""!Ts7 r iMim-' ----ixssbsbsb . H., a ,'.... A . . - .....oNfl AND i""'- r pHYS-v"'"" roLE, 12. B.; 1 nil MMViW. ESP - , - nrteu liU ...i.m IDK v.r f rr-rtnMRoiATrnc nHELD. . "nifi In Judd inn u . I . TW rN o nfTiee. bi ToWDDW fT AMHULIA1 HrPAULl.. '": i.oi . rnal. . .i.nhntifl. muiu i lock. iii. u- U snecliltlM. ere. n" one, msm. -' - - .,, 1 1' icri STIR ft8WAU'. r"'" f-j. TuloDbon - - r. r niinfiVTP ? ISSZrs 'dfiss.. of e"vr . nin. mrner aiaiu u Tr'phone.-m.ln. T21 res- red. ... ftawMntllTn 813 Thompson ". (i. . TT. .nvorntlU 1 Nil HUH' OCULISTS. dr. w. w. axn- retson, graduate optician. The only complete optical parlor In the city. .Jl Annra nilth of or eramlnstton anu coiwuiuuiuu. DENTISTS. bnlldloir. 'Phone, rea. s. r ... . ,. ' Vittnfnn T a,? A Q (ANN. DEMlDl' UI'i W Ian block, over Schmidt's new drug nt.An. t..ut 971 ATTORNEYS. Veterinary surgeon. I; HcN'ABB, VETKR1NARY 8U110EON. rlasiv t Spokane 10 years, ofllce at 1 Co'j. drug itore. Phone lied 141, W. VAOOIIAN, GRADUATE OP tu Francisco Veterinary College-; Steaded to day or nlRht. Office at Stables ; 'phone red 511. .BANKS AND BROKERS. i NATIONAL DANK OF ATHENA, M. Capital. 150.000: surplus and 16.000. Interest on time depoalta. In foreign and domestic exchange, loni promptly attended to. Henry In. president ; T. J. Kirk, vlce-prost-I B, LeGrow, cashier; 1. M. Kemp, til(t. vARUKRS' HANK OF WESTON. loo, Oregon. Docs a general banking a. Exchange bougut ana sola, coi i Komptly attended to. It. Jameson. ki : ueorse W. l'roebstel : rlce-presl- fl. I!. Ellgore, casbler: directors, O. imtn. SI. M Johns. T. J. Trice, O. ir, J, F. Ellgore. Robert Jameson, l'roebstel. PENDLETON 8AV1NC1B BANE. Uleton, Oregon. Organised March 1, Capital. (30,000; surplus, $100,000; i snowed on all time deposits, ex bought snd sold on all principal Special attention given to col- b. VT. J. Fnrnlsb. Dreaident : J. N. I?lte president; T. J. Morris, cashier; i uiioQey, assistant casbler. NATIONAL HANK OF I'ENni.K. Capital, ?70,000 ; surplus. XOr.,000 ; irt a iteneral banking business. Ex t and telezrsnble trannfeni sold on San Francisco. New York and lol point In the Northwest. Drafts ( on tnma. Japan nnd l;urope. Makes kim on reaonnbIe terms. Ijerl An president ; W. V Matlock, vlce-pres- Pi'. It. Wade, cashier; II. F. Johnson, Mt ruble'. RCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. IfOtf.CONTRACTOK AND Bt'II.DKK. " woric iiturea on. Job work, fttorr work guaranteed. Pnoue Keil Wt. iiniviiti. . .... " "UUU UUIIUIUK. JAMES A. FEE, liAAV OFFICE IN JUDD building. KAILF.Y & LOWELL. ATTORNEYS AT law. Ofllce In Despaln block.' DALLERAY & McCOURT, LAWYERS. AS roclatlon building. CK I PAI .. . P Utam furnished on short 1. ik . "peciaiiy. rrompi l'- "''P on llliiff street near Main' &iL.S0NT.ltACTOK ANU BUILD UI Ibis I'm flni.i..j . v2,.l?'2!.r'ikM- 8t.one "" ll ."C"J?B. AND 80. liar, S.,. ""SS, . Association laTf f 1M. -' i orders im.X. ".."'" MU. .iVeet-'Y. O. b lo" WBo AND CARRIAGES. P.Ju for3 N,EW AND VERY rCarluYa'd jiJ'B,5T,cI? of tb Pub"c- Connerrlif r?' McKay, prop. Call I - - win vKii iur S2,ImS fot,w,tL'UKH' Por. Il A" ilreet hi'.. .ni'' 5ntl "'tlnE llag. ,,WM "et to Savings Uank . Srl? STIIEBT, UHK. Ll: "ouies ffi1"" ln electrical . Wh ir telVnlS?, wlred 'or 'lectrlc Li'petUlt"' Uet our prlcea. Repair KyOLD RELIABLE L5i"1- 8hon fe" "Wirt" wlJ r C, 0000 ln rear of Drndlnger, CARTER BALKY. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In Saving Bank building. HENRY J. BEAN. ATTORNEY" AT LAW. Arsoctatlon block, I'endletcn, Oregon. F.. D. BOYD. ATTORNEY AT LAW 1U Court street. L. B. REBDER, ATTORNEY I'ondleton, Oregon. AT LAW, N. BERKELEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofllce In Savings Bank building. II. E. COLLIER, LAWYER, OFFICE Booms 7 nnd 8, Association building. STILLMAN & 1'IERCE, ATTORNEYS AT Lew Mr. Stlllmnn has been admitted to prnctlco In United States patent ofllces nnd makes n specialty of Patent Luw. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13, Association Block. It. J. S LATCH, ATTORNEY! Ilb"oMST3.j Judd building. FRATERNAL ORDER8. DAMON LODOE, NO. , MEETS EVERY Monday evening In Secret Society hall. LaDow block, lit Tendleton Ore. R. W. Fletcher, E. It. 8.; w: J. Keyea, C. C. PENDLETON CIRCLE NO B27, WOMEN of Woodcraft, meets every Friday even lna at Hcndrlx hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially Invited to attend. Minnie Stlllman, Guardian Neighbor; Eva Flet cher. Cleric BOARD AND LODGING. NICE FORNIBIIED ROOMS FOR RENT 1)5 East Alta street, second door from Wheeler's gallery. HOTEL ALTA. CORNER ALT A AND Mill streets. Board by the day or week. Good table set. Rates 13 M and M.50 per week. Pendleton feed yard In connection. W. W. Edmlaten, Prop. THE STItAHON ROOMING HOUSE, 018 Main street. Mrs. n. E. Cooper, Prop. Everything strictly flrst-clnss. Kates 25c, DOc and fl per day. WHEN YOU 00 TO PILOT ROCK STOP AT the City Hotel. Good meals and first class rooms, npecial attention given to commercial travelers Mrs. C. 11. Bletel, Pilot Rock, Ore. THWlfnEvTiKMnDINa AND LODGING Houic, 801 South Main street, Mrs. Helen Whlttemore Prop. Housekeeping rooms and lodging rooms. Good comfortable rooms and clean, well-kept bed. Lodging 5.1 cents. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. TUB DEPOT STABLES. COTTONWOOD street, between Alta and Webb streets. II. Stewart Prop. Beat care taken of horses. Good stables and plenty of feed. THE CITY LIVERY BOARD AND SALE Stable, M. J. Carney, proprietor, for fine turnouts. Stable 118 Alta street. FEED AND BALES STABLE, LINDSEY & Doty props.; Old Semple Stable, 723 Cottonwood street; careful attention given to horses left with as. COMMERCIAL STABLES, O. M. FROOME 1'rop. Livery, feed and boarding. All kinds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Op posite notel Pendleton. 'Phone, main tel. THE TELEPHONE LIVERY, FKED AND BALK Stable, Uonrt street, opposite Court House; board!ngrhorses a specialty; good turnouts; rigs delivered; Phone MslnSbl. TON80RIAL PARLOR8. BILLY KRABSIG, BARBER SHOP AND bath rooms. Main street, three doors north of Hotel St. George. First-class aaryloa. NEW TONSOHIAL PARLORS, COURT ST. Three doors west of Golden Rule hotel. J II. Pace. prop. First-class workmen; everything clean; all modern Improvements. PATTON'S SANITARY' HARDER 8HOP, Despaln block; Court street; best work manship; all the modern improvements; all tools sterlllied; bath rooms In connection. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINE88 I!. H. HUYSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW; Co'lectlmis ind Irmrauc-!. OtAo1 In K. O. building. J. M. UENTLEY RKPRKSKNTS THE OLDF.8T and most reliable fire and accident lnsurame companies. Office with Hartman Abstract o. JOHN 1IAILEY, JR.. U. 8. LAND COM mlsaloner Specialty made of land lllnss and proof; Insurance and collections. Of fice In Jodt' building, room 18. JOE H. I'ARKES, OFFICE 120 COURT KT. lend office business, such as flllnc of claims and Initiating contests a specialty. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE8. TAR EMPLOYMENT OFFICB, 6M Main 8t i If jrou need help or .seek em ployment call on as. "Phone, main tOtt. SECOND-HAND DEALER8. V. STI'.OSLE, DEALER IN SECOND band goods. If there Is anything you ucvu iu not. cum , , stoves, granite ware and crockery, call and . . . ... n.n .....I get nis prices, no. -i NEW AND SECONDHAND GOODS bought and sold; pawn brokers; money advanced on all kinds of articles. Waters & Sherry, props., 782 Cottonwood street BLACKSMITHING. UOPELAND & SON. GBNERAlTiLACK. smlthluc and repairing; horseshoeing s specialty ; work promptly attended to : call nnd see us; shop 314 West Webb street, just three .blocks below Main street. FOR 6ALE. FOR HALE AT A BARM UN A S X-ROOM nouse with bath, puutry, and cellar! two aorea ol ground good water; ilasel ; ktreot West Pendleton. Inquire of J. P. tirl, or of Fred Karl at feople Warehouse. FOR SALE LODGING HOUSE. HKESl'OONK more and imuuiuvlt, 'M tS. Court tit. WANTED... Wit WANT A REPRESENTATIVE IN THIS State to present our business- oat proposi tion Is an excestlonal ene and offsis to a good reliable, Mnsst pirtr, with nfsnneet, not less than lira pat month... No canvassing or ap nAtntlnr nf ajrenta. A bona fide. Iftwtllmita baslness. Address with stamp, 0. O. Tulslfsr A CO., Lumber sxenange, neaitie, w asn. WANTED BOARDBRR AND ROOMERS AT Mrs. Hslcomb's, SIS Main street; gentlemen prercrrsj. WANTED, 8KWINO IN FAMILIKH BY FIRST. class seamstress, usuor auaress siu Ann hi. WANTED WORK AT WASHING, IRONINO or house oleanlng. inquire at 7Ui Alia hi. IN POUND THE FOLLOWING DH scrtbed animals have been taken np by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to tN It t One roan horse, about, 1 years old, weight 7X1 pounds! b.and not vlalble. On. bay mare, about 7 years old, weight 1200 pounds; brand ed J A V. Three j-eatltng colts; on brown, with whlta.fac! one, bay with whit Ucenndlegsl onebsy with whit hind legs brands not vial si, on ehcstnnt sorrel, about 8 years old, weight about 1000 pounds; whit f co and right hind leg! brand not vlalble. one black colt, white sUlp In lace, one year old: branded T on left hip. One brown mare, white spot In face, about 7 years old! branded Tonlclt hip. One brown mar with young colt, weiaht about NX) pounds, B years old; brand not visible. One sorrel mare with white tripe In face and two white hind feet, bout 3 years old, weight about 800 pounds One brown rott, about I year old; brand not visible. One bay mare with white stripe In face, and young ralti atwmt A Tr old i brand not visible. On ! bay colt, white spot In lotebrnd; one white Hnd toot; branded with Indian brand on right nifi it said at.tmals are not claimed by the owners or those entitled to tn possession, crats and exnensea airalnst tuem nald. and then taken away within ten days from the slots hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the anlmsls will he sold to the highest bidder, at public auction for cash, at the city nonnd. on the corner of Cottonwood and Webb streets. In the City of Pendleton, tho proceeds of such sal to be applied to the payment or aucn costs ana expenses or mai ini sale. Dated this loth day of April, 1903. J. A. BLAKELY, City Marshal. HOTELS. i ,.."VVur l"'"ll"'r touk tin; cIvll-mTvlcL- rNumln.illou, lint he fulled to gueai the ciirrfct answer to a Dingle question.' ' hut dirt they Uo with iilm?" Jl.ulc hlni a weuther prophet." TO PREVENT FROST. California Man Invents a Novel Plan to Moderate Weather. Mr. P. J. Bolton, who Is tho U. S. wenthor observer at Fresno, Cal nas originated n most novel Idea for tho protection of fruit trees against iiostp. This consists In an clcclrlc ther mometer, which is exposed to the air, r.nd which rings an alarm clock whoa the temperature reaches a certain tie glee, thereby warning tl'o fjt.it..;. ewe to hustle out and raise the tempera ture. And here is where the Inventive genius of Mr. Holton rises superior to the weather. Strung along through the rows be tween the fruit trees are a number of pots about CO feet apart. These, are much like a big flower pot, except that they have covers. They are kept filled with crude oil, which be ing lighted, will burn for about six hours. The cover is kept on to pie- THE GOB COMMISSION CO. Holds no customer re sponsible for more than the margin he places on a trade. A margin of one cent .1 bushel is required on grain, and $2 a share on stocks. An eighth cent a bushel commission is charged on grain and of one per cent on stocks. R. L. BOULTER Manager Pendleton Office 120 COURT STREET vent flames from issuing, and to main tain an even temperature. As a re sult, the frosty air rapidly disappears and the life of tho tree is saved. Thir ty to 40 pots are considered about right for an acre. Tho company man ufacturing the pots haB arranged to place l.OOO.OOO on tho market this year owing to tho demand In the past. The pots should last flvo years. Three men with a wagon can load GO acres of fire pots a day. and eight men can light the pots over the same acreage In two hours. Tho pots cost 20 cents each and tho oil two cents per gallon, making the average annual cost of the plant $1.27 per acre. DEMAND IN ORIENT. Scott's Stutil-PepsiD Gapsuks A PMITIVK OUHE For iBflammstleo or Catarrh of the Madder and DlMiueil Kldaeys. No our no PT Ouna qalakly and Penaa neatly tka worst cases of Ueaasrrliooa, and SUIs-at, no matterof bow long stand, lag. Absolutely harmleu. Hold by drofxists. Price St. 00, or by mail, postpaid, StJ,3 boxes t,. THE SANTAl-PEPtlrt CO., aiLLarONTaiHC. omio. Sold by'F. W. Schmidt & Co. Consumption of American Goods of All Kind Rapidly Increasing In China, Japan and the Philippines. Allan Cameron, tho Oriental agent of the O. II. & N. company, with head quarters at Hong Kong, China, In a recent Interview, said; "American goosls of all kinds are tapidly Increasing In consumption in China, Japan, India, Slam and tho i'hllippincs. Cotton goods, bicycles, canned goods, steel of all kinds. Hour and machinery. Including locomotives lor Interior railroads, electrical appli ances, an! coming over thero by tho Lhip load. The roads In China and Japan are the very finest hard finish ed macadam and are kept In splendid condition the year round. As the) use no vehicles or horses In those countries to speak of, It Is easy to keep the roads In fine shape. China men and Japs have learned the use of the bike, which has to a largo ex tent taken the place or rickshaws, hand carts and coolie carrying poles. Transportation In these countries Is principally done on the backs of coolies, who are paid about four cents a day In Mexican money. When they want to load a ship with merchandise the goods are packed from the ware house on tho backs of a line of coolies which circles between tho warehouso and ship like an endless chain and every time a man passes tho tally man he receives his cash which ho tucks In his blouse. This cash is about tho tenth of u Mexican cent. All money values and exchange thero nio based on Mexican silver. Hold Is unknown. A RICH "WILDCAT." otTBEa; OuimsmS MEN AND WOMEN. TJm Big a for anDStaral &'SJo f mucous DKisbrsnai, Pslalws. and not "' l,,,ouiU.. "'ronoui. ITHCEUMUOO. -iaV,Drro, ntMflltafta ATI. . sbbbbbbbbbbI . , . . . a V.8. HMCHESTER'S PILLS lli:i Uld "-W J' f4ub.slsnli"'l"'""- : lirwil.l. 01 wl -1 1'VI'l I" '"' l ': Uvular. l.lliui"-i "JT"T A. D. Sly, of Michigan, After Examina tion of Highland Property, Is Well Pleased. A. D. Sly, of l'lymotith, Michigan, who eamo to Sumpler n week or so 1 ago. as. mentioned in The Miner, to look over the Highland property, ' with a view to Investing, Is well pleas ed with the mine. After a thorough 1 inspection, In a letter addressed to Noll J. SorcnBen & Co.. lie Hears ovi , denco regarding tho high character ol too piopositlou as ioiiowh: "I am heio all safo and Bound. 1 have inspected sivery claim thorough ly and am well nleased in each and , every tunnel. That a rotation of cluiiuH extending across a gulch from mountain top to mountain top Iiub been opened up in no less than seven places and to my knowledge shows In everv drift good ore values, Is Indeed ' promising to say tho least of It. If tills Ib a 'wildcat" It has a mighty rich lur," tstirapter Miner, I Oh, grip! What sins are conceal' I ed in tho name!. Atchison Globe, GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Court and Johnson Streets, Pendleton, Oregon. M. F. Kelly, Proprietor. j HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY American I'lnu. rnt Vl.ttff to !t.lK) per slar. RuropsMiu Plan. SOo. 7fle, 1.(K), Speclttl niton by week or month. Free 'bus meets all trains Commercial trade solicited Fine sample room Special Attention Given Country Traf HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB ST8 Csb1ssbssssssssbs GEO DARVEAU. Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heateo Huropcau Plan. Block and.a half from depot. Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50c, 75c, $1.01 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON Americas Wan, fj !r day and upwata Headquarters for tourists and commercial tree cltrs? Hpeclal rates made to families and slngls gentlemen, Tbc management will be pleased at all times to show rooms and give prices. A modern Turkish bath establishment tu the botsi II, C. UOWKKB, Manager, TRANSPORTATION OREGON aw union pacific Two Trains to the East Daily Throush Pullman standard and Tourist a tag ears daily to Omaha, Chicago! tsnartst sleeping oar stall? to Kansas CItyl throogk Pnllraan tourist tlecplni; ears ipetssnall cos ducted) weekly to Ohtoago, Kansas City, St. touts and Mnmphls! reclining chstr cart (MM tree) 10 ins casioauj. cariav Time SohsMtttlo aaarvs roa From t'omltotou nsoa Portland I'ortland Special No. t Tfcs Cast 8:10 am KHWs.nS. Chicago Chicago Special Mo, 1 PortIan4 &!50 .m S'.wpm , Portland Mall and Kxpress NoJ The .Boss. 1:50 am ltuasa The East Mall and Express No. PoriUo4 IMitn , ts Pendleton Passenger Bpokoa Wo. 7 5:sa Bpokans Spokane PasMnger Silt am No. 8 Penduton Branch 1 , Mixed Train No, 41 ' . Walls Walla Branch ' ll.OU p m Mlxfrt Train No. ""Ocean and River Schedale. t rBOM PORTLAND. All sailing datsa sab- P.. rSanfnToo Ball every 3 days. "TJaTfj 5uaV Columbia Illver ttM, SrOOn m. To Astoria and Way Sunday Saturday Landings. 100 p ui. AVIIInmotto Ktvur. Boats leave Portland dally, except Saaday. (stage ol water permitting) lor Ylllanietta aa4 Yaminii mrer points. Leave Hlparla 4 :05a. m. n.iiu Excpt Monj Snake River Hlparla to Lewlatou lisavs Lawlttoa 7a. as, Dall KxcptM r. IT. WAMSLKY, Agent, Psadtof.. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for Chicago, Ht. Paul, Ht. Louis, tUa saw City, Bt. Joe, Omaha, and All Points East and South Portlaad and potats oa the Sasaad TIMB CARD. Laavs rsndletoo, dally esoept tuUrs 7 Arrive' Pan dUlon Monday, Wedaesday 4 'attivs pendiaton Tnesday, Tfcarsday aa4 Satorday 9 35 am. ijsave Walla Walla dally, east bouad, USS) paav. Arrlva WaUa Walla dally, weal bound, s M ass. Wot tnlonnatlon regarding rates and aeso aaodatloni, call on or sddryts renaiewi, ur I. B. CALDKKnlAD, O. r. A.. WalU Walla. Weak. The East Oregonlan Is Eastern Ore. pnr.aj.nf atluj. nsner. It Isads and the people appreciate it and show It by their iioerai patronage. 11 advertising medium of this section. TO RUNS Pullman Sleep! ug Can, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. Br. PAUL. MINNKAPOLW DULUTH KASGO GRAND St)BJUI CHOOKBTON WINNKPKO HELKNA and BirrrB. THROUGH TICKETS CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK: BOHTON and all point East and Boutli rhrasuh tlcksu to Japan and China, rla Taooma and Northern Pact tie Tt and American line. 1 Steamship Oea TIMI SCHIOULI, Trains leave Pendleton dally exeept Sasdaf at 7 300 p. m. For lurthsr Inlormatlon, tlms cards, mate and tickets, call on or writs W. Adams, Psav dlston, Oregon, or A. O. U A RLTON , Third and Morrison BU., Porllaud. Ore. WW faffj Biod VnsSmali 1'ilS. a Tllie uX2L, Uml5 Iillu.. Aeryon. Ifebllltr, llkHmaC&I'kJluL!i? iHiuiuMi ulni-ty ier sajni. ure .. -T-;:.', r,.';rT'iv.Tn mi moi,V reiunuxl It !( iiruwllUoalaiioiierauoii. owwii":"-, - ""."V'.Kri.ii. ,-Sif Vi..,T aVo. clrculir anJ in m,L Mtrnni i. nMrinanens uuru. ,u m-ii p ,u vi . . , JI. UKUIC'IKll DO.. Hun Froutl.cu, vm. MANHOOD RESTORED "CUPIIENE This ureal VtnetaLlo Vltiillwr, the prescrlpllpn of a .famous Pronoh P?TMcUru will, oultklfcurovoiiolallnerviiusoraiwuwsoMneKra ...mi. . Aii.iiwx. u.irt SOLD BY TALL MAN A CO, DRUGGISTS, PENDLETON, OREQOH, j