East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 15, 1903, Image 1

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sa-.,1sLS4 7 , Ix Kali tonight and Thursday; J -f
J - MgjPy r S Jjcav frost tonight. 2 '
t 5cA WEEK.
tn fsnr.
U Cecil) me nwwmj
...j Ciio-itiufi. hives
Sensational Evidence,
, He Refused to Do It Governor
J Urn IT ME CVLl n.'
l. j .iiu, Me Knew He W
t Live to Tell It on the Witness
hnkfoit, Ky Apn. '-'-'
L a. .,iMn V KlirrillHll'l tU lllhi
'was i witness In the Howard
........ tiic nvinnncn was ouiina-
l He said lie mot Powers the
i.... nnoiml was killed. Pow-
land Governor Taylor naked him
lill Goebel and onercu nun ,uuu
I' r,inn Wlion ho refused
governor said If ho ever revealed
It he had saiu no wouiu uuvui- uvu
ln u rm t m w tness stand. row-
Foe said, had arranged to have a
arrive next day to do mo kui-
In.lhiu- tnlrl lllm tllHt. YolltSCV
It. Cecil said ho
I delayed surrendering because ho
afraid that If lie told uio trutn
krould bo killed'.
mer Millionaire and Member of
Jiicago Firm Had Delirium Tre
It Louis, April 15. John Brace,
05, died in the poorhouso this
nine of delirium tremens. Ho was
aerly a millionaire mombor or
& Co., the wholesale millinery
of Chicago. His former part-
i wired they would send a man to
e the remains tn Chicago for In
kg Alexander Will Personally Con
uct Investigation Against Officers
If Army.
Belgrade, April 15. Lieutenant-
Konel lllc and six of his officers
fce been arrested by order of King
riander who will himself conduct
i Investigation of the charges that
; men have been spreading dlsaffec-
i in the Servian army.
Health and a Young Woman
Cause Given for His Act.
Pan Francisco. Anrll 15. Hnns nnl.
!rer, a student of the school or ag
iture, In California, committed
ewe this morning In his room, by
flune himself. Hh inn
Itlng that ill health nnfl n vmitif
loan were the cause of his grlof.
l"-tmion Miners at Barboursvlllc.
"nt Seml.Weekiu p.-.., n,
InvoH 7 VL """ "'"" inuiurs cm-
Olmonthly pay day .
Kslan Bark Altona, Goes Down
I4AltonAp" 15-Ti,c "'wektanj
rbeeiT'(tr.m AmerIca to Clyde?
all. ii L B"a Wltn 1 cfow of
mi Scandinavians,
ltation. p.,rTrrrL
Iilnnr ". oy uoe uommls-Manampany-F
W- Boulter. Local
"Jwytr, 120 Court Street.
Calcago, Anrll ir.,..,.. ...
a heavy T,i, "3.-. Thoro have
Wheat-. expect(;iI for the week,
ay Opened. Closed.
ay ' u 7014,
iunneaDoiia i...,. 7. MV
I Wheat-. ""
ay upened.
ply ,
I r SIX Renn.l.j ..... .
er Plos or Apr" 1B-A now.
av oi n c rreii at vi..i '
u" reported" ,,."-"
Representative of Agricultural De
partment Will Look Over Blue
Mountain Region.
Judge Hartman, as chairman of the
board of county commissioners, is in
receipt of a letter from W. J. Spill
man, agrostologlst of the agricultu
ral department, stating that Matt
Crosby, formerly of the Michigan ag
ricultural experiment' station, will,
during the coming month of July, se
lect In tho Bluo Mountains In this
county an experiment station.
Mr. Crosby comes as the represen
tative of tho agricultural department
to conduct by-and with the advice and
co-operation of tho citizens of tho
Bluo Mountains, a station for experi
menting with tho introduction of cul
tivated grasses nnd forage plants.
Judge Hartman is suro that every ef
fort will bo made on tho part of the
pcoplo in general as well as by him
solf officially, to aid Mr. Crosby in tho
work proposed.
Shamrock III Will Win Some Races
With Ease, and Lose Others With
Equal Ease.
Manchester, April 15. Today's
Guardian in an article written by a
yachting oxport, says that tho Sham
rock III Is tully demonstrated to bo
tho most puzzling boat Uio Americans
cvor had to contend with, in ns much
as it will lose some races easily and
win others with equal ease. Ho pre
dicts that the Reliance will bo faster
off wind, but poorer on It,
Ovation to Mascaqnl.
Rome, Italy, April 15. A rousing
ovation was tendered Mascagni when
he 'arrived! at midnight last night,
Chicago Wheat.
Chicago, April 15. Wheat 774
77 cents per bushel.
His Capture Is Hourly Expected'
Tulare County People Say That He
Is a Coward.
Vlsalla, Cal., April 15. The capture
of outlaw McKlnney Is hourly ex
pectcd. D. G. Overall, ex-sheriff of
Tulare county, with the Collis posse,
has an old grudge against the outlaw.
The latter said ho would kill Overall
on sight. The Tularo county people
say McKlnney Is a coward and will
fight only on long range. All posses
now have orders to kill him on sight,
No Clue to Murderer.
New Tfork, April 15. The police
are utterly without a clew to the
mysterious murder of the foreigner
found yesterday. His nationality is
now in doubt. The Italians who
vlowed tho body declare ho is not of
their nation.
Tho body found In the barrel has
been Identified by an alleged fellow
member of tho Order of Foresters,
who is an Italian, as that of a man
named Sastiocchi, of Barcelona,
Spain, who had been working, in a
tailoring establishment In this city.
Police investigations fall to confirm
the Identification thus further adding
to tho mystery.
Fire in Oil Fields.
Beaumont, Texas, April 15. Fire iu
tho oil fields this morning destroyed
2f!5 derricks. The loss will probably
roach $1,000,000.
Tlie fire started shortly after mid
night and burned furiously until day
light. A lantern broken by coming
in contact with a (lywhool started the
fire. Three blocks comprising tho
Hogg-Swayno syndicate land, on
Snlndletoii. was swept nearly clean,
only a fow derricks remaining, The
lire was so hot no attempt was maae
to copo with it and it burned itself
Charged With Embezzlement.
Chicago, April 15. C. 1). Bird, son
of Auditor Bird, of the Chicago, Burl
ington & Quincy, was arrested hero
this morning on the charge of em
bezzlement. He cashed a check sent
to his employer by a customer.
Noted Rabbi Dying.
New York .April 15. It is believed
to be a" mattor of a fow hours only
beroro Kabbi Gotthoil, the pastor of
Tomplo Emanuel, will die. Ho is
sinking slowly.
Won't Pay Taxes.
Constantinople, April 15. A report
received today says that tho Albani
ans and Christians In the Soull dis
trlcvt of Lowor Albania, aro refusing
to pay their taxes.
Schedule of 68 Games Arranged Between the Teams of
Dayton, Colfax, Walla Walla and Pendleton,
The Inland Empire baseball league
was organized in this city last night,
with Robert Burns as president, says
this morning's Wnlla Walla Union.
Representatives from 1'endleton,
Dayton, Colfax and this city were in
attendance. A schedulo of fS games
was arranged, and the salary limit
was fixed nt $700. That the four-club
league will he a success Is assured.
The representatives present in Walla
Walla last night were very enthusi
astic, and the most perfect harmony
existed. The only discussion of any
length was regarding the salary
It was decided to place the league,
under the protection of the National'
organization. Each club will put up
a forfeit of S200 and l."0 as an emerg
ency fund. Five per cent of the gross
receipts of all games will be reserved
as' a sinking fund.
A deslro to work for the interests
of each town in the league character
ized the initial meeting. Baseball
next year was considered, and the
representatives desire to perfect an
organization that shall live.
Officers Elected.
Tho meeting was called to order by
Temporary Chairman Robert D.
Sayres, of Dayton. The following of
ficers were elected:
President Robert Burns, of Walla
Secretary Robert" D. Sayres, of
Treasurer Leon Cohen, of Pen
dleton. Vice-presidents Judge C. F. Miller,
6f Dayton; W. S. Ycarsley, of Colfax;
Ralph E. Guichard, of Walla Walla;
Judge George A. Hartman, of Pendle
ton. The schedule was soon arranged.
Owing to the foresight of Mr, Sayres,
who had prepared a provisional list.
It was decided that each team
should receive 50 per cent of tho
gross receipts and stand all Individu
al expenses.
Umpires shall be secured at a lim
it of $110 per month, to bear their
own expenses.
The four vice-presidents shall act as
a board of arbitration, the president
,to bo allowed the deciding vote In
.case of n deadlock.
Tho Victor ball was adopted, and
the home team shall furnish balls at
Homo teams shall have an official
scorer, who shall furnish the visiting
club with a copy of the score.
A general admission of 25 cents
was decided upon, with 25 cents for
tho grandstand. Children under 12
will bo admitted for 10 cents, but
they will be required to pay 25 cents
for a seat in tho grandstand.
Arrange for Extra Games.
A number of extra games wore ar
ranged for on fete days, such as the,
visit of tho President to Walla Walla,
on May 25. On theso days, when
four teams play, morning and after
noon, tho cate receipts will be divid
ed equally among the four clubs.
The season will open noiween
Walla Walla and Dayton in this city,
and between Colfax and Pendleton at
Declares That the Man's Antagonism is Unjustified and
Wnnhlnt:ton. April 15, President
Gompers, of the American Federation
of Labor in the next issue of tho
Kfertnratlonlst. tho official organ of
Uio federation, will discuss tho speech
mado by President Parry, of the Na
tional iianutacturers- assui-wuuu,
Ho will say that he has proof positive
. I. . Tin .., I.nc rnlrnn lnnvn nf bin rea-
lliut i ... i w.w. - - -
son. He says his antagonism is un
justified and malicious.
If tho manufacturers indorse his
Ideas it shows that they will descend
to Parry s level, j'arry is vuhoiiiuub
Pendleton, April 30. Four games will
be played In each town In tho circuit
qvery two weeks, four consecutive
games in each place.
Tho representatives present nt Inst
night's meeting were;
Dayton T. M. Hanger, J. H. Day,
Robert D. Sayres.
Walla Walla Robert Burns, Clay
ton Van De Water.
Pi-ndleton I.con Cohen.
Colfax Dr. B. W. McPhce.
Tho representatives wcro in ses
sion at the office of Mr. Burns until
1 o'clock this morning. The visitors
will return to their homos this morn
ing. Schedule Adopted.
The following schedule of OS
games, supplemented by special
games, was adopted:
April 30. May 1. 2 and 3 At Wnlla
Walla: Walla Walln vs. Dayton. At
, Pendleton: Pendleton vs. Colfax.
May 7, 5, 0, and 10 At Dayton:
Dayton vs. vs. CoHnx. At Wnna
Walla; Walla Walla vs. Pendleton.
May 14, 15, 16 and 17 At Colfax:
Colfax vs. Dayton. At Pendleton:
Pendleton vs. Walla Wnlla.
May 21, 22. 23 nnd 24 At Dayton:
Dayton vs. Pendleton. At Colfax:
Colfax vs. Walla Walla.
May 2S. 29, 30. 31 At Pendleton:
Pendleton vs. Dayton. At Walla
Walla: Walla Walla vs. Colfax.
June 4, 5, G and 7 At Dayton: Day
ton vs. vs. Walla Walla. At Colfax
Colfax vs. Pendleton.
June 11, 12, 13 and 14 At Wnlla
Walla: Walla Walla vs. Dayton. At
Pendleton: Pendleton vs. Colfax.
June IS, 19. 20 and 21 At Dayton:
Dayton vs. Colfax: At Walla Walla:
Walla AValla vs. Pendleton.
June 25, 2(i, 27 nnd 28 At Colfax:
Colfax vs. Dayton: At Pendleton:
Pendleton vs. Walla Walla.
July 2. 3. 4 and 5 At Pendleton:
Pendleton vs. Dayton. At Walla
Walla: Wnlla Walla vs. Colfax.
July 9. 10, 11 and 12 At Dayton:
Dayton vs. Pendleton. At Colfax:
Colfax vs. Walla Walla.
July 10, 17. 18 and 19 At Daytou:
Dayton vs. Walla Walla. At Pendlo
ton: Pendleton vs. Colfax.
July 23, 24, 25 and 2C At Walla
Walla: Walla Walla vs. Dayton. At
Coltax: Colfax vs. Pendleton.
July 30. 31, August 1 and 2 At
Dayton: Dayton vs. Colfax. At Wnlla
Walla: Wulla Walla vs. Pendleton.
August C, 7, 8 and 9 At Coltax:
Colfax vs. Daytou. At Pendleton:
Pendleton vs. Walla Walla.
August 13, 14, 15 and lfi At Day
ton: Dayton vs. Pendleton. At Col
fax: Colfax vs. Wnlla Walla.
AugUBt 20, .21, 22 and 23 At Pen
dleton: Pendleton vs. Dayton. At
Walla Walla: Walla Walla vs. Colfax.
In addition to tho regular schedulo
the following special games will bo
May 25 At Wnlla Walla: 10 a. in.,
Pendleton vs. Dayton, 1 p. m.. Walla
Walla vs. Colfax.
May 30 At Walla Walla: Walla
Walla vs. Colfax. At Pendleton:
Pendleton, vs. Dayton. (
i July 4 At Walla Walla: Walla
Walla vs. Colfax. At Pendleton! Pen
ijleton vs. Dayton.
and ignorant.
Gompers defends organized labor,
whoso aim ho says Is to establish
rightful, peaceful relations between
man and man. It is hero to stay and
will outlive Parry. It has survived
many attacks of men of Parry's cali
bre. Ho seeks no conflicts such as
Parry would promote, but he will no't
run away from it. The union desires
nothing but social and industrial
Ho says: "We aro confident that
Parry represents but an Infinltlslmal
part of tho American employers,"
British Cable Officers of Batnfield
Creek and Indians of That District
Report Marvelous Visions.
Vlctorln, B. C. April IB. Officers
of tho cable station nt Bamfleld creek
aro sponsors for a story thnt a sea
serpent from 40 to CO feet long and
with a head Uko n horso. has been
seen oft the station. Tho cable oper
ators Bay In letters to tho local news
papers thnt Indians hnd been telling
of tho oxlstenco of a sea serpent, hut
tho stories woro not credited. David
Osborne, ono of tho officials, says that
a week ago the nnlmnl was seen from
the cable station to raise a big, horse
like head and swim out from tho
mouth of Bamfleld creek Into Barley
Mr. Godson of tho .cnblo staff, says
that when ho flrBt snw tlm animal It,
looked like a massive sea weed, but,
presently ho saw tho head elevated,
and the big serpent moved oft townrd
tho sea. Mr. Godson says It moved
off with tho speed of a torpedli boat.
On April 10 nn Indian saw tho thing
and was so frightened that ho ran his
ennoo into tho breakers, left It and
fled along the bench to tho cablo sin
lion. The Indian said the thing hnd
n head shaped like a horso and Its
body. 10 feet of which wns lifted, was
tho slzo of a barrel. Tho Indians In
the neighborhood nr tenllleil.
Dentist at Saxon Court.
Boston, April IB. Dr. Rood, a Har
vard graduate, has been tendered tho
position of official dentist of tho
court of Saxony, to succeed O'Brien,
tho American dentist who was ban
ished after the Princess Louise's
elopement with Glron.
Earthquake In Turklstan.
Berlin, April IB. Tho govornor
general of Turklstan reports that nn
rnrtliniiako In Andlnchnn destroyed
thousands of houses. The loss of life
has not yet been ascertained.
Band of Bulgarians Captured With
Quantity of Dynamite Murderer of
Russian Consul Sentenced to Death
Vienna, April 15. Tho Neu Frou
Press publishes a dispatch from Sa
Ionlcn stating that tho Turkish troops
aro gathering In that district in largo
numbors. Tho tamo force recently
captured a band of Bulgarians with n
quantity or dynamlto in thoir posses
slon, with which thoy intended to do
stroy a bridge. Tho Inglata Press nl
so prints a dispatch from Mitrovitza,
saying that tho assasBln of tho Hub
slan consul has been sentenced to
First Ever Held In Germany Now In
Session at Bremen.
Berlin, April 1C. Tho first untl-nl-
cohol congress over held In Germany,
met at Bremen today. Fourteen
hundred delegates representing
America, and all tho lending countries
of Huropo, are present.
Commandery of the Golden Cross.
Owcnsboro, Ky April 15, Tho
Grand Comiunndory of tho Golden
Cross of Kentucky met In annual ses
sion hero today with upwards of 200
delegates piesont from tho vurlous
local commaudarlcH throughout tho
state. Grand olllcers for tho ensuing
two years will bo chosen tomorrow
morning, nnd In tho evening their In
stallation will tnko placo with. elabor
ate ceremony.
Mississippi Medical Men.
Vlckshurg, Miss., April 15. There
was a largo attendance of members
of tho Mississippi State Medical So
ciety today when the nnnunl moot
ing was called to order by President
II. Ii. Sutherland or llosedalo. Tho
proceedings will cover two days and
will consist of tho reading and discus
sion of papers on topics of general
Interest to the medical profession,
Race for the Pennant Begun.
Now York, April 15. Weather per
mitting, tho race for tho National
League pennnnt for 1903 will ho begun
today with Chicago playing at St.
Louis and llnston at Philadelphia.
Tho local season opens tomorrow
with a gamo between tho Drooklyns
and Now Yorks on tho Polo grounds
and at Cincinnati tho Reds will play
tho PlttsburgH,
Turkish Courier Killed,
Constantinople, April 15. A roport
received hero this morning says that
a Turkish courier en route from Jan
nlma to European Turkey, with $17,-
000, was killed by brigands who es
caped with tho money,
Young American Attorney Will
Be Sent to Salt Mines by
Mexican Government.
Walterj McCurdy Denied the Right of
Trial; and Confined to Prevent Him
Glvlrjg Information Regarding Cer
tain Mining Transactions.
Los Angeles, April IB. Word from
llermostllo says Walter McCurdy
win u" Bl;llt to tho salt mines In law
er California, by the Mexican govern
ment without a trial. McCurdy Is tho
young Anioricnn attorney thrown In
to Jail at tho lustnnco of W P Har
low, president of tho Ynqnl Copper
Company, on tho charge of forging
telegrams. Ho has boon denied tho.
right of trial. His friends say that
his confinement Is 'to prevent him
giving public Information regarding
certain mining transactions, Tho
American residents of Hermoslllo aro
preparing to take action.
Marine Firemen on Strike at Cleve
and, Haul Scabs From a Freighter.
Cleveland, O., April 15. Sixty
strikers of the nmrino firemen this
artciunon hoarded tho frolghtor Shaw
when It nrrived ore-laden at tho Penn
sylvania Blips. Three special pollco
were aboard.
Tho strikers assembled quietly and
nt n given slgnnl swnnned over tho
sides with tlrnwn revolvers, Six npn
union firemen had locked themselves
In tho forccnstle. Tho strikers bat
tered tho doors down nnd dragged
the scabs out on tho deck, whoro
thoy beat them and throw ono ovor
board. A squad of pollco then arriv
ed, A scoro of arrests Is likely to bo
made. Thoro Is Intense excitement
along the docks.
Attended by Representatives of Every
Organization In Mormon Church.
Salt l-ako, April IB, Tho ftmoral
of Ilrlgham Young, president of tho
npostlcs quorum this afternoon, was
attended by 7,000. Tho big tabornn
clo wns draped. Tho cortego was a
mllo and a half long nnd Includod
ieprcsontntlve'H ot every organization
or tho Mormon church and brass
hands. Special railroad rates had
boon given nnd many from surround
ing towns wcro present. Ho loaves
four wives nnd 2G children to mourn
Ills departure
Given Ovation at Algiers Interna
atlonal Greeting Presented by For
elgn Squadron.
Algiers, April 15, Elaborate duch
rations In honor of tho coming of
President I.oubet hnvo boon made,
Tho Russian, British nnd Italian
squadrons In tho harbor sont repre
sentatives to convoy International
greetings. Throughout tho morning
thoro was continuous cannonading by
I lie warships and forts, At 10 o'clock
tho French squuilron escorting Iaiu
but, approached In perfect formation.
It was nn Imposing naval spectacle
lie wiih given u great ovation on
reaching shore.
Many Killed and Injured by a Cyclone
in Alabama Path of Storm Nar
row. Birmingham, April 15. Confirma
tion was received hero today by
'phono, or heavy Iosb of llfo nnd
property In tho neighborhood of Pet.
ennnn and Burnt Corn Monday, by a
tornado. Ten aro known to have
boon killed nnd 12 wero injured Tho
path of tho storm woh narrow
Reconciliation Impossible.
New York, April 15. A World dis
patch fiom Loudon (Ionics that tho
crowd prlnco and Louise aro to ho
reconciled. It is asserted In Dresden
that such a reconciliation 1b Iiihiosd.
' Oil Can Exploded,
Portland. Anrll IK Mm n A
Smith lit a fire todav with kornsnna.
Sho loft tho oil can on tho Htovo,
which oxpiodod, Sho was horribly
burned and will dlo.
'qaesasg i, V't .M