East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 18, 1903, Image 8

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Made in California
where materials are
produced. The lowest
C- cd roofing made,
ts longer than all
others. It is weather
and water-proof and
fire resisting.
Sen for booklet.
The Paraffine Paint Co.
San Francisco, Seattle,
Portland, Lot Angela
and Dtavtr, Colorado.
just received another
car load of Poultry and
stock supplies at thej
Colesworthy i
127 and 129 East Alt Street
Bulk of the Gold Output in United
States Obtained From Low Grade
' Ores Nuggets Found In Many
Parts of the World.
Two-thirds of th5 gold credited to
Alaska In 1S02 enmo from Cape Nome,
much of It being In tho form of little
nttBgcts, about four-fifths pure gold,
that was washed out of the gravel,,
and all of It was sent to Uncle Sam's
mluts at Seattle and San Francisco,
where It was converted Into coins or
held by the government as bullion .
The movement of the cold from
quartz to circulation as a medium of
exchange Is most interesting, uoiu
ore In tho shape of quartz, goes or
dinarily to Bmelting works, which get
rid of the quartz and other refuso,
and turn out tho metal in tho shape
of "base bars," consisting of gold,
silver, copper, lead, iron, etc. The
bars then go to the refinery, where
the gold Is separated from these lm
nrities, to be finally moulded Into
hrlcks and sold to the mlntB. The
bulk of the gold output of the United
States Is obtained from low-grade
oreB, which could not have been put
out at a profit before the Invention
of the so-called cyanide process.
Very little of It Is dug or washed out
in the shape or oust or nuggets ex
cept that which comes from tho beach
sands and gulch gravels of Nome.
Not a little of the great quantity
of gold now in our treasury, over
which Europe Is in such a pother, has"
been found in nuggets.
These nuggets In the-shapo of molt
ed and congealed masses of metal,
have been usually found near the (Sur
face of the earth.
Concerning Nuggets.
They have formed much of tho. ro
mance of alluvial gold-mining in tho
past, but of late years not many big
nuggets have been found. Nearly all
of the nuggets picked out of the gulch
placers of Nome are small, though an
occasional specimen weighing a
pound or two has been found. The
wonderful mines of the Rand, in
South Africa, are low-grade ore, and
do not yield large chunks of the pre
cious substance. It is In Australia
U1UI, lor rvUBUUS uuvur naiiDitittuiuj .
explained, most of the very great nug
gets have been discovered, though I
Bomo big lumps wore dug up in Calif
ornla during tho early days of the
gold excitement in that state.
Tho largest nugget found In Califor
nia was tho so-called "Oliver Martin
chunk," which weighed more than
151 pounds through containing some
white quartz and which, after bcnlg
converted Into bullion, .fetched J3G,
.270, Jt was discovered near Camp
Corona, In Tuolomno county, '"Nov. 18,
1854. by a poor prospector named
Martin, who, with a companion named
Flower, was tramping up the coun
try to find now diggings. One night
they enmped in the mountain canyon.
and a cloudburst came, drowning
Flower. Martin, who narrowly es
caped, burled the body of his friend
by the" roots of an upturned tree,
and In digging came upon a huge nug
get, which later became the nucleus
of a largo fortune.
Australia the Home of Big Nuggets.
Australia has vbeen pre-eminently
the home of big nuggets. Here the
greatest find was the "Welcome,"
which was dug out Juno 1C. 1858, by
a party of 24 men working at Bakery
Hill, Ballarat, at a depth of 111 feot.
The lump was of Irregular shape, 20
Inches long by a foot In thickness,
and weighed nearly 185 pounds. It
was almost pure gold and sold for
"The "Welcome Stranger," unearth
ed Feb. IS, 18119. near Duuolly. Vic
toria, by John Deason and Menard
Oatea, weighed 2280 ounces. It was
found lying In loose gravel, barely
covered. Twenty-one Inches long and
10 Inches thick, it contained some
quartz, but tho great body of It was
solid gold. The lucky minors heated
It in tho fire in their hut. to reduce
its weight, nnd gave away bits of It.
But the bank of England eventually
paid S3S.000 for what remained.
In the early days of tho nineteenth
century a squattor named .Road had
cleared a piece of land In Cabarus
county. N. C. and built a hut of logs.
He and his family "wore very near to
starvation .when ono day his three
children, playing on the hnnks of a
stream, saw a big yellow stone. They
took it home, and it was used for
a while to keep open the door of the
family hut. It weighed 15 pounds.
Read finally sold It to a goldsmith
for $3.25, but It was actually worth
more than $4000. The mountain at
the foot of which it was found subse
quently proved to be enormously rich
in gold.
A Woman's $2250 Nugget.
There is a record of but one great
nugget found by a woman. It was
picked up, purely through accldonti
by Mrs. Harry Ellis, who went to; JIVe
In tho mountains at Alplno 'county,
Cal., for the sake ot her husband's
health. Ono afternoon, while driving
home the family cow, and looking for
of tho dog. Bhe saw a large dull yol
low pobble and picked it up. It was
about tho slzo of a croquet ball,
rough and battered, but she got ?2
250 for It.
Rumors have arisen at various
times during the past few yenrs that
Russia has concealed In the Imperial
vaults over $500,000,000 In gold, which
do not show In 'the empire's financial
This vast sum has been hoarded.
It is said, to fight tho great war of the
future, which, according to the mou
ern prophets. Is sure to come.
Uncle Sam does not find it neces
sary to take such precautions, with
n possible army of 10,000,000 men, a
treasury always overflowing, and
enough men left to work tho farms
we hove no especial cause for an
xiety. The world's total stock of gold to
day Is about $5,000,000,000, which. If
melted into one mass, would form a
cubical block 42 feet long, 42 feet
high and 41 feet wide.
A Preparation That Will Destroy the
Dandruff Germ Discovered.
Finally the scientific student has
discovered a certain remedy foi dan
druff. When it first became known
that dandruff is the result of a germ
or parasite that digs Into the scalp.
and saps the vitality of hair at the
root, causing falling hair and bald
ness, biologists set to work to dis
cover some preparation that will kill
the germ. After a year's labor in one
laboratory, the dandruff germ de
stroyer was discovered; and it Is
now embodied In Newbro's Herplclde
which, besides curing baldness and
thinning hair, speedily nnd perma
nently eradicates dandruff. "Destroy
the cause you remove the effect."
Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c
in stamps for sample to The Herpl
clde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold by F.
W. Schmidt & Co.
If you are troubled with Impure
blood. Indicated by sores, pimples,
headache, etc., we would recommend
Acker's Blood Elixir, which we Bell
under a positive guarantee. It will
always cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic
poisons aud all blood diseases. 50 cts
and $1.00. F. W. Schmidt & Co..
Fattened on eBet Pulp
T. N. Profflt, the catle dealer has
shipped ten car loads or pnlp-fed ,cat-'
tie from La Grand to Portland.
These cattle will be sent to Nome,
where they will bo killed and sold to
the miners. They will cost tho deal
ers $175 each by tho tlmo they reach
Wiimo T,ra trnnatinrtntlnn Is exnect-
ed to make the cost per pound live
weight reach 15 cents. Im Grande
Cor W. Aha and Lillith Sts.
L. Neff. lormerlv of the Hotel
Alta, has chaige of the Old Dutch
Henry Feed Yard, and would be
pleased to care for jour horses.
Plenty of stalls, large corrals for
loose horses and cattle. Hay and
grain for sale. Chop mill in connection.
Holds no customer re
sponsible for more than
the margin he places on a
A margin of one cent a
bushel is required on
grain, and $2 a share on
stocks. An eighth cent
a bushel commission is
charged on grain and
of one per cent on stocks.
Manager Pendleton Office
Monopole, R0ck (v
n half gallons, g ,J
j u pans.
Celery 1
Standard Grc
Coort Street
u, uioceria
The Colombia
Lodging House
Newly Furnished.
oar in connect
Bet. Alta & Webh
In Center o B!o
F. X. Schempp
Farmers Custom!
Fred Walters, Propria
Capacity 150 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for whet
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Hi
u way uauu.
sammmm mmmmm mwwmmmw mm mmmmmin mmnrnrmmnnmn mmmmmmmmm fmnimnmin'nii
i MAY 15th, 1903
Development at the Highland Mine Justifies an Advance in the Price ot Stock. It is Much More
E Yaluable Now Than When We Placed the First Allotment on the Market Some
Two Months Ago.
A crow of meu have lieen constantly nt work over
since we acquired this property and the Glasgow crosscut
Las now encountered and fully crosscut the ledge. In this
ciosscut we have opened up a body of ore sixteen foot in
widtli carrying good commercial values.
In speaking of commercial values we mean ores
which have a sufficient, value to pay for the extraction
milling and all other incidental expenses thereto, with
cur ugh of a margin left ovor to pay good dividends to the
This large body of ore was not in the nature of a
surprise, wo simply expected it, as the surface develop
ments showed this same large Iwdy of ore, and there was
no reason why it should not he encountered in this cross
cut and at this depth.
We are now turning to drift on the ledge to the west
from the crosscut in order that we may open up ihi richer
cies at a greater depth which are found on the surface
throughout the Bannockburn claim.
This lino of development, we helicve, will prove very
interesting to all who are interested, or may liecornc inter
ested in tho Highland mine, as it will certainly open up
ore bodies rieh in quality and in largo quantities.
It will demonstrate that tho Highland will rank as one
if the largest producers in the district
From now on tho development work will be com
paratively easy and not very expensive, as we will be
drifting along the ledge where the ground is much easier
io work than in tho country rock which encases the vein.
Every month will show a large increase in our ore reserves.
To any one who wishes to invest a reasonable sum of
money in the Highland mine, we will pay all traveling,
expenses to and from the mine for the purpose of his
making a personal examination.
In offering you a free trip to the Highland we feel
that this is proof within itself of the value of this prop
erty as it stands to reason that if we di dnot have a good
iu:ne there and all that wo claim for it we could not offer
;sou such an inducement.
We would be only too glad to have each and every
oiir who contemplates the investment of money in mines,
c me out and look over this property and tho district in
general. In offering to pay your expenses out hero and
back we feel that we aro not running any risk whatsoever
as wo know positively that no one, no matter how grea:
or conservative an expert or mining engineer he may be,
could possibly, roughly speaking, "turn it down."
If you have not sufficient money yourself to justifv
you in coming to tho Highland to look it over before in
verting, we would suggest that you and your friends make
up a small pool and send one of your number out here
to look over the Highland. In this way we believe you
vi uld get absolute information as to the value of the prop
erty you invest your money in, and you will also have an
opportunity to learn nil about the reputation, standing
and ability of tho directors of the Highland ojn.piuv.
We take pleasure in referring you to any bank. bt.'---iicss
man, or mining man In our own community.
If you wish to secure any of this stock while it
selling at the low price you should scud in your order as
quick as possible. Those who have not all the money on
hand to pay for ns much stock as thoy wish to purchase,
may send us a portion of it and we will set tho stock aside
or you and you can pay the balance later.
In case i all the stockjwe wish to sell yoo at this price shotfld be sold
before your order is received, we reserve the right to retorn yotf
your money.
Address all communications, and make your cnecks, drafts and money
orders payable to
Department No. 17
Financial Agents Stimpter, Oregon
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