what had the fatted calf been do ing? Had he run away too? Boston Transcript, Had a Band Play at His Funeral, Which Played "Dixie" While tho Dirt Was Shoveled Upon Him. .John It. Lincoln, of Plattslmrg, ,Mo an old friend of E. M, Lyons, or Pendleton, last week died In Plntts burg, leaving Rome peculiar provis ion! In Ids will. One was that tho best baud In Northwestern Missouri should be 111 red to piny at his fune ral and at the cemetery. This was done and tho Cameron band wns secured for the occasion. According to It Ih explicit Instructions the baud played "Home. Sweot Homo" on the wny to t lio cemetery, and "Dixie" dining Hie entire time that the earth was being shoveled Into tin' grave. Mr. Lincoln was an unreconstructed Confederate and doomed It an honor that the laborers who covered him for IiIh long sleep should do so to the strains of the Couft'dorucy'H national tune. .Mr. Lincoln was R2 years of ago whop ho died, and survived IiN wife but one month. Mr. Lyono avers that he was a man of exemplary charnc tor personally besides being gener ous to a fault and very public-spirit-pd. IN POLICE COUnT. Several Indians and Negroes Donate for Drinking and Fighting. ( Tho police court record for today Ih as follows: John Doe, Indian, drunk onil disorderly .forfeited n ?5 bull. George Hlewnrt, colored, elinrged with fighting and disorderly conduct, wns found guilty. Rlchnrd Keith, color od, charged with fighting, was fined $10, Parson Catnn, Indian, drunk and disorderly, got tluee days In tho city Jail. Whirlwind, Indian, drunk. wub lined $5. Henry Pond, Indian, was fined $6 for fast riding. Andrew Banihnrt, Indian, for fast riding, wuh fined $!, Stepped on a Nail. E. C. Sklles, of this placo, retire. sentlug the Spokane Drug Co., stop ped on u nail which penetrated tho bull of his foot. Frlduv last. Tho accident occurred at Kugeno. Mr. Sklles Is now at homo and Ills foot Is In pretty bad shape, BAD WRECK ON ERIE Passenger Train Ran Into Rear End of a Freight Near Red house, New York. niimimiMiwjty- ' ! ' 'I