East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 16, 1903, Image 4

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Outfits, Regular $500 $400
Bowls, Regular 60 40
Bowls, Regular 1 35 90
Picture Frames, Regular 25 20
Picture Frames, Regular 35 25
Picture Frames, Regular 40 30
Picture Frames, Regular 50 35
Tobacco Jars, Regular.... 165 , 1 10
Steins, Regular 1 65.. . 1 10
Trays, Regular 35 25
Pipe Racks, Regular 75 50
Stein Racks, Regulir 85 60
H is easy enough to bo pleasant.
When life flows on luce a sour,
Hut the man worth while
Is the man that will smile,
When overythiiiR goes dead
For the test of the heart is
And It always comes with the
.And the smile that Is worth
The jirnlses of earth
Is the smile that is seen through
Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
Just now while the subject of beau
tifying homes is uppermost In the
fire. Paper and hindllngs are perfect
ly safe and much cheaper. The Inci-
dent re-omphasl.es the fact that
there aio thousands of ovoryday hu-
roes unknown to fame because an op
portunity to prove their heroism has
never conic to them. Whilo the
husband stood terror-stricken, not
knowing whether to go to the help
of his wife or to rescue his baby, a
neighbor, Jumes Kelly, rnn to
the woman whose hnlr and clothing
were ahlnzo. He know what to
do and did it. He wrapped a blanket
around her and smothered out the
blaze. Such men aro vnluable mem
bers of any community. When the
emergency arises they do not get rat
tled. They keep their wits about
them, they are cool, they see what is
to bo done and undeterred by fear
or panic, they do the necessary
An agent
Company Is
of the Swift Packing
in Portland seeking a
, (..... ii 1 . i. . .. e .,., I
UU"US"1 ""' a,lB Ul , suitable location. The establishment
mentation and civic improvement are
being so generally discussed, the fol-1
lowing brief extract from a letter
from Prof. A. n. -l.eckenby, of the
Unlou Experiment Station, is appro
priate and to the point.
Prof. I.eckenby is. a lover and stu
dent of nature. His whole life Is
wrapped up In the art of unfolding
her hidden forces, and bringing to
light her rnro and beautiful forms of
expression. He believes that life
without art is empty, but that all art
is not comprised in sculpture, music
and painting, but that "growing
things," aiding the earth in the work
of filling the barren fields -with flowers
of a packing house in Portland would
mean much for the livestock inter
ests of the state. It would save the
long haul of our stock to Chicago and
Omaha. It would save the by-products
to be returned to the soil as
fertilizers. Where stock Is slaugh
tered by local butchers there Is much
of value that goes to waste. The es
tablishment of the packing house
would eliminate the element of
The spring salmon season, which
has Just opened bids fair to exceed
last year's catch. If Oregon had
nothing to advertise her but the
and golden harvests, is a part of art gan,c and klnglr Chinook, her repu-
and one of the most useful vocations tatlon would bo world wide. Our
f man- royal Chinook goes in cold storage
In writing to Prof. E. II. Conklln cars to the East and on the tables of
on the subject of flower planting by
the public schools, Prof, l.eckenby
"With most or the so-called treas
ures of life, it is necessary to hide
them away under lock and key. Wo
place flowers where all can see and
enjoy them. Those who cultivate
flowers, do it to please others and get
a great share of enjoyment them
selves a paying interest on their in
vestment, ' "The occupation of growing flowers
does not blanch the cheek with sick
ness, but gives the healthy glow that
makes the performer rich in ways
that money can not buy. Rich in
useful knowledge that may be made
use of when necessary. Those who
can get flower seed to grow and
bloom, can grow tomatoes, lettuce,
cabbage or anything that grows they
learn the great science of growing
"To become proficient in any of the
so-called arts, as music, painting, etc.,
the worker must devote such inces
sant exertions and so much of life,
that thoy become unbalanced and un
fitted for social duties and pleasures
and often broken in health. The love
the rich advertises the mighty Co
lumbia. In cans our salmon Is sent
wherever railroads, ships or pack
trains can go.
The coffeo output of Central Amer
ica which amounted to about 1,000,000
bags annually, and which goes prin
cipally to Hamburg, will, If present
plans are carried out, be diverted to
the United States. A line of railroad
Is to be constructed from the Atlantic
to the Pacific across Central America.
Now Orleans .will probably be the
port of entry into the United States.
A Minnesota flax company is seek'
ing to locate In Oregon. Not even
in llelglum Is a better quality of flax
grown than in the Willamette val
ley. Climate and soil conditions are
very favorable there for Us -growth.
The present mill Intends to nse the
flax fiber for rope, loiter we may be
producing a grade of linen equally
as good ns the famous Irish linen.
The famous "Spindle Top" at
Itenumont, Texas, has been visited
with a destructive fire. A flywheel
of an engine operating ono of tho
wells, struck a lantern. The derrick
of plants tends to refinement of tho was Iguated and the flames spread
highest and best type. To come close with great rapidity. About 300 der-
to nature, means health, wealth and ricks were burned, causing a loss of
usefulness. To such there Is no moro nearly $1,000,000.
dreariness, but friends aro found In j
bird and tree, the flelds are full of.
music, llfo becomes a poem; then are Tho foowlnK ,,., , As.
we callable of receiving tho greatest torlan is a samplo of tho universal cry
structlon was begun. .DozenB of fam
llles In the ,clty would 'be glad to
secure meuium sized uweuings wun
modern conveniences at a rontal of
$1G to $20 a month If thoy could be
Probably some of tho property own
ers are afraid that If thoy . built now
houses thoir old tenements would bo
vacated. Perhaps they think the peo
ple may leavo town soon. Somo of
them have left because thoy could
not And decent houses to rent."
Tho county prosecutor of the aver
age community, on whom nine-tenths
of the prosecutions of the county
talis, gets somewhere between $1200
and $3000 a year. Going up in the
scale, one finds that tho federal dis
trict attorney gets $4500 .and that tho
attorneys general of the several states
have salaries ranging from $2500 to
$5000. Tho attorneys general of the
various departments and bureaus at
Washington receive from J2000 to $5
000, and at the top of the pyramid
stands tho attorney general of the
United States, who gets but $8000,
and has to maintain a place in tho
cabinet upon that small salary.
The average salary of the average
public attorney who has charge of tho
enforcement of laws in this country
Is probably something under $2500 a
year. In three enses out of live wnieli
the public prosecutor tries In court
he opposes attorneys for the defense
who are making annually twice as
much monoy as he Is. Corporations
take the best attorneys away from
the commonwealth's service.
In nearly every town of over 10,000
people every railroad crossing pays
some attorney more than the city or
county prosecutor gets, In .every
state capital every railroad maintains
an attorney whose salary Is three or
four times as great as that of the at
torney general of the state. And
every great railroad i.as at the head
of Its legal department men who re
ceive from two to ten times as much
money as the attorney general of the
United States receives.
Law Is made finally by, the courts
In this country, and the courts aro
influenced by attorneys. Is it any
wonder that the people complain bit
terly against the courts, and claim
that the corporations get all the fav
ors? What else can the people ex
pect? Court decisions are like every
thing else In this world; tho product
of environment and the natural law.
Cheap men give the public cheap
Bervlce. William C. Whitney in Sat
urday Evening Post.
TTtTTTTTTTTTTTT1 I t I I I I I it-tt . . . . . l - - 01 - -i..- - ;
Tailor Made Suits
We have the celebrated "Ainsfield ' suits and skirts, and none nre better fitting, betterm
more ud to-uate. it vou want a roou sun wc uo n. " "-r' i mcuium nrrAj:
. . . .. . . . 1 1 .1. 1 1 Un fnt.r.,1 In Rnctarn ft l
or skirt we nave it, penectiy maae anu me ucsi vmu iu ut iuuuu ui.-..i vtcgon.
rnr?r?AT rnn tttic tirct?V onAlnn QntttrAaxr Anril t M f h r Xitll nvnrv tniln ,
oircifii- run a riu ...m.t, vj.v.. -j, ..j--.. . , T "laacsu t
1 1 i . . 1 .1 l 1 . n.. m t,n 1 1 1 mirn imii 3ncn111rF.il' r. tr n m . . -
SKtri ana sniri waist suit, soiu iui pu ui mmc, u t.i j - .-i-., your ch(
any sailor hat in our stock, or any street hat or trimmed hat not exceeding $ 1,75 in price.
Witheverv tailor made suit, or skirt and shirt waist suit, costing $7.50 or more, we will civ .1.
1 . . 1 " - mu
lutely free any sailor or street Hat in our stocK, costing n or ies,s.
r.nlirn in vds mc. cuitine ilanncl lovds. 7c grade for hoc, gingham 10 yds. for 40c, LL lioukf. 1:.:.
, . . , . , - . ' . itu n
E 4c yd. Men's shirts black stripcti or light colored 40s cacn.
Saturday Specials
Agents for the Raymond Washable Kid Gloves
Fine Tollow Newtown Aprles
only 90 cents a box.
Fresh Ranob Eggs, 15 conts a
We have the Famous and al
ways satisfactory
A trial will convince yon of its
The Big Store in a Small
Alta Street, Opposite Savings Bank
Word has been recolvr-d horn K. C.
iieen. World's Fair comiuiss'Ioner to
South Africa, that Rhodesia has ac
cepted the Invitation to participate In
ti:e World's Fair, St. Louis, JfO-J.
The Gorman empress gave 170 fe
male servants the golden servants'
cross last year for having remained
40 years In the same family.
blessings and life may bo a success.
A woman In I'ortland was fatally
burned yesterday by pouring coal
oil from a gallon can onto live coals.
Such accidents are sad, and tho pity
of it is thoy are so frequent. It Is
unoxplalnublo why in this day of
nowspapers when every person who
can read has read numorous accounts
of Just such accidents, anyone will
tako the risk of such un occurrence. .
. i. . 1 Tho houses which havo boon built
Aside rrom tho danger It isa waste- ,.ecently ,iave a beun rontC(, I)oforo
fill and oxponsive way of making a they were finished, usually before con-
for houses In every thriving city li
"A hnndsomo monthly Incomo and
1 tho approval of a suffering public will
be the reward of tho enterprising
man who erects a number ot smnll
cottages or a few first-class flats for
rent within easy walking distance of
Astoria's business center, Tho dwell
ings of the city are taxed to thoir
utmost. It is, ami has been for
ninny months, almost Impossible to
obtain a good modern house to live
In nt any prico without walling indefi
nitely for it to hecomo vacant.
The woman who reads this will under
stand to the full what Mrs. Tjptou meant
ivlieu sue says : "lam enioyini; gooa
Health." It takes
a person who has
been made
wretched by sick
ness to under
stand the joy of
health. .
There are very
many women who
suffer as did Mrs.
Tipton, who might
oe etireu as sue
was by the use of
Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescrip
tion. It estab
lishes regularity,
dries the drains
which weaken
women, heals in
flammation and ulceration, and cures
female weakness. It makes weak women
Strom;, sick women well.
Xt in with pleasure X recommend lr. Pierce'
medteinc," write- Sin. Nora Tiptou, of Cropper
(Cropper station), Sbelliy Co., Kentucky, "Yoti
remember my ca&e- was one of female wcakuet
awl weak lungs, I had no appetite aud would
often pit blood; wa confined to my bed almost
nail ui 111c iiiut; .tuu cuuiu jmiuiy gtizinu on iny
feet at timed lor the pains thromrh my wholc
bodv and system. Mv Imsbaud had to tuv larce
doctor bills for me. but since I hare taken four
bottle) of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery, four of 'l'av-orite Prescription' aud three
vials of 1 Pleasant Pellets' we liaven't paid any
more doctor bill-. It had been seven months
since I stopped using Dr. Pierce's mediciues and
nave been cnjoyuiK goon neaitn an the time
can never nrale these medicines tou hlphtv
for I have received so much benefit. 1 pray that
many who sutler as I did will take Dr. Pierce's
medicines. I am sure tliey wilt never fail to
cure when Kiven n fair trial. Hverybody telh
me I look better than they ever saw me. 1 urn
sure I feel better than I ever did before."
I'a-onte Prescription " has the testi
mony of thousands of women to its com
plete cure of womanly diseases. Do not
accept an unknown and unproved sub
stitute iu its place.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a
ladies' laxative. No other medicine
equals them for gentleness and thoroughness.
I Lrt! Lilt! 1 1
T Go where they all go, to j i
i t
$1000 buys 300x582 feet of sightly
building property, north side.
$8S0, two excellent building lots,
stone wall and sidewalk, W. Court.
$1800 buys three lots on north side;
corner and good ft-room house.
$1200, corner lot, nnd co'.tage nearly
$8050, four lots aud splendid resi
dence, a very cheap property.
$2t00. four acres, edge of town.houae,
barn, 200 fruit trees.
$2250, 113 acres, 3ruilcH front town,
N. E., 80 uorw in cultivation, 60 in
wheat, up nicely, 4-rooni house, good
350, a graded lot, stone wall, north
side, east front, sightly location.
$10,000, half a section of choice funn
ing land, crop included.
These are entirely new otters, hut 1
have many more aud would like an
opportunity to talk them over with
a..M.i i nun,
Cloak and Suit
Robinson's Amusement
Howling, Shooting, Pool
and Billiards.
j Corner Maio and Webb Sts. I
4i,M.,Hi,,.l,.i Ml It fH 1"H I ! I IW
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
HussoUl its entire stock
to The Peoples Ware
house. The entire ilne
of new aud seasonable
stock of Suits, Skirts,
Waists, Petticoats and
Uudeninisllni is being
ottered at such a Sacri
lice as will clear them
out in a few days.
Eastern Cloak
& Suit House
We Don't Keep Everything
Hut we tlo Keep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Ceiling, Rustic and Finish,
iu all grades. Also all kinds
of Dimension Lumber, in
cluding Lath aud Shingles.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
aud Tar Paper ami Apple
! Boxes is complete, aud aiiy
one hi need of Lumber wfll
not be wrong in placing
their order with tiie : : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. Wt & C. R. Depot
Is tho cause of moro discomfort than
any other ailment. If you eat the
things that you want and thnt are
good for you, you aro distressed, Ack
er's Dyspepsia Tablets will make
your digestion perfect and prevent
Dysnepsln and its attendant dlsagreo
ablo symptoms. Vou can safely eat
anything, nt any tlmo, If you take ono
of those tablets afterward. Sold by
all druggists under a positive guar
nnteo. 25 cts. Monoy refunded if
you nro not satisfied. Send to us for
a freo sample. W. II, Hooker & Co.,
Huffnlo, N. Y.
Is always received when you
place your order with us.
Fir. Tamarack and
Why buy poor coal when you
can get the bust for the same
Laatz Bros.
Telephone Main 5 J
The genuine, the bicycle
which is the undisputed
leader, is bnndled in Pen
dleton only by us. Come
in and see the Recycle.
Sit Court
bargains in
Real Estate
I have a larger aud hotter
list of Farms, Stock .Ranches
and City Property to sell
than ever before. Also a big
lot of land in the coming
wheat soction of Eastern
N. Berkeley
We make a Specialty of Building R J
We make them rielit and i
always give satisfaction. oJ
work is never slighted or botcbJ
Pendleton Planing
and Lumber Yard. !
A Bad Wreck
Hut tint o liml s It might be, nor 10 tail
wbatltrau be thoruiiutilr rrpalitJ tj aj
kill and experience, good norkmisiUM
palut nnu varnl.n cttii do wnrorn- 19
vehicle 1h hIwrvh u-itrth retutriflr if UBl
paired rlitht, and Unit 1. wCt lU'IJ
Aim lurinermore our prices are wj w"
uur nuiuuu wagon urn me eMi w
wugniisou (tie market The cuiet i
block and steel clad hub. mate 1
M.tal.la l fltiu ollmafA Dllf I
made by the aiue nrm ami are gurant
re tne im.i maae. ran auu re w
Tlie Syracuie How hanoieil or u "
illokct tMtng ineurtii.
We Mil and giiatautn the 1
Going to
Repair vour homes or
of business by having tliempul
ed or papered.
to us
Larce and nicely M
stock of wall paper and pais'5-
E. J. Mtpfiy
111 Court Street.
Agency for the Sherwii-1
Hums faint,
Schedule of F5
fin nrwl nftpr Allfll Ii 'J,(! !
the Pendleton A UliialiS'ae
vill be:
. ,nnnd If
ronaieton 10 iiamu, --t y nr
dleton to Alba, $-' "5. rouml ir'M
to Rlrtge, U. routi-l tt
Nye. 11.60 round v.'-
Otflce at Quieten Rw
' ...ti- nityj' .
tuliilnB orei 100 bin P'K
luliiKl for '-'3 emu a ,""""e'