51 It,. i t i IIIMIIMMIIIHIMI WmflMIIIIIIIIMHH m CtTfleMT, MM, IT I. KUTPtfcHrtlM J Spring Clothing We are selling all the new things in Spring Clothing for Men and Boys at Popular Prices Men's Salts from $5 to $ J 750 Boys' Suits from $1.50 to $5 Bae & Daley Oue-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers ', tin i n i l 1 1 in nm i in n"H"i-H"M in f ! WEDNESDAY, APRlh Id, 1903. HOTEL ARRIVALS. GENERAL NEWS. A project Is now on hand to build a railroad from Panama to Chile. Two men wore killed and two Injur ed Tuesday In a belated explosion of dynamite at Pittsburg. The employes of the Northern Pa cific threaten to strike because the company has rejected the men's con cessions. Colonel Lynch, the Irish leader who is In prison tor treason in aiding the Boers is falling rapidly and may not live until pardoned. Houses were crushed, windows broken and children knocked down in New York city Monday by a heavy blast in a new subway. The three great publishing houses of the Methodist church are to be merged into one institute at Chica go, thus saving annually $110,000. By an opinion handed down lately in the Denver court of appeals, a man hired to take a striker's place must he warned of the situation by the employer. Bolters from the republican city convention of Omaha have nominated a 'ticket on a public ownership plat from, thus taking their main Issue from the socialists. Mad because his wife and 3-year-old daughter were not at home, Clias. -loeger, of Now York, hunted them up, seized Uie child by her feet and knocked her brains out on a stove. The agricultural department has 'introduced some insects into Hawaii to destroy the lantana weed with which thousands of acres are covered. The use of the insects are proving a success. City. Michigan. PACIFIC NORTHWE8T NEWS. The rural free delivery mail car riers of Lane county have organized a union for mutual benoflt. One homoseeker party, consisting of 60 people, from West Virginia, ar rived In La Grande Tuesday, A Tacoma Arm is shipping 1,400 tons of Oregon hay to Manila this week. It was baled at Forest Grove. Charles Theodore Hollbron, form erly county treasurer of Clatsop county, died at Astoria of paralysis, Tuesday. S. "V. Lyman, who escaped from Portland detectives on an Astoria train, last Thursday, was recaptured Tuesday near Houlton. The women of Grant's Pass declin ed io organize a Lewis and Clark woman's club for tho reason that clubs now organized are nblo to han dle the work. Archie Little, aged 10 Golden Rule. J. Norrls, Denver, L .C. Norris, Denver. F. M. Norrls, Denver. J. L. Norrls, Denver. J .G. Daniels, Hot Lake. W. J. Thompson, Baker T, L. James, Hauna. O. J. Spran and wife, .1. E. Moak. Tekoa. W. SI. Peterson, Atlienn. J. M. Hazelton, Pomeroy. Fred Cawley, Portland. Anna Kirk Athena. J. VV. Eame3 and wife, Pilot Itock. V.. M Smith. Portland. V. It. AIcBoberts, Spokane. It. A. Seeds, Spokane. T. W. Jackson, Spokane. T. H. Manning. Harrison. H. N. Powel, .Mission. C. Burroughs, Portland. J. M. Hemphill, Uklah. A. L. Demarris, Milton. F. E. Welch, city. L. P. Swltzer, Wardner. H. D. Mosler and family, Adams. Lucy Scofield, North Yakima. It. P. Behrcmlt, Baker. D. It. Wishart, Baker. A 1. Gale, Union. W A. Ciirrln, Portland. .Mrs. H. S. Shelhan, Conway Springs F. W. Hlxcn, Chicago. H. N. Saxton. Washington H. 8argent, Corvallls. A. D. Chase, Portland. B. S .Garber, Wompa. PANIC IS COMING WOOL BUYER THINK8 BUSI NESS OUTLOOK POOR. Declares That the Labor Unions, and Not Over Production, Will Be Re sponsible for Crisis, Which We Are Now entering. Jacob Sheucrmon, who has been buying wool all over tho West for tho past 18 years, declares tluit pres ent prospects are that wool will bo off porhaps n cent and a half from tho expectations of the sheepmen, in spite of the fact that tho clip Ib heavier than last year and tho quality excel lent, at least outside of Umatilla county. Ho has not investigated these points concerning the wool crop in this county, but does not see why tho general excellence and wolglit should not bo shared by HiIb county. Ho declares the gonoral Industrial situ ntion to be responsible for tho utv promising outlook for tho wool price. Eastern capitalists, ho declares, will not put liberal money into wool or nnythlng else while the labor trou bles remain as acute as they are, with the prospect that they are liable to bo Htlll more so. Capitalists, he avers, will hold onto their money In every department of the Industrial world so long as the labor organiza tions keep up the present Irrational turmoil and aro constantly in the at titude of demanding more, oven when their present demands aro met by reasonable concessions. He believes the situation is simi lar to that existing Just prior to the great disturbances of 1893, and that the result will be tho same as then. After about so long of being shut out or tho mills, factories and railroads by their own unreasonable obduracy the laborers will bo glad to got back to work on any terms that will yield them u living. START WATER TRAINS. E. Flugge, Spokane. Robbed the Grave. A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows: "I was In an awful condi tion. My skin was almost yellow oyes sunken, tongue coated, pain can- tinually In back and sides, no appotlto growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Then I was ad vised to try Electric Bitters; to my great Joy, the first bottle made a decided Improvement. I continued their ubo for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another victim." No one Bhould fail to try them. Only 50 conts, guaranteed at Tnllman & Co.'s drug store. Bonner N. B. Bonner N. B., haB been purchased from Chris Simpson, of Portland, by J. Erwln & Co., of Pendleton, and will make the season in this county. He is a bay stallion, 16.1 hands, weighing 1,200, foaled In 1888. und bred by Smith nBlley, of Itoaoburg. He has been well known In Eastom Oregon since 1893. Ho Is the slro of "Oregon SiinEhine." btatk or onto. ) CITY OF TOI,KI)(), )s i LUCAS COUNTY. ) Frank J. Cheney makfa oath that he la tne senior partner or tne nrm or v. j. I Cheney & Co., doing tmalneaa In the city of loieuo, county ami state atoresaia, ana tnnt said Arm will pay the sum of One . . iiuuuict.4 iuuam iui cam am ktc- im was caught ot catarrh that cannot be cored dt the on a revolving snnu ui ecnmeizer m use or uairs catarro unre. Llttlo's sawmill, nt Aurora. Or.. Tues-1 Sworn to before me and subscribed In day, and horribly crushed. His In-jgr fnce thlB 0,h ot Decern, a. juries aro fatal. i (Seal.) A. W. QLBABON, A. L. Craig, general passenger Notary Public. .... V n n e. M J,U i rinn ' Hall's Catarrlv Unre la taaen iniernnuy "6"i "i w- y end acts directly on the Dlnofl ann mucons conies of the company's folder to Norway. Tuesday ,on request of In tending immigrants. I Frank Itogors, formerly president of the British Columbia Flshormon's Union, was shot and fatally wounded by some unknown assailant In Van couver, B. C, Tuesday, ; ,iun irrigated, high grade soil, good U. O. Flournoy, of noselmrg, Is buildings. For information, see Jno. under arrest for arson. Ho Is uccus. Halley, No. 1C, Jiuld building, or ad ed of burning a neighbor's baru, con- dress P. O. box 432, talulng a team, milk cows, a binder und other farm machinery, I Ladles' half soles 40c, Teutsch, surfaces of the system. Bend for teatl' monlals free. F. J. CflENBT & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by all druxKtsta, 75c. Hall's Family I'llla are the best For Sale Cheap. A small farm close In; fruit gar- W. & C. R. Bealns Weekly Water Ser vice From Walla Walla to Eureka Flat Walla Walla. Aurll 15. Tho Wunh. Ington & Columbia Hlver railway has started its regular weekly water sup' piy tram into tne dry districts bor uenng on Eureka Flat. The train now consists of six steel tanks, with a total capacity of 40.000 gallons. water is belug taken from tho Touch t, at Iliverside, 25 miles from this Ity. At present, the water In the Touch et is excellent, as the melting snow irom tuo mountains furnishes a cold clear streams. Later when the water In the river gets low and of poorer quality, me supply will be taken from zi.vm gallon reservoir, at Chide which is maintained by the company From now until about Nov. 20. tho water useu oy uie entire farming community in the Eureka Flat coun try is supplied by these water trains. Another large reservoir of 25,000 gallons capacity, will be built at Pleasant View tor tho same purpose, ONE WAY OUT. A Resident of Pendleton Shows the Way. Onlv one wnv to cure a bad back, Llntmonts and plastors mny rollovi it. Thoy won't cure it. Backache moans sick kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kidney ills. Pendleton pooplo prove this. Read a case of it: Mrs. J. Brynk, who lives on Star street, Bays: "Doan's Kidney Pins nro a grand medlcino. as I know from ex porlcnce, and I have no hesitation in saying that any sufferer from baclt' nche or other kidney troubles who will give thorn a fair trial, will bo more thnn wen satisueu with tne results I suffered from three or four years with sharp pains in my back which became acuto whon I attempted bond over, or to lift anything. Be' sides, I had rheumatism or lumbago In my left arm so bad that I could not raise It above my ahouldor without assistance from my left hand. I saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised and got a box at the Brock & McComaB Co. drug store. Whon I had used three boxes the backache had vaii' Ishcd ami with It the rheumatic pains through my arms." For sale by all dealers, Price GO cents per box. Foster-Mil burn Co. Buffalo, N. Y.. solo agentH for the United States. Itomenibur the name DOAN'S and take no other. "Charley, dear," said young Mrs. Tor kins, "did you say you plnyed the favorite In that race?" "That's what I said," was the rather gloomy ro joinder. "Woll I don't pretend to know much nbout such things, but really can't understand why a horse that makes Itself so unpopulnr should be called n favorite." Washington Star. For Bout Sulto of rooms In East Oregonlon building. Steam heated Hot and cold water and bath room on same door. Inquire at this office. Sheep in Excellent Shape. G. LaKontalne, of the firm of La tontolno &. Garrison, states that no Bbeep were over In bettor condition than tho firm's, over In Despaln Canyon. This spring's crop of lambs were especially large, fnt and well doveloed, and all the sheep are per fectly healthy. The grass is growing so fast In that country that It keeps nu'Hv nhnail lw. ..I..... W 1 Fontaine believes In gradually work' lag Into sheep raising on a different system from tho one so lone follow ed that It Is advisable to raise alfal fa and root crops in Increasing qunn titles and so less dependence will huve to be put in tho natural range. A Thouohtful Man. M, M. Atmtin. of Winchester. Intl.. knew what to do in tho hour of need. "is wife had such au unusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physl clans could not help her. Ho thoucht of and tried Dr. KingV-Now Llfo Pills and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only 2Gc nt Tallman & Co.'.s drug store. Enjoy Life Out door exercise means improved health and a sunny dispositicn. All Kinds of Sporting and Pleasure Goods No matter what game or pastime your fancy runs to, you can get the goods to promote it at FRAZIER'S Book and Stationery Store Parity Of Out Drugs That's the point we ure trying to impress on the public mind. When a clean, pure drug stock Is spoken of we want that to re fer to our store. We're doing nil we can to merit that title. It's the main point of our busi ness. We think about it did talk about It all the time. Bye and bye you'll ear thitt iu mind Ifyou haven't already. There is no extra charge for this puri ty. Together with aenuraey it's our inducement for your pre Mirlptlon trade. We are care ful and prompt with mail orders F. W. Schmidt, Ph. G. PostoificeBlk. Plume Main 55 SYRUPS Monopole, Hock Candy, Red SCar and White Rose in half gallons, gallons, jackets and pails. HOT HOUSE VEGETABLES Lettuce Radishes Onions Celery THE Standard Grocery Court Street Low Sellers of Groceries Engine, Boiler and Machinery REPAIRING Of all kinds is our specialty. All work guaranteed. New Babies in Town Just arrived, the new style Bahy Upright Piano at :: THERKELSEN'S PIANO HOUSE, 315 East Court Street. Call and sec them, and They are reasonable in price OUR EASY PAYMENT f- plan makes it possible for everybody to have one. Investigate. Sharpies Tubular Dairy Cream Separator Beuts them all for close skimming and easy running, no disc or bowl complications whatever The closest skimming and easiest turelm Separator yet produced, securing under IhtaS adverse circumstances us rega'd to quality 7m. ditlon and temperature of the milk. wiX heretofore considered Impoeal le. Itdellvm! smooth, frothless, perfect cream that will chum out more butter than can be obtained from in other Separator In exlsten-e, i an bethorauS. ly and completely washed inside of flventa. utes, as there are only three nieces to the bowl The Sharpies Tubular machines are the nwl xlmple und durable made, and can benulntth ed at a lest cost for oil and renewal pjrtitbi nuy uiuur of puruiur uu me maraer. For catalogue, address: T. C. TAYLOR, The Hardward f 741 MAIN ST., TTTTTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTTTT1 PENDLETON, ORi, On Its Merit Has the large demand for Byers' Best Flow Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters in to Byers Best Flour, It's perfection in Flour. Made by tie PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 iiimMMiiimiiiniiH BEAUTIFY Nicely mowed Lawns are easily at our YOUR LAWNS, maintained. Take a look Easy Running Lawn Mowers. They are made on the correct principal, It's a pleasure to operate them. Let us supply you with GARDEN HUbfc. Best goods at lowest prices. : : : : : : : : ; ! Thompson Hardware Co., 62 X Main Street EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE Headquarters for Fishing Supplies. 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 MfrM'H 14 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IU xtni Parts Furnished for all Kinds , of Harvesting Machinery. Manufacturer of UGBr-CLOYE HARVESTER i 709 East Alta Street. Baltczore & Howe's Old Stand. Bowman, the Photographer gPllal rate for the next 60 days One oablnot photo of the baby free M Jul)- lit I will Rlvo absolutely treo on pin plltiot photo ol my baby Um tlmn Until Jul Fitmplu rib to yearn old. HrliiK tliem In any day except Mturilay, that !. my busy .lay. For tho mmo I'HOro ol oMMreii or adult for Mc. Don't mUa llnlilifd p ctiireot your llttlo onea absolutoly i j jumem',0r ",e 1'lare, Main Urcot, pear LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance t nnninc wp re Dresent. companies, stand first i ' world. Hurtfurd Fire lusuraui Co.15 Alliance Assurance Co ... Ttlftllrnnftn fVv North British & Mercantile $ CO -.gjj,!! Iskin1 Tnoliranw. fin. .... FRANK B. CLOFfl AGENT 800 MAIN STREET n.ll.fA. ftl.A.I Itaat 111 thO V bar.. Price, 1 per bar, at v Oreponlan Office. WFrni. . i B 'laU'.J.BI'.JU11 T"