"RECKON! NO TIME. - p. tt 11 " Uncle 8am Governs His ,Clock,by Observing One of the Fixed Stare. The United -States government does not mane use of tho sun In reckoning time, but Instead, ono ot the "fllxcil stars" ,as they ,are called. Evory clear night an astronomer, with a blgtole scope, lookB at certain ot these ,Btars nnd makes his" cacculatious, from whlhc he can tell Just when the sun would croas tho 7Gtli meridian. Ono ot the great clocks In the observatory Is called the transmitter, because It transmits or sends out tho signal that keeps Btandard time. This clock Is Bet and regulated by tho Btar-tlmo, and ,thou evory day at three minutes and' 15seconds before 12, a switch Is turned on and the beats ot tho pcndiv -Jum of' this clock aro sent by electric- ,lty over tho wires to the ofllces In VnshIngton nnd Now York? When the telegraph operators hear this sound on their Instruments they know that tho noon signal Is about to be sent out and they at once begin to connect tho telegraph wires with other towns and cities until In a mln lite or two tho "tick, tick" of the clock nt Washington is heard In hund reds ot telegraph offices. The bents stop at 10 seconds boforo 12, as a no tice that the next tick will bo the noon signal, and so as to give the operators time to connect their clocks. There aro time balls in a great many cities, usually on top of some prominent building, whore they can easily bo Been. The one nt Wash ington Is on the roof of the stnte, war and navy department building, nt the top of a high pole, ready to drop at the instant the signal comes ovor the wires. In tho government ofllces at Washington, and In ninny places in other cities there are large clocks connected with tho observa tory by electricity. These are so ar ranged that when tho 12 o'clock sig nal is flashed over the wires tho hands of ' each one of" these clocks spring jo 12, no .matter .what time, tho clock may show; in this way hund reds of clocks aresot to the correct time each day. ' Well, the moment the sun is sup posed to cross'"the 75th meridian the telegraph Instruments glvo a signal tick, the .time balls drop, the" clocks begin to strlkeand everybody in the dlBtriqt kniiws it is 12, o'clock. jlC.i'RENpVATED BUTTER, Go&rrimenV'offfclaf Reports 70 Fac .orWrftfaking tKe Product for Amer lean Consumers? Te bu'slhegg of renovating butter nas.necomo one or tho enormous in- BtitutiQnj2Df Jliu.iood -manufacturers in the United States. Last year the government officials-, rgporjed ..that uuuul u renovating lactones were In operation. The largest jono manufac tured and sdid In 'one' year 4,500,000 pounds of reppvated, buttqr. Another recently "started has,n, output of 40, 000 cpunds dafly?' 'Estimating the con cerns., at 1,000,000 pounds each,for the VeaT,.pne may giics9".'no"muc6 at the 7actorJnado product, is consumed by the working peu?Jpwh6'purchase ren ovated butter, often .refrrcapnted to bo just ap good as crcamory. Major jLCwIs Wells, government in spector of renovatb'd butter. Bays: "The foundation stock Is In the main, a low 'grade of butter usually unfit for the table. It largely comes from the country stores in districts where dairying Is not carried on. While kept at the points of receipt its sur roundings are, as' a rule, not such as to guard against Its; contamination from foreign substance's and"obnqxIous "odors. Formerly this was a drug on the market, but how It Is bought up eagerly and goes to tho renovating es jBbllshmentB, and often Is put In cold torftg( to await cold weather and higher , prices." WAITING., Serene, I fold my 'hands and wait, Nor 'core for wind, or tide, or soa; I. ravo, no mora 'gainst Time or Fate, For lot my own. shall come. to me. I stay my 'hasto, I make delays, .For what, avails this eager, pace? I Btand amid tho eternal ways. And what Is mine Bhall 'know my face. Asleep, awake, by night or day, The friends I seek nre seeking me. No wind enn drive my bnrk astray, Nor change tho tide of destiny. What matter If I stnnd alone? I wait with joy the coming years; My heart sbnll reap where it hath sown, And garner up Its fruit of tears. - The wntcrs know their own, nnd draw The brouk flint springs in yonder height; So flows the good with equal law Unto the soul of pure delight. The stars como nightly to the sky, . The tldnl wnve unto the Bea; Nor time, nor space nor deep, nor high, Can keep my own away from mo. John Burroughs, now traveling with lloosevelt. Information has been received 'by Colonel J. A .Ockcrson, chief of tho department ' of liberal arts at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 'that engineer ing exhibits from the Argcntlno "Re public have been shipped to the Ar gentine consul-general at. New York city and will be forwarded to St,. Louis. Husband -I should like to have one good, long smoke without, your inter ference. Wife You'll have plenty of time for that after you are dead. William. Judge. "Does he Interest himself In books?" "No," sniffed Mrs. Newrlch; "my husband lias clerks to do that for him." Detroit Free Press. Why th best f&nvily laxative It is pure. It is gentle. . ... It is pleasant. It is efficacious. It is not expensive. It is good for children. It is excellent for ladies. It is convenient for business men. It js perfectly safe under all circumstances. It is. used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world produces. Its component parts are all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable substances. It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants, It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste. All are pure. All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value ie due to our method of manufacture and to the originality and simplicity of the combination. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine. Manufactured by (AUFQRNIA HG 6YRVP(? San rnnelico, Cal. Louiavllle. Kr. Now York, N. Y. FOB SALE J' ALL LEADJNO DllUaOlSTS. V1ll11llllI111lll11llll1III1Mll11ll1lllIIIIIII11lllllIIIIIIIII1Illllllllllll1l11Illllllllll11l1lllIllllIll1l11lllll1fl1llll1llllllll1lllllllllllllllllIllIlllllllll111lllIllllllllllllll 1 11IIIIIM 1 OUR OLD COFFEE POT. I want to hoar the simmer Of the old coffee pot; I want to hear It hummin' When it's gettin' good and hot; I want to see the vapor rise Like Incense in the room. And float about a-flllin' Every corner with, pqrfume, , . ... O, It Isn't very often That a' feller gels the besf Bnt when he does it's like a whiff A-comin' from tho West; It's like n rush of springtime Across a growin' field, A-flllln' you with a. dreams of what Tho harvest'time'Il yield I love the .smell of roses Along about in Juno; And I'd hang around and listen To almost any tuno; But the fragrance and the music That nothln' olso has' got Are the odor and the simmer Of tho old coffee pot. -John W. Fellow, In Dillon Double-Jack. sr m ! Brought 21,865 Feet of Letters. An immense amount of mall was brought ovor by tho White 8tar llnor Teutonic, which has just arrived at New York. There were ti,270 let ters alone. Allowing five inches as the average letter of each onvelope, this connected would mako a single string end to end 21,865 feet, or more than four miles. The 870 bags of second-class mall matter would mako a column exactly 870 feet high, allowing one foot as the thickness of each bag. It Tequlred exactly 30 minutes for tho 20 men en gaged In discharging this mall to put it all aboard the mall boat Postmaster General, of the upper quarantine station. Monopole Vegetables B B B B B B Have all that delightful flavor and freshness ot fresh Vegetables without a suggestion of a trace of the "canny" taste common to ordinary brands. First-class Grocers handle Monopole Fruits and Vegetables. ACCEPT NO IMITATIONS OR SUBSUITUTES I'm 7 14 rm wr n .xi i waanams & Kerr Bros., oST Monopole Grocers and Dry Coffee Roasters niiitiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiMMininmiiiiiiiiiwtiiiiiiiiHniiHmniiiiiiim iiititt t iii ii ieeiieiiiiiiteiiiiieiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiilllllltillllllllHIMIIIIIIIllii'r