East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 15, 1903, Image 8

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Special effort has been made
to get thr newest and best styles
for babies and children, and we
have a stock which includes some
thing to please all.
Bring in the little tots and
make them happy. Our prices
mean a saving to you.
Dindinger, Wilson & Co.
Phone Main 1181
Good Shoes Cheap
W. W. Gardner Bound Over In the
Sum of $500 to Circuit Court.
W. W. Gardner was yesterday even
ing bound over by Justice Fitz Gerald
to answer tho charge of seduction
preferred against him by Amy Hoi
lett. Tho complainant, who Is but 17
years of age nt this time, is an orphan
who has been making her homo with
her sister, Mrs. Sine Montgomery, of
Cold Springs. Gnrdnor is a married
man, but has kept bis domestic rela
tions n secret from the people hero
nntll after the present denouement.
He has been in tho vicinity between
two and three years, coming here
from tho East. I-ast summer while
working for Purl Bowman, the
wealthy farmer south of town, he be
came engaged to tho Hollctt girl, and
under promise of marriage seduced
her. Their child was born on the
12th of March. Tho victim swore to
the complaint Monday last. Justice
Fitz Gerald bound him over under
$500 bond to appear for trial.
It appears that Gardner lias practi
cally done nothing to support the girl
and in addition to being a scoundrel,
is either extremely reckless or not of
average Intelligence, as ho ndmlts
the crime, but clnims he thought the
girl was a year older than she really
was at the time the first offense wns
committed. He also claims that be
expects to get a divorce from bis
wife in the East, and that he would
marry the girl If he could do so legal
ly. He has undoubtedly nttempted to
bribe the girl from giving testimony
against him.
At Christian Church Friday Evening,
April 17 Public Invited.
Tho Woodmen of the "World and
Women of Woodcraft are cordially
invited to the anniversary of Wood
craft to be held at the Christian
church 'Friday evening, April 17. A
program of two hours' duration will
be given.
To the public is cordially extended
the same invitation, assuring them a
pleasant entertainment.
After tho exercises the members of
the order, with their wives, husbands
or sweethearts, will adjourn to Hen
dricks' hall where a banquet will be
held. Toasts by prominent members
of Woodcraft, and by prominent
F. & S. Bitters
The great System Tonic.
The remedy that is so
popular because of its
real mrit. ,Now is the
time to take F. & S. Bit
ters and tone up your sys
tem. One bottle is equal'
...to, a month's recreation.
Manufactured by
C. A. Hotkey has gono to Salt Lake
It. J. Watklns has gone to Welser,
J. A. Ingersoll has gone to Fort
Smith, Ark.
Samuel Clemens left last night for
Kansas City.
L. F. Long left last evening for
Salt Lake City.
Mrs. Wlckershon has gone to Medi
clno Lodge, Kan.
Mrs. Mary Gerking left last even
ing for Payette, Idaho,
F. It. Nothken and wife left last
night for Welser, Idaho..
Miss Sophie Gratz is again on duty
as cashier nt the French restaurant.
H. Hanson left yesterday for Mon
tana. It Is probable that be will not
Joseph Stoure and his Bister, Miss
Edna Stoure, left last night for Pop
lar, Mont.
A. L. Demnrls, of Milton, was In
the city yesterday and today, return
ing home this morning.
W. S. Itoy and wife have gono to
Guthrie, Indian Territory, probably
to remain permanently.
Samuel Lee has gone to Boise. Ho
thinks of returning to Pendleton, but
Is not sure that he will do so.
A. Meservey, the painter, returned
this morning to Walla Walla, but for
only a short time. He expects to
spend- the summer here.
S. B. Calderhead, general freight
and passenger agent of the W. & C.
It., arrived down from Walla Walla
on a short business trip.
L. B. Beeder is nt The Dalles m
tho Interests of the Improved Order
of Redmen, a council of which wns
In session there last night.
Mrs. A. It. Holmes and her little
daughter left this morning for Port
land to join Mr. Holmes, who Is keep
ing books In a bank In .that city.
A. Paris and Oscnr Davis arrived
this morning from Indianapolis with
the Intention of putting in a plant
for the renovation of carpets and up
holstery. J. W. Stockman of Helix. Is In the
city. Mr. Stockman, Who Is a wheat
rolser .reports the wheat backward,
but healthy, and It Is lately stoollng
out finely,
J. L. Stockman a Helix rancher.
Is moving to Pendleton today. Ho
lately bought a residence on the
north side. He has leased his Helix
A. B. Fullerton, of Portland, gener
al switchboard superintendent for the
Pacific Coast Telephone & Telegraph
Company, was in the city yesterday
on business relating to the reorgan
ization of tho system here.
Mrs. Sophie E. King, of Everett,
Wash., general organizer of Wash
ington Women of Woodcraft, will ar
rive this evening to attend the anni
versary celebration and consult with
the grnnd guardian.
Miss Bertha M. Summer, of Port
land, general organizer of the Women
of Woodcraft for Oregon, is here
transacting business with the grnnd
guardian, Mrs. Van Orsdall. Togeth
er, they are planning tho coming cam
paign for Eastern Oregon.
Attachment Suits.
Two attachment suits were filed
yesterday as follows, in the ofllce of
the county clerk: J. A. DrinKliouso
& Co., of San Francisco vs. James
Beardsley, tho saloon keeper of this
place. Tho papers were filed by Car
ter & Ralely, attorneys for the plain
tiff. Tho action is for $200 with In
terest since the first of last July.
Tho second case was brought by
James A, Fee, representing John W.
Crow and himself. Tho defendants
are William Owen and R. H. Owen,
and tho action Is to recover $935 on a
promissory note.
Returns to Chicago.
W. M. Peterson, of Athena, was in
tho city yesterday and today. Ho
accompanied from Athena to this
placo Miss' Anna Kirk and her sister,
Mrs. Edward Koontz. Miss Kirk was
on her way to Chicago, where she
resumes her studies, after a vacation,
in tho Northwest University. She is
a senior in tho pharmacy department
and will graduate In December noxt.
Mrs. Koontz was on her way to visit
friends at Pasco. Thi ladles aro tho
daughters of Hon. T. J. Kirk, tho
wealthy farmer.
Mrs. Eliza McFarland, an Oregon
pioneer of 1852, died Tuesday at Tho
3 k t!m!fr?h didn't, so if you
laundered better
z..MwH? ,lian y?" ever h '
- cJS-.WtH.vT'L. Court anil Tlioinps
The Best Criterion
Of our work is the work it
self, as our best advertise
ment is ihe praise of those
who patronize us. We know
we can do the best laundry
work, as we couldn't do i
t t
'Oil BUeolH.
Gardner Get Into Two Courts at
Once Now Declare That He Will
Marry Girl He 8educed.
Two chapters wore written In tho
life of W. WL Gardner yesterday In
this city.
The most highly colored and sensa
tional chapter was that which tellB
of his preliminary examination on
the charge of seduction, an account of
which Is given elsewhere. The othor
chapter was the granting by Judge
Ellis of Gardner's petition for n di
vorce, which has been pending In
this court since last July. Tho dlvorco
was on the grounds of abandonment
and infidelity by his wife, whoso
present whereabouts Gardner pro
fesses to have no knowledge.
Judge Ellis stated to a reporter for
the East Oregonlan that Gardner pre
sented a straight case, consistent and
with abundant evidence to provo his
complaint and that ho was entitled
to the divorce. But the Judges' as
tonishment nt learning that tho plain
tiff in tho divorce case and tho de
fendant In tho seduction case were the
same Individual was considerable, as
not the slightest intimation had reach
ed his ears that the parties wore the
Until after the hearing of tho pre
liminary case against Gnrdncr In Jus
tice FItz Gerald's court, Judge Ellis
had heard nothing about tho seduc
tion case. The facility with which
Gardner gave bonds Is supposed to
be due to the activity and influence
of the young lndy's relatives and
friends and goes far to indicate that
Gardner Intends eventually to do ex
actly what ho says marry tho girl.
Gardner and his wife, from whom he
was divorced yesterday, once lived In
Salem, at which placo sho deserted
him and went East, or perhaps to
parts unknown, with nnothor man.
Peter West is tho attorney for Gardner.
Public Schools Dismissed Tonight,
Until Next Monday Morning.
Professor E. B. Conklin and Miss
Parrott will leave tonight for Walla
Walla to be present at tho opening
session of the Inland Empire Teach
ers' Association, tomorrow morning,
at 9:30.
All tho other teachers will go on
the S:15 tralu In tho morning. A
large number of Eastern Oregon
teachers from Wallowa, Union and
Baker counties arc expected to arrive
tonight on No. G, to Join the Pendle
ton party In the morning.
Superintendent J. H. Ackorman, of
Oregon, will present tho subject of
"Consolidation of Districts and Free
Rural Transportation," on Thursday
afternoon at 2:30 and will respond to
the address of welcome by Mayor
Gilbert Hunt, at 8:30 Thursday even
ing. On Friday evening President E.
Benjamin Andrews, of tho University
of Nebraska, will deliver a lecture
on "Problems of Greater America."
An interesting program has been
arranged throughout and tho attend
ance promises to be very large.
School will be dismissed in all the
rooms tonight and will remain closed
until Monday morning.
Well Known Club Woman of Boise
to Visit Mrs. C. B. Wade,
Mrs. E. J. Dockory, a prominent
club woman and educator, of Boise,
Idaho, will arrive hero tomorrow
morning to bo tho guest of Mrs. C. B.
Wnde, and to attend tho meeting to
bo addressed tomorrow by Mtb.
Weatherred, In tho interest of wo
man's work on tho Lewis and Clark
Mrs. Dockery Is tho G. F. secretary
of tho National Federation of Wo
men's Clubs and Is deeply interest
ed in tho Lewis and Clark fair, and
Is ono of the most active club women
of Idaho.
On Friday morning Mrs. Dockory
and Mrs. Wado will go to Walla
Walla to attend tho meeting of tho
Inland Empire Teachers' Association,
which will convene' in that city to
morrow morning.
Nothing But Glass.
C. E. Sherwood, tho Now York
dealer In diamonds nnd precious
stones, arrived yesterday and this
morning went west on tho Portland
train. When naked, "What is tho un
known quantity which lies In tho
front window of Dr. Garrotson's
storo?" ho roplled: "It Is slmon pure
glass." The "stone" was found about
six weoks ago on nn Island In tho
Columbia River by E. W. McComas,
and thoro has been consldcrablo spec
ulation as to Its quality and worth.
Mr. Sherwood says he has stcnes of
overy Imaginable degree of worth
lessness submitted to him for inspec
tion In dlffaront parts of tho country
nnd has many times examined stones
from this region, but never found
ono that had any vnluo. In this in
stance ho declares the find is nothing
hut a lump of glass, despite its pe
culiar shape and tho impossibility of
nccounting for Its being found where
It was.
In Police Court.
"John Doe," but who gavo his name
as Petor Ryan, was arraigned in
Judge Fitz Gerald's court this after
noon charged with drunkenness and
using nbsccno and vulgar languaeo
In tho presence of ladles. Ho was
given his cholco of $25 flno or 12 nnd
a half days In tho cltv Jail. Ho
choso tho latter. Tho defendant is
a common hobo with a mind probably
somewhat deranged.
Mrs. Wetherred to Accompany Ella
Wheeler Wilcox to Pendleton.
Mrs. Edyth Tozler Wetherred will
accompany Ella Wheeler Wilcox as
fnr ns Pendleton. They will nrrlve
on No. 2 at 5:40 this evening and will
bo met at tho train by a largo number
of club womon nnd frlendB, who had
anticipated a longer visit from Mrs.
Owing to her Illness In Snn Fran
cisco Mrs. Wilcox's plans have al
ready boon disarranged and It is Im
possible for her to stop here.
Mrs. Wetherred will address the
citizens of Pendleton nt tho parlors of
the Commercial Association tomorrow
nfternoon at 2:30 p. m., on the Im
portance of organizing LowIb and
Clark women's clubs, and on woman's
work In the fair In general.
In towns with strong organizations
of women's clubs in the AVIIlamotte
valley, tho effort to organlzo separate
clubs have failed, and It is the senti
ment In Pendleton that this work can
bo carried on through tho state fed
eration of clubs, Instead of branching
out with now organizations.
Mrs. Wetherred will bo the guest
of Mrs. Wade, at Locust Hill, during
her stay In Pendleton.
Leon Cohen Returns From Walla
Leon Cohen returned from Walla
Walla on the noon train today, and
reports a most enthusiastic and suc
cessful meeting last night nt tho or
ganization of the Inland Empire base
ball league, of which ho was elected
treasurer. A Btrong league is form
ed and tho season promises some of
the most Interesting games ever play
ed In this territory.
New President Here.
Professor French, the newly-chosen
president of Weston Normal, arriv
ed from Portland early this morning,
accompanied by T. A. Worthlngton,
secretary of tho board of regents,
and loft on tho 8:15 train for Weston.
Mrs. French, who Is teaching at Mon
mouth, will not come to Weston until
the close of this school year.
Sorry He Left Oregon.
D. H. Goss ,of Welch, Cherokee
Nation, arrived this morning. Mr.
Welch lived in this neighborhood
many years ago, and expresses regret
that he ever left here. He went to
Spoknno this morning on a short bus
iness trip, and will return here before
long, with the Intention of locating.
... ' 1 1 . . T rW7 T"l tl T ."vr r- ,
Wc will make espiciauy uuv ma-na auiing IjjJ
WE. en on
Laces and Embroideries
We have the prettiest line of these goods it has evert
our pleasure to snow. L-ome ana iook mem over.
The Leaders In Pendleton
Epidemic of Smallpox.
J. N. Gulllford. of Pendleton, came
In yesterday from Prlnovillo, and re
ported several cases of smallpox In
that city, one of which, that of How
ard Dillon, being very sovere. and
when Mr. Gulllford left Prlnovillo the
doctors In attendance bad pronounc
ed the case hopeless. Dalles Times-Mountaineer.
George Ropers, a prominent Eng
lish dog expert, will Judge the contes
tants In the Portland Kennel Club's
show this week.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in tho family
svery day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre
pared in two minutes. No boiling! no
baking! add boiling water and set to
eool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
Derry and Strawberry. Get a package
at your grocers to-day. lo cts.
to Prevent Pneumonia and Consump
tion is to euro your cold when it
first appears. Acker's English Rem
edy will stop the cough in a night,
and drive tho cold out of your system.
Always a quick and sure euro for
Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat
and lung troubles. If It doc3 not sat
isfy you tho druggist will refund your
money. Writo to us for free sample.
W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
F. W. Schmidt &. Co., druggists.
t $
Gold Medal Butter, Pure,
Sweet, Clean. The chief
characteristics of good butter
are purity and cleanliness.
This butter combines both,
nnd will ictain its rich a,nd
delicate flavor to the last.
Try it and you will never
use any other. Your money
refunded if 3 ou do not like it
. . & SON . .
Don't let it escao
iu uwi, 1 always navestcl
an opportunity of securing
sjjicuuiu usuiiig oumt asweji
offering just now. We u,
the best split bamboo pold
hooks, flies, reels, leaders. J
everything in the line of fishid
J. W. CLARK & Cfi
211 Court Street
Fresh, New, and riost Desirable Colorings
- - . . m m a f m
Jap Silk bougnt by us a rice irom me m
prominent Japanese Manufacturer., SAVIN
All Our
24 Inch
Japanese and China Silk at
45 Cents
We oav Darlicular attention to
silk department. See our north windff
The Big Boston Stoi
1 riim
We hnve Carpet J
.,!. f. rnnme. Ifi
will close out nt prealiyi
ToAceA FfiC
Undertaking Irlon lu
Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repa'
Delay will lead to" serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable
Court street, opposite the Golden Kuie